Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 27, 1968, p. 2

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ias2 the tkiblne thursday june 27 1968 3iaiiiitiiiiiuiiitiiiuiiiiuiuiiuiiuiiiuuuiiiiiiiiuniuiiiiuiiwiuiuuitiimiiiiiitiiiiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiimiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuui a speed limit bluff a 35 mile per hour speed limit on all northsouth gravel roads in mark- ham township the council must be kidding there isnt a municipal police de partment in any township throughout the entire province that could ever hope to enforce such a ridiculous rule and a bylaw that cant be enforced isnt worth the weight of the paper its written on there are 279 miles of road in markham there are several paved locations where speed is a problem in these areas the radar device is used extensively but there is no known cure and as long as motorists insist on exceeding the limit com plaints will continue and charges will result traffic control has its limitations and in our opinion markhams pro posed bylaw goes far beyond all bounds of common sense does the council expect an officer to be stationed at points like mon golia or headford and ignore other areas like unionville milliken and victoria square hed be only wast ing his time does the council plan to erect the ne cessary 35 miles per hour signs on concessions 3 5 9 and 10 it would be only a waste of the taxpayers money the only solution to costly rural road repairs is a progressive paving program placing the onus on the po lice with a bylaw thats just a bluff will never work higher learning on the increase one has only to note the number of university graduates listed in the columns of this newspaper to see that higher learning is on the increase the number has more than tripled in the last ten years we are exporting our young people to various places all over the country they receive their start in this com munity then go to institutions of higher learning and now are taking up positions in communities all ac ross canada our regret at losing these young people is overshadowed by the pride we all share to some extent in know ing that this area nas provided them with a base from which they can launch their promising careers in various vocations the story is much the same in many of the weekly newspapers which come to our desk from all over thi3 province the number going on after high school has been increas ing by leaps and bounds our best wishes go with each of these young people and we know that they will continue to be a source of pride to all those in this area who have contributed to their upbringing education change not all acceptable canadians have proved over the years to be conservative in outlook and not given to gain new heights of change through sudden revolutionary methods this has meant long and laborious study by committees lately the hall committee report on education has been brought to public attention it has been classed and rightly so jasa revolutionary re port with more than two hundred rec ommendations which could completely alter the school system canadians seldom go for such sug gestions in total so it is not likely that the hall report will be implemented as it is in similar fashion the carter taxation report does not meet with complete approval the revolutionary aspect of the re port is based on no grading no exam ination education with rate of the students advancement based solely on his desires and abilities it would appear obvious that the government has been aware that the public would be reluctant to favor going all the way with such reports in the case of the smith report steps toward regional government were under way even before the report was finished in this latest education report the government has already moved to take over retarded child rens schools one of the more obvious suggestions in the document these moves have been easy but the abolition of grading and examina tions though making wonderful the ory will find opposition among par ents and teachers alike who will be skeptical that such methods can be entirely abolished permissiveness in the choiceof sub jects another plank in the report will require much better counselling than is available in schools today other ideas are highly impractical such as breakfast for students boards have trouble today getting teachers to even supervise noon lunch periods imagine their reaction to supervising a restaurant at 830 in the morning the enlarging of the teaching of french is something which more and more canadians favor and will create much less controversy than it would have five years ago overriding all these suggested changes is the question of how these things are going to be financed its not an easy out to say the financing of schools should be taken from local taxes in the end the individual will pay and the chances are that there will be no saving and little dif ference when it is all totalled up stouffvii clean keep stouffville clean during preelection weeks stouftmlic residents have been subjected to a flood of printed material classified by most recipients as hate literature in the opinion of this newspaper it should be filed in the garbage to keep stouffville clean staff photo iktlllmmllllmulllillllllmtmiilillltlllletllsilliiiiilmltllllltit tlllllllll tlllljlllllljlllmii irillllmimiuiiiilll tlllltlllllltlllitrdllllll iiiiitlllltllllllllllllllllllltlllelllllllililli tf isucar and spice yanks not that bad 3y bill smiley sometimes the world seems a pret ty rotten place to live and one of them was during the period of shock and horror following the assassina tion of senator robert kennedy bjit theres always something to redeem us from bitterness and hope lessness for me it was the magni ficent display of courage and dignity presented by the kennedy family the irish are often presented as overdramatic and oversentimental in the presence of death this family with its irish roots gave the lie to that picture no tears no hysteria but an almost classical acceptance of tragedy down to the littlest ones there seemslittle evidence that the appalling record of violence in the united states will be halted or even slowed down by the recent assassina tions of kennedy and king the foofawraw about the sale of guns is merely locking the door after the beast is loose there are so many guns floating around in the states that it would take ten years and the cooperation of the entire populace to round them up and get rid of them and youd still have an underground market for the nuts americans claim they are a peace- loving people and they mean it but the tradition of violence as a means of solving things is woven deeply into the fabric of their history and its going to be hard to pluck out they fought the british in 1776 and again in 1812 they fought each other in a civil war of unparalleled ferocity they fought the spanish and mexicans and took texas they attacked spain again on flim sy grounds and wound up with a number of colonies they killed passenger pigeons and buffalo and indians to the point of ex tinction pile on top of that two massive world wars the korean war and the present undeclared war in vietnam and its a pretty impressive record for a peaceloving people im not being sardonic i believe the americans are a great people and basically a peaceloving people they dont want to rule the world as other great nations have done and still do but the evidence of violence as a means to an end is unavoidable politically there is a history of assassination and attempts at it that would make a balkan state green with envy american folkheroes were men of violence billy the kid jesse james murderers both gangsters have ruled cities like kings there was a deep fascination with the careers of mur derers like pretty boy floyd and john dillinger and whats the latest craze in everything from fashions to adver tising a sick movie about a couple of sick killers bonnie and clyde and whats ahead more of the same the american negro after a century of subservience has caught the sickness and hes going to get what he wants by violence if neces sary- vandalism hoodlumism beatings knifings are part of daily life in big cities student power and black pow er vie for headlines and get them the vast body of americans the good people the decent people must be sick at heart and bewildered the american dream is turning into a nightmare but you cannot indict a nation on the performance of a lunatic fringe americans are a people of good will of boldness and of great ingenuity surely they will find a way to purge the sickness we have nothing to be smug about there is a growing lawlessness and violence creeping into our canadian society the only reason its compar- itively mild is that we have a small population in a big country we can only wish our good neigh bors our sympathy and the fervent hope that solutions will be found and soon to the problems that beset them this week next- two major problems two of the major matters to be dealt with by the new parliament el ected tuesday are housing and urban affairs which traditionally are not even subjects of federal concern the fact that the country has been looking so much to ottawa for leader ship in these fields indicates that the provinces are prepared to accept fed eral initiatives in fields outside of normal federal responsibility the fear that strong provincial governments would override a weak ened ottawa administration has been a continuing nightmare to advocates of stable federal government the election results combined with the willingness of the provinces to follow ottawas lead in fields outside of usual federal authority are re assuring to those who believe in the future of confederation housing and urban affairs and to a lesser degree education are among canadas leading social problems by terms of the british north am erica act all come solely under pro vincial responsibility this is especially true of urban affairs the problems of the towns and big cities in that the countrys municipalities are wholly the crea tures of the provincial governments yet housing land prices home tax es and the quality of urban life are of such concern to the entire nation that these matters are in increasing need of the kind of attention which only the federal government can pro vide this is because to deal with these matters one must cut across the whole spectrum of fiscal and legisla tive policy speculation in land for instance will not be effectively controlled un less the federal tax structure is changed to discourage the holding of land for no other purpose than to force up the price the carter tax commission considered this reason by ray argyle alone to be sufficient cause to impose a capital gains tax in canada the creation of new satellite cities around our big urban centres will similarly require federal initiatives in fiscal policies which will determine interest rates and mortgage condi tions these matters in turn will decide the kind of municipal tax burdens whicli residents have to carry relief in this field can come only from the provincial governments but the fin ancial health of the provinces is in turn determined in large part by ottawa fiscal policies in the election campaign the hous ing shortage and high interest rates gave both the conservatives and new democrats a powerful weapon in at tacking the government mr trudeau responded by unveil ing a plan to have transport minister paul hellyer federal housing chief and a former house builder conduct a broad study of urbanization in can ada more than threequarters of all canadians live in urban centres that is communities with a population of more than one thousand along with housing the problem of mass transit around the metropol itan centres will require intensive study there would be little point in developing lowcost financing for a massive house building program if the resultant sprawl put thousands more commuters into already choked and snarled traffic streams perhaps canadians will have to de cide that in view of the concentration of population in the big cities and the demand for land that singlefamily housing will have to be restricted by high prices to a minority of the pop ulation similarly people will have to move from home to work by subway or other form of rapid transit rather thsr by private cars anything else may be just too costly for the nation to bear wwt ibwtmne established 1888 c h jim thomas editor nolan publisher noel edey advertising published every thursday by the stounvillc tribune limited at 51 main st stouftvillc ont tel 6402101 single copies 10c subscriptions 400 per year in canada 600 elsewhere member at audi bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association authorized as second class mail post office dept ottawa judge not as ye may be judged the tumult and the shouting dies the captains and the kings depart still stays that cursed smear cam paign f that has torn our town apart it is sunday afternoon in stouff ville the federal election date is stil two days away by press time it will all be over and the result will be his tory gone too we hope will be the vol- umes of literature that by innuendo have attempted to resurrect bits and pieces of the past and impair the fu ture of pierre elliott trudeau al though gone it may be its impact across canada and in particular stouffville will not soon be forgotten stouffville has been hit hardest by this material since a portion of the script has been supported and circulated ona letterhead of the ev angelical mission of converted monks and priests with headquarters on main street west since the mission head is himself a pastor we took the time this week to contact other ministers in the com munity to obtain their reaction to 3 this kind of campaign several spoke freely on the subject while others were reluctant to become personally involved i agree that communism poses a threat everyone does but i dont agree on a personal attack against an individual said rev gordon t gooderham stouffville baptist church rev gooderham said that there had been an attempt to have the literature distributed among members of his congregation but it was disallowed canadians dont take kindly to such tactics he continued it could backlash rev arthur walsh stouffville united missionary church said he had not had the opportunity to meet mr trudeau personally and therefore considered it unfair to either support or condemn the literature withoiit first obtaining the facts we have members in our congregation of all political leanings and each can de cide for himself its not fair to sup- port or criticize something merely on the basis of what someone else has said i glanced at it and put it in the garbage commented rev alan l borland stouffville united church it bothers me when people take their christianity so far and then let the devil come out mr borland said that while he had not had an oppor tunity to check out the allegations he considered it an attempt to defame one persons character with out sub stantiation its a sly kind of innu endo a nobodys right but us ap proach he said that when the mat ter first came to his attention he thought very little about it he said he became concerned when he later learned of its widespread distribu- tion no man should have to put up with that kind of thing oh you mean all those facts re plied rev frank g huson altona united missionary church he said that to his knowledge the information had not been proved false i will cast my vote as a citizen he said but i dont wish to become involved its similar to tactics used under the hitler regime said rev george davison melvillebethesda u n i t c d church i never believed that in this country such literature would be pro duced i can scarcely find words to describe my contempt for it and un der the name of religion too its pa thetic even if it is true and i dont believe it is its no way to reveal such information rev clarence t bass memorial christian congregational church said he didnt believe the church should become involved in politics or the pulpit used to either support or condemn any individual i feel that such decisions should be left to the good judgment of each citizen to ex ercise his franchise as he sees fit pastor max vague ringwood christian church said he would first like to know more about the canadian intelligence service before reaching any conclusions he said that it seem ed strange that the liberal conven tion would support any individual with a questionable background and in the same way it was difficult to understand why any man would con demn an individual unless such char ges were based on fact its a diffi cult thing to assess he said but if its true the people should know about it

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