page 8 the tribune thursday may 16 1968 lmrcl sorbites l the people praite thee o god m christ church anglican stocffv1lle rertot rev frederick e miller sunday may 19ih 1968 easter v rogation sunday 930 am holy baptism nursery junior senior sunday schools 7 pm junior choir prac tice tues 8 pm senior choir prac tice tues 7 pm oirl guides mon 7 pm scouts thurs 10 am brownies sat 230 pm acw mission group parish hall may 21 tues ktouitvilie united church itev a i borland ba bj sunday may 19th 196s 11 am morning worship sunday school bible closs for all adults 915 am junior intermediate sen ior grade 4 and up 95 am nurseryktndcrgprten aes 3i primary grades 13 11 am wrekly programme ion 7 pm explorers girls 911 wed 715 pm scouts boys 12h thurs 7 pm cgit girls 12 and up thurs 8 pm senior choir practice fri 7 pm cubs boys 811 altona united missionary church rev frank huson pastor sunday may 19th 1968 1030 am sunday school 730 pm evangelistic ser vice wed 8 pm prayer meeting friday alter school happy hour the church with a light on sunday night second markham baker hill fellowship baptist churches sunday may 19th 1968 second markham bible school 10 am morning service 11 am speaker mr cecil roberts of gideons international evening service 730 pm speaker rev j berkley reynolds baker hill thurs may 16 8 pm prayer service sunday may 19th 1968 bible school 130 pm afternoon service 230 pm speaker mr cecil roberts of gideons international stouffvilte united missionary church rev arthur walsh minister sunday may 19th 1968 10 am sunday school with classes for all ages 11 am morning worship the pastor nil preach 730 pm arthur burnham executive director of gid eons international in can ada united church rev geo davison sunday may 19th 1968 bktiiesda hi cone whitchurch in run worship service 1 1 am sunday school melville 6th cone markham 11 is am worship service 1115 am sunday school st james presbyterian church stouffville minister rev fred ii cromey ba 2941633 sunday may 19th 1968 10 am morning worship 11 am sunday school all welcome stouffville baptist church pastor gordon t gooderham bth sunday may 19th 1968 950 bible school 1100 morning worship 730 evening meeting soloist mr garnet rae wed 800 rev bill spinks missionary in cuba soon to leave for spain first baptist church claremont minister rev h sydney hillyerdd sunday may 19th 1968 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service mccormack memorial church vivian pastor v g shilllngton sunday may 19th 1968 bible school 950 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service wed 830 pm prayer meeting panel discussion of the sunday evening message friday 730 pm young peoples visit centennial baptist church of hip 1100 a i evmini ftltiwihip 700 p porarily inmorgonhali markham plaio 2941147 fellowship baptrtt church gormley united missionary church rev l k sider pastor sunday may 19th 1968 950 am sunday school 11 am worship and dedi cation of children 730 pm evening service theme a final word to the ephesians wed 8 pm prayer meeting ringwood congregational christian church pastor mr max vague sunday may 19th 1968 10 am sunday school 11 am 7 pm worship service 800 pm wed ce prayer meeting churchill church sunday may 19th 1968 955 am bible school 11 am mr j murray lth special music wed 8 pm- prayer bible study thur 7 pm pioneer girls memorial christian congregational church minister rev clarence t bass sunday may 19th 1968 0 am classes for adults y p and children 11 am gideon day speaker mr arthur ormis- ton of willowdak ont 730 pm the pastor wed 8 pm prayer meeting and bible study ihought for the week i often think of the genu ine fpith of yours a faith that first appeared in your grandmother then in your mother 2nd timothy 1 verse 5 bloomington christian gospel church rev r l langford pastor sunday may 19th 1968 bible school 915 am classes for all ages services 11 am and 730 pm wednesday 8 pm prayer and bible study friday 7 pm pioneer girls this friendly church extends a cordial welcome to all the pentecostal assemblies of canada gospel services at alrona community centre sunday 1000 am sunday school classes for all ages 1100 am- devotional service 730 pmevangelistic service wed 8 pm prayer bible study lively singing christexalting biblecentred preaching a church where a friendly welcome awaits you rev s a grant pastor drove carelessly stouffville a stouffville district man ivas fined 35 and costs in richmond hill court fol lowing a conviction on a charge of careless driving evidence in the case against allen ogden stou ffville rr3 was provid ed by constable david haddcn of stouffville he said that the accused pull ed out from a service sta tion on main street at a high rate of speed causing the rear of his car to fish tail on the pavement and the tires to squeal loudly he said that the auto came close to two other cars pro ceeding in the opposite direction the officer not ed too the lights of the vehicle were not turned on ogden denied that he had driven in a careless manner but admitted that he had neglected to turn on the vehicles head lights fob sale village of stouffville debentures the village of stouffville will issue seventyfive 75 one thousand dollar debentures dated june 1st 1968 term 1 to 20 years- interest rates s 1 to 10 years 7 11 to 15 years 7u 16 to 20 years 7 debentures will be available on or about june 1st arrangements may be made for any other date later in the year satisfactory to the purchaser part of the issue has already been spoken for by local residents for further particulars contact the undersigned r e corner phone treasurer 6401900 village of stouffville c g i t graduates honored at yearend banquet six graduates of the stouffville cgit were honored at the annual banquet in the stouffville united church the girls are 1 to r jean davidson margaret blrkett connie slack judith button anne duxbury and diane holden the leaders are 1 to r miss barbara fox mrs sharon daniels mrs joyce connor mrs lorna button mrs lavanna sanders mrs kay marshall and mrs joyce wright cadleux studio c g i t graduates honored at yearend banquet stouffville the annual cgit mother and daughter banquet and graduation ceremonies were held thursday may 2 at the stouffville united church those at the head table were rev alan bor land the president judith button and her guest mrs neil smith secretaries anne duxbury and jean davidson and their moth ers mrs william duxbury and mrs bruce davidson and the treasurer marg aret birkett and her moth er mrs gordon birkett the toast to the church was given by margaret birkett and the response by mr borland the toast to the mothers was pro posed by jean davidson and responded to by her mother entertainment in cluded vocal solos by anne employment centre active newmarket dur ing the month of april 147 persons were placed in gainful employment by the newmarket canada manpower centre this represents a ten per cent increase over the same period last year we are very pleased that more employers are notifying us of their job vacancies said mr w r mccurdy manager to serve this area fully we must be aware of any job that is unfilled and also of any person that wants a job or a change in jobs he said to fill some positions people must be trained in this regard there are presently 75 of our clients taking ad vantage of our occupa tional training for adults program for further information contact the centre at 462 park avenue newmarket or telephone 8955135 if you are new-tc- town or have just moved into a new home stouffvilles own welcome service would like to call on you with housewarming gifts and information about your new loca tion the hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the stouffville tribune call mrs erma knlir at 6403858 duxbury and elaine bor land a presentation was made by joellen smith to mrs daniels formerly sharon wideman on the occasion of her recent mar riage perfect attendance awards were presented to debbie brown dale hamm joellen smith sally schell and ann will a- wards for those who miss ed one meeting were pre sented to judith button brenda gordon caryn phoenix anne middleton sheila macdonald ross and connie slack a spec ial presentation of a white bible was made by mrs button to graduate jean davidson for the five years of perfect attend ance at cgit the lead ers for the year were mrs reg button mrs james sanders mrs john marshall mrs donald wright mrs ron connor mrs james daniels and miss barbara fox the graduates who received a graduation book and silver pin were margaret birkett judith button jean dav idson anne duxbury di ane holden and connie slack dumping garbage proves costly pickering twp w haight rr 1 locust hill was fined 25 and costs on one charge of spreading garbage on pickering twp road al lowances and 25 and costs or five days on a sec ond charge on the east side of side- line2425 between high way 7 and concession 5 municipal enforcement officer robert craig testi fied he found 15 garbage bags chrome chairs and other items spread along the roadside about one- quarter of a mile this gar bage was later removed the second offence oc curred on the 5th conces sion east of the brock rd in each case mr craig was able to find identifica tion in the debris in handing out sentence to mr haight who did not appear in court jus tice of the peace wm murkar said mr haight ought to purchase himself v west end garage complete car repairs truck repairs phone 6402393 main st w stouffville all work guaranteed shortcuts seldom pay steer here when you bring your car to us you can be sure well check it thoroughly repair it with precision our knowhow skill and experience make the big dif ference free estimates for your convenience our parts service departments will remain open tues thurs nite until 900 pm where price quality meet dick coffey motors ltd main went stoufrville phone 6402600 a scow or something j percy 67 virginia av enue toronto also left a considerable amount of garbage in pickering twp on the east side of rose- bank road between con cessions 2 and 3 when confronted with this violation mr percy picked the refuse up the fact that the gar bage has been removed has no bearing on this said mr murkar he reg istered a fine of 25 and costs fa a farmers tomatoes weve always felt that misleading advertising or gimmick advertising with a come on flavor de signed to create a temporary increase in showroom traffic sooner or later defeats itself this is because when a customer realizes he has been misled on a sale even if he buys he will later react unfavorably to the dealers establishment at the very least he will influence his friends not to buy there the dealer will have a sale today at the cost of many more tomorrow every business man knows that the most effec tive least expensive and most enduring advertising in any business and the car business is no excep tion is one customers recommendation to another it cant be bought except by honest dealings and sincerely living up to advertising claims of quality and service after the sale there is the true story of a farmer who wanted to grow better tomatoes he sent away for a book on the subject after reading a glowing magazine ad that promised everything the advertising writers imagin ation could think of when the crop was harvested it was no bigger than usual but the size of the farmers disappoint ment made up for it puzzled he reread the book and checked on the instructions which he had followed to the letter he still couldnt figure it out until he reread the advertisement then he found the answer in a onesentence letter to the publishers he ex plained the whole thing the fella that writ the ad he said should of writ the book markham chrysler dodge no 7 hwy laidlaw blvd phone 2941742 save 6c i e d smiths catsup lloz bottles 2 for 43c feature 50c refund offer on sunspun ice cream with duncan mines deluxe cake mixes best buy save 10c swifts premium beef or irish stews 24 oz tins best buy save 6c lancia best buy save potatoes macaroni or spaghetti best buy save 6c shhjriff instant mashed flakes 43c 49c 21b cello 41c oz pkgs 53c reg 49c value red white birthday cake iv reg 46c weston iced maple walnut loaf cake 41c best buy with pork save 31c 19oz tins van camp beans 4 8 5 c buyoftheweek pr em luncheon meat save 10c 12oz tin 43 r best buy save 15c orange or grapefruit 48oz tins treesweet juices 2 1 83 save 40c swifts premium midget hams 1 lb tin 149 best buy save 13c bathroom tissue white swan save 10c royale household towels 2 roll pack 4i49 49c save 6c culvcrhouse small 19oz tins whole white potatoes 2 for 39c save 6c saveall wax paper 100 ft roll 33c health beauty features reg 49c plastic strips johnsons bandaids 25s 39c reg 55c modess 12 to pkg 45c reg 63c johnsons jcloth pkg 55c 99c special gleem tooth paste tube 79c feature 3c off pack canadas finest lib pkg crisco shortening 37c ave 6c 12 wide aluminum 25 foot roll alcan foil wrap 33c high liner frozen food features tasty cooked cod krunchies 14oz pkgs 59c pan ready haddock fillets 16oz pkg 55c sunshine fresh fruit vegetables feature chlqulta bananas 2 lbs for 33c ontario 1 cucumbers 2 for 39c new spring 1 carrots 3 lb bag 35c 698value oiant 12 oallon size garbage can with metal locking handles specially selected steak value checkd round or boneless rump roasts ib 89 sirloin tbone wing steaks ib 95 fresh minced burger blend ground beef chuck ib 69c red hot famous schneiders wieners ib 55c schneiders mild seasoned sizzler sausage lb 55c swift premium fully cooked boneless cryovac halves dinner hams ib 99c schneiders famous by the piece blue ribbon bologna ib 47c schneiders famous luncheon meats 6oz pkgs 2 for 49e meat chicken luncheon meat pork dressing headcheese mac cheese pickle pimento dutch loaf bologna and garlic bologna where friendly people save you more schells red white stouffville open every thurs st fri night till 9 pm