the tribune thursday slay 9 1968 pw farmers question milk quotas control crabgrass now by john bradshaw more lawns are ruined by crabgrass each year than by any other cause during late july and early august you should be on the lookout for crabgrass plants to show up in your lawn it takes from the time the lilacs are in bloom in late may and early june until sometime around the first of august lor them to grow large enough to be easily rec ognized many persons call or write around the middle of may to say they already have crabgrass in their lawn nothing could be further from the truth what they really have at that time is quack grass sometimes called couch grass it has broad leaves about a quarter of an inch wide with sharp edges quack grass is a perennial that spreads by seeds and underground roots crabgrass on the other hand is an annual which sur vives from year to year in the lawn because of its tremen dous ability to reseed itself a single well developed plant can produce as many as 100000 seeds in a single season these can lie dormant in the soil for 50 years and still ger minate when brought to light and moisture what does a crabgrass plant look like its leaves are broader and lighter green in color than most of the desir able lawn grasses but its still very difficult to distinguish from other grass until the purple seed heads start to ap pear around the 1st of august crabgrass liles the hot weather of july and august just about as much as kentucky bluegrass dislikes it just about the time kentucky bluegrass starts to go dormant in july crabgrass starts to grow rapidly lawns infested with crabgrass should be mowed at least once and preferably twice a week from the 1st of august on to remove the seed heads as they form its an excellent plan to gently rake the lawn before mowing it to raise the purple fingerlike seed heads so they are removed before the seeds ripen be sure to catch the clippings in a grass catcher or bag a grass mixture containing a minimum of 40 per cent merlon kentucky bluegrass is the best mixture to sow if you wish to avoid crabgrass merion bluegrass doesnt go dormant in the hot weather of july and august and the crabgrass plants dont get the opportunity needed to take over the lawn crabgrass will not tolerate shade so a thick dense turf cut no shorter than one and onehalf inches will be a big help in controlling it fertilizing a lawn the recommended five times a year is also a big help in preventing the crab grass plants from getting a hold fortunately one application of a preemergent crabgrass preventive will destroy anywhere from 90 to 100 per cent of the seeds as they germinate the seedkilling ingredi ents are highly insoluble and will remain on the surface of the soil for two or more years to continue thejob of killing the crabgrass seeds this is another good reason for not raking the lawn heavily in early spring preemergence crabgrass killers need to be applied with care for the active ingredients which provide the controls are very insoluble materials theyre used at a light rate and to get uniform control every single square inch must receive a coating of the material when it reaches the surface of the soil it becomes fixed to the particles of earth and remains as a very thin but uniform coating f 4loth day free roses for mom its moms day off treat her and the family to a delightful dinner here from appetizer to dessert eve rything is prepared to perfection to make this a truly memorable occasion for mother special mothers day menu sherwood sherwood plaza markham park restaurant 2972440 a a wall ag rep for york county newmarket these are days of decis ion for cream shippers and those who sell milk for cheese powder or con centrate products the marketing situation is complex the decision to be made is whether or not to apply for entry into the fluid group pool main points on milk marketing may help there are two kinds of quotas one for cream and industrial shippers is national and it limits the amount of federal sub sidy a producer can re ceive the quota setting period was apr 1 1966 to mar 31 1967 these quotas cant be boueht or sold and new quota is not available to new shippers shippers with less than 12000 lbs annually have had their quotas cancelled and those between 12000 and 50000 pounds have to ap ply now to have their quo ta continued the national dairy commission intends to try to increase quotas for those that are now too small and auota mav be given to those who started sivint milk in 1967 producers who apply and are accepted in the group 1 pool will start with 70 per cent at fluid price for one vear start ing sent 1 an additional 20 per cent will come into the pool each successive war this 20 ner cent is 20 per cent of the produc ers average production for august 1965 to july 1966 a producer will con tinue to receive federal subsidy on his federal quota less 125 per cent of the amount taken into the pool none of this of course applies to present fluid snippers who have quotas set by the marketing board and which are en tirely different from the federal quotas one im portant point is however that fluid shippers with quota of less than 400 lbs can apply for an increase again decisions made now can make a lot of difference in the long run details on quotas subsi dies prices and quality can be discussed at our office in newmarket potato growers are eli gible for a subsidy now per acre with a 40000 on last years crop its 25 maximum for each grow er application forms can be obtained at the canada dept of agriculture office at bradford your money earns v company of canada federally incorporated and supervised capital and reserve 700000o deposits in excess of 450000000 44 yonjre su s richmond hm ss4118s 8891905 bookkeeping service income tax provincial sales tax remittances prepared call 6401988 james a deacur accountant 60 10th line stouffvule another qua ity product from brook in concrete thirteen year old ann gibson daughter of mr and mrs donald gibson of brougham continues to add awards and trophies to her already enviable record in jumping competitions her champion pony is skeeter and the pair are close companions staff photo crop damage aid refused members of the ontario federation of agriculture are not happy with re sponse bv agriculture minister w a stewart to requests for crop damage assistance the requests carried in a brief early in april brought refusal by the minister to give grants to farmers who lost their crops in 1966 and 1967 the brief called for gov ernment compensation for crop losses from weather in crops for which there is not governmentspon sored crop insurance it said the policy on compensation should be the same as when the gov ernment destroys animals to stop the spread of dis ease the grain farmer has no more control over whether it will rain than the beef producer has over whether some can of corn ed beef coming into the country will bring hoof and mouth disease mr stewart rejected the federations request but did announce broaden ing of the number of crops covered and said his de partment would consider provisions to insure part of the value of crops the meeting passed his resolution that they were not satisfied with the re sponse of the minister of agriculture to proposals for crop damage assist ance farmers who have lost crops on which they could not get insurance ought to get better treatment than this from the society he said prices effective until saturday may 1 1 special jenny lind cjndyugtiislj jb m m mi m m bh m hi p mm april showers persian lilac or golden mimosa dusting powder 159 best buy libbys deep buttered kernel corn deep buttered green peas mix or match save 59c 12oz tins specially selected young imported 5 to 6 lb average leg 0 lamb lb 49 ideal for broiling or frying choice thick cut rib or shoulder lamb chops lb 49tf lazy maple brand swifts rindless bacon lb m three meals in one roast fry stew lamb inabaske lb 23l holiday farms always tender beef steakettes lb sh best buy save 35c boston brown 14oz tins 6 1 iaylmer beans 61 feature carnation evaporated milk tall tins 2133 dial shampoo 3i 01 sugg list 79c 59 elite hair dryer su 1488 dresserset 1 qq brush comb and mirror vt m m 1o88 iiuunk a104r instamatic camera outfit sugg list 2450 softique beauty bath oil sugg us 169 philips debutante ladies m m m am electric shflveblivd on term deposits for any term one to five years guaranty trust i ssf flower 219 lovely lady o nylons nutwood shade 33 polaroid ladies sunglasses s u 2 09 179 b reck hair set mist 2 oz aerosol sugg list 79c 2 ox aerosol qa feature 12oz plastic tub new rose brand petal soft margarine save 9c icing mixes or monarch pouch paks cake mixes 31 4 75 save 3c ijbbys brand 28oz tin sauerkraut 27 1 11v1l a cavatina ladies watches sugg list 1295 to 1895 107c boff secret deodorant 1 ox s list x c 99c wv aikens pharmacy 35 main st west stouffv1lle phone mo1722 save 10c del monte fancy 14oz tins green or wax beans 3 for 49c save 20c tuck garbage bags 10 to pkg 59c rcjr 179 house garden 15oz tin flytox spray 129 save 10c instant chocolate nestles quik save 21c sweet green or corn mclarens 12 oz jars relishes best buy save 9c fruit drink powders freshies nvack 10 2 49 49 49 frozen food features reg 55c carnation frene h fries 2lb bag 49c rcr 2 tins 53c birds eye orange juice 6ox tin 4 for 89c save 3c window cleaner windex 20oz bottle 44c save 18c society beef or 15oz tins liver chunks 5 for 1 rejr 49c wcslon iced 12 to pk jam or lemon buns 45c save 9c robin hood pudding cake mixes 2 for 49c buyoftheweek bicks pickles yum yum 15oz 54 dills plain 24oz 4 jars 1 am7 sunshine fresh fruit vegetables delicious pineapples 1 385 crisp refreshing celery 1 jumbo stalks 25c ontario hothouse tomatoes 1 lb 49c tasty large bunches green onions 3 for 29c best buy club house peanut butter priced at 79c 2lb unity jar 69 best buy allens vitaminized apple juice save 17c 48oz tins 31 best buy start flavour crystals assorted save 13c 3 m oz tins 4 85 best buy new whistle spray cleaner save 10c 16oz spray 59c where frieni ly peo ple save you more schells red white stouffville open every thurs fri night till 9 pm