ttgt 2 the tribune thursday mjrdi 21 1968 aumuuimmabbiiibimrattm the bad guys are human too many americans and some can adians have become obsessed with the idea that communism like a contag ious disease should be kept under per- m a n e n t quarantine to prevent its spread the united states in an effort to enforce that quarantine is sacrific ing thousands of lives to save a country that they themselves are helping to destroy whiie we sympathize with the us in the seriousness of the situation that has them deeply involved we still feel that as canadians we should not look on the war as the good guys vs the bad with this thought in mind we would lend support to a canvass here with funds collected to be used to purchase medical supplies for vietnam civilians the town council has rejected the com mittees request whether the ruling will be enforced is not yet known we would hope that the members decis ion is regarded as only a statement of policy and the question of whether to accept or refuse donations be left solely to the consideration of the citizens themselves must accept some responsibility it was back on feb 29 that a delega tion of residents from rose avenue in stouffville attended a meeting of coun cil to enquire into a solution to the problem of basement flooding in that area of town the issue should have been discussed then and there instead the residents were told to return at a later date when the matter would be dealt with in the privacy of a committee room with the press not present one member of the deputation warn ed council on leaving the chambers that should the flood problem recurr the town would have to accept some responsibility for damage and incon venience caused on saturday morn ing it did happen a power failure at the disposal plant was unnoticed until it was too late one home was flooded with filthy sewerage water to a depth of almost a foot we viewed the scene when the backflow was at its height it was almost unbelievable the council may attribute the trouble to an act of god or place the blame wholly on the householder in some instances this would be warranted but not here with the rain as heavy as it was on friday night trouble should have been anticipated had the auxiliary pump been utilized earlier the backup flobd could have been prevented or at least limited we hope that the towns insur ance firm will see it this way only compromise possible the most important thing about the new federal tax legislation as far as the government has been concerned is that it was acceptable enough to part of the opposition to pass parliament it finally let the government off the hook after its earlier bill was defeated in a practical way it cases some of the burden from the lower income tax payers and places more on the corpora tion however most of corporations tax burdens work their way down to the consumer sooner or later industry will not have as much money for ex pansion which may not be entirely de- sireable the finance minister is to pick up part of his extra money by lopping a spending the bill is about as good a compromise as could have been devised further 75000000 0 government and still leave the government ability to finance operations coming off an ottawa visit this week i did find the government somewhat under a cloud everyone is wondering if the new leader whoever he may be will be able to restore confidence mr sharp has suffered immensley al though his decision not to neglect his governmental duties for the campaign field will help some to erase thoughts of political errors mr paul martin is still a very strong contender and many prophesy that his name along with robert winters and pierre elliott trudeau will be at the final countdown day of reckoning coming closer while it is anything but a public holi day april 30 is a date each year on which we all reflect with a bit of hurt in our heart it looms ever closer on the calendar tax time it hurts enough to pay out of money you have but it hurts even more to pay on money you used to have but has been spent even worse than this is to be taxed on money you never did have this does happen in the enforcement of tax laws aimed at the savings of dead people we cite here a case of a widow whose husband left for her an estate valued at just slightly more than 60000 it was her bad luck that it was not slight ly less if it had been below this level the two governments dominion and provincial would not have frozen these assets while they decide what amount they could extract a fair amount was contained in a car and house which she could not eat it seems the widow did not drive so the car was of little use to her she got permission to sell the car to get money to live on however those in charge of such matters decided in their wisdom that she sold the car 100 to cheaply so this imaginary amount was added on to the death duties she was poorer by this 100 which she never had one of the most unpleasant aspects of the way in which widows of only moderate means are harrassed is that not one but two governments are try ing to put the bite on her these governments do not deal with each other on this matter they deal with the widow when the politicians finally get around to rewriting the con stitution they might spare some thought for widows in the situation such as i have cited they should ar range that if there should be death taxes they be the business of one gov ernment or the other but not both k winter retains its grip on glen major although march 21 is officially the first day of spring some protected areas still retain signs of midwlntcr this ruralresidential scene is at glen major in uxbridge township nestled in the background is the home of murray turner cone 7 sttff photo i the saps running at bruce mill conservation area ti iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiietiiimitiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiimiiiit fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiifiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijijirrirtiiiiiriiiiiiiiriiiiiii n sugar and spice smiley at the movies by bill smiley took about 300 of our senior students to the movies first thing monday morn ing they looked forward to the outing a change from the classroom it was quite an experience there were about 500 normal noisy teenagers in the theatre altogether normally this is asking for bedlam modern kids conditioned by television are equally inclined to laugh jarringly mockingly at scenes of horror and scenes of poignancy brutality and vio lence are their daily bread but after the reels began spinning on monday morning there werent any laughs when the lights went up there was none of the usual horseplay there were 500 shaken subdued and in some cases stunned teenagers the film was the war game a shod british movie it depicts in a matteroffact documentary style what would happen if a nuclear exchange broke out no excruciating detail is spared bla tantly antiwar it is a bitter satire on our society and mans stupidity the film is crude the message blunt and the effect harrowing the bbc banned it as loo shocking to be shown to the public on television its all there the public ignorance the government apathy the triggering incident the profiteer who sells sand bags at an exorbitant rate the man with two bomb shelters and a shotgun ti keep others out the little boy whose eyeballs turn to jelly when he sees the flash the ordinary family crouched like terrified animals under the kitchen table the fire storm that destroys everything in its path the grotesque burned faces the people shocked into idiocy the breakdown of law and or der carefully juxtaposed with pictures of children whimpering with pain and shock are the calm pompous state ments of bishops who say we must learn to live with the bomb and a jov ial nuclear scientist who explains how many millions will be killed whats the purpose you may ask of subjecting wellfed bourgeois teenagers to such an experience well its rather like shock treatment it makes them wake up examine their values think editors mail a helping hand dear sir while northbound in the glen major area of uxbridge township i had the misfortune to become stuck on an icy section of a hill in that community a hydro lineman was working atop a pole some distance away and noticed my plight he took the time and trouble to come down and help me out unable to stop for fear of becoming stuck again i was unable to obtain his name or even thank him i feel that such assistance is wonder ful public relations and speaks well for the personnel employed by the ontario hydro sincerely harry hooper newmarket ont interesting issue dear sir it may be seldom that a newspaper receives any written compliments but i wish to commend the staff of the tri bune for the very excellent farm issue published last week a copy will be re tained in our home as a valuable refer ence as a recent farm resident of mark- ham township i found both the adver tisements and accompanying farm news very interesting and valuable reading sincerely kcncth jackson unionville rr 1 about the world and the part they must play in it rather than what theyll wear to the dance friday night we talked about it i later they thought it shouldnt be seen by child ren but that everyone else in the world on both sides of the fence should see it they tried to explain why there is comparative silence these days about the bomb and fallout compared with the obsession with it and the wave of shelterbuilding that occurred a decade ago we discussed the moral implications of shooting people who wanted to share your shelter of the police in the film shooting victims of burns who had only a few hours to live and those hours in extreme agony of what they them selves could do about it all some of them were shaken out of their cosy conformist little sox others were overwhelmed by a feeling of fu tility and some were filled with a fury at the idiocy of their elders who had allowed this to happen and others were just plain scared and wanted to know what preparations we were tak ing for such an eventuality and a few believed that man could prevail and overcome the evil we ranged from vietnam to hippies and escapism from morality to the in stinct for survival from whether they would rather be red than dead to whatl they would do if the yanks decided they must take over canada for their own military safety most of the boys would fight take to the hiils i think it was good for them the world of the future is theirs and they cant go on blaming us forever see the film yourself if you can but take a paper bag if you have a weak stomach this week next well theyre being honest the two leading candidates for the liberal party leadership robert win ters and pierre elliott trudeau are be ing forced into a common strategy in wooing the partys 2500 convention delegates for all that the two men appear to be at opposite poles within the broad framework of the modern liberal party the realities of convention politics force them both to promote policies which are really far removed from the things in which they believe most strongly these two leading candidates are thus avoiding the issues on which the liberal party leadership should be de cided delegates to the partys april con vention in ottawa should be able to choose the successor to prime minister pearson on the basis of where the party is to stand on the controversies of the day some of these include the liberal partys attitude toward free trade with the united states and the extent of us domination of canadian industry there are major fiscal questions to be answered such as whether the federal government should ease back on spend ing so as to come in with balanced budgets should the country proceed with me dicare july 1 despite warnings this will impose heavier burdens on government budgets leading to higher taxes there are delicate questions of international finance the most important of which is whether the us will be able to es cape devaluation of its currency which would thereby knock the props out from under the canadian dollar robert winters because he is regard ed as a spokesman for big business a bay street boy and an accomplished financier stresses instead his modest nova scotia background by nature more conservative than most conserva tives mr winters is going out of his way to avoid attacking welfare state programs he has stayed out of the frenchenglish debate avoided the stand which has cost mr trudeau con siderable support in quebec but has ry ray argyle spoken of the need for greater oppor tunity for frenchcanadians something with which neither english or french canadians will disagree the main outlines of mr winters campaign can thus be seen to make him a moderate a man of the centre in very much the image of robert stan- field the reasoned intelligent but ag gressive businessman who will assure helm of government while mr winters pursues the ref ormist element in the liberal party good canadian common sense at the knowing that he already has rightwing liberals backing him and thus doesnt have to woo them widely regarded as a radical a re formist a swinger and indeed almost a socialist from some of his past pro nouncements it might be expected that mr trudeau would stake out the new high ground to which he would propose to take canada and the liberal party if he became leader and prime minister but instead again the emphasis is on what mr trudeau is not because he has the leftwing liberals backing him there is no need to court their favor the wooing must be of the old guard standpat liberals of the mackenzie king and st laurent era thus mr trudeau attacks the idea of a minimum annual wage as one which would merely ensure canadians of a minimum standard of welfare instead of maximum opportunity he criticizes us bombing of north vietnam but says we should continue to sell military equipment to the us because to do so is profitable to our industry only on the issue of federalism has mr tru deau spoken clearly to the issue at the risk of losing support in quebec he has gained a tremendous following in the rest of canada he says medicare should be the last universal welfare program launched in canada by taking these approaches neither mr winters nor mr trudeau is being dishonest or insincere but anyone who expects a political candidate to really stake out his position is asking too much its too risky wxt wnhunt established 1888 c h nolan jim thomas editor publisher noel edey advertising published every thursday by the stouffville tribune limited at 54 main st stouffville ont tcl 6402101 single copies 10c scriptions 400 per year in canada 600 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association authorized as second class mall post office dep ottawa mm l marriage breakup it has been said by many persons who have been through the marriage mill that there are two main barriers that each and every couple must hurdle before they achieve the ultimate ob jective of permanent wedded bliss the number one hazard occurs ex- actly ten years after the mr carries the mrs across the threshold the hus bands eyes begin to wander and focus on every neat and trim little thing that walks on main street for him to err is human but should that same young thing make a mistake and look back they could strike a collision course down a oneway track the number two trouble spot is age 40 this is the time in a husbands life when he feels his clutch is slipping so he shifts from high to overdrive he en deavours to do the same things he did at 30 with a lot less effort it could take him on a quick trip to oneills but what a way to go it is no secret in our home were headed for doubletrouble not only are we approaching the tenyear marriage menace but im crawling dangerously close to the 40 mileage marker mind you my masculine virility has not yet been questioned nor have anv of the towns teens dialled in on my wave length in both categories i feel rela tively safe however a noticeable breakup has begun to occur in our home this year although the signs were obvious we gave it very little attention at first in fact i even pretended not to notice this only compounded the problem until now i feel like at any moment all four walls could crumble down around my ears rather than marital its strictlv ma terial the first incident occurred on new years day my wife opened the oven door to remove the turkey and the han dle jerked off in her hand it ornament ed the top of a kitchen cupboard for several weeks until one night i decided to screw it back to accomplish this feat i had to take the inside panel out of the door try as i would it refused to go together again now the stove had neither an oven door nor a handle the next day the television blew two tubes the dryer then went on the hum mer and one of the kids fouled up the automatic mechanism on the washer on one of the coldest nights of the win ter the furnace motor conked out a replacement lasted less than a week and it seized then the sump pump lost its floats and the basement floor was flooded while the downstairs was in a state of suspended animation the sit uation at ground level was even worse the kitchen table has a gimpy leg t that can without warning let a dish of hot soup pour violently onto a bodys lap the motor on the refrigerator whee zes at times like a fire siren and the automatic defrost often leaves the can ned goods waist deep in water the taps in the bathroom have all been replaced but still leak and the shower spray is so violent it can drown a person while hes brushing his teeth in the master bedroom the serta sinks in the centre like a hammock and the knobs are mis sing from the clockradio the hallway broadloom is moulting around the edg es and the chesterfield is showing signs of wear and tear but our internal ma- terial problems will soon be solved the ides of march is a sure indicator that spring is just around the corner and my wife is all ready to roll up her sleeves and tackle each and every job what work she cannot complete herself shell have done by professionals its during this cleanup fixup paintup campaign that id really and truly like to leave home this desire for freedom is only temporary it has to be no other wo man could possibly possess my wifes kind of patience early start while many adults are smoking less and enjoying it more due to recent tax hikes the trend is not apparent among young people it was revealed in a sur vey recently that many pupils in the senior grades of public school are pos sessed by the habit on friday we saw a lad puffing his way home from orchard park from his size it was certain that he had reached the ripe old age of twelve shortest way alleged maltreatment of an employee at the stouffville high school cafeteria and a threatened boycott of the premi ses would indicate that the shortest way to a students heart is through his stomach the student complaint is that too many cooks are spoiling the broth who goes there further power failures in the midst of midweek meetings in whitchurch township will prompt a notice of mo tion from councillor betty vannos- trand that she be relocated closer to the chambers emergency exit goldplated shovels with so much importance being plac- cd on the need for highlevel education these days we fear that the next gener ation of graduates will lack both the qualifications and the ambition for such menial chores as shovelling snow off sidewalks or digging ditches liberal communist this week i received the following unsigned note ouotc i always fig ured that your political leanings were liberal but not until you came out in support of the vietnam fundraising canvass did i realize that you must also be a communist too im still not sure how one defines a liberal com- munist