the tsiwhe thny decetaa 28 1967 pgt 3 mr and mrs gordon housser bob bill beth and blair spent christmas with her mother mrs pat reid donna and dale of almira other members of the family present were mr and mrs allan reid and family of fort mc- murray mrs ron chipp and family of toronto and mr and mrs herb sprox- ton and family of ring- wood a member g w hudson floral de signs main street stouff- ville has been selected as a member of the florists transworld delivery as sociation through this or ganization flowers may be wired to any place in north and south america and most countries over seas there are over 11- 000 members in the unit ed states and canada staff gathering stouffville council and staff personnel of the town and public utilities commission enjoyed a prechristmas party at the legion hall thursday ev ening the legion ladies auxiliary provided the luncheon staff photo 150 loss many homeowners in town take pride in light ing up their properties during the christmas sea son one of these is mr and mrs john iuingworth hawthorne avenue it is discouraging to such folks when their fixtures are damaged or stolen stouff ville police report that floodlights and wiring va lued at 150 was taken from the iuingworth resi dence recently the theft occurred during the early- morning hours mrs florence miller o- v brien avenue and mrs gordon miller church street spent christmas with mr and mrs harry warriner rr 2 mark- ham miss eva hoover and mrs sophia conner were christmas guests with mr and mrs stewart stouffer and joanne mr and mrs albert hudson and daughters baker avenue were with her parents mr and mrs walter gray in markham for christmas also pres ent were mr and mrs carl wideman and boys mr and mrs les leonard and family and mr and mrs grant wideman of markham during the af ternoon they listened to a tape recording by the harold knights family in africa appointment harry schell of stouff ville has been appointed to serve as the county re presentative on the stouff ville dist secondary school board the nomin ation was made by reeve ken laushway at county council dec 19 mr schell fills a position made vacant through the resig nation of gordon ratcliff mr ratcliff is now the re presentative from the township of whitchurch free tickets ten pupils from stouff- villes three elementary schools are winners of free admission tickets to the holiday season panto mime marvello and the magic that the presen tation at stouffville dist secondary school will be held dec 28 and 30 the names were drawn by mrs john lindop win ners arejames alty deb bie holder lynn roberts julie parish dannie gar rett clare kennedy brett cashman bradley steele ronnie keuken and eliza beth verra christmas day visitors at the home of mr and mrs donald roper may- tree avenue included mrs christine fletcher mr alan fletcher mrs isobel roper and mr jack rop er christmas day visitors at the home of mrs blake sanders second street were mr and mrs don riddell mr cecil carpen- tier and mr and mrs jack sanders and family mr and mrs sherman arnold william street were visitors sunday with their son carl and mrs arnold in markham christmas day was spent with her sister miss dora doan in newmarket rev and mrs edward lawrenson pastor of a church on rhodes avenue toronto entertained their family in the church hall on christmas day present were mr and mrs ivan bell and family and mr i and mrs don summer- feldt and family of stouff ville mr and mrs wilfred lawrenson and family of jamaica david lawren son of markham and miss pat baker of aurora mr and mrs walter baker albert street north miss audrey baker of to ronto and miss nora ham of claremont spent christmas with mr and mrs leonard jarvis and family at seagrave mr and mrs frank burnett and family of scarboro spent christmas with his mother mrs vera burnett church street christmas tour thirty- eight members of the friendship club were treated to a tour of toronto dec 21 to view the christmas lights the trip was arranged by mem bers of the legion ladies auxiliary mr and mrs harry schell and family orch ard park blvd enjoyed the christmas at the home of mr and mrs robert san derson victoria street mr and mrs wesley schell victoria st enjoy ed christmas at the home of mr and mrs percy schell william street m and mrs e j abra ham and family ninth line noth are taking up residence in oshawa mrs william senechal was a christmas day visi- itor at the home of mrs henry nauta rr 4 stouffville mr frank h rowe main street east spent christmas with his daugh ter and soninlaw mr and mrs chas grove toron to mrs millie wilson of toronto enjoyed christ mas weekend with mr and mrs levi grove and family ringwood we are pleased to hear that mr gordon s kenne dy has returned home from york county hospi tal newmarket mrs workman and dau ghter wendy spent christmas day with mr mrs robt forfar rr 2 stouffville mr and mrs gordon holden and mrs luella lemon spent christmas with mr and mrs jim ri- dout visitors on christmas day with mr and mrs walter brown and family were mr and mrs jona- thon scott of markham and miss nora macklem mr and mrs wm john son of toronto spent christmas with his parents mr and mrs geo m johnson harold street miss marilyn crowder of kitchener spent a few days with her parents mr and mrs earl crowder baker avenue on christ mas day mr and mrs arn old may and family of goodwood mr wayne ro- senberger of breslau mrs ira rusnell and evelyn mrs norma hayncs and debbie and miss barbara winn were guests mr and mrs a hughes of islington spent christ mas with their daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs chas w jones elm road at a meeting of the 1st stouffville scout troop dec 6 four members were invested they were- martin valleau clarence brown kelly holden and pierre waite the christ mas party was held dec 20 in the united church on friday evening mr and mrs don ratcliff and family mr and mrs paul ratcliff mr and mrs bud ratcliff mr and mrs charles ratcliff and fam ily mr and mrs floyd ratcliff and family mr and mrs howard ratcliff and family and miss nora macklem had dinner to gether at the summit res taurant and later enjoyed the rest of the evening at the home of mr and mrs don ratcliff mr and mrs gordon brown and family edward street were christmas visitors with mr and mrs tom clark and family ballantrae mabel and louie hoov er mill street spent christmas day with their aunt mrs ella smith and daughters at altona mr fred garvey and miss winnifred garvey of waterloo visited on christ mas day with their sister mrs mary e thomas main street west branch office quality utility ltd have opened up a new branch office in oshawa the branch manager is er nie abraham jr of stouff ville miss eleanor moyer of fort william and her par ents mr and mrs roy moyer of dicksons hill were sunday visitors with mrs lloyd moyer dorothy and mildred district homes soon to shed their holiday lights fire call after an extended lull in fire calls during the fall period the stouffville brigade has been busy in december on saturday they answered a call to mclellans shell station when a container of oil burst into flames no one was injured and there was no property damage cpl and mrs don ed- dington and jimmy of falconbridge enjoyed the christmas holiday week end with their parents mr and mrs jim edding- ton and family church st and mrs reg willis and john maytree avenue stouffville police have been successful in locat ing the boys responsible for turning on the water in the basement of the former jim barry home main street west a sec tion of the house was com pletely flooded ninth line stop persons using the ninth line to musselmans lake are warned that this con cession now a stop at the bloomington road and the eastwest traffic has the rightofway previously cone 9 was the through road tribune publisher c h nolan mrs nolan and john left on tuesday for a midwinter holiday in california they plan to view the rose bowl game and parade in los angel es jan 1 i- mrs wes jack and fam ily spent christmas day with her daughter and soninlaw mr and mrs robt odonoghue wil- lowdale christmas visitors with mr and mrs john keeler and family park drive were mr and mrs gordon greig and boys from mar kham and mr and mrs ted gray and girls of claremont mr and mrs eldon bo- ettger and family mill street enjoyed christmas day with her mother mrs george lehman of toron to when they had a fam ily gettogether at stouff ville youth centre there were thirty present inclu ding mrs john lehman of stouffville mr and mrs allen jef ferson rupert street had dinner tuesday evening with her brother and sis terinlaw mr and mrs ross stonehouse toronto the sparkling bungalow of mr and mrs reg hie elm road stouffville excellent job the tribune is indebted to orchard park principal keith sutherland for his excellent writeups of min or hockey house league games this winter club coaches have also been most cooperative in pro viding mr sutherland with the information at the conclusion of individ ual contests each week mr and mrs wesley slack enjoyed christmas at the home of mr and mrs leslie gauslin hard ing gate blvd stouffville twenty- eight members of the family of harmon jones of huntsville spent christmas day with mr and mrs allen jones cone 9 markham present were mr and mrs roy brown marie and wayne of eau claire mr and mrs carl reesor and chil dren mr and mrs ron reesor of willowdale mr harold reesor camp bor den mr and mrs harold badgero and family mr and mrs bob bradley of willowdale and mr and mrs clare rainey and fa mily mr and mrs eugene mcneill and boys of king ston were weekend visit ors with his brother mr and mrs bob mcneill and timmy church street visitors on sunday with mr and mrs andrew hut chinson and family loret- ta crescent were mr and mrs john hisey scarboro mr phillip hutchinson and miss lois hisey chistmas guests at the walter atkinson home were their daughters mr and mrs grant wells christine kevin and ken ny of lemonville and mr and mrs glenn evans kim and kelly of clare mont mr and mrs frank burkholder main street west spent christmas with mr and mrs albert drudge rr 1 stouffville and mr and mrs don ray- mer and family at box grove mr and mrs jim thom as and family rupert ave nue enjoyed christmas day at the home of her parents mr and mrs e a pascoe greenw miss lillian brown and mr mel pipher spent christmas with mr and mrs howard barkey 50 off all gift wrapping ribbon decorations while present stocks last houston pharmacy i slain west stouffville the time of the great too much for those who ate too much br0m0 seltzer for all our customers houston pharmacy i msln west stouffville mo2222 christmas day visitors at the home of mr and mrs russell smith inclu ded her parents mr and mrs irvin geiger kitche ner mr and mrs earl hoov er harold and david mr levi forsyth mr ernie stouffer and mr and mrs frank johnson of toronto spent christmas with mr and mrs eldon smith harold avenue staff photo on sunday mr and mrs charles grove and familv were visitors with mr and mrs will grove dicksons hill mrs june slessor and mr and mrs gary slessor of toronto were also guests christmas guests at the home of mr and mrs er nie smith tenth line s were mr and mrs william nydam and family and mr and mrs amos vine spending christmas day with their parents mr and mrs jack beach were mr and mrs arnold els- on and boys and mr and mrs dave ulrich and fa mily of oshawa chistmas visitors with mr and mrs robert hook lloyd avenue were mr and mrs howard mantle stanley norma and shir ley mr and mrs walter hook and melissa of ket- tleby mr fred mantle mr and mrs harold man tle larry sharon and do nald and miss ella hook visitors on christmas with mr and mrs john brubacher and judy al bert street s were garth brubacher of manhattan beach california mr and mrs john little and tanis of dicksons hill and mrs len shore and sons of maple christmas day visitors at the home of mr and mrs garnet rae included mr and mrs william mc- kewn mr and mrs ken mckeown and sons ken dall and andrew mr eu gene paisley mr bernard hood and daughter cher- lyn mrs lloyd moyer dor othy and mildred church street spent christmas with mr and mrs henry steckley myrtle and ruth in scarboro also present was mrs moyers brother mr louis schell of toron to miss winnie morden of toronto was a weekend guest with her cousin mrs truman baxter on christ mas day she entertained her family mr and mrs harold murphy and nan cy mr and mrs joe crow- hurst of ballantrae and mr and mrs ted cadieux michael trudy and jim mr and mrs tom brown main street west accompanied by mr and mrs charlie brown of eau claire have left to spend a few months in fort pierce florida visitors at the home of rev and mrs william rae for christmas were dr and mrs michael mc- ateer mr and mrs victor pinney and mary rae christmas day visitors at the home of mr and mrs jim rehill manitoba street included mr and mrs jack thomas mr and mrs norman hannigan lynn cathy and karen mr and mrs doug ba con and family church street spent christmas with her brother mr and mrs lloyd corbett and family in peterboro christmas visitors at the home of mr and mrs mur ray redshaw included mrs florence redshaw mrs don lewis and jim and mr and mrs joe rown and sandra mr and mrs t e reed and family rupert ave nue enjoyed christmas ai the home of their son mr and mrs ross reed ottawa mr and mrs bruce ri chards and family mr and mrs jim richards and fa mily and mr and mrs walter richards and fam ily enjoyed christmas with their mother mrs charles richards in agincourt mrs fred pugh spent several days with her dau ghter jean rev and mrs john colley and family of lockport new york mrs mary risebrough enjoyed christmas at the home of mr and mrs ron wilson main street visitors on christmas day at the ivan goudie home were mr and mrs jim goudie debbie and jamie of greenwood mr and mrs bill goudie of altona mr and mrs allen goudie and miss margery mertens now another first at houstons introducing select snapshot service new lower prices on all printing developing plus we keep your camera loaded another roll of film included with each kodacolor or black white roll or for those who accumulate too much film i will make an adjustment at a set price all work guaranteed i will personally guarantee ali work done by select snapshot service who are the best i have seen in the business harry bowes open sunday afternoons for your shopping convenience houstons pharmacy 3 graduate pharmacists h bowes phmb m bowes phmb m o day phmb free parking at rear of store i main west stouffville phone 6402222