pige 1 the tribune ttadiy korember 9 1967 liillllllllillhiiuiilllllillllllllliuuiuiiuilliluuiiuuiiiulllultlullluullllulllllllhllllinillllllhiiiiiuiililillhlllllhiuuilliiiiullihlllllllu performing a service that time of year is here again when thoughts turn to those who might con sider running for public office candi dates will be needed for council pub lic school board and public utilities commission council positions come to mind first having the larger burden to carry dur ing the year new faces appear from time to time and it is often a question whether or not the freshmen members have the same feelings toward the job at the end of their first term as they did at the beginning their attitudes may have changed and no doubt the extra meetings long hours committee duties and constant flow of municipal matters could have a lot to do with it however undoubt edly the most trying thing of all has been the number of phone calls and personal confrontations they have ex perienced at the hands of citizens many of them in a not too kindly manner just remember there are few of the many who complained during the year will show up for municipal nomination eeven if they do how many will con sider running for office one wont find too many prospective candidates from this group we must then confine our encouragement to the remaining segment of the population who perhaps are willing to take a turn or two at serving their community after all performing a service for your fellow man or fellow citizen should contain some reward and satisfaction no matter what criticism turns up at occasional moments the blind leading the blind this year elections are pending in stouffville and adjacent municipalities pickering uxbridge and whitchurch townships to date only in pickering is the reeves post definitely up for grabs there the present officeholder clifford laycox has three rivals seeking the same position mrs jean mcpherson now the deputyreeve john williams the councillor in ward 3 and former reeve and warden sherman scott the newsadvertiser of ajax has come out strongly in support of mr scott and in an editorial of oct 26 recommends that all thinking rate payers jump on the same bandwagon were not saying that sherman scott cannot do the job we are saying how ever that such bias a full two weeks before the nomination meeting is a backhanded slap in the face against the remaining candidates in the race what has mr laycox planned for pickering in 196869 what is jean mc phersons platform what can john williams offer the people in the two years ahead all three and mr scott will have plenty of opportunity to air their programs now and dec 2 those interested can weigh the facts intelli gently and vote accordingly if theres one thing we dislike its being told how to vote the toronto press tried it in 1966 and all three have been redfaced ever since not worth the risk the stouffville fire brigade for a group of volunteers must have the best getaway record in ontario on occas- sions we have timed them and from the first sound of the siren until the truck is on the highway the period in be tween is often less than three minutes to accomplish such a feat it is neces sary for brigade members to race at breakneck speeds from points in the east and west end limits of town to the station the chances these chaps take is not worth the risk either to other people or themselves the issue was introduced by coun cillor bob lewis at the meeting thurs day and although there was little com ment from other members we think that mr lewis put his point across quite well the fault if one can call it that really lies with the unthinking motorist and pedestrian when the siren sounds drivers should pull over and park and the curious should remain on the side walk unfortunately however many fail to comply and volunteers are forc ed into the lefthand lane of traffic on occasions the dipsydoodle driving sur passes anything one would ever see at pinecrest why serious accidents and injuries have not occurred is an unex- plainedmiracle we would suggest that since the trav elling public does not use common sense during a time of such emergen cies the volunteers should an extra minute taken here could save some ones life perhaps even a firemans we all eat a lot the average person who lives to be 70 years of age whill have eaten nearly six tons of meat fish and poultry ac cording to the meat packers council in canada translated into livestock this would mean that each person in a life time consumes at least six to eight beef cattle 20 to 30 pigs several sheep and lambs several hundred chickens and a thousand or more fish of var ious kinds these facts about our lifetime menu were compiled by a university scientist who also stated that the same person will have consumed 7 tons of grain 4h tons of potatoes 4 tons of sugar and an incredible 168 tons of vegetables fruits nuts and berries the food intake of the average 70- year old person will also have included 4500 lbs of tea coffee or chocolate 2100 dozen eggs and 17500 quarts of milk if you eat it all in 55 years you will be a rolypoly butter ball if it takes 65 years you will be pleasantly plump and if it takes 75 years you will be the slender type riiiiiiiiiiiiriiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiijiiiriiiifiiijiiiiiiiiiiijiiiiititiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiifijijiiiiiiiijiiitiiiiiiiiiiiitijiiiiiiiiiiiimmiitiiiiijiiiiiimiiiijiiifuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiitiif sugar and spice some of us remember by bill smiley november winds chill countryside the month of november is surely the bleakest time of the year scenes like this in uxbridge township are everywhere a family of ducks takes a cool dip in a farm pond soon it will be frozen over staff photo what will the flower children do on remembrance day will they refuse to buy a poppy because they associate it with past wars or will they buy every poppy they can get their hands on and try to infuse a brew of opium so that they can turn on ah i know is that theyll have a tough time getting any poppy juice out of those paper poppies the legion sells my daughter and i have a running battle about the flower children and and hippies in general she has a slo gan love is all you need which i find scrawled on things all over the house my contention is that these kids dont love anybody but themselves that they heartily hate anyone who doesnt subscribe to their halfbaked philos ophy if you want to grace it with such a term and that most of them dont know enough about life to wipe their own noses this goes over big of course i am immediately relegated to that rapidly increasing segment of the population that doesnt understand anything is against everything and cant communi cate even though she does admit they are pretty snobbish about their love deal i asked her why she didnt have a whack at the legion contest its open to all students and they can write an essay or a poem about the meaning of remembrance day good cash prizes and she writes well but it doesnt have any meaning for me dad i didnt have an uncle or any thing killed in the war well what do you do i apologized for the fact that both her wartime uncles are alive and that i couldnt get myself killed even with the utmost application of incom petence just so that she could really enjoy remembrance day eighteen seconds later shes beefing because i havent given her a driving lesson in a whole week and shes just got to get her licence before the snow flies im afraid were going to have to face the fact that remembrance day does not mean much to the average kid to day its not nearly as important as the latest soul record and its a mild bore a solemn moment at school that has no connection with the saturday night date or the really important things of life its just one of those silly things that middleaged people get all hung up letter to the editor dear editor as a young person living in this com munity i wish to differ with recent statements made by rev borland in last weeks tribune referring to the scripture verse in ii cor 517 the whole verse should be quoted therefore if any man be in christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things are become new i am happy to say that when i accept ed jesus christ into my life it was a reality not fairy tale magic i am thankful that i have been taught to re spect and believe gods word in my home and my church although neither of these saved me it was jesus christ that made the difference and filled the emptiness in my life i am not only safe in his arms for the present but have the assurance of being with him throughout eternity i could name scores of other young people who have found jesus christ to be the answer to all of their prob lems for i am persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels nor prin cipalities nor powers nor things pres ent nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of god which is in christ jesus our lord rom 8 3839 yours truly janice ratcliff stouffville rr about like hard work and honesty and chastity and all those other drags and its not just the kids who ig nore it most young adults sneer at it as a relic of britannia rules the waves and over the top and beery old veterans its much more fashionable to join a protest group and march on some thing or other city hall the american consulate it doesnt matter break some windows splash some paint and go home sniggering that we really showed those fascists theres a vicarious thrill in the thought that the police might whack a few heads even draw blood not yours of course i wonder how many of those protest ers would have the guts to clamber out of a muddy stinking trench and hurl themselves into barbed wire and ma chine guns looking for their vitals i wonder how many of the people who carry placards with their little fat jowls bouncing on their white collars could fly through a thousand acres of red hot flack because somebody had to do it i wonder how many of the petition- signers with their clean socks and thelr underarm deodorant could take a week of puking and getting smashed about in a corvette maybe i sound a little bitter maybe i am maybe they could and would some of them but until they try it they shouldnt spit on others war is rotten war is stupid but to those who died salud and to those who live with rotten lungs and arthritis and all the rest of it know that there are still some of us who think about you on remembrance day this week next hold your breath by ray argyle canadians who have prided them selves on breathing clean air and drink ing pure water learned with a jolt last week that pollution has become one of this countrys major problems much of last weeks pollution scare was concentrated at a single place a fertilizer plant near the small town of dunnville ont the fears arose in the wake of a na tional tv program which suggested both cattle and humans were affected by fluoride particles let into the air from the fertilizer plant indeed film of cattle collapsing pros trate in the fields left viewers shaken but a report by a detroit doctor that two farmers in the district were dying of fluorosis lost some of its impact when later tests produced no evidence of illness a fact little reported during the dun nville scare was that most of the char ges came from dr g l waldbott of detroit who turned out to be a well- known opponent of fluoridation of drinking water this is not to suggest that dr wald- botts charges are either correct or wrong this will be determined by an inquiry board appointed by the ontario government certainly canadians should be alert ed to the growing menace of air and water pollution the ontario government last week assumed responsibility for pollution in the province under a new act which will enable authorities if they arc so inclined to take a tough line against industrial waste matter and federally health minister allan maceachen promised that ottawa will enact new laws to combat pollution the latest pollution scare at least pointed out that air and water contam ination is not limited to canadas major cities both suburban and rural areas are affected with many local circum stances all across canada making par ticular communities extremely attrac tive there are growing signs of public awareness that no matter how desir able it may beto have a substantial in dustry in the community this must not be an excuse for polluting water and air almost any industrial firm once it has made the plant and land invest ment of a profitable operation will take whatever additional steps may be forc ed on it to ensure that its operation is not a menace to health but industry is not the only offender there are two other major sources of air pollution the automobile and the cigarette the automobile is everyones con cern because almost everyone drives and everyone suffers from exhaust fume pollution manufacturers are now gearing up for exhaust control devices which will become standard equipment on every car the greatest hope for eliminating this threat however lies in the electric car designs and plans now being advanced indicate the electric car will become a practical reality within the next ten years such a development will make the internal combustion engine obso lete thus eliminating one of the major causes of air pollution with the electric car youll pop into a service station every 500 miles or so and exchange your battery for a new one for probably less than you now pay for gasoline the big personal health menace re mains the cigarette anyone who wil fully pumps quantities of smoke into their lungs has little justice for com plaints about other sources of pollu tion no less a menace is the pollution of nearly every river stream and lake in canada from either industrial waste or human or farm sewarage now that centennial celebrations are nearly ended canadians should do bat tle with pollution in a national crusade deserving the support of every city and town from coast to coast established 1888 c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edey advertising published every thursday by the stouffville rtibune umlled at 54 main st- stouffville onl tel 6402101 single copies 10c subscriptions 400 per year in canada s600 elsewhere mcmbei or audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association authorized as second class mall post office dcpi ottawa i mm halloween delinquents at a meeting of stouffville council thursday reeve ken laushway made it a point to mention the exemplary be haviour of young people in town on halloween night referring specifically to this one evening of anticipated rev elry and deviltry the reeve said and we quote we hear so much about juv enile delinquency today i would sug gest that the kids are not half as bad as they were when i was a boy now we have no idea about what kind of halloween tomfoolery went on in the hamlet of south mountain where reeve laushway was born nor will we hazard a guess just before election time whether stouffvilles chief magis trate was one of the ringleaders in the onceayear shenanigans by his own ad mission however he was certainly no better and possibly a shade worse than those of the 1967 era here in stouffville october 31 it was very little different from any other 365 nights of the year oh sure there were a couple of small fires on main street the usual spree of window soaping and a brief stint of egg throwing but no thing more by midnight the town was like a cemetery with nary a soul on the sidewalk and only three cars parked at the curb over in claremont whose outhouse burning was common practice in the past there was little excitement of any kind one senior citizen attributed the serenity to an everdecreasing number of outhouses and he could be right its a case of supply and demand and it must be admitted that the privy market has hit an alltime low halloween today is like a box social compared to yesteryears proof of this fact is available within the backroom confines of shiner davis tobacco shop on main street here where oldtimers can relate some of the most hairraising tales of mischief pranks and downright maliciousness some of these stories may have become exaggerated slightly with each telling but theres no doubt that the oneman police departments of that day along with volunteer reinforce ments were the victims of organized crime that could have landed the cul prits in jail the trouble was few were ever caught to substantiate these tales of hal loween terror we checked back through the files of the tribune con centrating our search on the first week in november we learned that the old- timers were in no way stretching the truth if anything they minimized the dastardly events that took place beginning in 1922 and working forward we noted the following occurrences one farmer in markham township found his wagon and load of feed grain ever told how the wagon was hauled up that high nor did the story say how the farmer got it down at unionville several young men had their britches filled with buckshot and at least one required treatment in hos pital in uxbridge township a barn was destroyed by fire along with the years hay and grain crop the loss was at tributed to halloween vandals in markham village a fullsize billy goat was found tied to the tower of the methodist church strings of wire and rolls of snow fence were strung across cone 8 mark ham south of dicksons hill one model t ford was ditched and dam aged tb the extent of 45 when it ram med the barricade the air was let out of all four tires of the stouffville constables private car on main street the brake was released on a cnr boxcar in markham it rolled almost a halfmile down the track five false alarms were sounded in claremont ten in uxbridge six in stouffville and seven in markham vil lage a unionville lady fell and broke her leg when the front porch of her home was moved away from the house in whitchurch township road de partment employees counted fifteen mail boxes lying in the ditches on con cessions 6 7 and 9 at musselmans lake two summer cottages were set afire and destroyed almost every gate on concession 9 markham between stouffville and 4 hwy 7 was removed some hadnt been relocated since the previous year and had been replaced with new ones several windows were broken in the sixth line school markham township a pickering man found his new 1927 chevrolet parked in lake ontario dead fish were placed on the engine head of the car belonging to the reeve of stouffville a wagon load of hay was set ablaze and rolled down vinegar hi south of markham village a whitchurch farmer had sugar pour ed into the gas tank of his tractor tombstones were broken off in ccm- f eterics at altona in pickering township and thornhill in markham township a whitchurch farmer found every one of his holstcin herd milked dry when he went to the barn the morning after halloween no trace of the milk could be found f the stories go on and on so you see the kids of yesteryears werent the angels that the kids of today are often led to believe the public can be thankful that history doesnt always repeat itself the reeves pat on the back for stouffvilles teens was well deserved