fcge 16 the tribune editors mail planning for uxbridge dear sir we are all concerned with the shape of the fut ure we need to know the objective of all plans for the present and future growth of the township of uxbridge and for the control of existing land uses as a minimum assu rance an interim land use plan should be properly publicized and presented at the earliest possible time to generate useful discussion prior to the wri ting of a draft zoning by law this land use plan must show as accurately as pos sible the areas to be des ignated for agricultural reforestation residen tial industrial mining commercial conservation recreational and public purposes it must also dif ferentiate between main and minor rolds and any other public features that have an economic and so cial effect upon the peo ple of the township each taxpayer must be able to make effective longterm plans for his own property within a ge neral and comprehensive framework for the public good this is not to say that an official land use plan is a document to freeze the use of land for all time it is essentially a n instrument to estab lish certain rights and pur poses which can be amen ded within limits from time to time as circum stances and further consi deration will indicate such plans will need concentrated study and a clear statement of pur pose and policy on the part of each elected and appointed representative in charge of such matters all taxpayers interested and who feel that they have anything to contri bute in the discussion of such matters should be heard so that the town ship may make progress forward in a democratic control of all situations and for the greatest good of the greatest number this is good land and its natural beauty should not be destroyed for lack of intelligent care the whole of the township of uxbridge is now in the path of metropolitan tor onto growth if good plan ning prevails the higher unit assessment yalues for variable density residen tial use will soon surpass any other economic fac tor without good plan ning guarded by all its ci tizens of good will this township will be forced to grow and fester with a multitude of unnecessary and ultraexpensive prob lems john layng thnitf moteaber 9 1967 false alarm in a front page news sto ry in the tribune of last year you quoted the po- lice departments of mark- ham and whitchurch townships as saying that halloween tricks were of a minor nature i respect the fine police force in markham town ship but i cannot agree with the word minor when a neighbor lost a farm tractor in perfect condition plus an older model car which i am sure was worth a few hundred dollars on the antique market pranksters set the owners barn on fire i would therefore like to know why i had to ap pear in court in richmond hill and pay a fine of 23- 50 for setting fire to a small area of dead grass that accidentally spread out of control necessitat ing a call to the fire de partment no one needs to be told anymore what oct 31 stands for the ominous glow in the sky is evid ence enough sincerely c primble swimming along in fresh water without spectacles the anableps a tropical fish is truly a foureyed specimen this livebearer which sometimes grows a foot long has unusual di vided vision its eyes re semble that of a frog ex cept that the upper por tion is adapted for sight in the air while the lower is for vision in the water get your slice of savings during teds 12th lucky draw yon could be s nevy wteocr we ie several lucky draw prixes to eaasooeta who i our 12th anniversary savings event i 1st prize a bcaatttnl warm sad cosy blanket draws to be made nor 18th winner wffl be notified- what a great time to save only 39 shop ping days until christmas come in shop around select the items you need for christmas gifting a small deposit will hold your selection on our convenient christmas la yaw ay plan shop today at op coats just in time our anniversary sale enables you to save on the coat youll need this winter all wool 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combinations heavy weight 695 each sale 1500 cottons perma press koratron beg 695 to 895 save 100 pair s mens boys wear stouffville phone 6403214 phone 6403214