news whitchurch i uxbridge i markham i pickering of all 4 townships txm vol 79 no 22 stouffvillemarkhamuxbridck ont thursday october 26 7 10 cents largest weekly markham stouffville uxbridge in the district markham twp council students put magazine drive over the top the student magazine drive held in stouffville district secondary school has gone over the top committee chairman garfield smith reported receipts in excess of the 4000 goal with salesgirls like 17 year old donna wright of grade 11 the campaign was virtually assured success staff photo fair profit of 6500 midway increased markham in spite of inclement weather throughout much of the 3day markham fair pro fits are expected to total approximately 6500 a meeting of the board was held oct 18 the secretary fred spring reported total re ceipts at 2656387 ex penditures have been esti mated at 20000 tiie mid way at the fair showed an increase in revenue of 1100 the president william sutherland expressed sat isfaction witli attendance figures that held up well under two days of poor weather and ground condi tions the president in 1968 will be joe tran claremont rr2 displaced horses ground committo chair man walter gould said he had encountered diffi culty in arranging accom modation in the barns for horses during midsummer shows when the stables were already rented out to the standard bred association he said that every time these horse men were evicted there were some who refused to return he contended that funds received did not compensate for the incon venience caused he reco mmended that the stand ard bred association have the exclusive use of the barns yeararound except during fair days he was supported in his stand by bert paisley of stouffville it was agreed that the matter be discussed in full by the board at a later date for recreation a delegation represent ing the markham recrea tion association expressed a desire to use the gen eral exhibits building for activities during the year the organization said they would be willing to im prove the interior of the structure to suit their needs and the cost was estimated at 4000 the building requires a new heating plant floor and drop ceiling president sutherland suggested that it would be good public relations for the fair board and recre ation association to work in close cooperation on the venture since it would also benefit the younger residents of the village it was agreed that the two organizations meet to arrange an agreement hit and run driver buried the evidence town or country council to corral farm type animals lake wilcox in an effort to cover up evidence in a hitandrun case a lake wilcox man had his car compressed into a five foot square piece of metal and buried in a vaughan township dump the auto or what was left of it was recovered following intensive invest igation by constable don ald moth of the oak rid ges ontario provincial police charges followed against robert gemmell 37 of whitchurch town ship in magistrates court newmarket p c moth testified that a car driven by margaret ann wilson 26 of newmarket was sideswiped on yonge st by a northbound vehicle that did not stop damage was estimated at 700 p c moth found the gemmell car covered over by about six feet of earth and refuse it had been run over by a bulldozer several times the accused was sentenced to 30 days in jail you can rest an extra hour stouffville resi dents can watcli the late late showsaturday night and still get to bed at a reasonable hour sunday morning before retiring be sure to turn the bedroom alarm clock back one hour stouffville reverts to standard time at 2 am oct 29 stouffville where docs the country end and the town begin in regard to the keeping of farm- type animals a committee of stouff ville council will consider recommendations to be included in a bylaw to control this problem ac tion on the matter was considered necessary fol lowing the receipt of a omplaint deputyreeve bill par sons said that animals of the horse variety were the most numerous within the town limits he said that it was hard to know just how far a council should go to restrict the keeping of such pets perhaps we should do something now rather than force the problem on a new coun cil he said reeve ken laushway recommended that the issue be given a good deal of study before any bylaw is prepared mr parsons said that until the complaint was received he hadnt real ized that such a problem existed he said that cer tain auxiliary buildings in town should also be considered at the same time killed in crash u n i o n v i l l e a markham district man was killed and a woman and two children were in jured in a headon crash west of cone 6 on 16th avenue markham town ship saturday afternoon garnet mustard 60 markham rr 2 was pro nounced dead at the scene by coroner r b mitchell of stoulfilie taken to hospital by ambulance was the driver of an cast- bound auto mrs jacque line estclle milne rr 1 unionvillc a son robert todd 6 and a daughter margaret tammy 4 mrs milne and family reside only a short distance to the west of where the col lision occurred both ve hicles were completely wrecked mr mustard is survived by his wife the former daisy yates two daugh ters maureen mrs james maybury of cresswell joy at home and one son bruce of unionvillc there are two grandchildren council rejects subsidy stouffville stouff ville council has turned down a resolution from the town of milton that requests the provincial government to pay 100 per cent of the cost of ed ucation members also re jected a suggestion that the question be placed on the ballot at the forthcom ing municipal elections dec 4 only councillor bob lewis felt that the educa tion cost burden might be eased somewhat if distrib uted over a wider area he said however that he could see no merit in put ting the issue to a vote of the people pretty soon well ex pect the government to do everything im not in fav or said reeve ken lau shway its ridiculous com mented deputyreeve bill parsons councillor jim mckel- lar charged that every where there was a de mand from the govern ment for more funds if we cant afford it at the local level how can we af ford it at the top it all comes from john o pub lic councillor tom loncr- gan noted that ouccns park had already rejected a subsidy of so per cent contest for reeve pickering a 4way race is shaping up for the reeves post in pickering township already committed is mrs jean mcpherson now deputyreeve and council lor john williams of bay ridges likely candidates also are former reeve and warden sherman scott and the present reeve clifford laycox expected to contest the deputy reeves position will be councillors ronald chatten and harvey spang nominations will be held nov 17 the election date is dee 2 pay 6 a s30000 stouffville de benture will be sold local ly at an interest yield of six and a half per cent approve site but delay school decision brings protest buttonville markham township council has approved a 68000 debenture appli cation for a 15acrc senior public school site on concession 7 but has refused approval of the 990000 school to be located there the majority of council members feel that approval or rejection of the school should be put to a vote of the ratepayers in tsa no 2 trus tees however realizing the need for increased ac commodation in 1968 are not anxious that a plebiscite should decide the issue councillor anthony roman agrees whats the sense of buying a site if no school is to be built why add debenture cost if it isnt neces sary thats up to the school board replied reeve stewart rumble if they dont buy it this year they will need it in 1968 said councillor alan sumner he pointed out that if council rejected the boards application the price of the property would pos sibly increase i cant see the reason for holding up a school if its a necessiiy repeated councillor ro man we may feel a little more benevolent by the end of 1967 concluded mr sumner the area board has suggested that due to the townships delaying tactics on the school de benture the introduction of kindergarten classes would be postponed and it might be necessary to resort to the use of portables hunt wild dog stouffville stouff ville police have been as ked to be on the lookout for a roving wild dog in the east end residential area of town after a pet poodle had its throat rip ped by the animal in a vi cious attack last week councillor tom ebner- gan reported the incident to town council thurs day and called for action by the ontario humane society councillor loner- gan described the dog as like a wolf only larger he said it had no collar or tag mr lonergan said that the poodle had survived the mauling but only through expert treatment by a veterinarian he said that the owner had wit nessed the attack but was too frightened to inter vene its a brute of a thing he said the dog is a german shepherd the councillor expressed a fear that a small child could be badly bitten by an animal so big reeve ken laushway a- greed that the humane society could be called in btmhere was no guaran tee that the dog would still be around he sugges ted that the police could possibly chase it into an open area and shoot it deputyreeve bill pars- one said he had seen the dog and agreed that it looked very much like a wolf im not surprised that anyone wouldnt want to go near it ive noticed a lot of strays around town late ly- said mr lonergan but theres only one thing to do with a dog like this one shoot it books for everyone at markham library even a clown got into the act saturday at the official opening of markham townships new centennial library in unionvillc he obtains a little assistance from donna armstrong one of many visitors in attendance for the ceremony staff photo 5iijriw committed for trial ask 25 mile limit stouffville town council has received a 44- name petition from resi dents in the ninth line north area of stouffville recommending re strictions on truck traffic and the lowering of the speed limit to 25 miles per hour the petition was ac companied by two letters deputyreeve bill par sons said that a letter had been sent to the depart ment of highways re questing information on what controls if any could be enforced on cone 9 reeve john laushway noted that with the com pletion of the blooming- ton sideroad between cone 8 and 10 the amount of truck traffic had al ready been reduced he said that at the lincoln- ville corner during a 30 minute period he had counted 21 trucks and all except one had used the new route councillor jim mckel- lar said that truck traffic on the ninth line between 4 and 6 am was particu larly irritating to residents there vandorf a rich mond hill youth robert david beatty 17 was committed for trial mon day on charges of non capital murder and man slaughter beatty was charged by whitchurch township po lice following the death of taivo kapsi 31 a univer sity of toronto assistant professor of architecture he was found dead near his cottage at lake wil cox defence counsel alfred stong of richmond hill argued that there was in sufficient evidence to sup port a charge of murder he asked that the accused be charged only with manslaughter magistrate o s hollinrake ruled that such a decision should come from a jury no bail was allowed mr kapsi was killed august 27 after he chased several youths from his whitchurch property a stick sharpened at both ends was found by police and is believed to be the weapon used the victim had a 10 inch long wound in his chest martha borbas a friend of the dead man testified that she warned mr kapsi not to follow the boys but he ignored her pleas she said that he had consumed four or five beers on the day of his death the trial by judge and jury will be conducted in toronto early in 1968 parked car demolished in main st crash appeal conviction pine orchard pine orchard parents convicted under the pub lic schools act of wilful ly keeping their child out of school have filed not ice of appeal mr and mrs william mcadam told the trib une that the case had come up before authori ties in juvenile court newmarket but they had not been permitted to tes tify mr and mrs mcadam were charged by the township school area at tendance officer after they withdrew their dau ghter from the junior room at pine orchard ov er a dispute with the tea cher there the 25 fine was waived by the court judge and costs mounting to 600 have been assessed again st the area board stouffville a vi olent crash early satur day morning that shook buildings on main street and was heard a halfmile away caused damage es timated at s3300 demolished by the im pact was a 1966 beau mont owned by robert john nesbitt claremont rr 1 and parked on the north side of the highway charged with careless driving is lloyd cayman rr 1 unionvillc he was admitted to scarboro gen eral hospital with head and face lacerations and released following treat ment the nesbitt car was struck from the rear and wrapped around a hydro pole firemen were called to mush away gasoline that had leaked out of the tank the westbound lane of main street was blocked off for a time and traffic was rerouted down lloyd avenue the wreckage of a 1966 beaumont is wrapped around fortunately for the owner robert nesbitt clarcmont dent damage was estimated at 2500 a hydro pole on main street west in stoufiviiic rr 1 he wasnt in the auto a the lime of the accl- staff photo for unicef stoutlville public school students will collect for unicef on halloween night oct 31 wrong mother ballanlkali you can stop me cards and let ters jvirs uruce forfar jjtouifyille kk 3 is not the mother of a bouncing baoy boy as reported in the tribune oct 12 in stead its tier sisterinlaw mrs john neilson stoulf- ville rr 2 the confusion occurred when a markham village police officer drove mrs neilson to scarboro hos pital in mrs forfars car after it was feared that she might not make it in time sue did and mrs forfar sent the police a letter of appreciation officers assumed that the baby was hers and the tri bune carried the story the phone started ring ing before i even knew about it she said and then the cards began to arrive ive had a ball im kind ol sorry that it all has to end mrs forfar said that her husbands first remark was have you been hid ing something mr and mrs forfar have three children greg ory 16 wendy 14 and jeffrey ii