Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), September 21, 1967, p. 11

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garden guide geraniums for indoor blooming by john bradshaw if only my geraniums would grow like grandmothers is the complaint of many an apartment or home window srdener they remember with nostalgia that red geran ium in grandmothers window which bloomed all winter despite ight conditions which were far from ideal during the depression days the ue of geraniums in the garden went out of stsle and it was only abou- ten years ago that they were tevued wit enthusiasm since then the demand has been so great that its been hard for he plant growers to keep up with the supply these have been for outdoor planting only and geraniums as a house plant were almost forgotten geraniums also became unpopular as house or apartment plants when varieties were introduced that had brighter and larger flowers unfortunately these needed more sunshine to keep forming buds and stayed bjrely alive during the dark months of november de cember and january recent research has produced new kinds that will bloom well in the winter months when sunshine is at its lowest ebb all of this is being helped along by the intro duction of the special lightgrowing fluorescent tubes which duplicate quite closely the full sunshine condi tions found outdoors in the garden with the new light lubes you will be able lo grow in doors lateblooming varieties such as alphonse ricard red landry mmc landry and pink giant they need a long day lo bting ihcm inlo bloom and this means that the fluorescent lights will need to be turned on from four in theafternoon unlil nine at night to lengthen the day two sets of tubes are now on the market one is the jvide spectrum gro lux a new tube which is richer in red light si important when growing geraniums indoors the other is the optima tube which provides the same sort of light conditions in homes or apartments without fluorescent lighting the best winterblooming kinds arc those that ilowcr the earliest in spring the various irene geraniums are excel lent all of the fiat group except red fiat are also mriong the best fiat enchantress a fine salmonpink is the most satisfactory winter bloomer of this class the ivyleaved kinds vary a great deal in their ability to blom during the short days of winter but are worth trying to see which does the best research has shown that the scentedleaved geraniums soon become lanky and look ugly its best lo give this type a trial under the jievv fluorescent lights where better success can be ex pected youll find that any geranium will grow belter in a five inch pot rather than smaller ones the trend for the past five years has been to use lighter and lighter soil mixtures this has not worked out too satisfactorily either in the home or out in the garden a simple mixture consisting of three parts topsoil one part humus and one part sand should grow a first class geranium indoors for humus you can use peat moss leaf mold or one of the composted cattle manures to the amount of soil required for each five inch pot add one tcaspoonful of a complete garden fertilizer the usual recommendation for watering geraniums is to keep them on the dry side for those growing out- doors this works well but it must be modified indoors here dont allow the plants lo be quite dry if you wish lols of bloom a watering every other day will keep the soil modctatielv moist at all limes its also important to keep the humidity around the plant up to 50 percent a mechanical humidifier is the most satisfactory wav of doing this standing the pots in a tray or pan filled with gravel and containing an inch or so of water will also boost the humidity in the air considerably during the next year or two therell be important new developments in geraniums new varieties will be introduced that can be grown from seed unlike nitlany lion an earlier variety grown from seed these will be much shorter and earlier nitlany lion blooms late and njakes a huge plant thats not suited for use as a house plant farming report by al wall hopes fcr a frostfree september partly went out the window early in the month frost last monday and tuesday hit some corn fields from newmarket north damage was quite varied and fairly serious in some fields to be harvested for grain some corn was cut for silage last week the early birds often come out sec ond best when it comes to silo flying nice fresh green silage looks good but if the grain isnt mature and the moisture is too high catile wont cat it well and its value as feed will be low the target for silage is to have the grain in full dent and the plant matured and dried out to some degree at least plants with the top lea ves frosted and dry make good silage however if too much drying occurs ihe fermentation doesnt work right and it may not keep well additives for corn silage are always of interest the two that we hear most about now are limestone and urea the reann for adding limestone is that it is responsible for the for mation of organic acids in the silage which can be used effieiently by cattle for energy however most feed trials show only minor improvements in beef cattle gains irea is a protein substi- stute that can cut the cost of supplements there are drawbacks however for early filling silo may run with some urea going down the barnyard or it may seep down and become con centrated in the bottom mixing has to be well done for large silos and well matured silage urea is worth consideration more and more bunker and pit silos are being used and some type of cover can solve the spoil age problem to do the job the cover has to go on just as soon as the silo is filled k spoilage gets started it will keep going black plastic at about 2 cents per square foot works well a newer idea and one that works well too is to apply a gallon of molasses per square foot of area junior farmers urged to compete uxbridgk two junior coaching and plowing matches will be held in ontario county on satur day september 23 at 10 am at the farm of w f batty son brooklin and on saturday september 30 at 10 am at the farm of mr kaj have udney they are open to all farm boys and girls in ontario county who are 12 years of age but have not reach ed their 23rd birthday by october 11 1067 winners will be selected from these classes to repre sent the north ontario plowmens association and the south ontario plow mens association in the special junior and inter mediate classes to be hcld at the international plow ing match october 14 near barrie in simcoe county the members of the on tario county plow team who will lake part in the intercounty competition at the international will 80th birthday on saturday mr and mrs eugene lemon had a party for mrs austin wagg on the occasion of her 80th birthday also present were mr and mrs marvin lemon morrisburg mrs art storey mrs wagg unionville mrs harry gilbert mrs joe wintcr- saein mrs d burnett and mrs ernie morgason goodwood see page it lumber building supply sale tubs sept 2fi parkside youth centre ml writ of stoiirfvillc on stouffville ril over i lois ratcliff lumber how do dealers lose female customers well like women themselves the answer is some- limes puzzling bui mostly it must be sairi they forget theyre dealing with women a remarkable nnnilier of women are loyal to their service station man who sells them ffas nwl answers their questions with patience that is really the key female customers judge a salesman or a dealership by the way their service wants are attended to and the extent tn which they can rely on them lo see that their cars are taken care of properly without taking advantage ot their normal female mechanical ignorance while dealership policy usually reflects itself in the salesmans altitude lo his customers it is even more hip case that female customers judge a dealership on ihe personal level of the salesman who sold her car lo her women ear buyers often return to their selling salesman with service problems rather than go direct tn ihe service department they are expressing their confidence in hie salesman lo protect their interests the sreatesl niimher of service problems women experience arise around warranty ttunrantees a sales man who explains the manufacturers warranty llinrniisli- ly to his female customer and hen inter guides her in abiding by its requirements is likely tn he rewarded liy her customer loyalty and recommendations to her friends markham chrysler dodge no 7 hwy laidlaw blvd phone 2911742 also he selected at these junior matches the junior champion and intermediate champ ion interbranch competi tions were new at the inter national plowing match last year and worked out very well to compete a junior must be 14 years of age and under 19 years of age at the time of the in ternational and for the in termediate competition he must be 19 years of age and under 23 at the time of the international all junior plowmen be tween the ages of 14 and 23 are urged to attend ihcse junior plowing mat ches in the county on sep tember 30 in order to qual ify for the special cham pionship and enter counly classes at the international a queen of he furrow class is also being included in the junior prize list this year 21 years old when you turn 21 you are no longer covered by your parents hospital insurance you must i take out individual membership within 30 days get your ap plication form at r bank a hospital or the commission hew job to keep insured fol low the instructions on the hospital in surance certificate i of payment form 104 that your present employer is required to give you on leaving newly wed the family hospital insurance premium i must now be paid to cover husband and i wife notify your group without de layer if you both pay premiums direct no tify the commission your ontario hospital insurance plan st rvrts cc cmp prevent alfalfa winterkill alfalfa should not be cut or grazed during septem ber in ontario because this is the time when food re serves are being stored in the root food reserves are necessary for the plants to survive the winter as well as spring and aftermath growth pach time alfalfa is cut the food reserves in the loot decline then build up again as the crop approaches the bloom stage food resencs arc very important in fall their storage must be completed before ihe leaves stop man ufacturing food as the cold weather approaches stu dies to dale indicate that little food is stored after midoctober research currently un der wav shows the crucial date in the fail storage of food reserves varies in dif ferent areas of the pro vince although these areas cannot be clearly defined ai present results indicate that ihe critical storage period may be 3 lo 4 weeks earlier in the cooler short- seasoned areas of the prov ince than in ihe longest growing season areas for example at guclph the most severe winterkilling has occurred when alfalfa was cut about september 20th at mount forest greatest damage occurred 10 days earlier at brant- ford 10 days later resting alfalfa in the fall is good insurance for stand persistence and also in sures higher yields of al- the tribune twir upttvba 21 1767 pt ii prize kinsale horse floated across atlantic from scotland hcbci down of kinsale is the proud owner of ascd in scotland and brought to canada by boat the pounds a 4 year old clydesdale gelding a class champion puich- cost of transporting ihe animal was 460 it weighs 1900 stat photo falfa the following year cutting alfalfa during ihe fall rest period could re duce next hay yields up to 50 percent therefore for longterm stands and high yields alfalfa must be test ed during the september to carlv october period control tree stumps you have just cut down a tree but the slump is still there looking very un sightly its ioo big to dig up just what can you do to get rid of it here are some suggestions from hor ticulturists with the ontar io department of agricul ture and food treat ihe stump with an herbicide stump treat ment is particularly useful in preventing the vigorous regrowth that is the char acteristic response of many species after culling more over killing the slump is the first step toward en couraging it lo rot all the below stump treatment must be applied to freshly exposed wood and may be applied at any season of the year the best time is right after the lice is cut if you are treating an old stump heres how to go about il with a wedge or drill put holes inlo ihe stump to expose fresh wood for the chemical to work on if there is any re- growth treat it as well as the stump proper any of the following chemicals will work on most species 24d ester or 245 t 24d mixture 3 oun ces acid in 1 gallon fuel oil sprav or paini on animate x2u pounds in 1 gallon water or 1 dry per inch of stump diameter spray paini or drv application sodium chlorate mixtures i s ounce per inch of stump diameter dry application if you spray neat all surfaces of the slump editors mail 68 chevrolet tomoveyou like youve never beenmoved before chevrolets gotitfor68 chcvrotawftcaskaesots mete 68ghevelletogiyeyqu adramatie new pointof departure chevem gotitfor68 cheveue ss 396 sport coupe 68 caraaro to satisfy your personal taste in driving excitement camarosgotitfor68 chevys no ss coupe every clievrolet has to make it before wt mark it 68 corvette to give you aoneofakind north american sports car corvettesgotitfor68 68chevyiitolctyou go first class at an economy rate chevy its got it for 68 see your chevrolet dealer now authorized epic dealer in stoukfville stouffville phone 6401610 hikjes chevrolet oldsrnobile li mite

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