pje 14 ih mum thory september u 1967 winter wheat insurance deadline september 15 sodturning ceremony for ashburn church for the first time last year crop insurance was made available through the crop insurance com mission of ontario on win ter wheat crop insurance is again available this fall on the winter wheat crop the ontario crop insur ance commission reports that over 25 of the farm ers who insured their crop last fall were paid claims this year losses were re ported from all areas of the province resulting from winter kill flood and excessive rainfall wide coverage coverage includes the hazards of drought exces sive rainfall excess mois ture flood frost hail wind winterkill plant dis ease and insect infestation under the new crop in surance plan the amount of coverage offered is op tional the farmer may in sure for 60 70 or 80 of his normal expected yield in his application for cov erage a wheat producer must indicate his normal expected yield in bushels per acre based on produc tion records covering the preceding ten years and assuming normal condi tions the calculation for claims for the 196768 win ter wheat crop will be bas ed on a value of s150 per bushel the insurance contract offered by the crop insur ance commission of onta rio has been developed af ter extensive research and it has been especially de signed with ontario condi tions in mind it is pointed out that it might be term ed a guaranteed produc tion plan as it virtually guarantees a farmers yield from most hazards the premium rate sche dule in this area for winter wheat for each 10000 of insurance coverage is as follows at 60 it is 440 at 705s0 and at 80 diamond anniversary bloomington ladies aid bloomingtox to mark the diamond anni versary occasion of the founding of the blooming- ton ladies aid a special meeting will be held in october members are ask ed to attend in centennial costume the womens fellowship met in the church for their september meeting with mrs eugene lemon in charge of the opening devotional mrs bowlby was the leader of the mission program carol bowlby read two letters from mary neal of the canadian sunday school mission mrs george mc- cormack presented a read ing entitled hearts the guest speaker was miss dunell a missionary from s790 the premium rale varies according to the ar ea of the province in which the farmer lives deadline sept 15 the deadline for filing applications this year is september 15th only win ter wheat seeded before october 31st will be eligib le for insurance winter wheat growers are being informed by mail of the location of insurance agents who can provide ap plications for coverage and complete details of the pro gramme farmers who did not sell wheat or grow wheat last year will not be on this mailing list they may secure information from the ontario depart ment of agriculture and food office uxbridgc or from the crop insurance commission of ontario 500 university avenue to ronto indonesia lunch was ser ved by mrs elmer burnett and mrs murray barnes mrs lemon presented mrs david benson with a cen tennial plate in apprecia tion of her service to the organization mrs otto tranmcr addressed the gathering the young people enjoy ed a corn roast at the home mr and mrs elmer bur nett the pioneer girls held a hayride and corn roast at the home of mr and mrs noel storry on sunday mrs bessie darrow mr and mrs ros- ser and boys of hamilton and mr and mrs noel storey and family helped celebrate mr arthur stor eys 80th birthday on mon day mrs walter brillinger mrs bud sanderson and mrs h schell of stouff- ville were guests mr and mrs marshall benson and itandee of markham spent sunday with rev and mrs benson custom drapes furniture broadloom from killicks draperies 188 main st newmarket 8959505 agent required to sell gasoline diesel oil stove oil furnace fuel oil automotive oils or greases automotive parts financial assistance available reply to ron 190 the tribune main west slouffville how important is your m radiator cap well its not an ornament and its principle pur pose is not just to keep the coolant from spilling out without it your car could not operate properly radiator caps prevent your cars enjjinc coolant from hfliliii out of the radiator through pressure each pound of iip prfvsure raises the bulling point three decree coolinj the engine more efficiently an ordinary nonpressure system for instance reaches a boiling point at 212 degrees fahtenheit a presurc system with a 13pound cap adds a 39 degree extra capacity by bringing the boiling point up to 231 degrees the water pump and heater depend greatly on the radiator cap for their efficiency it prevents loss nf anti freeze and water and it minimizes vapor lock and detonation in addition to the standard radiator cap there is a special rap available to prevent scalding by boiling coolant it features a button in the middle of the cap that releases pressure instantly your pressure system should le decked periodic ally to make sure that the pressure is up to maximum to allow full operating efficiency a well equipped garage will be able to check the pressure and tell von if all is well markham chrysler dodge no 7 hwy laidlaw blvd rhone 2911712 bv vera leach ashburx an impres sive sodturning ceremony with rev wm black offic iating took place oc the new site of burns presby terian church on sucdav sept 10 following the reg ular morning worship the hymn ail people that on earth do dwell was sung after which pray er was offered the old testament scri pture lesson was read by rev black and mr russeil batten read the new testa ment lesson a letter from rev wm fairley of kirkficld mod erator of the lindsay pie- bytery was read express ing regret for not being able to attend and sending his best wishes for the future of the congregation at a recent meeting it was agreed that mr nor man anderson because of his faithful service as an elder and treasurer for the past 31 years should turn the sod for the new church which it is hoped will be completed by easter as a very suitable back ground a beautiful model of the new sanctuairy had been everyone to view rev w black invited mr n anderson to come forward and mr ii ashton clerk of the session pre sented him with a silver shovel mr anderson briefly re viewed the steps which had been taken towards the building of the new church since the former building was demolished by fire following the sod turn ing mr lndsay death chairman of the building committee presented mr anderson with a gift as a fitting momentum of the part he liad taken in this memorable occasion the choir rendered a nost suitable anthem the churchs one foundation pev black expressed his thanks to all visitors and members of the congrega tion for showing their in terest by their attendance the service was brought to a close by the singing of blest be the tie that binds altona cbder mill apples rr 3 custom pressed saturdays s am to 6 pm stouffville 6402589 placed on the site for i ione to view later i prenatal classes expectant mothers a course of weekly classes beginning in richmond hill 3 october 1967 and newmarket 5 october 1967 at 730 pm in hygiene of pregnancy how- baby grows food for tite family feeding the baby the hospital stay and other subjects of import ance to the expectant mother fathers are invited to attend the first and eighth classes registrations now being accepted at york cocntv health unit richmond hill 129 church street south xsium aurora fi8 yonge street south v29iu newmarket 22 prospect street 895151 1 slouffville main street 6013x4 sutton high street 72233u the corporation of the village of stouffville notice to realty taxpayers the council nf he village of stouffville has authorized he estab lishment of a system of municipal and school tax credits and refunds under the provisions of the municipal and school tax credit assistance act 1957 to assist elderly persons a lax credit equivalent n onehalf of he municipal and school axes may be allowed in respect of a real properly subject to a maximum of 15000 if a the owner andor the husband or the wife of the owner is 65 years of age or more and occupies the real property as a personal residence b application is made by the taxpayer during the calendar year in which the realty taxes in respect of which the tax credit is claimed become due and payable and c the remaining portion of the realty taxes after the deduction of the tax credit has been paid full particulars nf he system of ax credus and an application form may be obtained from he office of he municipal treasurer at the village of slouffville municipal offices telephone no 6401900 r e corner clerktreasurer village of slouffville cfgm plays country music 24 hours a day nearly everyone in stouffville loves it thank you additional copies of this advertisement are available on request every item must be sold only a j few days left kg a q n t clearing out to the bare walls phone 6402092 2 pee chesterfield suite over 1 3 pee bedrooi ite over kitchen chrome suite over b w 19 portable tv set ovi buck white 23 television over mattress or box spring over 2995 ea no pole lamps vatues to 4995 over 15 no table lamps values to 3500 over cash carry just eye these buys pillow slips fine cotton 8c pr 9 flannelette double bed sheets 70 x 00 s 105 80 x 00 595 80 x 100 095 double bed blankets satin bound 305 o electric knives cordless 52350 6 ge kettles 1 005 a electric knives wcslinghouse 1888 o toaster 2slice 900 can opener wcstinghouse 1188 a kettles electric 888 alarm clocks 177 o blenders 2195 o ge coffee percs 1995 o irons steam dry 999 o irons steam spray dry 1390 hani mixers wcslinghouse 1 199 pads thick foamfilled for chaisetles 695 boudoir lamps 199 table lamps 388 new westinchoisk refrigerators at cost or less furiiiture- appliances 7 v j 43mqi n st west stom 10u closed moridoyi open sor 6 terms of sale no money down necessary lt to 36 months to pay on approved credit all sales are final no rebates no re funds all merchandise delivered free of charge except where tated otherwise