the tribune vanity septembtr 7 1967 ttft ii clarkson farm auction sale sept 15 largest of season 100 pigs to be sold victoria square one of the largest farm auction sales of the season will be held friday sept 15th on the property of stanley clarkson lot 22 cone 3 markham township the sale will include about 100 pigs a herd of ayrshire angus and holstein cattle farm implements garden equipment and household furniture a record crowd is expected the auction to begin at 1 pm will be in charge of alvin farmer and gordon orr included among the implements will be a s4 international tractor a 3furrow plow two culthators two discs a land roller two manure spreaders three wagons a hay rake a binder a threshing machine a hammer mill and other articles smaller items include every thing from a 12 guage shotgun to an electric fly sprayer among the household furnishings are lamps dishes a radio vacuum cleaner kitchen tables and chairs an antique china cabinet and dozens of other items the clarkson farm is located 1 mile south of the victoria square sideroad on cone 3 mark- ham ringvood holstein at show in italy ubyalane texal dora owned by eldred king markham rr2 is one of 20 holstein heifers from canada that will be on display at the international fair in cremona italy sept ifi and 17 the heifers will be sold following the fair the sponsor of the exhibit is the canada department of trade and commerce the garden guide lawn feeding time in september by john bradshaw one of the most important times to feed your lawn is during the first three weeks of september this feeding is equally as important as the first one in late march or early april i changing light conditions in septem ber have a tremendous effect on the growth of the grass roots most of the old ones begin to die off at this time and are replaced by new ones one of the direct results is a need by the grass plants for extra nitrogen if they are to make strong growth before the lawn becomes dormant late in december a feeding given in early september will help the grass plants to continue to produce and expand their new roots even after a crust of frozen soil covers the lawn in early winter in september the sun drops lower and lower in the southern sky the blue part of the light is screened out but the red comes through the redder the light is the stronger the root growth in turn this means that the roots of the grass plants grow more strongly in the fall period for this september feeding it is iot a good plan to use the socalled slow- acting urea based fertilizers this type requires heat and microbial action in the soil in order to release nitrogen and during this time of year theres not suf ficient heat or microbial action to make this type of fertilizer work too effective ly- aeration of the lawn now that the work week is gradually becoming less and less much more leis ure time is available to everyone one of the direct results of this has been that the lawns surrounding our homes arc used almost daily for outdoor rec reation during spring summer and fall heavier traffic has meant that the soil surface of the lawns is much more compacted than in the past such com paction means that the oxygen is un able to circulate freely and in severe cases any plant food applied cannot reach the grass roots as freely as neces sary golf courses have always had this farming report by al wall problem with their greens and over the past few years have been solving it it by using an aerifier machine these are used to literally cultivate the sur face of the greens similar machines cither powered or hand drawn are now available for the gardeners lawn they move over the surface of the lawn removing plugs of earth approximately inches land m inch in diameter they are deposited on top of the turf and you might think that this will create an unsightly mess not so all you need to do is to run a small wire rug over them and theyll crumble and fall in between the grass plants and so be returned to the surface of the soil the holes created in this manner allow the vitally needed oxygen and plant food to reach the grass roots just as soon as you have finished with the aerifier you scatter a fertilizer or plant food high in nitrogen over the lawn at a rate recommended by the manufacturer then get out hose and water the fertilizer in most home gardeners now use the plant food spreaders which do an ex cellent job of applying the fertilizer evenly at the desired rate trouble can occur however at the turns unless you shut the spreader off before you start making a turn you will place double the required amount of plant food at the sides or ends of the lawn all loo often this results in serious burning of the sod at these points when you water in the plant food immediately after applying it it will be carried immediately down to the grass roots by means of the holes made by the aerifier in my own case i have been able to improve jt lawn 30 to 40 percent two weeks after aerifying and feeding in this manner an ideal time to do this is in early september at a time when the lawn needs its second most important feed ing of the year aerifier machines can usually be rented from garden centres or nurseries custom aerifying can usually be found listed in the classi fied advertisements of the newspaper with lots of wheat to be seeded soon a few points on getting high yields are timely the standard varie ty is genesee with talbot a good one too if lodging is common early seeding promotes a thicker stand and winter survivial its a good idea to treat seed with an in secticide to stop wire- worms and other soil in sects they are most likely to be bad in fields broken from sod wheat can use high rat es of nitrogen profitably the only catch is that most of it should go on early in the spring at seeding a- round 15 pounds of actual nitrogen is enough for good fall growth where a lot of straw is being plow ed down extra nitrogen is needed to rot it quickly about 75 pounds of ammo nium nitrate will do this job well anyone making improve ments on farms this fall should apply for capital grants available from the ontario department of ag riculture and food half the cost up to 500 i available for new wells or farm ponds there is a 40 grant on field en largement and grants of onethird of the cost on new buildings remodel ling of buildings paving yards new storages or land drainage there is sure to be a lot of interest in drainage af ter this growing season one of the difficulties will be in getting a machine to put in tile tile men have a lot of work booked a- head so that orders should gu in now even for work next year detaiu and applications for capital grants as well as assistance on tile drain age are available from our office at newmarket ac cording to some of our vis itors the most dificult will be finding our office we havent got our signs up yet but anyway we have moved from botsford st and are now in the new market plaza on the sec ond floor at the west end in what was formerly the auditorium our phone number has been changed too it is now 8954519 dust bowl without trees says 0fa pres winter works program following discussions with the government of canada the province of ontario is pleased to an nounce that a joint feder al provincial municipal winter works incentive program has been author ized for the 196768 winter season this will be the tenth consecutive year that this cooperative program has been in operation in onta rio during this period the program has made a con tribution in combating the problem of high winter unemployment the terms and condi tions of the 196768 pro gram will be essentially the same as those of last years program with the following exceptions a the period of the pro gram will be limited to five months and b municipal capital un dertakings only will be accepted for instance a maintenance activity such as road brushing will not be accepted und er the program 1 the rates of reimburse ment paid to the munici palities will remain the w vear r mun icipalilics not in designat ed areas and areas of high winter unemploy ment canada will pay 50 of the eligible direct labour costs while ontario will pay 25 of such costs to mun icipalities in designated areas and areas of high winter unemployment the rates will be 60 and 30 respectively poor sports dont appre ciate what seems to you to be such harmless practical jokes western ontario could become a dustbowl if one recommendation of the smith report on taxa tion is carried out charles munro presid ent of the ontario federa tion of agriculture made the comment following the release in toronto of the provincial royal commis sion report he was commenting on a recommendation that ex emptions for tree cover included in the assessment act and the trees act should be revoked the assessment act says up to 10 acres of a farm may be exempt from taxation if used for trees the trees act allows a township council to exempt up to 20 acres if they arc being reforested under an agreement mr munro disagreed with the reports statement that reforestration in ont ario is not being greatly aided by existing tax consi derations this is just lot true he said as a longtime re sident of southwestern ontario i know that with out the tax incentives it just wont be worthwhile for farmers to keep part of their land in tree cover i can see a big dust- bowl in western ontario in a few years if this recom mendation is followed mr munro said the farm ers of ontario would be a lot happier with some of the other recommenda tion in the report he par ticularly singled out the split the report calls for in the assessment of farms the report says the farm should be assessed in two parts as a residence and as a working farm it suggests that only the pt of a farm that is actu ally used in production should be classed as a wor king farm the rest would be classified as residential property the ofa president said he welcomes the recogni tion that the farm is both a production unit and the i a centennial farm in whitchurch bethesda the brillinger family was one of the first pioneer settlers in the township of whitchurch a century farm on the south half of lot 10 concession 5 bears such a name the first to come were peter and catherine brillinger who with their family laid claim to several hundred acres of land and established a sawmill on a tributary of the rouge river a son peter brillinger jr a inative of pennsylvania was married to sarah fockler to them was born a son george george brillinger married fanny heise and lived at lot 2 and o concession 4 john brillinger another son of peter and catherine purchased land at lot 10 concession 5 in 1s10 peters sons dan iel and abraham received the property from their father in 1885 abraham brillinger traded this land for part of lot 2 on the fourth concession it was at that time that chrystal and christina brillinger moved to lot 10 in 1935 their son john brillinger became the owner his wife was ada hare and they had two sons wesley and earl and two daughters gladys and ina john brillinger died in 1963 earl and margaret brillinger have one daughter elaine and three sons murray vernon and wayne wesley and clara brillinger also reside on part of the family farm they have two sons arnold john west hill ronald altona and three daughters dorothy mrs eldon yake goodwood marie mrs frank white altona and marilyn at home mrs john brillinger and her daughter gladys also live there wesley brillinger is a member of the whitchurch township public school area board no hicks say 4h homemaking club members stouffville one hundred and seventy four country bred teenagers breezed into toronto last week for the 4h home- making club junior prog ram they were as pretty and fashionable as their city counterparts and a lit tle wiser these girls would not trade the fresh open spac es for a smoggy city not when they can have the best of both worlds with regular excursions to the big towns no hicks when interviewed in to ronto last week 18 year old susan crossland of newmarket said every- one thinks were hicks but we dont stay home and milk cows all the time stouffvilles representa tive jean davidson stated at least we know what a cow is some city children dont the girls spent two days there as guests of the can adian national exhibition they visited the royal on tario museum the ontario legislature they presented their 4h projects and at- tended the grandstand show there was no time for shopping or yorkville but the girls did not mind as many of them get into tor onto on weekends farmers home the farm unit is different from oth er kinds of property he said and we are glad the commission has seen this mr munro said the com mission was wise to recom mend that farms not be saddled with a business tax the report made the analogy between applying the tax to food production and applying the sales tax to food there is no sales tax on food in ontario he said all society would benefit from tax laws that aided a cheap food policy mr munro said it is ir onic that the commission has not been able to come up with a definition of ei ther a farm or a work ing farm this is one of the things we have wanted in the assessment act for a long time he said protect your car against rust with an application of unda spray unda spray is a special grease formula specifically manufactured to help prevent your car lrom rust- inr its used and recommended by large fleet accounts try it youll appreciate its value call our service department for appointment special 1000 per car plus cleaning time dont forget our tuneup service neii patrick motors no main street west stouhvlllc hionc 6103150 1 b a xkm mi an bitr chaos- fcr asr too wf wm it jo on lt1ft of fbnnjac if and prwerty urrdet brfjw brit ctaiw claude kerr jiouffviiu 6401 375 v heavy duty rubber undercushion with this purchase olfer good until sept 10 1967 yapjgcs brooklin concrete products ltd available lor immediate delivery in the tallowing capacities 460 gallons 525 gallons 600 gallons 700 gallons 1000 gallons in single or double chamber phone uoo uul i 3 areas of carpeting eometely installed wall to wall only jj including installation and underpad j 1st payme nt ocr 250 weekly 100 dupont nylon large selection colours completely installed nylon by dupont leofhttt itatilt itroeitit wtinsi tim uut uitf 100 1st quality no seconds uiunoei pill rtiitu soiling 1 itatiiac wriaklc proof hit i sbcf freot easj is clm mela mildew pml rillst quauty broadloom 1st class craftsmanship canadian means confidence we sell whjt we advrt we service wht wc 51 operators on duty 24 hrt call now