Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 24, 1967, p. 9

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servicesris 45 building trades and household directory 1 45 building trades and household directory 54 legal notices man with pickup avail able odd jobs and moving contracts invited phone 659- 2612 11ll keith mclaren trerchinz backhoe with operator ph ssi 877 pchmond hill 114 furniture repaired re- finished by professional cab inet maker custom furni ture built etc free estimates fickup and delivery- henry airchild goodwood phone 6401958 30tf custom back hoe work trenching grading septic tanks weeping eeds water lines gravelling lanes drains sand fill jobs neil tindall phone g 102828 goodwood ont 47tf painting paperhanging flooring 3 years written guarantee tks lang service 8881928 40tf 6103231 gormley well drilling pumps installed and repair ed phone william bishop gormley 8s75346 8tf coppins sand gravel supplies tit claremnnt 619740 yard office uxbridge 8523891 excavating gradall backhoc bulldozer front end loader and com- pressor complete gravel i trucking service i superior ready mix j concrete i yard oftice uxbridge i 8523891 1 radio dispatched rucks with 7 trucks to serve you proprietor doug coppins 3tf sanitary contractor seplic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired c stunden 13 tl richmond hill tu 41245 wilsons well digging well drilling standard tile rhone 8875337 29tf radio television hifi repairs at reasonable rates complete public address systems for rent smith radio electronic service 58 main west slouffville v phone 61024 10 51tf john aschwanden rr4 stouftvlllc ont 0102513 41tf excavating grading well drilling soil sampling 45 3u1lding trades and household directory metro wrecking and lumber co cedar ave richmond hill new and used lumber ply woods plumbing doors electrical supplies 25 ton used pips and steel 3 and 4 casli soil pipe oil tanks steel sash fluor escent lights 2000 new and used glazed sash rolled roofing 150 per roll quantity discounts rcc rooms garages home building projects altera tions 3i mile east of ynnge st south off markham rd open sat until 500 pm 8843561 2211 custom home and industrial electric wiring electrical home heating ross hetherington phone stoui kyiile 6102033 32tl aluminum products windows doors siding awnings railings water softener stouffvhie home improvements thone 6101891 3s- concrete contractor commercial a- industrial qualitv work yrrt estimates 3tf jim duncan 6fouffville phone 6lfr29 gale contracting home improvements general repairs alterations concrete floor finishins 13 church st markham 2912056 11u baldwin sheet metal a roofing all types of roofing repairs free estimates 114 work guaranteed call collect sutton 7225811 48 groceries meats produce for sale apples for sale red astrachan duchess melba si 50 up per bushel by the new owner bing yip 5th cone whitchurch former maurice pike property 48- new potatoes for sale call nick rohwcr after 6 pm 6195171 no 2 new potatoes ph 895- 5422 feed potatoes s10 per ton ph s955122 new potatoes by the bag phone murray crone mt albeit 4732313 boiling chicken for sale fresh killed discount price on freezer lots knotts poul try farm 10th line south phone 2940790 60 sales register auctions 60 sales register auctions date the estate will be dis tributed and the executors will onlv be liable for claims of which they have received notice dated at torontothis 21st day of august 19oi du vernet car- ruthers beard eastman 121 richmond st west toronto 1 ontario solicitors for johanna ryfa and julia helena bar bara hannah ex ecutors of the estate of frank john ry fa deceased 55 tenders township of whitchurch tenders for surface treatment sealed tenders plainly mark ed as to contents will be re- received by the undersigned until 5 oclock pm tuesday sept 5th 1967 for the application of single surface treatment on 61 miles of road in three loca tions in the township tenders must be submitted on tender forms supplied by the township and will be available at the township office vandorf ontario all material and equipment must meet the department of highwavs specifications no 301 lowest or any tender not necessarily acepted ernest davis road superintedent rr 1 gprmley ont propertv sold terms cash sale at 12c0 sharp alvin s farmer and gordon orr auctioneers tuesday september 5 i 70 holsteins complete oview herd dispersal of 70 holsteins registered classi fied cert area all from unit sires vaccinated and preg nancy tested 40 milking cows 21 bred to selling rockman ex is due in august and september also selling delaval 35 can bulk tank sputnick milk pastor surge sp22 vacuum purnp and 3 units steel stabling stanchion stalls and pens jamesway stable cleaner used 3 winters internation al manure spreader 150 bu two wooden silos 9000 bales of hay many other ar ticles the propertv of wil frid d carruthers 227 scu- gog street in bowmanville 1st farm north of bowman ville terms cash no reserve sale at 1pm folders upon request w d atkinson and lloyd wilson sales manag ers and auctioneers 123 i power spreader good power j mower grain drill 44can i i bulk milk cooler 3 surge milkers surge vacuum i no 2 potatoes old and new john bosworth potatoes phone 8955422 4tf oboyles abattoir beef pork for sale by quarter or halves custom killing and curing bus 6401343 39tf beef pork by quarter or side prepared for vour freezer or locker 34u custom killing and curing of meat a specialty schells meat market stouffville ph 6401942 beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for freezer we also do custom killing and curing fast freezer service fretz bros harper bus 6403125 res lee 6102098 norm 6401876 19tf clikf harper 6402813 49 pet stock supplies kennels black and tan hound pure dred for sale phone 294- 2095 twin pines kennel wish to announce the arrival of a litter of beautiful golden re trievers born aug 8 ready for adoption october 8 we believe these to be the finest hunting dogs and also child rens pets to be found any where rob and mary camp bell vandorf side road 6402407 canadian legion br 483 claremont tenders tenders will be received by the undersigned until sept 9 1967 to supplv fur nace oil for the 196768 sea son h o hopkins claremont 202 l pump good 5000 bales hay a straw 3 rtired auto steering wagons furniture etc the property of harold jarvis and son located at lot 19 cone 7 markham twp being 2 miles north of hy r or 21j miles north west of markham village note these are good holsteins and the implements are in good condition farm sold no re serve terms cash sale at 1230 sharp faulkner wwds clerks atkinson and wilson sales mgrs and auc tioneers 115 pickering considers annexation request the trisjne tburidiy august 24 1967 ftqe 9 wednesday sept 6 clearing farm auction at earldale farm of registered and high grade holstein dairv herd also super dex- tra 2000 tractor like new forage harvester power spreader jd 10 double disc nearly new hay condition er baler 2 elevators bale buncher and stookcr 3 r tired auto steering wagons 31 sheep 5000 bales of hay and straw bulk milk cooler 3 unit milkers furniture etc the property of earl c dis- nev located at lot 6 con 7 pickering twp being 1u miles north of hy 7 at salem or 4 miles west of brooklin on hy 7 farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm faulk ner and woods clerks at kinson and wilson sale mgrs and auctioneers 114 57 driving schools stouffville driving school stouffvilles only driving school operating for last 5 years jack barkey 308 rupert st 51tf phone 6403742 58 business services work for pickup truck anything moved however small basements cleaned out call 7278110 after 6 pm weekdays all day week ends 60 sales register auctions auctioneers w d atkinson stouffville a s farmer phone gormley 8875311 ken clarke prentice phone slouffville 6103g86 roshan kennels regd labrador retrievers puppies occasionally dogs boarded individual runs all breeds winter accommodation reasonable rates mr and mrs t philip claremont 6195336 43tf 50 miscellaneous canadian cancer society richmond hill district unit for information regarding films talks in memoriam cards welfare and services call- stnultvillc 6102x26 6103803 gormley 8875525 lnlniiville 2971188 364 gormley 8875240 reg johnson sunderland ont saturday aug 26 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements straw furniture the property of nelson oli ver lot 4 con 3 scott twp 1u miles west of sandford or s miles nw of uxbridge 35 head of holstein here ford cattle no of holstein milk cows no of hereford yearlings and calves 35 good pigs case model dc4 trac tor ferguson tractor nh baler mh tractor manure snreader 2 wagons 2 hay elevators full lino of machin ery quantity of furniture bedroom suites pine cup boards brass bed boston rocker toilet set etc farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm reg johnson auctioneer phone sunderland 227 122 51 transportation taxis transportation wanted from north markham to vicinity york university steele and kccle hrs 9 to 5 mon to fri beginning aug 29th phone 2942648 stouffville taxi on call 24 hours a day phone 6101763 201 53 personals anyone interested in form ing a country and western band please contact bob at 6402508 must have lead guitar electric steel violin and base players must be 1825 years 54 legal notices notice to creditors in the matter of the estate of frank john ryfa of the vil lage of stouffville in the county of york retail grocer deceased notice is hereby giv en that all persons having claim against the late frank john ryfa who died on or about the 5th dav of feb ruary 1ps7 at the village of stouffville in the county of york are notified to send their claims duly verified to the undcrsicned solicitors be fore the lsth day of septem ber ad 1967 after said saturday aug 26th auction sale of 1960 chev sedan household furniture electrical appliances suites utensils dishes glassware choice antiques garden tools power mowers various other miscellaneous and home articles etc at pren tices new idea farm part of lot 21 concession 8 mark ham twp i is miles north of markham village on 43 hwy properties of various parties consignments sale at 1 pm terms cash no re serve ken clark prentice auctioneers markham 640- 3686 thursday aug 31 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements hay straw grain the property of wilbert lapp lot 13 11 con 6 scott twp 5 miles north of uxbridge 1 m miles west 60 head of high grade here ford cattle cows with good calves bv side some born i dec jan pb bull quan tity of hav straw and grain an sale 1 tent trailers case model vac tractor geo white threshing ma chine cise forage harvester 2 forage wagons ihc blow er jd mower ac side rake cockshutt seed drill full line of machinery farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm reg johnson auctioneer phone sunderland 227 122 saturday sept 2 auc tion sale of hoschold furnl ture large pine hutch car ved walnut mantlepiece 3picce walnut and chevy bedroom suite large num ber of first class antique articles cut glass and pres sed glass dishes oil lamps brass dinner bell quantity of books dress sword at lot 9z cone 1 king twp on no ii highway about 1 mile south of davis drive nenmarket the propertv of mr and mrs d c doaw wed evening sept 6th g pm auction sale of house and lot and furni ture the propertv of the ep som united church in the village of epsom s room frame house on a large well treed lot new oil fur nace roof in excellent repair house has bathroom 4 large bedrooms large kitchen liv ing room and djning room terms 10 day of sale and balance within 30 days sale of real estate subject to ap proval of church board terms on furniture cash sale at 6 pm d atkinson and lloyd wilson auction eers 123 thursday sept 7th fall special dairy cattle consign ment sale at the cow pal ace stouffville ont offer ing pure bred grade hol stein cows heifers heifer calves bulls other breeds also are usually consigned customers are finding con signments that meet their requirements for correct type high production in these sales consignments drawn from a wide area pro vide a first class place to se lect what you want places thebuyer in the eniable posi tion of unlimited numbers to choose from if you have good cattle the quality kind we suggest you get in touch with the sales manager transportation from any dis tance can usually be arrang ed at fair reasonable rates wc welcome your participa tion in these monthly sales sale at 730 pm norman faulkner frank bennett sales manager auction eers phone 6403813 113 saturday 9tlitwo auction sales of 2 public school properties in mark ham township at 130 pm selling at ss 12 school on the 5th concesion of mark ham township consisting of about i acre of land and brick school house at 3 pm selling at ss 19 school on the 9th concession of markham township con sisting of about acre of land and an extra good brick school house be sure to come you might win a prize for full details phone 887- 5267 atkinson and wilson auc tioneers- 112 tuesdaytseptember 12 12 noon 150 holsteins complete vicon farm dis persal of 150 reg and high grade holsteins classified rop tested vaccinated 75 milk cows 20 to freshen in september balance hied heif ers and yearlings and calves daughters of rosafo citation r ex soiling rockman ex i soiling tribune achil les ex and other popular sires dairv equipment 5- 500 lh delaval milk tank good delaval milking ma chine 4 units etc the pro pertv of vicon farms lot 32 con g darlington twp 7 miles northeast of oshawa folders upon re quest robert flett on pedi grees lloyd wilson w d atkinson sales manager and auctioneers 121 friday sept 15th auc tion sale of farm stock and implements about 100 yorkshire hogs ayshire argus and holstein cattle 1 hc tractor w4 1 hc 3- furrow plow 1 hc spring- tooth cultivator 1 hc no 15 hay rake case thresh ing machine 22 x 37 on rub ber construction motor bucket 10 hp motor on rubber garden tractor eauipment quantity of household furniture some antiques at lot 22 cone 3 markham twp one mile south of victoria square rd 1 miles east of richmond hill elgin mills road the property of stan clarkson no reserve property sold terms cash sale at 1 pjn wood smith clerks alvin s farmer gordon orr auctioneers saturday sept 16th stock- la- b fdcae be r m auction sale of household furniture pine corner cup board walnut dresser re- finished chcrrywood tilt table rocking chairs dress ers several pieces of pine furniture milk glass pic tures carnival glass grand fathers clock large quanti ty of antique articles at the corner of concession 3 east gvillimbury and davis dr at stop light newmarket the property of alex kry- zenawawski terms cash no reserve sale at 1 pm sharp alvin s fauner and gord on orr auctioneers pickering picker ing village council has agreed to look into the possibility of annexing 24 acres presently located in pickering township board- ering on the north side of the village ehvood white and his mother mrs mina white appeared before council in a request for the annex ation of property owned by mrs white mrs white resides in the village but owns the 24- acrc parcel adjacent in the township she said she had received a good offer for the land if it was annexed to the village council agreed to look into annexation possibili ties but warned mrs white the decision would be up to the ontario municipal board village reeve ross huri- son said that even if the omb approves the annex ation it would still be up to the village council to set zoning standards for the land trousseau tea goodwood at a trous seau tea held in the home of mr and mrs frank straughan of goodwood on august 12 the bridetobe darlene straughan enter tained her guests during the afternon and evening after a viewing of many lovely gifts received at six iridal showers the guests were served refreshments by members of the bridal arty miss straughans grandmother mrs w mulock poured tea darlene was assisted by her sisterinlaw donna and by bridesmaids sylvia mu lock evelyn simmons and mary wagg sister of the groom bunnie burton and norma humphrey assisted with the preparations to make the tea a social suc cess beauty queen is lovely bride by ruth hutchings green river con gratulations to mr and mrs wayne carter of markham on their recent marriage the bride is the former marlcne brooks daughter of mr and mrs ken brooks and the win ner of several queen aw ards the groom is the son of mr and mrs ross carter pleased to hear that mr lome michcll is making satisfactory progress foil- lowing his recent accident sorry to learn that mrs r beckett has been taken to bricibush hospital stouffville mrs r wright mary- ann and mrs g white of whitevalc were recent vis itors to expo david brown entertain ed some little friends to a birthday party in his hon or on friday among those present was kevin lcvctl mrs geo brandwood entertained mrs j nighs- wander mrs b draper and mrs v scown to lunch one day last week the ladies aid met at the home of mrs r hu- bcr markham mrs saucr was in charge of the pro gram and mrs a white was the guest speaker wednesday sept 13th at 12 noon auction sale of modern farm machinery and equipment and hay in cluding david brown 1200 tractor new this year mf 50 tractor mh 44 tractor no 12 mf haler int culti vator 23 teeth new dion forage harvester patz silo unloader hay racks wagon hav conditioner welder 1956 i ton gmc truck com plete line of good imple ments this is a large sale and must start on time the property of vicon farms lot 32 con 6 darlington twp 7 miles northeast of oshawa lunch available note vicon farms have been sold and everything must be sold this is one of ihe biggest sales of the sea son lloyd wilson w d at kinson sales manager and auct 121 thursday sept 14 i clearing farm auction of hol stein dairy herd including fresh springers bred heif ers also 3 tractors baler hay conditioner mil sp com bine good mh hay chop- j per 2 bale elevators nh wilson park cottages hold reunion j green river on saturday an estimated 85 former and present day cottage owners and their families enjoyed a pleas ant reunion at wilsons park green river the ga thering the first to be held was organized by i mrs jack rcnnic of clare mont and mrs b mccart ney of islington friend ships were renewed be tween some who had not seen each other for over thirty years several visitors travel led many miles to attend including mr and mrs da vid telford pat and dave of edmonton alberta mr tom snowdcn bayonnc new jersey mr and mrs h mclcod collins bav oni mr and mrs b skinner and mona of bur lington as well as persons from toronto ajax is lington downsvicw and weston a lovely picnic lunch was served in the park pa- villion entertainment was provided by mr george bennie jr on the bagpipes while mr george coote de lighted the children with his comedy antics farewell for pastor by lillian jamieson balsammt zion congregation members of the dunbaiton anglican church held a farewell ga thering saturday for their minister rev smith at the home of mr and mrs bill newman mrs leslie harbron visi ted relatives recently in lindsay the active service class met at the home of mrs burnett jamieson with mrs leslie harbrons group in charge of the meeting miss jean linton of stouffville was the guest speaker mr wm green of lind say attended the reunion at the community centre and spent the weekend with mr and mrs gordon wilson mrs jas mugford and family and mrs harold vansickle and family to ronto spent the weekend with their parents mr and mrs tom jordan mr and mrs glen man- dcrson and family spent the weekend with mr and mrs dick ward at their cottage at coboconk miss linda graham nurse in training at the western hospital toronto is having a months holi day at her home institute bus trip bv eleanor bunker altona the sept ember meeting of altona womcns institute will be held in the form of a bus trip to the adelaide hood- less homestead in st george sept 13 the bus leaves altona corner at 9 am any members wish ing to go contact mrs jim mccrcight by aug 30 the roll call will be wear your oldest jewellery and give its history everyone take their own lunch bev erage will be provided mr and mrs colin wil liams barry and wendy enjoyed a camping trip near rcsloulc earl lewis tom bunker mike baker paul graves and albert mcqueen are visiting expo this week quite a number of child ren arc enjoying sunshine hour with rev h jamie- son at the altona united missionary church this week miss mabel huson who has been staying with her brother rev frank and a get everything you need o supplies binders note books pens 9 texts refills let us help you get a good start christian supply center 170 main street west slouffville phone 6101311 gliuvdj jcrtuccs let the people praise thee o cod christ church anglican stouffville rector rev frederick e miller sunday august 27 1967 trinity xiv 930 ajn morning prayer stouffville united church rev a i borland bv bd sunday august 27 1967 the month of august and september 3rd 10 am divine worship rev f h cromcy ba in charge combined service of st james presbyterian church and stouffville united church weekly pkogrammes scouts wed 7 pm stouffville uhited missidna ry church kev arthur walsh minister sunday august 27 1967 10 amsunday school with classes for all ages 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service the pastor at both services r1nuwood christian church pastor mr max vague sunday august 27 1967 10 am sunday school 1100 am worship service 730 pm drivein service at a si p plaa 8 pm wed ce prayer meeting united church kev geo davison sunday august 27 1967 melville bethesda services withdrawn next sunday regular ser vices resume st james presbyterian church stouffville minister rev kiei miev ba 2911s33 sunday august 27 1967 combined services august in stouffville united church at 10 am preacher rev fred h cromcy ba all welcome second markham baker hill fellowship baptist churches kev bruce hisey sunday august 27 1967 second markham j bible school 10 am i morning service 11 ajn evening service 730 pm prayer service wed s pm sat s pm prayer meeting for men baker hill thurs s pm prayer ser vice i sunday i morning service 915 am bible school 11 am rev barry jones of toronto will preach in all three services all welcome to services altona united missionary church kev frank huson pastor sunday august 27 1967 1030 am sunday school 730 pm evangelistic ser vice wed 8 pm prayer service thursday evening tonight- parents night with the boys and girls of sunshine hourv rev h jamieson in charge churchill vivian churches sunday august 27 1967 churchill musselmans lake 955 bible school classes for all 11 am speaker mr jack bart missionary to pata- gonia first baptist church claremont minister rev ii sydney hillvcr dd sunday august 27 1967 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service centennial baptist church morgan hall pastor ii sfraehan 2913508 2jhim7 dir of education v music mr w mcgilvrav lamed we welcome you 10 am christian educa tion 11 am morning worship 7 pm fellowship hour one of the finest evening services bright sinking inspiring music challeng ing message time of re freshment after service a church that cares stouffville baptist church pastor gordon t gnnileiliam btii sunday august 27 1967 9150 bible school 1100 rev louis martin from bayview baptist church will speak 730 rev louis martin wed s00 prayer meptinir wed aug 30 vivian pray er and bible study vivian 10 am bible school 11 am morning worship 730 pm speaker mr j bait memorial christian congregational church minister rev clarence t bass sunday august 27 1967 10 am classes for adults yp and children 11 am mr lcroy sopcr 730 pm drivein service at plaza by the ap store special speaker and solo ists gormley united missionary church rev l k sider pastor sunday august 27 1967 950 amsunday school 1100 am worship guest speaker rev e e honsbcrger 730 evening service guest speaker mr gra ham scott of toronto wed august 30 s pm prayer meeting bloomington christian gospel church rev d benson pastor sunday august 27 1967 945 am suhdav school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship guest preacher rev stanley beard toronto 730 pm no evening service service at fair havens bible conference holding forth the word of life all are welcome stouffville full gospel church services sunday school 1000 am morning worship 1100 am evening service 730 pm at masonic hall each sunday aurtluir e brnugliiu pastor grade 12 and 13 centennial scholarships the whitchurch conservation club is offering to students residing in whitchurch township a 250 scholarship to a grade 13 student taking a degree course in any branch of conservation and a 250 scholarship to a grade 12 student taking a regular course in conservation applications o h j watts 08 wellington st east aurora on or before sept 167 mrs huson lollowin geiy several weeks has now returned place of employment in toronto nancy and janice gou- die returned home mon day after holidaying for several weeks with cous ins in illinois dennis poiricr was a vis itor with terry and lome lewis last week and this week the lewis boys arc visiting at the poiricr home the owner of a restau- o her ranl was carefully checking out the work of his new cook you say you were an army cook during the war he asked yes sir the cook said i cooked for officers mess for over two years and was wounded three times huh said the boss youre lucky they didnt kill you sheppflbd gospe temple 3410 sheppari ave e agincourt ontario just minutes aivav from where you are rev nolglas clark pastor we welcome many more of the markham stouffville area friends to visit us many already are services at 1100 am and 700 pm great music singing solos quartette choir parking nursery

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