the tribune tkrscvf adjust 11 1967 four markham graduates win ontario scholarships top i to be honored at commencement markham since 1961 markham district high school has produced 18 ontario scholars four of these all girls have earned this distinction this year according to results released by the principal kenneth c mcdonald they are ann prentice daugh ter of mr and mrs ken prentice albert street mark ham donna jean annan daughter of mr and mrs james annan ninth line markham colleen jack dau ghter of mr and mrs george jack alandalc road markham and jane van blaricom daughter of mr and mrs grant van blaricom dundas street whitby other students who achieved first class honor stand ing on seven credits but not the minimum of sorj that is required tor an ontario scholarship were douglas archibald carol baker linda maine carol page bruce rutherford beverlv taylor and gabriella ceccar- clli fortyseven markham students will be presented with their honor graduation diplomas at the annual commencement exercises in the fall this year 82 of the papers written were passed higher learning the majority of the 47 graduates will be entering fields of higher learning in september the plans of the four ontario scholars are as follows ann pren tice 18 will enter training for her rn degree at tor- onto sick childrens hos pital on seven credits she attained an average of 849 percent in her two mathe matics subjects she record ed marks of 92 and 91 she had 81 in each of her english and french and a 79 in both physics and chemistry in addition to her exceptional academic standing ann was also an ardent athlete and a mem ber of the school curling club she was in the school band and on the year book staff she was told of the good news by her father who phoned long distance to the state of maine where she was enjoying a brief vacation eighteen year old donna jean annan will enter trent university at pcter- boro to major in english and french on seven cred its she had an average of 844 percent her top mark was english with a 90 in latin she recorded an 87 during the summer season she has been cm- ployed as a lifeguard and swimming instructress at the markham community pool donna jean has two sisters yvonne mrs john stackhousc valerie mrs terry lunau and two brot hers nelson and bruce colleen jack is the young est of the ontario scholar ship winners at only 17 her average on seven cred its was 817 she receiv ed a 90 in latin and an 87 in history she plans to enter toronto university and major in english col leen is the daughter of mr and mrs george jack and one of a family of six she has one sister maureen a teacher and four brothers george 22 billy 16 dan ny 15 and tommy 10 be fore coming to markham two years ago she lived at atha in pickering town ship she loves to sew col lect barbara streisand records and believe it or not fish jane van blaricom 19 now of whitby has taken two separate courses in two different schools in the past two years jane completed her grade 12 at pickering and decided to enroll in the senior busi ness course she graduated with excellent standing in both typing and shorthand but still had a desire to ac quire her senior matricula tion she enrolled at mark ham and boarded at the home of her brother paul on joseph street on seven credits she had an average of 804 percent her top mark was 87 in latin she had an 81 in french in september she will at tend toronto teachers college swimming and playing the piano are two of her favorite pasttimes in piano she has her grade 2 theory and grade 8 prac tical this summer she has been employed with the consumers gas company jane has one other brother sheridan a student at york university and a sis ter enid mrs william schlocn of brooklin other scholarship winners other ontario scholar ship winners at markham district high school during the past seven years are karen cose 1961 ian jane yan blaricom 19 has been awarded an ontario scholarship with an average on seven credits of 804 percent she will attend toronto teachers col lege next month during the summer she has been employ with consumers gas company she is an accomplished pianist staff photo donna jean annan is won an ontario scholarship with an average of s 14 percent on seven credits she will enter trent university at ieterboro in the fall during the summer she has served as a lifeguard and swimming instruc tor at the markham community pool staff photo editors mail ocsrd s subject of criticism august 17 1967 dear sir please allow me to reply to your editorial whistling in the wind at mondays school board meeting mr focklcr asked the purpose of our delega tion i replied you were elected as a five man board we would like you to act as a five man board instead of having each man running off in a different direction spending what- sutherland kathie sohul- ler and russel jones 1962 bette jones robert too- good and alana marks 1963 diane coleman 1964 john edgecombe kristine burkholdcr ken neth edwards beth lyons and stephen schroeter 1965 and brenda sissons 1966 ever he please we would also like all business brought before the board to this mr smith replied that my reasoning was very good it was disclosed at that meeting that the well at armitage was not tendered on because of an emerg ency situation which de veloped on august 29 1966 yet mr brillinger later disclosed that the drilling to correct this emergency was not at tempted until november i cant see how the cup boards at ballantrae could have been classed as an emergency however badly they were needed there fore i think that the pro ject should have been ap proved by the board before the work was started not after it was completed mr baker admitted that he did not get competitive prices for this work as it is very difficult to get a carpenter to do any work these days mr fockler slated that he was asked about the jungle gym for boggart- town schoel at a teachers pariy at vandorf on april 10th despite meetings on april 17th and 24th this matter was not approved by the board until the bill was presented for payment on may 1st we do not question the need to spend the above money or the boards right to do so we merely wish to see 1 some degree of co operation amongst the board members themselves and between the board and ratepayers ii board business conducted in a businesslike manner iii b unionville the un- ionville firm of aim exca- cations limited has been awarded a contract by the meetings of the board con ducted according to parlia mentary rules we do not feet that we are being unreasonable in these requests we agree with you that many of the problems could have been ironed out in private if the chairman had been willing to allow us to present our problems to the board how do you communicate with someone who refuses to communicate how do you solve problems when registered letters received by the board secretary and chairman are never brought before the board thank you sincerely mrs lillian mcadam rr3 newmarket death car was built like approved for economy but not for safety victoria square the safety features of small cars were sharply criticized by coroner bernard w granton at an inquest conducted thursday into the deaths of four members of one family on the don mills road one mile north of here july 12 dr granton described the 1966 auto driven by 18 year old sharon lynn flaherty as a type of box that sacrifices safety for economy in addition to miss fla herty others killed in the crash were her grandmother a sister and a brother their northbound auto slam med headon into a loaded sod truck the hearing dealt specifically with the driver who according to evidence veered her car across the broken white line into the southbound lane dr granton said that persons riding in such a vehi cle were afforded little more protection than if they were riding on a motorcycle the auto was not equip ped with scat belts front or rear its not a pleasant sight to sec a little girl and boy lying dead on a slab in the morgue said the coroner but none of us really gives a damn we come here to this inquest and then go out on the road and do exact ly the same things many appear to have the attitude it cant happen to me the next time it may be you dr granton said that if the hearing tended to make people more aware of the dangers of driving a car then it could be said that it accomplished something centre white line he re jected any suggestion of suicide it wasnt asharp turn it was more gradual he said truck driver giuscppi lipani of toronto describ ed his vehicle as a 1960 international dump with a gross weight of 28000 pounds he said that it was his first accident in 11 years of driving ah of a sudden the car swung into my lane i put on the brakes and swerved to the right it all happened so fast the first thing i knew i was right on top of her antonio palmisano also of toronto a passenger in the truck said that for an in stant he saw a girl behind the wheel of the car he said that her head was turned to the right as the auto came toward them badly damaged both sgt evan kelley the investigating officer of markham township police and mechanic earl wide- man of gormlcy described the extensive damage caused to the car mr widcman said that a por tion of the steering mech anism was disconnected but he blamed this on the force of impact he said that the auto was nearly new and appeared to be mechanically sound he noted that the interior con tained no seat belts sgt kelley said that the car bad been driven only 2885 miles prior to the accident he said that de partment records showed that miss flaherty had passed her test in may 1966 he said that two of the victims were thrown to the roadway while the dri ver and the 6 year old girl were pinned in the front scat he expressed doubt whether rear seat belts would have prevented death under such force of impact but suggested that had the family been riding in a larger car their chan ces of survival would have been better ho observed that equipment found iff the trunk indicated that the four were en route to a cottage accident area the jury headed by fore man jack rumney recom mended that authorities should look into the cause of accidents in the area of don mills road between 18th and 19th avenues it was later learned that 11 had been killed in that sec tion since 1962 the jury agreed that for some un known reason the drivers attention had been momen tarily distracted before the crash and her car had veer ed directly into the path of the truck they suggested that seat belts might have prevented rearscat passen gers from being thrown to the road but agreed that their chance of survival in such a small car was un likely in addition to mr rum ney other jury members included donald boyd percy bennett carl for rester and larry sander son coroner dr granton was assisted by the deputy- chief of markham town ship police bob hood happy normal girl mr ross irwin step father of the driver said that miss flaherty was in good health with no appar ent mental pressures he described her as a happy normal girl he said that the car had been purchas ed less than 4 months be fore the accident and was in excellent mechanical condition all victims suffered frac- i turcd skulls and severe brain damage miss flaher ty suffered a ruptured heart and lacerations to her spleen and liver dr g s guthrie of york cen tral hospital richmond hill said that the injuries were related to accidents vherc snall cars arc involv- cd he said that the ab sence of scat belts safety door locks and adequate padding added to the haz ard a large responsibil ity for persons deaths under such circumstances must be borne by the auto manufacturer he said that a sample of the drivers blood showed no rlcohol content couldnt believe it kenneth tuckcy of don mills an evewitness to the crash said that he was travelling about 200 yards behind the flaherty auto all of a sudden the car veered the truck driver didnt have a chance to do anything there was no attempt to swerve back i couldnt believe it mr tuckcy said he couldnt re call seeing the brake lights of the death car go on at any time before the impact he estimated the vehicles speed at about 35 miles per hour he said that about 45 feet would separate the car and truck when the auto crossed the seine of the accident where four members of one family died july 12 the crash occurred on don mills road in markham township an inquest jury ruled that seat belts might have saved two of the pas sengers the small car collided with a loaded sod truck staff photo ontario water resources commission in sault ste marie valued at 619264- 26 the unionville company will supply and install sewers sewer services manholes and other appur tenances other contracts in connection with the same project have been awarded to keystone con tractors limited of wind sor 16931417 and to w a stephenson construc tion company limited of willowdale for 31641 colleen jack s17 percent a small boy was proudly showing off his new baby sister but his little friend scoffed at her red face well the brother retort ed i guess ycur face would be red loo if you had come all the way from heaven on a hot day like this the corporation of the township of markham notice to realty taxpayers the council of the township of markham has authorized the establishment of a system of municipal and school tax credits and refunds und er the provisions of the municipal and school tax credit assistance act 1967 to assist elderly per sons a tax credit equivalent to onehalf of the municipal and school taxes may be allowed in res pect of a real property subject to a maximum of 15000 if a tlie owner andor the husband or the wire of the owner is 05 years of age or more and occu pies the real property as a personal residence b application is made by the taxpayer during the calendar year in which the realty taxes in res ect of which the tax credit is claimed become due and payable and c the remaining portion of the really taxes after the deduction of the tax credit has been paid full particulars of the system of tax credits and an application form may be obtained from the office of the municipal treasurer at the township of markham municipal offices telephone no 2971900 h c t crisp township clerk township of markham yes you can continue your education ontario student awards 1 907- 1968 this booklet shows you how you can get financial help do you plan lo attend a university or other postsecondary institution do you need financial assistance to learn whether you can qualify under the ontario student awards program obtain this brochure from your secondary school or from the institution of your choice or write to student awards department of university affairs eto 43i university avenue toronto 2