the tobujft thndir my 20 196 r this is a scene taken on the farm of frank a reesor rr1 markham and typical of many proper- lies throughout the whole of york county where tons of rainsoaked bales of hay have been placed in piles and burned farther north conditions are even worse especially in the market garden areas of the holland marsh staff photo hay crop goes up in smoke on markham farm on many farms in york county the hay loss has been estimated at over seventy percent some farmeres are merely blowing their crop back onto the ground as fertilizer owners are requesting govern ment aid since only a few are carrying crop insurance a meeting held at newmarket last week resulted in the appointment of a committee to assess the loss staff photo two to three cuttings garden guide possible with alfalfa farming by al im afraid that last weeks report was far too optimistic about saving the hay crop several storms later the prospects arent nearly as good hay that has been baled and stored is poor and a lot still on fields will have to be burned or used for bedding protein levels in what is still to be cut will be low for sure so that grain and concentrates will have b be a big factor in next winters feeding in the meantime we can only hope for a reason able second crop with hay the basic feed on close to a thousand farms in york the effect of the phenom enal rains will stretch out over the next twelve months report wall the disease wheat goes down flat and doesnt fill normally the location of our of fices in newmarket was changed last week we are at the newmarket plaza now on the second floor at the west end with the office on botsford st for twenty years it will take awhile to get adjusted to a new place but the move was necessary for present needs wheat has been affected too root rot has occurred on a few fields that i know of the symptoms are black stems just above the ground and dead roots i expect that too much mois ture and humidity is caus ing the disease to be more prevalent than usual with a list of our staff may be of interest to those wan ting to use the services of our office they are donna stewart home economist conny filman vegetable specialist ralph gregg engineering specialist ralph elliott assistant to the engineer jack west- lake assistant agricultural representative vic jensen and doug hazlett both dai ry specialists mrs edna kirbyson and mrs norine rodwell make up our sec retarial staff all farmers are invited to come in and see us in our new location simcoe reels from record deluge weather damage to crops in simcoe county is worse than during hurri cane hazel in 1954 more than 400 farmers were told at a special meeting in bee- ton this month the meeting was called by simcoe federation of agriculture following the torrential downpour after 3 month of heavy rain a violent storm the night of june 28 poured inches of water in two hours on al ready waterlogged ground a w downer mpp pcdufferin simcoe who made the comment about hurricane hazel pledged that something would be done to help he called for a broadening of ontarios crop insurance program the fledging crop in surance program last fall began with insuring winter wheat this spring the com mission added spring grains to its program mr downer noted that rainfall varied from 17 in ches at collingwood to 144 ihehes at sharon in a four- week period two to three inches would have been a- bout normal a questionnaire filled in by those present show ed loss or damage to 97 percent of the tomato crop 75 percent of veget ables 70 percent of corn and grains feed it marmill quality with service youll he grateful fill your bin now and assure yourself heat security stop worrying about deliv ery holdups because of snow or shortage and relax with a winters supply of top quality coal special july delivery price 2700 ton claremont cooperative phone 6492112 ask aid in rain disaster the ontario federation of agriculture will ask the ontario government to as sist farmers with heavy losses from the unpreced ented rain of the last few weeks worst affected are crops on low land where june rainfall of 15 to 18 inches against the usual two in ches has turned the ground into a swamp other farmers are even enjoying the rain pasture is excellent in most areas hay crop will be ample ac cording to the ontario soils and crop branch and of good quality providing there is enough letup in the rain to permit haying corn is average spring grains are growing well and winter wheat should be heavy a spokesman last week told farm and coun try the ontario crop insur ance has received only 10 claims from 275 policyhold ers in spring grain but some farmers grow ing fruits and vegetables in the holland marsh area are facing ruin at two stormy meetings at bcct- on and newmarket the growers demanded govern ment aid to stave off bank ruptcy some potato grow ers having invested 125 per acre in seed labor and fertilizer find their crop a writeoff a survey by ofa staff at the two meetings showed 97 percent of tomatoes lost or damaged in south sim coe average lost went as high as 40 percent for corn 44 percent for barley and 40 percent for market veg etables the vegetable market reacted in panic fashion to the news with lettuce in creasing to 49 cents from 39 cents a head but prod uce flowed in from other areas in response to the high prices result within a few days the market was glutcd and lettuce was sel ling down to 19 cents ofa president charles munro told growers the federation would not back demands for assistance for losses to spring grains these he said could have been insured with the ont ario crop insurance com mission growers complained the insurance premiums are too costly and that the com missions policies werent adequately publicized august is the last chance to harvest forage crops ad vises dr jack winch de partment of crop science ontario agricultural col lege university of guelph cutting alfalfa in septem ber while the plants are storing food in their roots for the winter may kill the stand after august there is very little top growth in forages as plants are chan neling a great deal of the manufactured food into their roots this is requir ed for strong root develop ment and the production of new buds for the crop next year a top growth of six to eight inches is need ed during the month of september for this devel opment three cuttings of alfal fa should be possible in southwestern ontario if each is cut early enough areas to the north can pro duce two crops if the last crop is taken during the middle or latter part of august the plants still have plenty of time to de velop for the winter the month of septem ber is also the time to ap ply fertilizer to forage stands says dr winch plants need and use high quantities of phosphorus and potassium during the food buildup period to get the most for their fer tilizer dollar farmers are advised to have their soil analyzed for correct fer tilizer requirements ap plying fertilizer in the fall is the best time since this will help the crop over winter next years pro duction will also benefit from the fall application of nutrients farmers save time storing chopped hay easier handling is the advantage of putting up forages in a chopped form says dr w s young of the crop science depart ment at the ontario agri cultural college in guelph the benefits of chopping for silage making are well- known and commonly used chopping hay is not so extensive but chop ping hay at moisture levels of 35 to 40 percent can save precious nutrients through lower leaf losses provided some arrange ment is made to dry the hay in the mow to a safe storage level chopped hay can be quite satisfactory for the job farmers are advised to bs sure their drier is large enough to handle the amount of chopped hay they have to put up 4h farm school a new program for york county 4h members starts next week at newmarket its called 4h farm school and runs for three days starting on monday july 24 4h members from all handled more easily by parts of the county will go mechanical means and docs not require silage storage facilities the hay is iut at the same stage as for other systems of forage storage the hay crop is conditioned and al lowed to wilt down to about 35 percent moisture then it is chopped the chopped hay is moved into storage where cither a heat or natural air barn hay drier is used agricultural e n g i n e e rs with the department of agriculture and food will advise farmers on the best type of drying structures to use in their operations natural air driers arc do it now 7 by john bradshaw garden editor the luxuriant growth and greenness of the lawns at this time can leave home gardeners with a false sense of security the rains are causing the grass plants to form roots very close to the surface and when the weather turns hot and dry as its bound to sooner or later the quality of the lawns will deteriorate very quickly whatever happens dont give up the once a month feeding program you couldnt pick a better time to aerify the lawn than right now immediately afterwards give the lawn its july feeding and water the fertilizer in this will ensure a thick green lawn later in the year when the weather returns to normal the abundant moisture also gives fungus diseases like black spot and mildew the ideal conditions they need for development plants such as roses perennial phlox zinnias and others that are particularly suscep tible to fungus diseases should be dusted or sprayed with an allpurpose fungicide at least once a week to be on the safe side the treatment should be done after every heavy shower make sure that you dust or spray both sides of the leaves crabgrass germinated late this year and because of the heavy rains of the last few weeks is now growing luxuriantly right now its two or three inches high with light green leaves that look quite a bit like annual sum mer grass its most important to kill these plants so that they wont contaminate the lawn for 20 to 50 years to come a single crabgrass plant has been known to produce 100000 seeds there are a number of chemi cals on the market that will kill mature crabgrass plants some are in a dry form and can be applied with a fertilizer spreader others are liquid for use in sprays the dry forms are more expensive but easier to use the liquids are more effective it will be almost impossible to buy onion sets from now on if you want fall green onions sow some seeds of white portugal or crystal white wax its too hot in this part of southern ontario to sow a fall crop of most varieties of garden peas fortunately theres a new variety called wando that will produce a crop in september now is the time to set cabbage cauliflower brussel sprout and broccoli plants in the garden for use this fall and winter try and buy the jade cross variety of brussels sprout which outperforms all others in the southern ontario heat by bus to the huron heights high school at newmarket for the first part of each day well il lustrated talks and dem onstrations will be given at the school by staff from the ontario department of agriculture main topic will include beef and dairy cattle man agement as well as farm mechanics afternoon sessions will be spent visiting farms in york that illustrate practi cal and uptodate farming methods the school is part of a revised 4h programme for york and is being sup ported by the agricultural committee of york coun ty council clearing auction used haying equipment on wise home owners insist on hydra- prest sidewalk slabs from i brook sin concrete products ltd friday july 21 hydraulically pressed for maximum durability complete range of sizes square and true for easy placing and professional results immediate delivery phone 6553311 730 pm we are offering by auction our complete line of used haying equipment consisting of balers conditioners mowers rakes swather with conditioner sale at don mills and stouffville rdl terms cash massey ferguson financing available a s farmer auctioneer rumble tractor equipment phone 2972171 gormfey phone 8865886 buy now international harvester machines at wholesale prices taken from ihc dealer invoices twelve months or 1500 hrs of use whichever occurs first warranty given kind 3 code sos code 1616 code 1628 27 baler bale counter bale chute ace fit local frt setting up delivery total s142740 1121 1424 94s 3500 3500 s153536 kind 3 code 12 code 1628 code 2209 code 2400 47 baler bale chute trailer hitch lifting jack ace frt local frt setting up delivery total s17752s 1463 2763 1053 1274 3800 3500 191387 kind 146 code 819 105 combine 434850 code 3044 10 ft 9 in platform 58266 code 3241 ih reel 6 bat 7644 code 3242 reel support arms 2964 code 341s 136 x 26 6 ply tires 5382 code 220s hyd lift reel 9204 code 3348 platform btm shields 2730 code 3350 scourkleen 19110 code 2106 guard 3140 ace frt 1680 local frt 6500 setting up delivery 5000 total 556470 kind 85 code 801 c2s 7 ft mower 30654 code 1602 cpte pkg 6513 ace frt 131 local frt 670 total 37968 kind 131 code 860 code 3315 code 1607 175 sp yvindrower 10 ft 305838 delux scat ilos 2360 counterweights 3647 ace frt 2426 local fit 4500 setting up delivery 5000 total 323771 kind 131 code 855 201 10 ft sp windrower apron type 314028 code 3710 750 x 16 4 ply dual drive 10608 code 1807 divider fender rods 663 code 3305 platform windrow deflector rod 507 code 1305 front apron shield 566 pick up reel 19344 code 3249 reel drive shield 1014 code 3306 skid shoes 741 kind 21 code 808 hay conditioner 71682 code 3715 shields 839 ace fit 1878 local frt 4000 setting up delivery 4500 total 130370 kind 270 code 963 i 434 d tractor with power steering 253422 7to exchange 19007 adv frt 13223 ace fit 3922 local fit 3300 setting up delivery 3500 total 296574 kind 245 code 6 f 656 d tractor 114570 code 1739 650 x 16 6 ply 780 code 6823 hitch 45006 code 3725 valve 9828 code 3994 adj axle 16536 code 7740 fenders 7605 code 2692 pto 13600 code 3790 ta 17238 code 4479 seal 5577 code 7509 tool box 1229 code 3289 check valve 1755 714 exchange 40279 adv frt 8874 ace frt 4015 iocal frt 3500 setting up and delivery 3500 total 595892 all these and many more machines going at wholesale prices come and sec stanley beach uxbridgc ont phone 8523473 for more information summer h here now is the lime to service your lawn greene slower garden equipment chain saw water pump authorized powkr mower dealer for lawn boy lauson brlggs stratton stouffville sales service br 1 stouffville 6i018h formerly d a kidd sales service i