Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), July 6, 1967, p. 9

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41 fakm machinery i gormlet well drilling pumps installed and repair ed phon william bishop gormley ss7 53ss stf 43 groceries meats produce for sale s lost i found coppins sand gravel supplies pit currmont sj9571q lrd office lxbridxe m2w91 excavating gradall backhoe bulldozer front end loader and com pressor complete gravel trucking service superior ready mix concrete lrd t office lib rid re sm3s91 radio dispatched trucks with 7 trucks to serve you proprietor doug coppins 3f sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired c stuxdex 13ti richmond hill tu 412 15 wilsons well digging well drilling standard tile phone 8875337 29 tf custom home and industrial electric wiring electrical home heating ross hetherington phoxe stouffville 6102033 32tf no 2 potatoes old and new john bosworth poutoes phone s933422 4tx strawberries pick vour own starting moru hed fri after 6 pm- 30c quart in your own boxes xo children a hakonson 7th line north of 18th ave rrj2 markham 53 49 pet stock supplies kennels 6 week old pups small type phone 6401m8 i have a registered scotch collie tricolor male 6 mos old loves children will sell lor 100 trade for pickup truck or best offer phone 6402633 roshax kexxels regd labrador retrievers puppies occasionally ios boarded individual runs large breeds accommodated 43tf reasonable rates mr and mrs t philip claremotit 6495336 50 miscellaneous lost two male brown white german short haired pointers musselmans lake area tattooed in right ear jepi and w2hxs reward 6tf phone 6593967 collect a 60 sales register auctions auctioneer w d atkixsox stouflville a s farmer phone gormley 88753u kex t clarke trextice phone stouflville 6103686 reg johnson sunderland ont canadian cancer society richmond hill a district unit for information regarding films talks in memoriam cards welfare and services call- slouflville 6102826 6103803 gormlev 887552 union ville 2971188 36t gormlev 8875240 radio television hifi repairs at reasonable rates 1 complete tulihc address systems for rent smith radio electroxic service 58 main west stouffvllle phone 6402440 51tf john aschwanden rrj stouffvllle ont 6102513 41tf excavating grading well drilling soil sampling metro wrecking and lumber co cedar ave richmond hill new and used lumber ply woods plumbing doors electrical supplies 25 ton used pips anti steel 3 and 4 casti soil pipe oil tanks steel sash fluor escent lights 2000 new and used glazed sash rolled roofing 150 per roll quantity discounts rec rooms garages home building projects altera tions ii mile east of yniige st sotilh oft markham rri open sat until 500 pm 8813501 22tf concrete contractor commercial industrial quality work free estimates 5tf jim duncan soiiftville phone 6102629 51 transportation taxis ride wanted from stouff- ville to richmond hill leav ing 7 am returning 430 pm phone 6102371 wanted ride from stouffville to donmills and eglinton arrive at 815 am and leave 3 pm phone 640- 2013 53 personals corns instantly relieved with lloyds corn and call ous salve dont suffer any longer 9se at houstons rexall pharmacy hid check dandruff excessive falling hair itchy or scaly scalp with lanex a lanolin scalp treatment only s225 jar satisfaction or money back at houstons rexall pharmacy hid mothers use balmex ointment to soothe away and help prevent diaper rash quickly gently special emollients help ease discom fort of heat rash and other minor skin irritations balm- ex 98c at aikens pharmacy hid embarrassed by poor complexion hydsolin de veloped after long research helps clear acne simple boils and similar conditions hyd solin is colorless equally effective for dry or oily skin many pleased and happy users ask your druggist for hydsolin today sl00 at aikens pharmacy hid auto accident anyone witnessing the acci dent between a 1963 valiant and a tractor trailer scrap metal carrier at the inter section o don mills road and queensville road on tuesday may 2nd 1967 at 1050 am please call mr m shepherd collect at ssi- 1141 9 am to 6 pm 53 55 tenders thursday july 6th at 730 pm centennial dairy cattle consignment sale by popular demand we are con tinuing our monthly dairy cattle sale at stouffville stockyards ltd selling choice purebred and grade holsteins land other breeds cows and heifers heifer calves purebred and grade bulls by outstanding well- bred sires buyers are find ing animals consigned that meet their requirements as milk producers and herd im provers consigners are taking advantage of a cash transaction to dispose of their quality surplus stock if you have good quality re liable cattle to consign that will give buyer satisfaction please consult the sales man agers now we welcome your participation in these month ly sales frank bennett and norm faulkner sales man agers phone stouff 6103813 or 8875570 sale at 730 pm 43 saturday july 8 auc tion sale of household fur niture the propertv of the late mrs charles webber will be held in the town of fenelon falls francis st east frig stove power lawn mower nearly new washing machine tv 2 ches terfield suites bedroom suites antique chairs 7pc toilet set antique wicket- chairs antique dishes clocks large quantity of household furniture no reserve sale at 1 pm terms cash reg johnson auctioneer saturday july 15 at 1 pm on the property of ern est harvey cedar valley on the vivian road one mile west of 48 highway gen eral household furniture 55 pontiac sedan delivery some antiques quantity of radios and service equipment terms cash the day of sale f n smith auctioneer 52 thursday july 20 clearing farm auction of 60 holsteins including a num ber of first calf heifers sept oct also 3 diesel trac tors good selfpropelled combine good mccormick 12 swather good forage harvester with corn attach ment forage blower 3fur 3pt hitch plow 4fr plow ige tractor spreader good power drill i good i mh 6- bar side rake goodl new idea bale elevator with mo tor forage wagon truck 44- can milk cooler 4 surge milkers steel feed cart 1000 hales straw 1000 bales hay the property of the estate of the late scott brown on 16th avenue a mile west of hv 48 at north markham village note this is an ex tra good farm sale terms cash no reserve sale 1 pm atkinson and wilson sales mgrs auctioneers 44 aluminum products windows doors siding awnings railings water softeners i stouffville home improvements phone 6101891 3st 48 groceries meats produce for sale strawberries pick your own mon wed sat urday bring own containers first sideroad north of stouffville between ninth tenth concession telephone r40216s 89 pm p man- gione 62 strawberries pick your own 1st sideroad north of stouffville two locations to serve you 300 yds east of 17 and 600 yds west of 47 picking every morning 712 except sunday sign at 47 highway will tell you where the picking is going to be beginning 28th june h hfnneberg 43 beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for freezer we also do custom killing and curing fast freezer service fkkt7 bros harper bus 6103125 lie lee 6102098 norm 6101876 194 cliff harper 6102813 beef pork by- quarter ok side prepared for your freezer or locker 3ttf custom killing and airing of meat a specialty schelis meat market stouff tille ph 6101912 scott township school area board invites applications for care- taking for scott twp en- tral school 14 rooms and gymnatnrium 1 complete floor service 2 caretiiker for general caretaklng 3 caretaker for floor service and general caretaklng duties to commence aug 15 1967 indicate salary expected for any one of the above cate gories list of the duties can be ohtained at the sec retarys home written ap plications will be received by the undersigned until 5 oclock july 12 1967 52 mrs ruth dick scctreas rri oxbridge ont 57 driving schools driving lessons bv graduate of ontario safe ty league 36tf dillons driving school 8955751 6101267 stouffville driving school stouffville only driving school operating for last 5 wars jack rarkev 308 rupert st 51tf rhnne 6103712 53 business services oboyles abattoir beef pork for ile hy quarter or halves custom kliutr ind cuinr want your car to spark le will shampoo the up holstery clean exterior spot paint and wax reasonable rates call a reid 6402326 the stouffville scene a number of relatives and friends met at the home of mr and mrs ste wart vague of ringwood on sunday to meet some rela tives mr and mrs george vague betsy ann and ron ald of vancouver bc who were on their way home after visiting expo pres ent were mr and mrs tom jennings mr and mrs del jennings mrs el iza clarkson mr and mrs walter vague mr and mrs george johnson and bill all of stouffville miss julie moorlag of keswick misses annie and lillie smith and robert smith of zephyr misses alma vickcrs vio let hatter georgina vague and moira brew of toron to and mr and mrs max- vague and david of scar- boro library hours summer hours for the claremonl library during the months of july and au gust are tuesday 3 in s pm friday to 9 pm the library will not he op en on tuesday evenings or on saturday 59 lost i found bus 6101313 s3 it lecf lost in the vicinity of ringwood black collie do long tall answers to teddy reward ruue 4477s41 col- hello is this the wel fare department yes what can we do for you i need a new crib for my baby whats it sleeping in now the box my colv tv came in the tfifwe tbwwfcr my s i7 f 9 altona holds reunion to honor benefactor arthur latcha altoina the second annual altona reunion and community picnic took on a twofold meaning friday night it brought together former teachers and stud ents who attended the pub lic school now the altona community centre it also permitted the executive and residents of the area an opportunity to honor mr arthur latcham of stouffville it was through mr latchams generosity that the school was purch ased and donated debt- free to the community it is now the centre of activi ty in the section mr fred lewis present ed mr latcham with a per sonal framed photograph it was presented in turn to committee chairman frank barkey to be retained by the centre in addition to mr and mrs latcham guests included toronto fire chief frank coak- well and mrs coakwell and mr and mrs austin pearse mr pearse is a member of the pickering township school area board former teachers ten former teachers were in attendance- mrs i- rene harper jones mrs bessii robinson wide- man mrs kdna steven son kamer mrs mary graham barkey mrs margaret wallace couper- thwaitc mrs luella harp er lewis mrs mary wood cock miss frances schultz miss sharon sturdy and miss linda grill mrs nor man bunker a lifelong re sident of altona gave a short history of the area and the names of teachers from 1856 to 1966 attending from the far thest distance was mr charles boothby of mission city british columbia the oldest former student was mr frank baker 89 of jacksons point the young est pupil who attended at altona was gordon britton age 7 and the youngest at the picnic was troy hanson 13 weeks the oldest form er altona teacher was mrs bessie wideman and the youngest miss linda grill platform entertainment featured beverley bell tommy earl and terry le wis sharon and nancy wideman lome lewis and the altona womens institute kitchen band frank barkey was master of ceremonies vacation bible school by marian wells lemon vi lle the lcmonville vacation bible school will be held from july 17 to 28 in the church and school there are classes for children from 4 years old and up mrs a hartwick accom panied her ballantrae guide group for a camp- out at greenwood park scott denton of belle ville has been vacationing with his grandparents dr and mrs s s crouch joy ernslzcn has accept ed a position as lifeguard at the community pool in markdalc ronniecollins of isling ton is spending the week with his grandfather mr hume macpherson congratulations a n d best wishes to miss june preston who will be mar ried to mr paul glen rose of long branch at the lcmonville parsonage julv 29 mr and mrs e camp- sail and family moved in to a newly purchased home in newmarket miss jcannine thivierge of quebec city is spending a months vacation with the hirsch family susie will return for a time to quebec in midjuly congratulations to susie hirsch on the results of her grade 4 piano exam ination she is a pupil of mrs s mccleary margaret pauline and kevin coughlan left satur day for three weeks vaca- lion at port calling mrs picccttoc st moar- lcns island dutch west indies was a guest with mr and mrs jim nauta for three days guests at wedding more lights buttonville mark ham township councillors discussed on monday the advisability of installing street lights at some of the darker intersections in the townships all members favoured the suggestion with the exception of coun cillor chas hoover mr hoovers objection arose when it was revealed that the cost of the lights would be borne by the en tire township he said that rural areas would not get much attention and the cost would be out of pro portion he said the provincial and federal governments should show some inclina tion to relieve the property owner of some tax before loading on any more arizona visitors bj iitp cliff burkholdcr bethesda mr and mrs jack mclntyre and daughter of phoenix ari zona were recent visitors with his mother mrs james mclntyre and with his sister mrs george wil liams and family mrs harvey wideman held a birthday parly in honor of her mother mrs albert yakc who was 80 june 27 eighteen rela tives ladies and child ren were present douglas lcathcrdale re turned home friday from newmarket hospital where he underwent an operation on his knee mrs lcathcrdale is slill in hospital and miss fayc taylor s looking after the house by mrs jim jones glen major mr and mrs claude sim- monds mr and mrs ed gar johnson and mr and mrs george johnson at tended the parrottjoncs wedding in toronto satur day mr and mrs claude simmonds and family to ronto have moved to their cottage for the summer miss mabel baker waterdown spent ihc weekend at ihc home of mr edgar fiss mrs a atkinson toron to spent the weekend with mrs clinton neville mr and mrs paul bas- ler and julie kitchener spent sunday with mr and mrs jim jones mr and mrs ed jones newmarket visited sun day with mr edgar fiss air and mrs allan jones and family called on rela tives here sundav mr and mrs r fllctv called on mr john ellery sunday the sympathy of the community is extended to mr robt ferguson in the loss of a beloved mother th late mrs gowan gcr- guson toronto the burial was in clarcmont union cemetery mrs a young sutton is spending some lime with mrs clinton neville mr and mrs gordon jones goodwood visited sunday with mr and mrs ralph faulkner mr and mrs murray turner toronto entertain ed guests from montreal at their cottage miss mabel burgess of fort erie is enjoying a few holidays with mrs w sen- echal main street miss nancy stover lias taken up summer employ ment at miners bay lodge the home team on the markham shopping plaza sunday july 97 pm sam viv learning with gospel music singing that is different you ark invited um churches markham k dicksons hill endanger boaters vvandorf planes landing on the water at lake wilcox have brought complaints from residents who enjoy boating and ba thing there whitchurch police chief fred mason informed the council that the craft were dangerous especially on sundays reeve ross far- quharson said that on one occasion he counted seven planes in the lake chief mason said that the problem was under federal department juris diction and they had prom ised to investigate the com plaints benefit carnival a neishbourhood carni- val for the benefit of mus cular djstrophy victims will be held on july 18 at si fairvicw ave stouff ville yvonne barker dau ghter of mr and mrs f barker will serve as rins- master assisted by viki lindop pauline foulds ca thy foulds sandra hollin- gcr marlcne boyd debbie foley and marilyn boyd tfie carnival will run from 25 pm and will feature such games as penny pitch fortune telling and penny sale all proceeds will go to aid the fight a- gainst dystrophy and rela- ted diseases for addition- al information phone 640- 2773 iunl jfecrbtrrs lrt the people praise thee o coil markham driver has narrow escape a markham lady had a narrow escape from serious injury last week on no 7 highway in markham village when her auto was in collision with a truck carrying a load of cement slabs mrs e a dingwall windridge drive was unhurt but her car was totally wrecked staff photo christ church anglican stouffville hector kev frederick ic miller i sundav julv 9th 1567 trinity vii 9ro am holy commun ion stouffville united church kev a i- borland ba isd sunday july 9th 1967 note advanced hour and combined service 1000 am divine worship in st james presbyterian church s sunday school children 9 years and un der will be invited to re tire during the service for a brief sunday school class weekly programmes scouts wed 7 pm fri 7 pmcuhs united missionary church dicksons hill pastor kev ronald faw phgi0jii sunday july 9th 1967 94o am sunday school 11 am morning worship service 700 pm drivein service on the markham plaza united church kev geo davisrin sunday july 9th 1967 1kthisd 5th cone whitchurch 10 am worship service 11 am sunday school melville bill cone markham 1115 am worship service 1115 am sunday school churchill vivian churches kev k iturlon ilth sunday july 9th 1967 churchill v mussclmans ijike 955 bible school classes for all 11 am worship vivian 10 am bible school 11 am morning worship st james preshyterian church stouffville minister kev fred il croiucy it a 29llfi3i sunday july 9th 1967 combined services with stouffville united church julv in st james presbyterian church nl in am children 9 yrs and under may retire for ss during the service preacher rev a l borland ba bd all welcome stouffville liutist church pastor gordon t gnnilerliam bth sunday july 9th 1967 950 bible school 1100 gideon service mr g still from toronto will preach 730 pm evening meeting wed 800 prayer meeting fret not thyself in any wise to do evil wait upon the lord psa 17 8 sheppard gospel temple 3110 shkppard ave e agincourt ontario just minute away from where you are rev douglas clark pastor we welcome many more of the markham stouffville area friends to visit us many already are services al 1100 am and 700 pm great music singing solos quartette choir parking nursery centennial baptist church morgan all pastor ii strachan imros 2ih1 in dir of education music mr w migilvrny bamkd we welcome you 10 am christian educa tion 11 am morning worship 7 pm fellowship i lour one of the finest evening services bright singing inspiring music challeng ing message time of re freshment afler service a church that carev stouffville united missionary rev arthur walsh minister sunday july 9th 1967 10 am- sunday school with classes for all ages it am mr a 15 h harrington a well- known lawyer from toron to speaking on behalf of the gideons 730 pm mr bert stouffer second markham raker hill fellowship baptist churches rev bruce hisey sunday july 9th 1967 second markham bible school 10 am morning service 11 a m gideon service mr a e bronsbn of bancroft ont will speak evening service 730 pm marriage nd divorce pastor will deal with this subject prayer service wed s pm baker hill prayer service thur s pm sunday servicc 945 am sou winning as a centen nial project bible school it am no young peoples through the summer i jo 25 but whoso keepeth his word in him verily is the love of god perfected hereby know we that we are in him ah welcome memorial christian congregations h church minister kev clarence t bass sunday july 9th 1967 10 am classes for adults yp and children 11 am worship service 1215 pm- the lords table 730 pm drivein service in the stouffville plaza with ihe ringwood and stouff ville christian churches speaker rev a bobby jones bth first baptist church claremont minister kev ii sydney hillyer dd sunday july 9th 1967 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service altona united missionary church rev frank iluson pastor sunday july 9th 1967 sunday school 1050 am evangelistic service 730 pm wednesday evening 8 pm prayer service bible study the church with ihe light on sunday night gormley united missionary church rev l k sider pislor sunday july dill 1967 950 am sunday school jlno am worship pastors theme the book of james iv con trolling the tongue 730 pm farewell serv ice for mr and mrs allan b doner who next week leave to continue mission ary work in nigeria wor ship music is provided by the don weeks family wed july 12 al 8 pm prayer meeting ringwood christian church pastor mr mux vauo sunday july 9lh 1967 10 am sunday school 8 pm wed ce prayer meeting- bloomington christian gospel church rev d benson pastor sunday july 9th 1967 915 am sundav school clashes for all ages 1100 am- morning worship the raptor preachlnj 77 pm evening service preaching of the dynamic word the young mens journeymens quartet will be ministering in song holding eoith the word of lifo a real welcome to an lmtd to pli before i itsiiti la go into bwiatal stouffville full gospel church services sundav school 10 00 am momlnj worship 1100 ara evenine service 50 pm at masonic hall each sodat anrthur e uroujhm pwtor

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