41 farm machinery 45 building trades 50 miscellaneous keesok farm service your dealer tor 39t cocishutt oliver grfil bk1 loionvulg 887 5 cockshutt one row corn picker like new picked only 0 acres 1250 with h down or 1200 cash george reesor 2940s73 and household directory 60 sales register auctions the tribvne ttedi jane 29 1967 42 livestock for sale 5 year old chestnut apolusa mare in foal phone 649- 2323 a pigs nine week old phone 64036s2 one yorkshire boar for sale serviceable age richard a frisby phone ss75596 metro wrecking and lumber co cedar ave richmond hill new and used lumber ply woods plumbing doors electrical supplies 23 ton used pips and steel 3 and 4 cast i soil pipe oil tanks steel sash fluor escent lights 2000 new and used glazed sash rolled roofing sl50 j per roll quantity discounts rec rooms garages home building projects altera tions h mile east of yonge st south off markham rd open sat- until 500 pm 8843561 22tf 9 year old black gelding good to ride or drive quiet reasonable phone 6403992 services- 45 building trades and household directory furniture repaired re- finished by professional cab inet maker custom furni ture built etc free estimates pickup and delivery henry fairchild goodwood phone 6401958 30tf painting paperhanging flooring 3 years written guarantee the lang service 8881928 40tf 6103231 custom back hoe work trenching grading septic tanks weeping beds water lines gravelling lanes drains sand fill jobs neil tindall goodwood ont phone 6102828 47tf custom backhoe work septic systems installed trenching back filling grading and loading call frank webb greenwood 942341 s post clierrywood 8393767 44tf gormley well drilling pumps installed and repair- r phone william bishop gormley 8875346 8tf rapid tv service fully experienced tv radio repairman all work and parts fully guaranteed 50tf herb kring furniture appliances si main st w stouftvillc coppins sand gravel supplies pit claremont 6195740 yard office uxbridge 8523891 excavating gradall backhoc bulldozer front end loader and com pressor complete gravel trucking service superior ready mix concrete yard jfc odlce uxbridge 8523891 radio dispatched trucks with 7 trucks to serve you proprietor doug coppins 3tf sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired c stundex 13 tt richmond hill tu 41245 wilsons well digging well drilling standard tile phone 8875337 29tt custom home and industrial electric wiring electrical home heating ross hetherington phone stouffville 6102033 32tf radio television hifi repairs at reasonable rates 2 complete public address system for rent smith radio electronic service 58 main west stouflvllle phone 6102440 51tf john aschwanden t rr4 stouftvillc ont 6102513 41tf excavating grading weil drilling soil sampling concrete contractor commercial industrial quality work free estimates 5tf jim duncan stouffvule phone 6402629 aluminum products windows doors siding awnings railings water softeners stouffville home improvements phone 6401891 38tf 46 gardening and supplies sellout at vics nursery ltd for this season don mills road 1 mile north of victoria square 20 to 30 discount on planting material planters seed fertilizer peatmoss and stones june 30th july 1st 2nd and 3rd 48 groceries meats produce for sale no 2 potatoes old and new john bosworth potatoes phone 8955422 4tf strawberries early dawn variety ripe premiers following later pick your own r gibbins phone 640- 1190 onehalf beef for sale lloyd pugh phone 6495121 summer special ice cream 79c vz gallon 11 delicious flavors phillips grocery ringwood strawberries for sale phone 6402674 strawberries r pick your own starting toon wed fri alter 6 pm 30c quart in your own boxes no children a hakonson 7th line north of 18th ave rr2 markham 53 strawberries pick your own starting july 3rd monday to friday 7 am to 12 noon saturday afternoons 2 pm s bring own con tainers preferably qt boxes or six quart baskets no children please first side- road north of stouffville be tween ninth and tenth con cession phone 6402168 89 pm p- manpionc strawberries pick your own 1st sideroad north of stouftville two locations to serve you 300 yds east of 47 and 600 yds west of 47 picking every morning 712 except sunday sign at 47 highway will tell you where the picking is going to be beginning 2sth june h henneberg 43 oboyles abattoir beef pork ror sale by quarter or halves custom killing and curing bus 6401343 39tf beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for freezer we also do custom killing and curing fast freezer service fret7 bros harper bus 6403125 res lee 6102098 norm 6101876 19tf cliff harper 6102813 beef pork by quarter or side prepared for vour freezer or locker 34tf custom killing and curing of meat a specialty sciiells meat market stouflvllle ph 6401942 49 pet stock supplies kennels i week old pups small type phone 6401 10s roshan kennels begd labrador retrievers puppies occasionally dog boarded individual runs large breeds accommodated 43tf reasonable rates mr and mr t philip claremont 6195336 lawyer did you have full and complete com mand of yourself at the time of the accident client no i wouldnt say that my wife was in the back scat canadian cancer society richmond hill district unit for information regarding film talks in memoriam cards welfare and services eall- stouffvllle 6402826 6403803 gormley 8875525 inlonvule 297118 3st gormley 8875210 51 transportation taxis ride wanted from stouff ville to richmond hill leav ing 7 am returning 430 pjn phone 6402371 53 personals are your feet killing you try icemint for wonderful relief 9sc and s175 at hous tons rexall pharmacy auto accidents anyone witnessing the acci dent between a 1963 valiant and a tractor trailer scrap metal carrier at the inter section of don mills road and queensville road on tuesday may 2nd 1967 at 1050 am please call mr m shepherd collect at 884- 1141 9 am to 6 pm 53 amazingly quick relief for discomfort of mouth sores white canker spots dental plate sores tender gums with fletchers sore- mouth medicine 100 at aikens pharmacy hid carnation corn caps why suffer agony relief is now yours from england carnation corn caps have been sold for over a century with effective results a medi cated pad that really does the job corn caps only 49c callous 59c at aikens pharmacy 54 legal notices notice to creditors and others in the estate of frank allan sangster writer deceased all persons having claims against the estate of the abovementioned late of the village of stouffville in the county of york who died on or about may 20th 1967 are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before august 1st 1967 after the said date the personal representative of the estate will distribute the assets of the said deceased having regard only to the claims of which she then shall have had notice dated at stouffville this 22nd day of june 1967 margaret elizabeth sangster administratrix by timmins bristow 101 richmond street wast toronto her solicitors herein 55 tenders scott township school area board invites applications for care- taking for scott twp cen tral school 14 rooms and gymnatorium 1 complete floor service 2 caretaker for general caretaking 3 caretaker for floor service and general caretaking duties to commence aug 15 1967 indicate salary expected for any one of the above cate gories list of the duties can ue obtained at the sec retarys home written ap plications will be received by the undersigned until 5 oclock july 12 1967 52 mrs ruth dick scctreas rri uxbridge ont 57 driving schools driving lessons by graduate of ontario safe ty league 36tf dillons driving school 8955751 64012g7 stouffville driving school stouffvilles only driving school operating for last 5 years jack barkey 308 rupert si 51tf phone 6103742 59 lost found would the person who picked up the dark green mattress for a chaise lounge on tuesday afternoon on townline between gormley and stouffville phone s87- 5311 lost pure white albino kitten on june 14 1967 7 weeks old shellac on right ear please phone jim abell 6103712 lost left in basket at pool on sat evening a childs gold signet ring in itial m reward phone 610- 2025 60 sales register auctions auctioneers w d atkinson stouffvule a s farmer phone gormley 8875311 ken clarke prentice phone markham 2913161 or stouffvule 6i0s6s6 reg johnson sunderland ont thursday evening june 29th at 6j pjn twilight auction sale of antique house hold articles effects furni ture leaded stained glass windows school bell merry- gold carnival glassware an tique lamps pictures frames pine chests drawers cup boards bedroom furniture chairs tables dishes china- ware many good kitchen appliances garden tools 57 chev 14 ton pickup various other home articles etc at the community hall victoria square 3 miles north of 7 hwy on don mills rd property of c l knappet see posters for fuu listings and particulars terms cash no reserve ken clarke prentice auctioneers mark ham 64036s6 42 friday evening june 30 7 pjn auction sale of household furniture anti ques garden tools includ ing refrigerator 6 mos old electric stove hot water tank occasional chair rock ers coffee and end tables set moffat automatic washer like new lazyboy chair hall rack round table lamps number glass shades antique picture frames dishes washing machine quebec heater steel cabinet radio butter print and ladles toilet sets many other art icles properties of mazue randall smith others sell ing at 44 bell st in ux bridge terms cash no re serve sale at 7 pm atkin son wilson sales manag ers and auctioneers wednesday july 5 auction sale of household furniture the property of the late william g burns 3 miles west of balsover or 3 miles east of gamebride north of canal antique sideboard toilet sets pine tables wash stands an tique spinning wheel wool winder weight clock large copper kettle antique box stove possibly a franklin stove iron pots full line of furniture no reserve sale at 1 pm terms cash reg johnson auctioneer thursday july 6th at 730 pm centennial dairy cattle consignment sale by popular demand we are con tinuing our monthly dairy cattle sale at stouffville stockyards ltd selling choice purebred and grade holsteins and other breeds cows and heifers heifer calves purebred and grade bulls by outstanding well- bred sires buyers are find ing animals consigned that meet their requirements as milk producers and herd im provers consigners are taking advantage of a cash transaction to dispose of their quality surplus stock if you have good quality re liable cattle to consign that will give buyer satisfaction please consult the sales man agers now we welcome your participation in these month ly sales frank bennett and norm faulkner sales man agers phone stouff 6403813 or 8875570 sale at 730 pm 43 saturday july 15 at 1 pm on the property of ern est harvey cedar valley on the vivian road one mile west of 48 highway gen eral household furniture 55 pontiac sedan delivery some antiques quantity of radios and service equipment terms cash the day of sale f n smith auctioneer 52 thursday july 20 clearing farm auction of 60 holsteins including a num ber of first calf heifers sept oct also 3 dicsel trac tors good selfpropelled combine good mccormick 12 swather good forage harvester with corn attach ment forage blower 3fur 3pt hitch plow 4fr plow lge tractor spreader good power drill good mh 6- bar side rake good new idea bale elevator with mo tor forage wagon truck 44- can milk cooler 4 surge milkers steel feed cart 1000 bales straw 1000 bales hay the property of the estate of the late scott brown on 16th avenue a mile west of hy 48 at north markham village note this is an ex tra good farm sale terms cash no reserve sale 1 pm atkinson and wilson sales mgrs auctioneers 44 seeks source of beer supply stouffville a stouffville mother told magistrate o s hollin- rakc monday that she would like to know the source of the beer supply that was being supplied to district teenagers includ ing her own son mrs mar garet holder albert street north addressed the new market court on behalf of her son david 17 charged by whitchurch township police with being drunk mrs holder complained that her boy was only one of about thirty youths in volved in a fracas at mus- selmans lake saturday night she said that she couldnt understand why he was the only one arrest ed magistrate hollinrakc advised her to take the is sue up with the whit church township police committee if she consider ed her son wrongfully ar rested with regard to the source of the beer supply he suggested that the po lice loo would be interest ed in knowing where it was coming from the accused entered a pica of guilty to the charge and was fined 20 and hundreds watch garden aitona school reunion ciaremont parade hints by mollie stewart claremont a wo man in a poke bonnet and znkle length dress with a basket ever her arm walk ed from the general store across the street she pass ed another similarly garb ed lady and pleasantly nod ded how do miz camp bell a flock of little girls in lg frilly gowns ran past calling gaily to each other at the crossroads a man rode into town and asked wheres the marshal no it was not a holly wood western nor yet a tslevised will rogers oldie the street scene was ciaremont circa 1967 the lady leaving the store in all likelihood was one of the villages church auxiliary members attired in a 1867 costume the little girls were wearing the childrens dress of one hundred years ago and the man who rode into town enquiring as to the marshall was seated in a streamlined 1967 auto even though the weather was a trifle overcast clare- monts weekend centen nial parade brought just about everyone from out of town in and everyone in town out it was very successful said parade marshal al roszell with thirtythree floats taking part in the procession coming from pickering markham stouffville and claremont the activities scheduled to begin at 1100 am did not get under way until noon floats get attention a rainbow hued clown band headed by a master clown led the lengthy pro cession along the main street following behind was an outstanding float by wide- man transport featuring a tableau which might have come stright from the day of sir john a macdonald about thirty men and wo men in oldtime costume recreated a scene from 1867 with almost everything in the parade commanding attention some of the more colorful floats were a blacksmith forge the pick ering woodworking bench the scouts entry with cakes being handed out to bystanders and dr tomlin- son most venerated physi cian of the village whose memories surely must have been revived by the scene steal coin changer stouffville a thief walked into the stouffville coin laundry on the weekend and remo ved the coinchanger from the building valued at s250 there was an estima ted s30 in the container public school dental service stouffville the york county health unit announces this week the inauguration of a preven tive dental service the service will involve examination of as many elementary school pupils as possible by qualified dental hygienists cards indicating their condition will be sent with the child to the parents or guardian for referral to the family dentist the hygienists will also give short educational talks with the aid of slides or motion pictures disruption of routine in schools will be kept to an absolute mini mum the hygienists will at tend at child health cli nics to examine the teeth of preschool age children and give counsel to the parent it is hoped as facilities become available to estab lish clinics for the applica tion of topical solium flu oride to the teeth of young 3 to 5 years children whose parents apply for this service the program is under the direction of dr e f shaunessy a dentist who graduated from the uni versity of toronto in 1951 and holds in addition the dipla in dental public health other participants were a charming trio of small children in a quaintly out fitted pony buggy a small scarletcoated mountie on a pony was another attention- getter and the claremont citizens band without whose music there would be no parade added the finishing touch citizens day many citizens in historic dress strolled around the street providing a delight ful note of authenticity near the corner the united church women off ered fresh home baked goods to hungry passersby the booth was completely sold out before the end of the morning at the end of the parade when the good folks ming led to say how doyoudo a gentleman farmer turned to his companions and re marked we should do this more often committee members much of the work done behind scenes and which was primarily responsible of the success of the par ade can be attributed to the claremont centennial committee members com prising the board were mr al roszell allan redshaw jack robinson mrs kay hayward robt madill mrs rene rennie mrs jean redshaw mrs l d almack ray ward j g beck and mrs hockley july 1st birthdays stouffville july 1 1967 holds special meaning for all canadians this year but especially for mrs io- na moore obrien avenue stouffville and eldred king ringwood both will mark birthdays on that date mrs moore was not only born on dominion day but also on dominion road in long branch field day results ballantrae the ballantrae public school held its field day june 16 with the following win ners senior boy bob gam ble senior girl pamela palmer intermediate boy randy barber intermedi ate girl shelly elson jun ior boy paul yakeley jun ior girl jackie graham by john bradshaw at this time of the year its easier to fill in small bare spots in the lawn by borrowing patches of sod from along the edge of the lawn daily watering does more harm than good un less rain misses your gar den for ten days to two weeks merion kentucky blue grass will be better off if not watered at all on other lawns where it may be necessary to apply water be sure the soil is soaked to a minimum depth of 5 inches the old cane on rambler type roses should be cut way to the base of the plant as they will not flow er again do save the new- ones forming near the ground level as these are the ones that will flower next year be sure not to use this treatment on large flowered modern climbers about all the pruning they need is to cut out old hard wood that has stopped blooming once you finish pruning scatter a complete fertilizer around the base of each bush and work it gently into the soil once the end of june arrives evergreens will have finished their years growth and its time to prune them notice the new growth at the end of the old branches cut away half of this growth which will force two soft tips to grow where only one grew before this thickens up the entire evergreen never cut into the old wood as evergreens do not retain live buds for more than a year there are two exceptions yews and hemlocks which tolerate severe shearing keep watering newly planted trees and shrubs but dont drown them as many people do you can suspect overwatering if the leaves droop this happens i the roots are standing in water and cannot receive a much needed supply of oxygen lettuce seed germination may be poor if the weather turns hot to overcome this mix seed with damp sand and peat moss and altona the aitona community centre asso ciation is holding a picnic and reunion on the grounds of the old school friday june 30 at 630 siore in an electric refrig erator for two weeks but not in the freezing compar tment sow this lettuce seed in rows after this cooling treatment pjn invitations have been sent to all former students whose names are available in registers area residents and all interested persons are invited to attend each is asked to bring a picnic basket and dishes for the buffet supper beverage will be provided the wearing of centen nial dress will add color to the gathering buvd jcrbucs let the people praise thee o cod i m an herbal remedy unsightly warts on hands face feet permanently removed within 3 o 5 vcsa vith chtons wart remover not an cld harmless to healthy slzin at houston rexall pharmacy mr and mrs f lacy of california gospel singers alive and in color at the unionville alliance church july 34 at 800 pm everyone welcome information phone 2971104 christ church anglican stouffville rector kev frederick k miller sunday july 2 1967 trinity vi 930 ajn morning prayer stouffville united church rev a l borland ba bd sunday july 2 1967 note advanced hour and combined service 1000 am divine worship in st james presbyterian church sermon a faith for our nation 230 pm interdenomina tional service of witness and praise in stouffville community park all wel come sunday school children 9 years and un der will be invited to re tire during the service for a brief sunday school class weekly programmes scouts wed 7 pm fri 7 pm cubs ringwood christian church pastor mr max vague sunday july 2 1967 10 am sunday school 230 pm centennial ser vice in park 8 pm wed ce prayer meeting united missionary church dicksons hill pastor kev ronald faw ph g10243g sunday july 2 1967 945 am sunday school 11 am- morning worship service 700 pm drivein service on the markham plaza united church rev geo davison sunday july 2 1967 bethesda 5th cone whitchurch 10 am worship service 11 am sunday school melville gtli cone marliliam 1115 am worship service 1115 am sunday school thurs june 29th melville church and sunday school picnic bruccs mill conservation park supper 645 pm churchill vivian churches rev k burton btii sunday july 2 1967 churchill mussclmans lake 955 bible school classes for all 11 am worship vivian 10 am bible school 11 am morning worship sheppard gospel temple 3110 sheppard ave e agincourt ontario just minutes away from where you arc rev douglas clark pastor we welcome- many more of the markham stouffville area friends to visit us many already are services al 1100 am and 700 pm great music singing solos quartette choir parking nursery celebrate centennial come to goodwood baptist church 950 am sunday school 1100 am morning service special cenlennial message dominion from sea to sea by pastor lawrence hurly 730 pm living color film strip pilgrims progress first of a series fellowship hour after evening service st james presbyterian church stouffville minister rev fred ii ornmey ba 2911633 sunday july 2 1967 combined services with stouffville united church july in st james presbyterian church at 10 am children 9 yrs and under may retire for ss during the service preacher rev a l borland ba bd 2nd july at 230 pm interdenominational service of witness and praise in the community park all welcome t stouffville baptist church pastor gordon t goodcrliam btii sunday july 2 1067 950 bible school 1100 morning worship communion service 730 pm evening meeting mon sunday school picnic at woodland park wed 800 prayer meeting o bless our god ye people and make the voice of his praise to be heard psalm 608 stouffville united missionary church rev arthur walsh minister sunday july 2 1967 10 am sunday school with classes for all ages 11 am morning worship communion 730 pm miss annie yeo and miss ruby wilson who are return ing to nigeria providing the door to missions in nigeria remains open in spite of the troubles there this will be our fare well service for these missionaries dont forget the centen nial service in the town park on sunday afternoon at 230 see dis play announcement else where in this paper second markham st baker hill fellowship baptist churches rev bruce lliscy sunday july 2 1967 second markham bible school 10 am morning service 11 am gospel service 730 pm baker hill prayer service thur 8 pm sunday service 945 am bible school 11 am mr del smith will preach in all services all welcome memorial christian congregational church minister rev clarence t bass sunday july 2 1967 10 am classes for adults yp and children 11 am and 730 pm the minister every wednesday 8 pm the book of acts verse by verse prayer time announcement stouffville and ringwood congregational churches will unite for drivein services at 730 pm each sunday during july and august in the west end plaza first baptist church claremont minister rev ii sydney hillycr dd sunday july 2 1967 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service altona united missionary church rev frank iluson pastor sunday july 2 1967 sunday school 1030 am evangelistic service 730 pm wednesday evening 8 pm prayer service bible study the church with the light on sunday night gormley united missionary church rev l k sider tastor sunday july 2 1967 950 am sunday school 1100 am worship pastors theme the book of james 3 faith and works 730 pm evening scrvlco theme grace for service wed july 5 at 8 pm prayer meeting centennial baptist church morgan hall tasfor ii straclmn 2913108 2911117 dir of education music mr w mcgllvroy bamed we welcome you 10 am christian educa tion 11 am morning worship 7 pm fellowship hour one of the finest evening services bright singing inspiring music challeng ing message time of re freshment after service a church that cares in bloomington christian gospel church rev d benson pastor sunday july 2 1967 945 am sunday school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship speaker mr milton arnold 1205 am communion service 730 pm evening service sec the film moody bible institutes latest film professor and the prophets note attend the centennial service in the park sun at 230 pm mr h w sutherland and a 100 voice choir worship with us a welcome to as stouffville full gospel church services sunday school 1000 am morning worship 11xo am evening service 730 pm at masonic hall each sunday aurthur k brougkm pastor i