IEgg Producers Advised On Summer Problems Markham Chrysler - Dodge Summer Is Here AI .arden Equipment ‘hain Saws At THORIZED POW'ER MOWER'DEALER f< StouffvilleSales 6 Service unt at imple. but very ‘ps may help 3“ 1 are ' ‘Sfly to ahead tim point. straighten the wheels Il'ld continue il your front bumper is even with the parked uniper. Then turn the wheels hard in the wtion to the curb as you continue to back up. your car parallel lb the car parked In 1 with the rear bumpers even and the feet apart. Switch on your curb-side to service your ns Mowers Do You REALLY Know How To Park Your Car? Laidlaw Blvd. Phone 2 NOW 4 Stouflville i Matilda onerty an , few motorists do an to wold ‘nnder repllr md .‘nlfll‘ m- u left .nmez †D†A'nter‘ Pumps ‘i g iren o 20 percem cntennial Farm In Markham *laled to feed consump- lS shell quality. With lower feed consump- goes a lowerintake of um. To remedy this. a’ calcium should be ad to the feed, or oyster to the feed, or oyster should be fed free ‘n. Hens ) Droduc is more sumn ed down through e: l the farm by Crov 5 Thompson who ha 3 married to Helen Thomas Hastings v rillinger) Markham 640-1814 'edu quanl us do It correcHY- under-1nd bump" ;nmcantly.reduce nattended. >ercem. If pro- are not kept up at should be in- ompensate for )tal feed con- other time :e of extra 1 Hastin iiflicult 'e tak lunl 0 'cannot con~ e the same 294-174 nc, 21 gm and Todd mid-p only imp Dietary of sumpâ€" namesake impor- keep rtan: Ion†15%: Namesake Of con- mme Famous Company I: ll] pro hen 1dr Ray Fleury ous Fleury that had it Stouffville 1900. A by also locam ent her‘ month STOUFF V ILLE 11:00 The CANADIAN TAKE OUT ORDER MENU SERVED 6 A WEE hat (Closed Mond nth The iron CHINESE BING'S DELICIOUS Restaurant )Inln St. West STOUFFVILLE PhomI 640-1861 of its factory si e from 181 branch plant .ed at Aurora DISHES M“ Stouffv )f the 4 Markham from 1. to 1:00 a.m ffville locati ite of the pr‘ more and {a and The on Rill DAYS Ice-tam. nmpany site in 1885 to mow ‘inal l on Markham Tov ple Flt most 9 Mr. I Warrin ville, c: mes remain. The re- 'i\'a1 in Canada rom anerations. F0110 g t on to a son. Thom s rie and Thomas. T an, a son Thomas and urm. They have two 1th the Children's Aid District High School. Ar†a‘m ine ATTENTION for information Call wig. Gladding, 887-5435 am till FARMERS MARKET FARMERS GAR‘DENERS FLORISTS POULTRYMEN, Etc. STANDS NOW AVAILABLE ‘9 YONGE ST. AT THORNHILL YORK inside or out at boy in He earr thriv eury is GARDEN GUIDE a! Many a would-be gardener wishes to dash out to th nursery or garden centre. buy some perennial or bie: nial plants in bloom and create a flowering garden ove night. ' In southern Untarto are so snort nveu lnl dled as biennials. Hollyhocks, Violas, pa gloves are typical examples of the latter Many home gardeners say to me that biennials survive from year to year, and does seem to happen. You can be certain inal roots do not survive. The new plants from the previous year's seed. particulai of hollyhocks and Sweet Williams. The r4 are hardly worth keeping as the seed wi plants true to the original variety or colc A friend of mine who has only rece garden, said to me the other day "Why l ennials at all isn't it much more con either annuals or perennials?" If we di ennials either 2 nials, w plantin; min}: [I choil clun fron Such plants correctly grown in containers will go long way towards fulfilling such a plan, but it will be _uite expensive. This is especially true when you con- ider that once the blooms of the biennial: have faded way the plants will die. Biennials are plants which are started in late spring Ir summer one year, for bloom the following garden eason. Once their flowering period is over they die. Forget-menots, Canterbury bells and Siberian wall- lowers are examples of true biennials. However, there ire a group of plants which are technically classed as )erennials in locations where the winters are mild. but It southern Ontario are so short lived they're best han- lled as biennials. Hollyhocks, Violas, pansies and [ox- from of it, portion, an would have Just as dening can start growi sow S‘ slalcly a the back ‘ndle Witt liner I when seven feet- high. nvded with love ll ma and a] known in e biennial 5cm ll not only haV only a [radio ‘wn plants, bu ailable as slat an :m ring pla ill The Bv JOHN BRADSHAW but you c: started pla arden ‘ur mix ‘lik the 2 If all 1p FORD 530 BALER HERE'S A GREAT DEAL! ! ! Well Worth Looking Into! BALERS Up to 14 Tons an Hour! R.R.3 Cloremont C316 this FORD QUALITY BALER in if 28 PIECE TOOL KIT with the purchw drowned. Progress that are still alive pend on growing lions from here in The results of on crops is quite Poor colour ind stunted growth 0 umb'z to grow an: plant food normn The biggest f‘ FARMING REPORT rowth on plants grow and take up I normally. Lots my new by AL WALL flooding obvious. literally will THE MINE More I are askix this you. uh: FARMERS TAKE NOTE ! ! that it. B CHAS. COOPER LIMITED it the lean 'indrow s THE ALTO PHONE : 649-2114 ALL JOIN WIYH SPECIAL PRICES “THANKS" ALTONA M, h- 29, I967 AND ntennial Ye THANKS FORD HONDA NEW IDEA LAWN BO‘ FIRESTONE BEATTY SUN'RAY PIONEER PITTSBURG MARMILL QUALITY WITH SERVICE Phone 640-162 FEED FEEDS