Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 29, 1967, p. 10

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VTltETIIIltE \m‘v' ...-s My. line 29. I967 . . 5W. ‘ std, A P_C_ Candidate Chats With Premier Bill Newman (right) Provincial Progressive Conservative candidate for the sited with her aunt, Mr. new riding of Ontario South. chats with Premier John Robarts at the P.C. can- didates‘ meeting held at the Westbury Hotel. Toronto. While 42 new nominees were discussing election issues with Premier Robarts. Mrs. Robarts was the hos- tess at an informal luncheon for the candidates‘ wives at. the King Edward Hotel. at the Annual Memorial \ Claremont Hobby Show An Attractive Display By ANNE LONEY CLAREMONT A' small but uquisiie collec- tmn of hobbies was on lilst‘tiil‘» al the Communitv Hall iin Claremont's Ceri- tennial D.i\. Salurcm. \r- ranged h\ \lrs. Frank Ha\- ward and Mr. John Robin- sori. it was a surprise to , find .so manv varied inter- ests and talents in the vil- lage. From wine-making to astronomx . there was somethin: of interest for caer} one. Those who had hobbies at the show were Donnie Hocklev with a display (it old and new' car pictures and models: Mrs. Doug .\tirttin with heaulilulli madc ladtes' hats. (lc.tii'.ited tctilrcpic- Li's and takcs; \lrs [Arcd Ft. .i |i.tnd.p.irii'..~tl ten» tennial truth of the How- F?" of the Pl't\llTLL‘\ critltis .sct'i rii lhc Ewi- ctiit‘vlerii and .i qurh or i.lLitC\ in old lashrtilictl clothes; .\lt‘s. George DeRLtslia. lovely t'tichct \\t.ll'i\ and a hand- made sl.t.‘\ suit and Mrs. :i trikei. .i t'tlr‘ .‘t quilt d. a l.:cl\ s wine colored wail: knitted racket : i‘iJlll l.i:l.-'etl ski1t. O: is w.‘rc \l.s. \lttrrav tan heir loom hand d curl: sliiiwir‘t; the emblems iii. the Robert (3:.‘3 a . ..lliilT i“ .in ~. :i'itl .lintriw Cc.t. astiti'itiincr .. . i-wi‘. Osliti": >~ tis’tt.r‘.icni‘s: liiliii Rivâ€" i.‘i‘\ lzar'i‘ trellis .i !\ [Lillipâ€" .s itI cit- .iil Ifltliii tied tc'ail; in, wiizi' 1: ft‘C-i’»ils l.iii a tii‘iiiirrizl nia'cr'ial .t' : l l .s D. uls- I T‘t’l.‘ \i :l’lc‘ Wins University Scholarship Eighteen and Mrs. Gordon Morley daughter of Mr. and Mrs. has been awarded a second I ntversiiy of Waterloo that week study course in Germany 'uings: Mrs. year old (tail .\Iorley. daugfi r of ML of Waterloo 3 with recipes and the in- gredients for making it: an old jacquard bedspread, the date of its age not known; Mrs. Mae Middle- ton, several bright colour- ed hooked rugs and paint- Ken Ward. oil paintings, one a portrait of her daughter. Beliv, . and Mrs. E. D. Loncy. nee- dlepoint chairs and foot- ’stools. a cross-stitch pict- ure of Mallards in Flight and a collection of sea- sliells from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Gulf of Mexico. Visitors at the home of Dr. N. F. Tomlinson and \lr. and Mrs. Richard Coo- per river Centennial week- end were Mr. and Mrs. Ted Titl’t'lilllstfll'tii Willowdale \- rtli their grandchildren Pat and Gordon Coclitane 'li Scarhiiro; Mr. and Mrs. Toni Field and Mr. and Mrs. Gat‘v Cooper of Tor- onto: .\lrs. .lean Tomlinson of .‘\i.l\; Dr. and Mrs. Mau- rice Moreau and family of \\'.iterloo: Mr. and Mrs. Alan Toriilinson ol Hamil- ton and Mr. and Mrs. Rich- ard .lo"ille of “est Rouge. .\If'. and Mrs. Ken Mad- ill and-family motored to Kcswick Sunday for din- ner with \lr. and \lt's. Ecl- (ilC \itrtc. On Monday c\cti- in; Mr. and Mrs. Madill were in Egpt, ticttl' .\‘1l- 1 ill. to attend the diamond weddingv CtIItIl\Cl'.s;tl'\ of \l_t's. .\ladtll's aunt and uns tl.‘."\l:. and Mrs. George Sector's. F \lr Clifford Jane of To- riititu spent Sundm with his sister and brother-in- law, \lr and Mrs. Frank Hayward. \ii". Margaret Wilkcr i‘ll\ returned home from a liiilitlav with Mr. and Mrs. ll Lackm at their home in wiixtmii-th. , ' Mrs. A. Y. Robertson of Be‘atnsville came for the grand-i Fred .\Iorley. Claremont.“ year scholarship at the‘ entitles |ier to an eight- this summer. Centennial and is visiting with her daughter and son- in~la\v. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Almack. . Centennial \isilttrsflit the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Roszell were Mr. and Mrs. Ken Field and family of Scarboro. Mr. and Mrs. Atc‘x Schneider motored to South River in Northern Ontario recently for a visit with Mr. Schneider's rela- tives. On their return Mrs. Schneider and Joyce mol- orcd to Montreal for a vi- sil to Expo. Mrs. Clara Della of South River ha< been visiting her brother and sister-in-law‘, Mr. .and Mrs. Schneider. Several carloads of resi- dents ot the Claremont .\‘ut'sing Home came to see the parade and cniov a picnic lunch. Thcv were accompanied by Mrs. Her- hei't Hilage. Mrs. E. Mun- ich and Mrs. Walter Cow- ie. In the afternoon, they; cnioved an hour of violin music at the home given by Mr. Carl De\ill. It was good to see .\Il‘. Gordon Hodgiiis of Brou- gham looking .so well and fit on Saturday Mr. Hod-‘ gins went through a long period of illness. For manv years he was a resident of Claremont and farmed on the scenic property which is now Cherry Downs Golf Club. There was a dearth of music at the park on Sat- urdav. Fortunatelv. .\II‘. Bob Madill got the Bow- inanvillc Pipe Band to plav for the iisiloi's‘. inanv of whom evprCssed surprise that no niUsic was sup- plicd during the afternoon. The Bowmanville Band- stopped oft at the Legion Hall (in its war home and gave a few selections that were much appreciated. Mr. and Mrs. Main Andcr~ son attended the wedding of their son, Rae. and Miss Anti Wilson in Lake- field Anglican Church Sat. urdav and the reception which was held at the Hol- idav Inn, Pcterboro. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Anderson with their family. Carol. Ernie and Murray and Mr. and Mrs. James Peddie were also at the wedding. Mrs. Mail Anderson was in Toronto for a visit with her sister. Mrs. Ivan Ben- son of Agincourl, who is undergoing treatment at the Orthopedic Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morlcv of Ottawa were weekend visitors with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morley. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lch‘ man of Ashburn with their family. Julie Ann. Jeffrey ' PUBLIC TAKE NOTICE firm in observance of the Dominion Day holiday 'the Townspr offices will be closed on July 3rd, 1967. Kinsale Institute- Celebrates Seventieth Anniversary. By MAY BROWN 'GREENWOOD â€" _Kinâ€" sale Women's Institute ce- lebrated their seventieth ' anniversary June 21. The meeting was held at the old Kinsale Schqol (now a community centre} For- mer members were guests of the Society. Mrs. Bur- leigh of Audley gave a tall: on Buttons. A birthday cake was made by Anne Mowbray, the great grand- daughter of Mrs. R. R. Mowbray, who was one of the charter members. Most of the ladies and girls wore centennial costumes. Mrs. Wm. Young and two of the 4H girls. Kat chg and Linda Thomas re der- cd a solo and duct. The sympathy -‘of he community is extended to Mrs. George Moore and fa mily-ofs Bonar Saw in the passing of a husband and father Miss Linda Eastwood vi- and Mrs. Cliff Redman and sons on Scugog Island. There was a fair turnout Service held in the Salem Open-Air 5. .Drumhead Service CLAREMONT â€"- Round- ing up the Claremont (‘en- tennial Weekend Celebra- tions. the 18th Drumhea Service was held Sunday. June 5. in the village park with three ministers offici- ating. The Drumhcad Service was sponsored by the Claremont Branch of the Canadian Legion. VETERANS FROM .11. THE DISTRICT included in the proc s- sion were veterans fro Uxbridgc, Bowmanville. ’ Os li a \v a. Bay Ridges. Stouffvillc and Claremont. Leading the parade was President Harold Hopkins. OPEN AIR SERVICE The parade began at 2.00 p rn. and marched from the Legion to the park where an open air service was ._ held. The address by Rev, George Davison 'and the prayers said by Rev. .\. E (‘rcsswcll The scripture was read by the Rev. if. S. fltllycr. .\. crowd of 200 jorncd tn Singing the Horn "O God Our Help in .\ges Past," was given Markham Rink Murkham's Iti'st puliltc incoor skating rink».w.ts op ned on Christmas DH. 25. l87l. under the gership of James An- t any. The town hand was hand to .supplv the mu- sic. n nd carnival was ' planned for New Year's. 'and Dannie enioycd Cen- I'lennial Salurdav with‘ Mr. Lehman's parents. Mr. and Mrs. \t‘es‘ Lehman. Claremont Baptist Sun- dav School picnic will he held June 29 tn Swiss Clia~ let I? rk. Greenwood. Cars inc the church at p.m. for thnse wish int transportation. Supper will e served trtitil '0230. {The Pagh~Evans Relnion picnic was held on Satur- day. June 24 at Cedar Stone Park. Greenbank - with 97 members present. Mrs. Morgan Evans. age 92 \cars was the oldest l;td\._ _ present. Mr. Walter \\'ar age 90 was the oldest geiiv ‘tleman and baby Randv Evans-1‘: nios., son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Evans of Bolton was the younu- est member present. Rain prevented some of the sports actiiitics but did not dampen the atmosphere of those pres- ent. Norrcrs' D. J. Plitz. i im on Sunday, July 2 and sociable ‘ Church and cemetery on Sunday afternoon. Rev. R. H. Wylie of Almonds was the guest speaker and the Greenwood Choir led in the service of song. At the beginning of the service an historical marker in front of the church was presented by the Kinsale Women's Institute] Mrs. C. Michael '-Hockley Wins . BP . McTaggart. president of the Institute made the pre- sentation followed by the dedication. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Phi- lip of California are visit- ing with her brother Herb Middleton and family and sister Mr. and Mrs. Ken Elson and family. Beard Contest By MULLIE STEWART CLAREMONTâ€"Plans to hold the Beard Growing contest in the open last Saturday evening during Claremont‘s Weekend Cen- tennial Celebrations were abandoned when the lower- ing skies opened and de- luged onlookers. But though the good citi- zens of Claremont may have been extremely wet. their spirits were not tn the least dan‘ipencd. After taking shelter in every available spot in- cluding under store mar- quees. doorways. in cars and even under the body of a huge tractor - trailer where dozens of small children laughingly scur- ried. it was dccrded to carry on the judging in the legion hall. TWO JI‘DGES The good-natured crowds that showed tip to witness the final judging bore tcstr tony lo the keen interest of all those attending the Centennial program! Originally the‘ number of New Bridge By MILDRED PUCKRIN AUDLEY â€" Parts of the 4th concession in the Atttl~ i\‘\‘ area are being closed to through traffic this week. Seteral new' bridges are being hiiill before the road is widened. Thc Hi C group held a partv at the home of the counsellors. Mr. antl Mrs. L. \\'a|lli:tni. Plans for thc summer include entertain- ingthe senior citizens of 'l'airvieiv Lodge and a pic- nit. 'llie Surtdai School and congregational ptcntc will 8} INT" HL'Tt'HINtiS GREEN RIVERâ€"“'9 ex- tend concratulaltoiis tn Patsy lrcson. oldest dauclt- tcr of Mr and Mrs (iCtl lrcson. who was awarded a fellowship at Y irk t'nncrs- ity_ Palsy wtll rccctvc frce tuition and residence lccs. She IS st‘tdying for her BA. Mr. firm is now home from hospital. Lilllc Rose - Ann and Susan Piiinctl have been ill with the measles and tonsrlitts .\Ir. and Mrs Pattenden and faniil\ of Set..hnro Visited witlt their aunt. Mrs. W Scoun Sympathy of the rum- niuntty is extended to Mrs. ll .\lrchcll and Mrs .\. Cray iii lIl(‘ recent loss of a SlSIt‘l’. Mrs Charles Gos- ttck. Slottfl’vtllc Mr and Mrs Wm. Duni. can attended a family pic- nic at the home of Mr. and Mrs Gordon Duncan and family. \I‘illnwdalc. Sun- day Due to the pastor's vaca- lion. sources will be held here in the mornin: at It GIITS HAY. CONDITIONS IT... ‘ NON-STOP. I'LIIIi FREEI You get non-stop mowing and conditioning \‘vlih fluffy. palatable swaths or windroivs. Shred: com stalks. chops weeds or straw stubble. conditions straw for easy bail'lg. \ Full year warranty. Excellent financing. SEE IT SOON (3': NEW IDEA CUT/DITIONER ALTON FEED SUPPLIES LTD. R.R. #3 â€" Clailpmont â€" 640-1621 bearded contestants had been fifteen but due to dropouts the figure dwind- led to ten. ' Due to line up before the judges were Alan Redshaw, f‘ele Davis. Mike Valentino. Fred I-‘Iss. Bob Gecr, Dave MacDonald, George Mac- Kc ic. Ray Ward, Gary Cogns and Paul Nesbrtt. Judges were Steven Lu- ongo who operates a bar- ber shop in Stouffvillc. and Mario Patronclla of Clare- mont. Master (if was Ray Ward. ANNOI‘NL’ES WINNER 0n the basts of having the longest. healthiest. cur- licst and bushicst board. the judges after conferrtn: privately awarded .\liko Hockley the first prize of twenty-five dollars Second winner was Ms]- coliii .\iiIl‘lL‘III who won ttftecn dollars. Third prin- of ten dollars went to At- no Norton. The beards had taken five months to cultivate ceremonies Built . i he ht'id this Tliuisdav, June 29 at P.tu|\nrie Park. Supper will be at ti p.m. Church services on Juli ‘1 and to will he t.tkcii In the Rm. F. Ctiiikev of the Piikctmg Preslwiermri Church. Following the t Ids st‘s tin Sundav Illi\ 2 Sun da\ Svlitittl w. he dosed ilil' tlic sumci litttnllts. Among those visiting l'.\ po from here last wcck were Mrs. .AILII Bell. Mrs John Pitckt'tn and Lariil ‘ Atkinson. also \It' and \Its Fred Puckrin and Di- annc. Fellowship Award , 16. and JIICl'lMli‘ \il’il‘. Whilmalc (‘huich tiii liit' rim and fliird Rr'; \\' \‘J Fleischer will he the nitri- isicr. Community Picnic H} \'ER.\ LEICII \SllBLR\ â€" Tlit .--:i: nlullth pitiii. will in liclcl at (ieiicwi Park on Thrus- lttnt‘ I“ Rcicieiid \ t. (iriii‘ititl Riiatt‘. i-l Evangelism .ioil 'sii.i.il \ ruin of the I‘ieslwterian thunli iii Lt'ttt. ti cl‘algc tii tlic s.r'\t\e in His Ccnttnntal (siiire Siziidax clciv . seclctau til rlic During the .Itii\ sci\ict ‘\:ll he held .it st It) 3 m wttli Ru. (i. H. Moore 0| L\hrid-;c. ..iiz'i-‘ ductingv the worship, Suns d.w School will he at In 4: am ‘\ Miss Fern Stcplieii, Tor» onto and Mrs. Fred Stcplr en til Bi‘iioklin were Thurs stl.i\ \isiltirs with Mr. and Mrs. Rttsscll Richardson. nitintli iii A . ..‘ .' s /. / / \ \ 7 / i‘ .L “Q ‘9" t \ $1 Worth OJV‘Gas Wins $90 Bike “'ith a 5| purchase of :asuline fiir his I’lr. l‘aui IM-trn. l't. till lllfl‘milrl rt himself 3 SEN! Iiic} cle :it .\Ict‘tillouuli's UJ'. \i.‘iilln. 'l‘lrt- tiptrzzivw, \lr, lnit ' lough. made the presentation I'rl(I:l_\. . (mid -/i ; studt-r' " trict High School. plans to tutor" the l niicrsiti iii titrzfgili tl’r .. will be cheaper to operate." he said. puintin: in his lf‘S-i ( hrysler Paint? \v (7 ._...l'i Claremont Fund new 1,500 CIARI 'illl\f 7 l‘ . i (i.tlt.'illl“l t .. f- t. ‘ lttttil is sl.‘i til r“: g l' ‘ ‘ ’ _']l ltil.il i'.is li‘i‘t'. t..i. ‘ ‘1 » (LY .. ii 3' till". \liist :et.i.‘ tit'. :s U, ,>_ s (we Ritbcll l‘iisi ”.31 l ..._. r r ’ PtiLli, -\l isiiis/c‘l ‘lm-g. ‘i V V t‘ ,v‘,,_. immsmti. \r. t. it." l~‘ . "' ' ”‘ ' ' â€"- (...\ \ii...ii.r \iis Hrl‘ w ,. 1* ‘ - ‘- " . l, . K" I T T i sl l . ‘ ’ L “ i CLOSED sniunniv irrrnnouns following the Usual rt.slnm. 1 hr 'lriliune iil.‘~!»"t"‘ law-e rs 1 moi! and '. 'r. Farrr' illfiifi' CLAUDE KERR _ Stoufiviiie 640-1375 office will ht (Inst-o ..ri Nilurda' Tii'(rr.t>lil‘i~ dur'rt'; JULY AND AUGUST ..lit' Iitl‘l'fi :il.‘ li.t_\ 'i'1s \Jigri‘u' I966 CHRYSLER. ”WINDSOR" [mi-h I966 FURY HARDTOP \ IrIIh illlil iii-.iiiiiuu. 1.; . .i sctlau with \.s rii;ttii- amounts. r- we liiissitiii, pitwcr slt~i~irri'_. [mwi r Ii-gik- s and radio. Fitiisliml lll stinr! Il"‘i ‘l Li. $2995 blue with little Iflll‘rlflr .lfiflis‘i. CONVERTIBLES 2 GREAT CARS FOR SUMMER CRUISING! liltit l’tl.\’“l'l w‘ PARISIENXE (‘ii.\\'i-:rt'iii:i t: y. ,. . l‘til l'lliill l.\l \\l'i. "7"“ (H\\ liR'l'lliI 1' .tisct i... . :- r‘tnii; i -. ' . rvnwr': hi it. » , r' sorts ii. i w‘.‘ ‘»]\C‘ti{t" tr: him is \r:"i szsés sti\ 'i ' i. CLOSED SAT., JULY lst OPEN MON., JULY 3rd The Iltittrv» ' I‘liiiiniilli Itirv ' Rein-Jove ' Karratnil-i 0 thuslrr O \altanl Gordon PAGE Motors {3.1 Main \tt-st \tuufiulle l'lmm fitfl‘lfll'.’ rir $003933 (TIME (IN IN .\VI) TRY .\.\' tliv’l-‘Iili (IN THIS UNI: I I965 FURY III A irliim‘ si‘ili" \\i" \s t - .iiirnniari. t; imm . r‘ .\, str‘t‘ItI’IZ. whorl ironi- ..“t w. t" “wills. Black w'tlh iiinlias'ir: 1" Inlt‘l’inr bin. iniimy ' A REAL HONEY OF A CAR! ol

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