Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), June 29, 1967, p. 6

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" GILES GORMIEY â€" A very pretty wedding was con- ductedin'l‘rinity Anglican Church Aurora, June 22 when Mr, John Dawson andMiss Judith Munroe were married. The recep- tion that followed was held at the home of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Munroe. The newlyweds are spending their honeymoon in the laurentians. Honeymoon Trip To Laurentians Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Paul Smith and the Dennie family in the pas- sing of theiLsister, Miss Eva Denuie, June 22 at the Brierbush Hospital Stoufi- ville. Miss Dennie . had been ill for many weeks. The funeral was held at the Pipher Funeral Home. Richmond Hill with inter- ment in Victoria Square Cemetery. Mr. Mervyn Kelly has returned fro St Mich- ael’s Hospita ,; Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stickley. the Misses Rca~ man. Vera, Velma, Mildred Brillinger and Marjorie Hcise attended the Gener- al Conference of the Breth- ren in Christ churches at By EVELYN MILS‘IED Doner. The feature film “God' 5 Country" will be shown at the Parkside Youth Centre on July 1 at 9 pm. and a- gain on Sunday night. Ju- Mrs. Mjlsted visited Mrs. Douglas Jones in the Pri- vate Patients’ Pavilion. To- ronto.-Sunda_v.' . The annual United Mis- ‘ More people buy . new Chevrolets than any other new car cry for Mrs Elias Elliott “ho had surgen Frida\ in York Central Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. John Far- quharson spent two weeks ‘st Milton. Ohio. Mr. arfd Mrs. Floyd Win‘ ‘r and Doug of Newmar- 3! t had Sinday dinner thMr. and Mrs. Allan We \vi Stouffville AUTHORIZED DEALER IN STOUFFVILLE : _V 1 IS thé official post 2 holida’w so the Gor- office will be closed rday a lhere will 0 mail delivery. 5. Allan ‘Done'r and Milsled visited Mrs. Chevrolet: the-more-people-buy-it car Chu mam" Inflamhn Be sure lo sec Bonanza on the CBC: United Mis- 'ch. Sundav will be held park. June 'dv recov You can, be sure of the car more people are buying And more people buy new Chevrolets than any othernew car. There are reasons for this. A lot of good reasons. Five exciting Chevrolet series for a start: Caprice, Impala Super Sport, Impala, Bel Air, Biscayne. ' 17 beautiful models to choose from: convertibles. hardtops, sedans, station wagons. A big choice. One to suit you. Chevrolet gives you a great' range of performance teams: economical Sixes, ’ small V83, big V85 all-outVSs; transmissions: 3- Speed manual. 4- onâ€"the- floor _Powerglide automatic and Turbo Hydra-Math: that lets you do both.. .shift through gears manually ' or go fully automatic. Chevrolet rides smoother. Corners easier. Runs quieter. With all these good reasons for owning a Chevrolet going for you, ‘ no wonder it_ 5 your best buy. Ifyou need another one, consider this. There’s never been a better time to buy Your Chex rolet dealer’s deals are right. Trade-in values high. Immediate delivery on most models. ’ _ TeS't drive a new Chevrolet today. You won‘t need another reason to go Chevrolet. holidays at McKellar. 0nt~ ario. Miss Clara Sherrie]: was buried at Dickson‘s Hill Cemetery Tuesday after- noon. Rev. 1.. K. Sider hen. ducted the funeral. \ The East York Barbefi shoppers journeyed to 0!- tawa June 13 and sang at the Centennial Centre there. A large crowd was present and they received a standing ovation. Mr. Keith Hood of Gormley is a member of this 50 male voice chorus. Mr. Harry Kruse spent the week at Parry Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Chamber- lain of Willowdalc and Mrs M. A. Renlington of Liverpool. England visited Mrs. Beula Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sherk and family of Kitch- ener visited Mr. and Mrs. Ron Elliott. A welcome home shower was held at the United Missionary Church for Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hawkins. At the Afmual Confer- enfe aLSpawer, Murray PICKERING â€" Deputy Reeve Mrs. Jean McPher- son voted against “financ- ing and construction of the reservoir on the basis of deferred benefits charged to a maximum of $250.- 000," at a council meeting June 19. She said that it had de- finitely been stated that S200.000 would be the de- ferred .area charge, and she was not in favor of the extra $50,000 being charg- ed to residents in the area who had no hope of bene- fitting from a water sys- tem for years to come. Reeve Laycox, Council- lors John Williams and Ron Chatten said that J. A. Kennedy. Ontario Munici- pal Board chairman had said that the Board would approve if the township engineer thought it really necesary. Opposes Additional Reservoir Charges Stouffville - Phone 640-1610 Chevrolet Oldsmobile Limited TV network each Sunday. Check your local listing {or channel and time. Bennett was appointed as' one of nine lay delegates to the next General Confer- ence. ‘ Patty and Barbara Rice, Jean Rumney and Ingrid and Ann Van Rijn attend- ed the weekend .camp of the First Gomley Guides at Greenhood Park. Doris Rice and Kelly Waud attended thi: day camp for Brownies on Sa- turday at Greenwood Park. Mrs. 1'. Rice, Mary Steckâ€" ley and Mrs. Norm Car- rington attended a miscel- laneous shower for Betty Ann Carrington at ‘1 the home of Mrs. June Phillips Toronto. Betty Ann will be married Aug. 26. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heise of Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania visited cous- ins here Sunday. Mr. Percy Handley of Pefferlaw who had been employed at Earl's Garage here for six years, passed away June 20 foilowing a heart attack. He Was bur- ied at Orillia‘ “I get quite accustomed to those rather slanderous and personal remarks made by Mrs. McPherson." said Councillor Williams, “You all heard what ’Mr. Kennedy said. Mrs. Mc- Pherson apparently did not hear this. Because she didn't hear it. she claims it wasn‘t said." “I apologize for my ‘slan- derous' remarks." said the deputy reeve, “But I hear what I hear and nobogjy can say anything different. You say it is slanderous be cause I tell the truth." Mr. Chatten said there was no doubt he (Kennedy) said it. and Mrs. McPher- son was using the wrong word when she said ‘sland- erous “She is indirectly accus- ing Mr. Williams of lying." he said, ‘Lady'. 3 part. Clydesdale-Welsh mare. was judged the largest entr} in the Stouflville centennial pet. show Saturday. “'5 riders are Bill and Kim Hassard. Lloyd Avenue. _ -â€"-Statt' Photo. MARKHAM â€" Aicenten- nial fashion show entitled ‘Portraits Of The Past‘, will be held in the auditor- ium of Markham District High School. Tuesday. Sept. 12. The program is sponsored by the Women's Centennial Committee. An organization meeting was held at the home of Mrs. James Outred. June 20. ‘Models’ Portray The Past ‘Lady' Was Largest Entryg’ln Pet Parade C-IOG7C Models who will take part include: Mrs. David Benita. Mmiurne Wilson, Mrs. Edna Bacon. Mrs. Yvonne Wilkes." Mrs. Mabel Burns. Mrs. Margaret Moore. Mrs, R. Miller, Mrs. William Hill, Mrs. P. Wil- liamson, Mrs. R. Leask. Mrs. C. Lennyk, Mrs. S. Croft. The fashions are made available through the On- tario Department of Tour- ism and Information. All the ‘models' will be ladies and gentlemen of the Markham community, Tickets are available from church. service clubs and youth group represent- atives. Admission is $1.00. «The first and still the best dry bait lly killer. Easy to use with the new "FREE- FLO" top cans. Safe to use in milk sheds.stables, piggeries,etq. Available in 24 oz., 40 02.. and 5 lb. cans. The premium quality daily stock spray with fast "Killing Power”. Sale to use on all livestock or in farm buildings. Available in land 5 gal. cans. FLYMOR FLORBAIT DECLARE WAR CHOOSE THE RIGHT “AMMO” FROM YOUR FLY CONTROL HEADQUARTERS! Stouffville Co-Op ON FLIES! 47 Edward SL. Sloufi’ville PHONE 640-1550 Protect your cows from biking flies and get _up to 20% more milk! One treat- ment lasts up to Zweeks. “PINK COWS GIVE MORE MILK". Available in 2 lb. dusler cans and 10 lb. box. FLY KILLERS" COWFLY POWDER The economical and effective aerosol spray {or house and garden use. Kills flies, moths. aphids. calerpiTlars. etc. Costs only $1.45. PRES SPRAY WITH Mrs. G. Duke. Mrs. W. J. Champion, Christine Wil- son. Mrs. Gloria Dobson. Mrs. G. Watts. Mrs. E. Bis- hop. Brenda Thorne. Mrs. J. Fry. Eileen Winch. Mrs. Mary Wilson, Mrs. Mar- garet Kelly. Mrs. Esther Douglas. Mrs. Audrey Goul- borne. Mrs. Ina Henson. Mrs. |lean Smith. Mrs. M. Cronin. Mrs. Nina Burgess. Mrs. Doris Middleton. Mrs. Clyde Lehman. Mrs. Kay Lions. Mrs. M. Ramsey. Mrs. Hazel Bayes. Mrs. Mary Stephenson. Mrs. M. Wilson. Mrs. B. Patterson. Mrs. G. Brugger. Mrs. Bar- bara Robinson and Mrs. Wally Kiernan‘ This no doubt resulted from a letter rweived from John Kruger president of West Rouge Ratepayers' Association, who stated that the township was still on standard time, since they had passed no resolu- tion for the change in time on April 30th. yet they were operating on day- light saving time. PICKERINGâ€" Pickerlnz Township is now ofiicillly on dnylight saving time. A resolution confirming that the twp. have :13)“ light saving time wu pa“- ecl It a meeting June 19. _ This, he said. left the police reporting occurr- ences illegally, and the ad- ministration olficea oper- ating illegnlly. Farm Stock Furniture Sales A Specialty. Telephone: Gprmley 8876811 mm: Got-Inlay P.0. G.(tT. (Gerry) GAMBLE. Phone Smuxmue 640.2355 Completely equipped. You must see this one! Lic. mm W. D. ATKINSON Pb. STOW “@1454 ng in prepara- and selling I purebred consignments d dispersal; urnimre. and Bills pro rvd and posted at cost This specializ- n’ally pa} 5 of! and means money in your pocket. Call “LC." at Chas. Cooper Ltd. Ph. STOUFF‘ELB 640-14“ erkhlm P.0.. Ph. 294-3161 -w, for , Prentices have been estab lished auctioneers since 1890. , KEN CLARKE PRENTICE Aucnoxnms Licensed and authorized for me Coumies of York and Ontario. T1105 N. Shea Limited Bldg JOHN C. WYLIE. FLA. 655 Dixon 311.. Town“). OnL Counties of York 8; Ontario Dogma! Pnbllc Accountant AUDITOR once a: Residencéâ€" “Wylie Acts” Musselmm‘l Like Bud. 8.3.2 Stoulh‘ule. FOR SALE 1961 CADILLAC CONVERTIBLE ACCOUNTANTS Behind In Moving Clocks PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT AUCTIONEERS BEAUTY SALONS Cluemonl â€" 8-19-2114 Telephone Bu. 2“ 1711 SALES CONDUCTED A.\'Y“'HEBE BOX 105. KING C ITY Chartered Accountants Chartered Accountant Deemed Auctioneer [Accused Auctioneer :nd SAM Hunger 3.00m. Chum-d Accountant Bunk d Nov: Scot!- A. S. FARMER Telephone 833-5736 Hwy. 7. Markham Telephone 297-2491 Uxbridze 852-3755 Building. Auror- Telephone 884â€"7110 PHONE 6403]“ JACKSON CHRISTISON LEONARD R. ROSENBERG WILLIAM L MCMULLEN For Office Supplies It's The Tribune Res. 757-1053 E For Inpoinlmem all 640-247? Dodo: of Chlropnctic XARAY By Appointment 59 Skin 8!. 5.. Markham Telephone 2940701 CHIROPRACTORS “gummy, J. S. DeLAURlER. D.C Eveningsâ€" Gordon K Bi In Clarke Bob Hassard Willis Tay O'NEILL Funeral Home STOLTFVILLE Funeral Dina-tor MR. SIERRA" NESDIFK NOTE: mmcmtmhlcdebmiommmufllu mwmâ€"MMmmmn nu: “Gavin-handicap“â€" _______._â€"â€" _ STARTS SAWMAYJL‘gEl- :05.- â€"Tl'l'5.. “ En. A NEW MAGNIFICENCE IN MO'I'IOV PICKS?» < THOS. BIRKETI‘ AND SON LTD. HI 294â€"3355 W30 THURSDAY t FRIDAY The piaure tor Ever) 0 Furnishings 0 Remodelling ' Consulmfinn Planning Service 0 Skeu For Information all 6403580 The Agony Geller-l [matinee Agency W. S. BAIRD. D.C. BARKETFR :- sounmn Raidrmhl Commprcm I .\' 'l' E R l 0 B S 201 Main Street We‘ Stouflrifle. Ontario Phone 2940666 or 297-131! TELEPHONE 6108562 Days Tues. thru Nights Wed and In Cinemasmpe â€"-â€" chhmm.1..r CHARLTON HISTON us .‘llCHELANGICU’! m HARRISON It the “'ARRIOR POP}- DIANE CILEN'I‘O 2 Shows 7 run. L 9"» P OFFICE HOURS By appointment only Monday to Saturday. Service Day CATI‘ANACH HINDSON hrrlstels Solicltnn 52 MAIN ST. N. MARKRAM POWDER PUFF INSURANCE FUNERAL DIRECTORS Smuflvflla Omari ROBERT MEWS Telephone 640-2000 INTERIOR DESIGNERS Beauty Salon JOY ROSS WONDERFUL TO BE YOUNG THE FAMILY ' JEWELS LEGAL The Ecs’raCy CLIFF RICHARD JERRY LEWIS GIGS?“ 51021“ muss 640-1976 and the ._ CAROLE GRAY â€" Ilsa (I I "290335: ONLY- - JUNE 29- 30 KENNEDY KENNEDY 67 Richmond St. W- T Wars. Solicilo Salaries Suik 67 Richmnnd Sl Pb. “M7”... [or uppo flours: IBM-Jamil Art Wahlmlh. BA. 0.1 W BUTTON AND ARMSTRONG Burristen Ind Solicitors Sande; Public ROBERT W. MCVEY QC. . HOWARD G. MILE BEG'D 0mm.“ F. RICHARD BL.“ 0.0. omumls‘r OPTOMETRISTS n. a nvrmx. Q-C- M. Annsrnosc. QC. PHONE AM": 8‘ 28245” 236 Main Sim! “ Steam-ilk ”MSW“ Barrister t Sll Hand KN Dr. corner of “tritium M Sum-mouth- 0'“- smtmw Tdeohone “0-353. 157 311i]: SL W. In: 820 Phone GIG Smflville OPTICIANS Ontario Land Surveyor SURVEYORS R. G. McKlBBON Phone 610-3“ D. H. BLACK Phone 81213 LEGAL Markham Hun. mum /' Markham F “ii . “‘2. Tarnn SON [II Prepar TWINE TUNIG TRY 0U Alfona School Reunio June 3‘ THE FAMO HOUSTOI By 1E CXNDI aura HOMES 640-222

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