33 trucks for sale 41 farm machinery j truck for sale 3h ton j 1952 international stake 13 j i it platform racks and tar j included excellent condi tion m rostek 6991127 days 6403542 after 6 pjn weed sprayer 3 point hitch in good condition tapscott bros 2942123 45 building trades and household l directory 50 miscellaneous 60 sales register auctions 35 motorcycles for sale j suzuki 80 cc sport 3jm0 i miles excellent condition s250 phone 2943125 36 automotive ser vices repairs eric molyneaux body fender kepairs and paintlns sand blasting tow truck service 7th concession whitchurch ballantrae phone 6403946 4211 stouffville radiator repair and exchange lor cars trucks tractors every job guaranteed fast pickup and delivery ph 6403311 38tl 39 boats marine supplies 1965 boat 17 ft cedar strip runabout upholstered seats convertible top and wind shield bottom fiberglass with set of water skiis in cluding 1966 mastercraft trailer with lights plus spare wheel licence plate will trade for best pickup truck offered mrs c ooms 91 sherwood forest dr markham 40 farm items for sale wanted as farm service dead ty horses or and crippled j cattle picked up promptly for direct line call lons distance and ask for zenith s2s03 at no cost to you call anytime 2tf ed peconi son woodville out licence no 321c66 pooa feed for sale reasonably priced bulk bread for pigs and cattle for information phone 6101154 government certified sps yorkshire boars bred and opc 2lts and baled wheat straw bafithl farms lt rr3 uxbridge phone 8523892 large bales long wheat straw tandem axle machin ery trailer vacuum brakes cockshutt 13 run drill with power lift phone g402370 forage wagon and box with false ends s100 floyd ratcliff phone 6403079 good mixed hay by bale or acre also a bay mare bs75258 calving time for after birth removal use the nixon placentex tablets contains stilbestrol to aid removal and antibiotics to control infec tion houstons i main west stouffviuc 6102222 a quantity of hay and straw for sale both rood quality phone 8s75s1 1 feed potatoes h price so per ton john bosworth po tatoes 8955422 43tf wanted set of reel lawn mowers also attachments for a ford ferguson tractor phone 4691191 1tx united hybrid seed corn orvat fretz phone 6101317 501 dead or crippled farm stock picked up promptly telephone collect hampton 2332721 49tf makgwim fur farm tyrone license 101c67 real buys ix farm machinery used and guaranteed balers several makes models nearly new conditioners mowers harvesters brand new machines balers conditioners rakes haybines mowers all in stock ready to go your new hoijland dealer joe champion rr1 locust hill at brougham phone 2941311 42 livestock for sale 14 pigs 9 weeks old phone 8875636 5 chunks for sale geo bartholomew 6401907 4 holstein heifers due ph tom davis 6492060 aservicesj 45 building trades and household directory furniture repaired re- finished by professional cab inet maker custom furni ture built etc free estimates pickup and delivery henry fairchild goodwood phone 6401938 30tf painting paperhanging flooring 3 years written guarantee the lang service 8881928 40tf 640323 custom back hoe work septic tanks trenching grading haulage m l excavating phone 6403992 45tf custom back hoe work trenching grading septic tanks weeping beds water lines gravelling lanes drains sand fill jobs neil t1ndall goodwood out 47tf phone 6402828 saaaaaaacegs sgccaaa confederation plumbing 1 service new work repairs alterations pumps softeners hot water tanks scvcrs installed proprietor j m harman box 36g stouffville 6103924 489 41 farm machinery 1960 model 540 cockshutt farm tractor complete witth live pto and 3point hitch excellent condition phone ss75262 rlesois farm service your dealer lor 394 cockshutt oliver gehl rki unlonvlllo 887265 have you heard about the lowcost depend able keil intercorn save steps house to barn room to room etc use up to 6 sta tions ask about the husky com plete liquid manure system built hv grose welding alma ont agitate thick slurry pulverize bedding fill 1000 gal spreader in one minute 41tj call john keesor at hutchinson farm supply 6uw609 sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired c stunden 13 tl richmond hill tl 41245 wilsons well digging well drilling standard tile phone 8875337 29tf custom home and industrial electric wiring electrical home heatine ross hetherington phone stouffville 6402033 32tf aluminum products windows doors siding awnings railings water softeners stouffville home improvements fhone 6101891 3stt custom backhoe work septic systems installed trenching back filling grading and loading call frank webb metro wrecking and lumber co cedar ave richmond hill new and used lumber ply woods plumbing doors electrical supplies 25 ton used pips and steel 3 and 4 cast soil pipe oil tanks steel sash fluor escent lights 2000 new and used glazed sash rolled roofing s150 per roll quantity discounts rec rooms garages home building projects altera tions h mile east of yongc st south off markham rd open sat until 500 pm 8843561 22tf greenwood 9123417 s post chcrrywood 839s67 44tf john aschwanden rr1 stouffville ont 6402513 41h excavating grading well drilling soil sampling gokmley well drilling pumps installed and repair ed phone william bishop gormley ss75346 stf rapid tv service fully experienced tv radio repairman ah work and parti fully guaranteed 50u nerb krtng furniture aptliances si slain st w stouffville septic tanks pumped don foster septic tank service phone 4784987 524 collect calls accepted canadian cancer society richmond hill district unit for information regarding films talks in memoriam cards welfare and services call stouitville 6402826 6403803 gormley 8875525 iniotivule 297118 36- 1 gormley 8875214 51 transportation taxis ride wanted from markham to victoria park and dan- forth ave arrive approx 715 am and leave approx 510 pjn phone 2940582 ride wanted from markham to bloor and bay arriving at s am and returning be tween 430 and 500 pm phone 2941104 after 630 pm ride wanted to toronto- june 27 vicinity compensa tion board from main and albert sts working hrs 830- 430 summer call toronto collect 6990726 eve nings or write e hintn 237 chisholm ave tor 13 ont 22 53 personals worried about falling hair dandruff or scaly itchy scalp try lanex a new- scalp treatment containing 60 lanolin greaseless sat isfaction or money back s225 jar at houstons rex- all pharmacy pain killer for corns and callouses lloyds corn and callous salve prompt relief 9sc at houstons rex- all pharmacy radio television hifi repairs at reasonable rates 2 complete public address systems for rent smith radio electronic service 58 main west stouffville phone 6402440 51tf 46 gardening and supplies box plants many varieties bakers acres claremont north townline east of brock rd 51tf get your bedding plants direct from grower 10000 boxes of all newest varieties to choose from 50c each 10 for 450 be sure to see new red geranium cardinal you will agree it is the best 65c each 7 per dozen a hakonson greenhouses 7th line and 18th ave rr2 markham 514 48 groceries meats produce for sale no 2 potatoes idaho type and pei 75lb 51 john bosworth potatoes 8955422 43tf oboyles abattoir beef pork for sale by quarter or halves custom killing and curing bus 6401343 39tf beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for freezer we also do custom killing and curing fast freezer service fretz bros harper bus 6403125 res lee 6402098 norm 640187g 19tf cliff harper 6102813 beef pork by quarter or side prepared for your freezer or locker 34tf custom killing and curing of meat a specialty schells meat market stouffville ph 6j01942 49 pet stock supplies kennels have you a complexion problem with acne pimoles or simple boils let hyd- solin help you clear it up effective on dry or oilv skin clear colorless use da or nioht tr it today hvd- slin is s100 at aikens pharmacy hid mothers use balmex ontment to soothe away and held nrevent diaper rash quictv gently special emollients help ease discom fort of heat rash and other minor skin irritations balm- ex 98c at aikens pharmacv hid 60 sales register auctions the tr1suke thisiiiv kat 8 1967 tigt ii 55 tenders tixwudgk township schoot ap fa oard tender to supp furnace oil for all schools 18 rooms for 196768 heating season tenders to be in by june 19 lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted mrs g vidler secretary rr1 claremont 22 56 schools colleges private tuition unionville nursery school requires teacher with kindergarten qualifications call 8875370 or 2937031 57 driving schools driving lessons by graduate of ontario safe ty league 36tf dillons driving school 8955751 6101267 stouffville driving school stouffvilles only driving school operating for last 5 years jack bakkey 308 rupert st 51tf phone 6403742 59 lost found pekingese pups for sale black and white mrs a martin goodwood phone 6403869 12 purebred german shop- herd pups for sale 1 mile west of claremont phone 619210s 12 roshan kennels regd labrador retrievers puppies occasionally hogs boarded individual runs large breeds accommodated 43tf reasonable rates mr and mrs t philip claremont 6195336 beagle pups pure bred lovely markings s2500 and 3000 phone 2942095 smooth fox terrier pups females 1000 ph 6495401 norman dickinson rabbits for sale white flemish giants male and female 11 months old clean healthy rabbits both proven breeders 6402842 young women about 1500 selected for beauty brains and charm will act as hostesses in the pavil ions of the 70 participating nations in expo 67 the world exhibition at mon treal from april 28 to oc tober 27 lost small shorthaired black and white spayed fe male dog in ballantrae- stouffville area answers to the name of spot anyone please phone collect 640- 1616 as she has been a fam ily pet for 9 years 500 reward lost black labrador dog answers to name of king in area of tenth line mark ham township bill burd rr1 stouffville phone 2972250 60 sales register auctions auctioneers w d atkinson 16 park dr n stouffville a s farmer phono gormley 8875311 ken clarke prentice rhone markham 2913101 or stouftviue 6103686 reg johnson sunderland ont june 8th thursday evening at 7 pm auction sale at the commun ity hall victoria square 3 miles north of no 7 hwy on don mills rd the property of ii c jackson consisting of high class household fur niture including many an tique articles grandfather clock about 1820 beautiful carved walnut oval table walnut arm chair and match ing rocker antique wash stand with fruit carving fancy victorian china cab inet etc gone with the wind lamp parlor lampi electrified coal oil lamps number of piece cranberry and other colored glass goods iiul be on display from 6 pjr until time o sale- no reserve- terms cash sale at 7 pjn sharp alvin s farmer auctioneer ss7- 531l 514 saturday june 10 clearing auction of 2 spool beds 3pc br suite antique meiouian 100 yrs old 2 chests of drawers antique urze number antique oil lamps number antique rock ers special rca victorolia and records good 2 antique platform rockers captains chair number odd chairs 2 antique kitchen clocks 2 glass cupboards settee an tique small tables 2 toilet sets ironstone china set din ner dishes odd dishes glass ware goblets hen-on-the- nest silverware 2 pine chests quantity linen quilts pillows rugs carpets num ber antique alarm clocks lanterns bake tray dash churn flour chest 2 antique wash stands 2 swing mir rors number good picture frames books crocks etc note if its antiques you want we have them from one of the old pioneer fam- ilv homes being the pro- pertv of the estate of the late nettie fockler at ring- wood on hwy 4s 1 mile west of stouffville no re serve terms cash sale at 130 pm dst atkinson viicnn auctioneers 523 saturday june 10 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements hay grain and fur niture the property of cliftord midglev lot 15 con 11 reach twp 1 mile east of greenbank 55 head of high grade hereford and shorthorn cattle number of fresh cows with calves by side number of baby beef 3 fat steers 3500 bales of hay quantity of grain john deere model 2010 rcu gas tractor only 685 hrs power steering excellent shape john deere 420 tractor ford ferguson tractor new holl and super 66 baler farm hand rake nearly new full line of machinery antique settee with platform rocker corner chair arm chair 2 plain chairs a matched set stone jugs kettles china cabinet dressers qu of other furniture farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm reg johnson auc tioneer 12 saturday june 10 auc tion sale of 35 holstein cows 10 beef cows 40 young cat tle 2 tractors 2 trucks self- propelled combine new hol land baler and rake no 10 international seed drill full line at implements property of philc goreski lot 8 con 2 reach 2 miles south of manchester on 7 and 12 highway then west li mil- csr terms cash sale at 100 oclock ted jackson and ted spencely auctioneers roy scott clerk 12 saturday june 10 auc tion sale of horses register ed ponies fresh cows pigs tractor baler thresher for age harvester forage wag ons corn sheller baled straw standing hay furni ture antiques etc on mc- cowan rd south of steeles north of finch scarboro two property of h g beare sale 1230 terms cash no reserve farm sold see bills for list gordon sel lers and bill walker auc tioneers 12 saturday june 10 auc tion sale of 30 head of here ford cattle 3 horses farm machinery full line house hold furniture and 10 tons oats east half lot 28 cone 11 twp of king lit miles south of hwy 9 36 miles sw schomberg the pro perty of paul andsrsen sale at 1 pm dst alvin farmer gordon orr auc tioneers terms cash tuesday june 13 auc tion sale of farm stock hay grain implements and furni ture the property of john harrison lot 7 cone 6 brock twp 2 miles west of sun derland vi mile south 40 head of good shorthorn cattle 19 cows several with good calves 450 lbs num ber of springers baby beef ad yearlings 9 fat pigs 250 chunks 2500 bales hay 700 bales of straw 300 bus wheat 600 bus mixed grain case model d tractor new holland baler case manure spreader john deere seed drill new holland side rake full line of machinery qu of furniture library table rock ing chairs beds dressers etc farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm gerald graham clerk reg johnson auctioneer 12 wednesday june 14 auction sale of modern and antique furniture dishes stoves and carpenter tools the property of wesley tre- bell and 3 different estate sale to be held in woodville auction sale arena located 1v4 miles east of woodville at 7 oclock in the evening if rain will be held inside no reserve terms cash sale called to settle estates norm maclntyre sons auctioneers woodville thursday june 15 auc tion sale of purebred angus cattle to be held at stouff ville stockyards ltd the property of william bald win cameron mctaggart sale manager sale at 1 pm 22 thursday june 15 auc tion sale ot farm stock im plements and furniture the property of wilmot park lot 3 con 11 brock twp 1 mile south of wilfred hereford cows some with calves by side some rebred 2 fat steers number of year lings yorkshire sow due 2 sows bred sow 9 pigs 15 chunks 7 fat pigs pb yorkshire hog 1 year 1500 bales of hay 700 bus of grain ford tractor new holland baler mccormick side rake full line of mac hinery quantity of i ture toi cradle chests of drawers chesterfield etc farm sod no reserve terms cash sale it 1 -pjn- reg- johnson auctioneer phone sunder land 227 gerald graham clerk saturday june 17 auc tion sale of household furni ture large quantity of an tique articles philco tv 4- piece chesterfield sectional good duncan phyfe dining room suite 4 chairs duncan phyfe coffee table 29 pc dinner set russel wright de sign chest of draweres num ber of good pieces of pine furniture cut glass china bentwood chairs minton china in the town of aur ora corner of harriman st and tyler the property of r isaacson 144 hillview rd aurora terms cash sale at 1230 alvin farmer and gordon orr auctioneers phone 8s753h 22 tuesday june 20 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements hay and furniture the property of cecil sedore lot s cone 4 east gwillim- bury twp 1 u miles east of keswick on don mills rd 14 holstein milk cows no of calves 3 sows 10 pigs 2000 bales of hay john deere model d diesel tractor cock shutt 30 tractor ford trac tor mccormick threshing machine mh baler quantity of potato equipment full line of machinery quantity of furniture farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm gerald graham fred dew clerks reg johnson auctioneer phone sunderland 227 22 centennial dance the stouffville scene mr william duxbury and son bob park drive north enjoyed a weekend campout on their cottage site at four mile lake by pat mcclennan cedar grove cedar groves centennial dance on friday evening is the biggest news this week everything is set frank barkey from claremont will mc and make sure there is a good variety of dances centennial cos tumes will be welcome but are not essential soft shoes are at a shower held friday night in their honour olive macintosh and uoyd clen- denen received many beautiful gifts which were much appreciated the school was decorated to make full use of lilac time and lent itself well to such an occasion now that the bridge on the tenth is trim and neat again the dumpers are do ing their best to make a mess last week things took a new turn when re jected tv sets dumped by someone who did not want them were picked up the next day by someone who did maybe our new bridge will be an exchange depot baseball time again all eager ball players from 7 years up are asked to an assembly meeting at the corner lot on june 17 at 9 am adults who would care to be leaders are urg ed to come too there is a new colt in yeamans barn and trip let kids at willis reesors several carloads from cedar grove atended the centennial quilt sale at new hamburg recently t idea was to raise money for mennonite relief work and the sale drew thousands quilts went as high as two hundred dol lars and paintings lamps bird houses and home made cooking were among other things sold helen and archie little jean and les beare helen and maurice hamiu are the latest to rave about expo nobody is disappointed in the fair and hardly any two visitors see the same things on may 31 several mem bers of zion congregation went to kitchener where rev jack birtch was or dained in trinity united church on sunday the new rev birtch baptised his own three children at the memorial day service timothy david christie- lynn thomas and shari dana dates to remember june 15 mothers club please bring along small antique and baby picture june 11 sunday holy communion at zion church june 18 sunday mr eric sissel the new stu dent minister will supply for rev birtch at zion church attend wedding rl mrs a g thompson attended the annual coun cil meeting of the wms wd of the presbyterian church in canada held at ewart college toronto may 26 to june 2 uriah jones dies in oshawa oshawa a resident of oshawa for 43 years uriah jones 461 simcoe street north died may 30 at the oshawa general hospital following a short serious sickness he was in his 91st year a son of the late john and mary ann jones the deceased was born aug 31 1876 at balsam pickering township and was married april 27 1911 at stoney creek ont prior to coming to osh awa mr jones operated a hardware store in brooklin for 14 years he was a builder in oshawa for some years and then for 40 years operated a real es tate business here mr jones was an active member of simcoe street united church where he rerved as a member of the session for many years he was also a member of the oshawa real estate board he is survived by his wife the former mary myrtle stewart two daugh ters mrs w b firner lil lian and mrs patrick d lawlor myrtle leslie both ot toronto two sons frederick ross jones and ralph stewart jones both of oshawa and 12 grand children he was predeceased by a sister miss bertha jones and two brothers james of ashburn and george of brooklin families are asked to call in at the stouffville municipal office and sign the centennial register lo cated there anyone with outoftown visitors are also urged to have them sign the special visitors book placed there for this purpose baptisms the sacrament of bap tism was given at the good wood united church on sunday baptized were james andrew hewlett son of mr and mrs j e hewlett rodman george pratt son of mr and mrs george m pratt sherri frances todd daughter of mr and mrs gordon todd robert philip grasser son of mr and mrs william grasser and vicky arlene dorion daughter of mr and mrs charles dorion mrs cliff burkholdcr bethesda christo pher and stephen burk- holder spent the weekend with mr and mrs david ferguson while their par ents mr and mrs howard burkholder attended the burkholdcr strathdee wedding at carlingford guests also included mr and mrs harry pugh and mrs a paisley they spent saturday night and sun day with mrs r a pear son at bay ridges on lake huron mrs jacob wideman went to kitchener june 6 to a work meeting of the mennonite central com mittee to prepare clothing for overseas shipment mr and mrs russell hunt spent sunday with cousins mr and mrs ce cil hcisc at palmerston the june meeting of the bethesda womens insti tute will be held june 14 at the home of mrs john miller mrs ingham will give a book review pickering bylaw claremont cubs the cubs and scouts ladies auxiliary members and former members held a bowling party at the osh awa shopping centre re cently those who attended were freda burke pick ering phyliss desjardins bay ridges muriel tor rance kay madill jacque line stevens stella mac- donald barbara gates shirley pilkey aggie fer guson josephine deuusha lioscmarie timms eliza beth goden irene red- shaw dorothy cook row- ena lehman marean ward florence mccullough jean norton all of claremont and eileen sanderson and helen appleby of ashburn prizes went out to aggie ferguson marean ward and rowena lehman there will be no meetinps during july and august the auxiliary will meet at the home of ella hammond september 7 pickering township bylaw enforcement officer george zeller has resigned from his position with the township of pickering as of june 7 in a letter to council mr zeller said he regretted the termination of his em ployment but could not carry on when he failed to enlist the support of coun cil the many recommenda tions he had made to council had been continu ously rejected he said mr zeller felt too that his salary was not com mensurate with that of a bylaw officer and depart ment head he said that when he was engaged he thought it was as a bylaw enforce ment officer not a pickup man mr zcllcrs resignation was accepted with a direc tion to the clerk to write a recommendation for him and thank him for all that he had don few wives take a broad- minded attitude toward broadminded husbands charge account what a wife uses to keep hubby from being too indepen dent alice w olver dies in port perry brooklin miss alice w olver a resident of brooklin for 83 years died may 23 at the port perry community memorial hos pital in her 93rd year a daughter of the late william and mary olver the deceased was born at ashburn she was a devot ed and loyal member of the brooklin united church and was an active member of the abc group the funeral service was held at 2 pm may 25 at the robinson funeral home brooklin interment was in burns church ceme tery ashburn rev g a mundy minister of brook lin united church con ducted the service the pallbearers were miss olvers six nephews olver reid albert olver russell white gordon white don white and david white attend trousseau tea by lillian jamieson balsammt zion mrs william newman and daughter and mrs burnett jamieson attended a trousseau tea saturday at dunbarton in honor of miss marie mitchell dau ghter of mr and mrs har old mitchell mr and mrs glen man- derson and family spent the weekend with mr and mrs raymond jones at kirkland lake the ucw will meet june 14 at the home of mrs geo pickett at glen major with mrs pickett and mrs orr graham in charge of the program mr and mrs burnett jamieson visited sunday with mr and mrs elmer jamieson at islington and attended chuch there a number of children at tended a birthday party thursday for jean jordan at her home a film sermons from science will be presented in the mt zion church sunday night june 18 at 8 pm by dr d v hoskins of newmarket add electrically mod ern machines are on sale at tribune office supplies claremont ucw meets the evening unit of claremont ucw will meet at the home of mrs lloyd pugh monday june 12 at 8 pm the program will be in charge of mrs jack hill the claremont united church will hold its an- nual picnic on sunday june 1 1 at 2 pm at stouffville park anyone without transportation should be at the church by 1 45 pm bring a picnic lunch bev erages plates cups and saucers will be provided two soapbox derby entries roar down dicksons hill in competition saturday afternoon staff pholo