Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 18, 1967, p. 11

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a centennial farm in whitchurch stouffville for 1 19 years the fairies farm lot 12 cone 9 whitchurch township had been retained in the same family the property containing 100 acres has now been sold but not before it qualified for a junior farmer centennial plaque thomas fairies accompanied by his wife and family left wilton yorkshire england in 1842 to settle in canada for several years they lived near montreal then came to york county where they operated a store at hagcrmans corners in 1847 he purchased the whitchurch farm near bloomington he died five years later thomas fairies jr took over the property following the death of his father he died in 1894 robert fairies who had been operating a rented farm took over the home property and worked the homestead until 1920 it was then passed on to his son r watson fairies mr and mrs fairies now reside on sunset boulevard in stouffville by al wall all our talk about early secuiig goes down the drain when the weather doesnt cooperate with tlieifirst week of may be ing the target date for seeding its a worry when weget into the last half of may with a lot of seed still in the bags however i dont think itslime to push the panic button yet a late spring is often followed by a good growing season prospects now point to a good mois ture- supply and this may wstt compensatcfor the dfcfey late seeding is a filfe serious problem wjjjn it happens two or trcc weeks after the ground and weather is rsallv rcadv tgorn should get first pjjorily for seeding it suf- fas more from the delay tllaii oats or barley barley sljjild go in next and oats probably be left until tljjj- last jalfalfa plants arc likely taking a beating from the fwjgzing temperatures we have had at night in the last few weeks last years idssge seedfngs are gener- ahjjj thin to start with so ilsa good idea to put in a fisla or two this spring lltat could be used for eflsfcrgency hay or pasture toats and corn can both heiuscd for this purpose agjt if they are not needed fnsumnicr forage they cnbc harvested normally cswn for summer forage can be put in with a seed drill in very narrow rows at about four times ihe normal seeding rate it can be pastured or zero grazed n midsummer sudansorghum hybrids can be used too they yield well although not any better than thick corn but do regrow after being cut so that they can be pas tured or used over a longer period than oats or corn capital grants are now available for farm build- j ings silos ence row clearing wells and farm ponds they cover a wide range of things that can be done on a farm to improve productive capac ity we have full details on these now and if you phone write or drop in to the office at newmarket ill be glad to pass them on to you plant dahlias now for fall color jr farmer field day uxbridge the an nual ontario county jun ior farmers sports field day will be held in cann- iiigton on saturday may 20 the program will begin at 10 am with the inter- club boys and girls soft- ball tournament at the h w knight public school cannington at 1 pm the track and field events in- the brilliant colors and wide range of plant and flower size make the dah lia an excellent flower for enjoyment in the fall state horticulturists with the ontario department of ag riculture and food although the dahlias tuberous roots may be planted indoors and trans planted to the garden at this time of year it is best to plant them directly into the garden choose a warm sheltered sunny location that is protected from the prevailing winds as this plant is susceptible to wind damage dahlias require a soil high in organic matter and respond well to an addi tion of 3 ounces of bone meal per square yard a ph of 56 to 7 is preferable to acid soils plant the tuberous roots 4 inches deep and be sure to lay them out horizontal ly as this is their natural growing position at plan ting time put supporting stakes in position to avoid root damage later on light feedings with a li quid fertilizer will help to produce an abundance of eluding races high jump pole vault softball throw and tugowar will be held at the brock high school grounds the field day activities will be brought to a close with the presentation of trophies and a dance in the sunderland township hall bloom throughout the sea son dahlias grow quickly and must be kept well wa tered as dry periods cause the plant to become hard and woody and produce poor bloomms a compost or peat mulch is of benefit in keeping the soil moist and the weeds down record prices paid for calves at oakville agro bros ltd of ham ilton sold a pair of heifer holstein calves for record canadian prices at a herd sale at hays sales arena in oakville r r dennis toronto real estate developer paid 17000 for oak ridges re flection doreen and 13- 000 for oak ridges royal master polly both prices broke the previous can adian record of 11000 set in 1946 the holstein friesian association of brantford believes the top price is also a world record for a heifer calf agro bros ltd purchas ed pollys dam for 31000 and doreens dam for 25- 000 from mr dennis last year the average price for 62 licad at the sale was 1432 on total sales of 88800 foreign buyers took 22 head for export to brazil mexico italy and the unit ed states stiver bros ltd unionville stnuffville aurora uxhridge 2971732 6103100 7275561 s523355 ve specialise in bulk garden seeds garden fertilizers lawn seeds lawn fertilizers orchard insecticides and fungicides garden tools lawn rollers and fertilizer spreaders for rent bulk and bagged fertilizers store open 730930 ever u fritlay evening garden guide by john bbadshaw the annual border is easy and inexpensive quantities o flowers the lirst year is the most fer vent wish ot new home owners flowerir2 trees shrubs and perennials cannot be ex pected to provide a great show of bloom the first year after planting they have a big enough job getting themselves established in their new soil and surroundings thc annual border is an easy quick and inexpensive way of filling this need borders in the averagesized pro perty are placed down the sides or back to help form a flo ral frame around the garden where the back garden is par ticularly large an annual border can also be used to divide the back lawn from a vegetable and fruit garden biggest mistake that most people make is to build a border that is much too narrow annuals are divided into three height groups tall medium and short and the annual border must be large enough to accommodate plants of all three groups six feet would be the minimum width and eight feet is much more satisfactory in many small gardens there is really not enough room to have the front edges of the border shaped into sweeping curves although a border would be more attractive and gar den like when landscaped in this manner the beginner to gardening will find the straight lines are much easier to maintain later on some curving of the edges could be car ried out borders located down the sides or back of the garden need a suitable background this is achieved by planting a hedge or erecting a wooden fence either would be suitable but a hedge is considered to add much more charm and garden attraction on the other hand a wooden fence pro vides an immediate background and helps to keep children and dogs from wandering through in setting out the plants in the border you must re member to leave enough room for maintenance work in pruning the hedge or painting the fence there are very few new- homes which are surrounded by soil in good enough shape to plant immediately without any further preparation in many new subdivisions the soil is little better than poor sub soil the ideal plan to change this would be to dig out the soil to a depth of two feet and replace it with a specially prepared top soil mixture unfortunately this is too costly for the budget of most young couples who have had to lay out their last penny for furniture and the down payment on the home to get the soil in growing shape for the first season you will need to dig into it a quantity of humus it wont matter whether your soil is heavy or light the same treat ment will apply when you add humus to heavy soil it helps to open it up improves the drainage and lets the vital oxygen cir culate more freely in the lighter soils the humus acts as a sponge and helps to retain the moisture and prevents the plant foods from being leached away any of the following types of humus will be satisfac tory for this purpose peat moss discarded mushroom ma nure decomposed cattle manure and compost in poor soils apply the humus at the rate of one bushel for each 10 square feet of bed area a complete garden fertilizer should be applied at the same time at the rate of three lbs per 100 square feet the top seven or eight inches of soil humus and ferti lizer should be thoroughly mixed together either by hand using a spade or the use of rotary tillage equipment one or two rakings to level the puffedup soil and your flower bed or border is ready for planting the impatiens plant is one of the very best annuals for growing in the shady parts of the garden it also makes one of the best cverblooming flowers for growing inthe house in england it is also called touchmenot because the seed pods when ripe will burst open on the slightest pressure and scatter the seeds over quite an area the single floweres are quite large and come in colors of red white pink or salmon plants are quite vigorous growers and the taller sorts should be planted 24 inches a- part and the dwarfer kinds 15 to is inches apart for window boxes and for setting in containers around the patio or outdoor living area id suggest you use the dwarf sultan hybrids which grow 10 to 12 inches high out in the foundation planting mixed border or annual beds the taller growing kind are the best and they average any where from 12 to 18 inches in height if you want to have a supply of plants for potting up in the fall to take indoors id suggest that you get a pack et of the dwarf variety and sow the seed anytime during the month of june outdoors then around september the plants can be potted up and taken indoors where theyll go flowering month after month preparation of the soil in the garden is the same as for most annuals before planting dig in a quantity of hu mus and fertilizer the tribune thorsev mjy is 1567 pijc n nature hikes for holidays a series of conducted field trips will be held for the general public in five of the conservation areas this victoria day holiday weekend saturday sun day monday may 20 21 22 by the metropolitan tor onto and region conserva tion authority experienced authority personnel will serve as guides on ihe hourlong nature trail hikes the hikes will lake place at the following areas saturdav albion hills five miles north of bolton on no 50 highway at 2 pm and 4 pm boyd area near woodbridge 2 pm and 4 pm and bruces mill located be tween no 7 highway and the gormley sideroad in markham township 2 pm and 4 pm sunday albion hills 2 pm and 4 pm boyd area 2 pm and 4 pm bruces mill 2 pm and 4 pm monday albion hills 2 pm and 4 pm boyd area 2 pm and 4 pm bruces mijj 2 pm and 4 unemployment insurance is now available for most employees of farms ranches i nurseries greenhouses horticulturists fruit vegetable flower growers employees it is to your advantage to find out if you are eligible for the unemployment insurance protection now in effect for workers in agriculture and horticulture employers if you hae people working for you there are regulations that you must adhere to it is to your advantage to get complete particulars immediately about unemployment insurance for your workers get full information now at your nearest office of ike unemployment insurance commission government of canada 7343c w something for everyone at trade fair there was something of interest for everyone at the markham junior chamber of commerce trade fair held in the markham arena may 12 and 13 john gribble of markham tries out this allischalmers garden tractor for size one of several on display staff photo 600 want 150 get farm work one hundred and fifty british farm workers will arrive in ontario this spring as a result of the ontario governments re cruiting campaign in brit ain they will help fill a gap estimated at several thousand agricultural wor kers more than 600 british farm workers applied for jobs in ontario when the government opened its re cruiting program offic ials selected 300 for inter view and accepted 150 those selected have wide experience in various kinds of farm operations a government statement says threequarters of those coming are married jointly operating the program were several de partments of provincial and dominion govern ments workers are given assisted passages if neces sary they have to agree to stay in farm work for two years farmers interested in hiring the men may con tact j h krauter ontario department of agriculture who will bring employer and worker together ontario agriculture mi nister william stewart said recently the program would be expanded post boxes buttonville the post office department has made a survey of the area here and with the consent of the residents a number of postal boxes will be placed on the don mills rd just south of no 7 highway the new sys tem would eliminate elder ly people having to cross two highways to get to the postoffice in the knob hill store spring is here now is the time fo service your lawn greens mowers garden equipment chain saws water pumps authorized tower mower dealer for lawn boy lauson brings stratton stouffville sales service rr 1 siouitvllle 6101814 formerly d a kidd sales service pm there is no charge for the hikes only the nominal parking fee for cars further information may be obtained by tele phoning the authoritys offices at 8895425 for sale 1962 ford galaxie sedan 4door sedan with s cylinder engine and automatic trans mission truly a clean car priced to sell lie j51162 935 call jc at chas cooper ltd clarcmont 6192114 centennial special green house fresh box plants 3 f0r 00 wide variety highway 18 5 miles n of markham mi s of rinjrwood phone 6102422 ramsey garden center florist v tpis brooklin concrete products ltd available lor immediate delivery in the following capacities 460 gallons 525 gallons 600 gallons 700 gallons 1000 gallons in single or double chamber phone odd uu ii

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