the tk15une theiiti m 20 ne jt 11 uxbridgepickering farms qualify in centennial project presented with sign uxbridge junior farmers organizations of both ontario and york counties arr honorins owners who have maintained family farms for one hundred years or more in the county of ontario there are 133 who qualify including 8 in uxbridge and 19 in pickering kach is distinguished by a centennial sign posted at the lane entrance cen tennial farms in markham and whitchurch town ships will be listed next week in oxbridge township the owners arc mur ray feasbv uxbridge rr 1 marshall sharrard uxbridge rr 4 gordon kydd uxbridge rr 2 arthur hamilton uxbridge rr 1 james jones uxbridge rr 1 william morris stouffville rr 3 kenneth hockley claremont rr 1 and walter wagg uxbridge rr 1 in pickering township the owners arc charles f barkev claremont rr 3 ralph ones claremont rr 2 mrs walter hollingei picker ing rr 2 l grant burkholder pickering rr 2 harold spencer ashburri rr 1 isabel gregg claremont rr 3 grenfell wilson claremont rr 2 alan clark locust hill rr 1 william a brown locust hill rr 1 fred gostick clare mont rr 2 clark major whitcvale alan lish- rnan pickering rr 1 hugh j miller claremont rr2 arthin karl taylor pickering rr 2 frank and kenneth hastings locust hill rr 1 s s pugh locust hill rr 1 lome jones ashburn rr 1 walter and george gauslin glarernont rr 2 and irving mcavoy claremont rr 2 capital grants now available to farmers agriculture like any in dustry in order to expand and meet the technological advances of the day re quires increased capital to help provide this ca pital the ontario govern ment through the depart- ment of agriculture and food has created a capital grants programme this programme is to provide fi nancial assistance to farm ers to- make capital im provements on their farms advisory and technical scr- expert advice needed when making will each person should have will and the help of a lawyer when making it warns farm management specialist don mcarthur ontario department of agriculture and food guelph the various types of wills each have personal arid financial advantages and disadvantages he ex plains two of the main kinds are a simple will and a trust will a simple will is an out right distribution of a per sons estate at his death that is a farmer leaves his farm directly to his wife this could have the effect of levying taxes twice on what is actually the same estate a trust will is designed to provide an adequate in come for the deceased farmers wife during her lifetime and distribute the estate after her death while a trust will mini mizes taxes it can have a serious effect on efficient operation of the farm bus iness it might for instance restrict capital expansion unless special arrange ments have been made in the will heads calf club port perry the or ganization meeting of the port perry 4h dairy calf club was held april 10 at port perry high school under the supervision of iarry burt and the assist ant agricultural represen tative bill cooper an elec tion was held and officers are president ken dice- man greenback viccpres ron parish uxbridge sec retary bruce smith port perry press reporter murray stone greenbank vices are available from the office of the agricultural representative under this new capital grants programme grants are available to assist with farm drainage construc tion of new buildings ren ovation or enlargement of permanent farm structures to assist with the farm wat er supply which includes livestock water from wells and ponds field enlarge ment is also taken into consideration under this new policy any farmer whose gross annual income the previous year has been at least 3000 may apply for a grant under this program the word farmer includ es a partnership or a cor poration engaged in the bu siness of farming the far mer must own the land on which the capital grant is to be used the programme for drainage and farm struc tures extends over a per iod of 12 years this will enable the grant lo be us ed most effectively appli cations may be made any time during the 12 year period which began april 1 1967 completed forms must be submitted through the 1 office of the agricultural representative and inclu des two copies of the com pleted form with the ori ginal receipts dated and marked paid in full on farm drainage and perma nent improvements the grant is la of the cost up to 1000 on field enlarge ment the grant is 40 of the cost up to 500 the grant on a well and a farm is sorc of the cost up to 500 per farmer this mak es a total of 2500 that a farmer can qualify for in grants over the next 12 years a farmer who is eligiole for a grant may secure ap plication forms and furth er information from any county office of the ontar io department of agricul ture and food course helps farmers the ontario agricultural colleges new financial management for farm and home correspondence course can help a farmer analyze his records for a more prosperous future the first section of the course is concerned with interest rates and install ment buying high inter est rates arc not confined to those who use finance companies people who fail to take advantage of cash discounts are often paying an actual annual rate of interest of 24 other people would say taboo to finance compa nies yet pay an actual an nual interest rate of 4 through dealer book cred it the new correpond- ence course is designed to make the student aware of many of the high interest sources of credit and how to calculate the actual an nual rate of interest it suggests methods of avoid ing some of these high costs of credit the study also discus ses the three rs of cred it returns will it pay lo borrow and how- much repayment can i meet the repayment schedule laid down by the lender even though it may be profitable lo borrow and risk bearing ability can i take the chance of using a given amount of credit the course includes a laymans interpretation of the farm credit corpora tion act how to improve lenderborrower relation ships and a number of credit problems confront ing todays farmers the cost of the course is 4000 and anyone regardless of academic background may enroll enquiries should be directed to office of correspondence courses department of extension education ont ario agricultural college guelph garden guide to sod or parents ask school to be closed a group of parents from the quaker hill area of uxbridge township has asked thai heir oneroom school he closed and the children transported by bus to a more modern building their complaints were aired at a special meeting called by the board at goodwood staff photo small farms may lose aid the spendthrift is one person who never lacks helpers repartee is the clever comeback you think of next morning the canadian dairy commission warned about 100000 small farmers to expand their operations or get out of the business of producing milk and cream for manufacture into but ter powder and other pro ducts announcing details of the federal subsidy prog ram for the current dairy year the commission said that it proposes next year to cut off the subsidy to any farmer producing less than 50000 pounds of milk or 1750 pounds of butterfat as the average produc tion of a cow is about 6000 pounds of milk a year this would eliminate most far mers with a herd of eight or fewer cows a member of the com mission said it is estimated that there are 80000 cream shippers and 20000 milk producers in this cat- total and mostly in the maritimes and the prairies the commissions man date is to encourage effic ient production said a spokesman we want to gel these people into an ef ficient bracket the small farmers will have this year to expand their operations or to sell out if by next year they are still in the business but not producing 50000 lbs they will lose the subsidy egory 45 per cent of the of 121 per 100 pounds of milk but they would still be able to sell their milk and cream at the market rate the farmers complain however that even with the subsidy their opera tions are not profitable the loss of the subsidy would mean a loss of about 500 in cash income for a farmer with six cows but many of the 100000 farmers run small herds as a sideline to their main op- vics nursery ltd ianiscapk design stonework maintenance kr2 stouftvllle ph fitn2hl kr2 gormley ph 8s7ms7 don stills ltd g large variety 1j garden supplies p i a n t in g m a t e r 1 a l natural a- precast stnneprodiictk reatlnnni topsnll etc no srimnwks or le sales but the place where and quality meets spring is herd now is the time to service your lawn a greens mowers garden equipment chain saws water tumps authorized power mower dealer for lawn boy lauson briggs k stratton stouffville sales service kr ri slnilftville fiinmit formerly d a kidd sales ft service eration and the loss of their milk income would put them out of business a member of the com mission emphasized that yesterdays statement said it was proposed to cut off the subsidy for small producers next year well have to see what happens this year and take another look at it la ter he said indicating that the new policy may be intended as a stimulus to small farmers to improve their operations rather than a firm decision all types wrought ironwork made to order interior a eitrrfor ruilirfi prch columns a ratline tvrooeh iron fiirnitur room divfovra fire rep call free estimates 6102g25 clnremnnl 9420720 piikeriiir buds ornamental railings brock rd x rickerlng seed by johx bradshaw whether to seed or sod a new lawn is the question which puzzles every new home owner the cost of pre paring and levelling the soil is the same for seeding or sodding the two deciding factors will probably be the extra cost of the sod balanced against the immediate lawn you receive when using sod nursery sod has only been generally available for the past 10 years bclorc that its use was limited to a quick ground cover or a temporary lawn this was because the sod came from old pastures whose grasses are never satisfactory for lawn purposes in the beginning and by trie time the sod was laid lor a lawn it was invariably lull of weeds of the worst kind nursery sod is available to anvone living in this area composed of the host of grass mixtures such sod consists mainly of kentucky or merion blucgrass and you can use such sod with complete confidence in choosing a seed mixture theres no doubt that one containing morion kentucky hluegtass is the best to use it was found srovviri on l- l f course at merion pennsylvania just prior to world war ii the reason a grcenkccpcr noticed it was because it was still glowing vigorously and was a dark green in color during july when kentucky blucgrass goes dor mant since the end ol world war ii motion blucgrass has become the number one lawn grass in southern ontario merion blucgrass is bolter planted in a mixture than grown as a pure stand if a mixture is used disease is not likely to spread from plant to plant where some infection docs occur only part of the turf of a mixed lawn will be killed out leaving other varieties still able to keep out the weeds as far as wc know at the moment an outstanding mixture for this part of ontario should include 40 to 45 per cent motion with smaller percentages of kentucky and other blucgrasscs i also believe that the addition of small amounts of redtop will give quicker greening right after sowing if you do a little figuring with a pencil youll dis cover that its actually cheaper to use a more expensive top quality mixture such as weve suggested above rather than one or the socalled bargain mixtures although the price per lb of a quality mixture is a fair bit more expensive yon only need to apply 2 to 3 lbs per 1000 sq ft of lawn area as against 5 lbs of the cheaper mixture thus the cost of seeding the lawn is actually less using quality grass seed than the the bar gain kind all soils for sodding or seeding ate prepared in the same way by working into the lop six or seven inches of earth a quantity of humus and fertilizer the host forms of humus lor this purpose are organic compost cattle manure materials processed from sewage or peat moss these arc applied at the rate of one bushel of hums for every ten square feet of lawn area at the same time as you apply the humus scatter a complete lawn fertilizer over the earlh at the rate of 4 pounds per 100 sq it of lawn area thoroughly work the humus and the fertilizer into the top six or seven inches of soil for a very small lot this can be done by band or with a shovel but for larger ones it pays lo use rotary tillage equipment which is usually available for renting this will leave the lawn with the soil in a i lourlike j condition then it wil need raking three or four times coupled with a final rolling to achieve a fine level seed bed the lawn should slope gently away from the house towards the edges of the properly a fertilizer spreader or a cyclone seeder is the best way of making sure that the seed is sown evenly divide the seed in half and sow one part one way and ihe other at right angles lo ii after the seed is sown rake the soil lighllv using the lips of the teeth of the rake so that ihe seed is covered with no more than an eighth of an inch of soil whatever you do dont let the soil dry out during this period or much of the grass seed will not germinate use the gentlest spray possible when watering the lawn at this time leading computer man ufacturers in the united states are lending a num ber- of machines to kxpo 67 man the producer theme pavilion to illustrate the wonders of modern ciencr in this pavilion vis- horn will also ee edible food made from petroleum an lutomated actor the most advanced type of ap pliances and a futuristic car by alfa romeo government inspected rose bushes climbers fl0ribundas hybrid teas everythinss comingup savings old favourites named varieties a rich n hardy collection to set gar dens ablaze with vivid splendor each rose bush protect ively packaged minimum three canes per bush extra special no 2 rose bushes limited quantity special miss canada for centennial striking 15 yellow n red blooms limited quantity special extra cash and carry bonus coupons 3 the wellington way markham hone 291ir10 or 2971731 i dpen thurs and fri nights until 9 pm