two thousand see markham ice show an estimated 2000 persons attended the twonight ice carnival sponsored by the markham figure skating club friday and saturday this pretty three some is left to right sheila wilson kathv horton and carol hill staff photo a cute twosome is left 16 right gilda wannop and judy hughes staff iholo for office supplies its the tribune want to buy a horse get a commerce boots saddle loan or maybe youve got your eye on a special tv set or is it a deep freezea car or a sailboat you name it whatever it is you want a commerce bankplan loan can be tailored to your needs phone or visit the loan department of any commerce branch canadian imperial bank of commerce missionary convention at gormley bv evelyn m1lstfd gormley the for eign missionary conven tion is being held this week at the gormley united mis sionary church the speak ers are april 12 rev x brcnncman of niagara april 13 miss ruby wil son nigeria and april 14 rev alf rccs calcutta india a fellowship sup per will be held april 15 at 630 pm the guest speaker will be rev j bawa of nigeria sunday services will be conducted in the morning by miss annie yeo of nigeria and in the evening by rev k rupp of sierra leone mr and mrs don weeks and family moved to bloomington on saturday the sympathy of this community is extended to mrs wm wilson and her son allen in the passing of her husband on april s at fairview lodge whit by the service was held on april 11 at the towns funeral chapel whitby weekend guests with mr and mrs roy biil- linger and family were miss erma lehman miss noney krcidcr and rev and mrs george sunday all of rhodesia south af- a large crowd attended the miscellaneous shower held in honor of miss marie vandcrbent and mr walter brillingcr at the youth centre april 3 miss helen snider mis sionary on furlough from i long kong visited with mi and mrs sudeyko and family attend 90th birthday the tritune twiy len 13 yiil bv mrs w sandle victoria square mr and mrs nelson boyn- ton thornhill and mr and mrs rolph boynton at tended the 90th birthday party of their aunt mrs sarah summerfeldt at the home of her daughter mrs ina middleton union- ville april 13 there were 20 tables of players for the last euchre party of the season in the community hall prize winners were ladies mrs doris fairhall mrs j dewsbury and gloria sin clair men ccc latcham frank brumwell and geo brands lucky draw for a box of groceries was won by jiai bow den there was two tables of bridge win ners wcie forrest dullcge and mrs l mumberson there was also one table of cribble with tony roman the winner a meeting will be held in the community hall for all who are interested in baseball april 24 at 8 pm neighbourhood notes birthday greetings to herman mortson april 15 freddie story nine years april 16 nancy knight nine years april 17 shari ashton six years april 17 mrs a binnington april 18 miss olive glover april 18 douglas hill april 19 mr and mrs alan chad- wick celebrated their 22nd wedding anniversary april 4 miss francis kerswill of richmond hill spent the weekend with her cousin miss shirley nelson the many friends of mrs austin huston wife i of a former minister on i this charge will be pleased i to hear that she was able to return to her home at kapuskaasing after spend ing the past week in sl michaels hospital tor onto mr and mrs percy ben nett had saturday dinner with mr and mrs ray ben nett and family at rich mond hili mr and mrs w beckett and daughter ruth of queensville were visitors with mr and mrs rolph boynton mr and mrs harold brav keswick mr and mrs karry west new market had saturday eve ning dinner with mr and mrs percy bennett a speedy recovery is wished for mr harold grene who underwent sur gery in the toronto east general hospital the many friends of mrs earl empringham will be pleased to hear that she is able to be home follow ing her recent surgery in york central hospital richmond hill 4je 7 markham h 2m3355 roxy markham h 243355 thursday friday only april 13 m frank sinatra assault on a queen inusiul action tatked dram virna usi tony fraxciosa also jerry lewis in visit to a small planet joav blackmax both pictures in widescreen color matinee saturday 2 pm above show starts saturday xite most april 15 19 tues wed nevada smith in wide screen color adult cnt1 steve mcqueex karl maldex ssiax keith suzanne pieshette color cartoon 2 show 7 pm a 915 pm wanted cucumber growers bicks pickles are now contracting cucumber acreages of vi acre and up in this area 15 of our growers in this area last year grossed over 100000 per acre we will pick up in this district for further information call stouffville 6402722 or bowmanville 6235125 kindergarten registration for the stouffville public schools will be held on thursday april 27 1967 at 9301130 pm orchard park public school 130- 330 pm summitview public school eligible children for kindergarten miist he 5 years old mi nr before december si i0b7 front of age mid all immunization records must hi submitted at this time xmiresident applications should not register on the above date hut mall their request to the board secretary mrs jack sanders l w roadway w k sutherland business directory auctioneers w d atkinson ph stouffville 610 1491 licensed auctioneer and sale manager sales coxducted axywhere specializing in the prepara tion and selling of purebred consignments and dispersals farm auctions lurniture and real estate sales bills prepared and posted at no extra cost this specializ ed service really pays off and means money in your pocket th stouffville 640m94 dont start that trip without ifirst stopping at our service department and having your car thoroughly checked we have the latest in tuneup test equipment the allenironic analyser ken clarke prentice auctioxeers licensed and authorized for the counties ot york and ontario markham ro ph 2943161 or 6403686 prentices have been estab lished auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of york ontario farm stork fc furniture sales a specialty telephone gormley 887ill address gormley ro beauty salons the powder puff beauty salon joy ross days tues thru sat nights wed and fri for appointment call 6402472 chiropractors wm s baird dc doctor of chiropracrle xray by appointment 369 main st x markham telephone 2910701 j s delaurier dc 201 main street wet stouffville ontario office hours by appointment only monday to saturday telephone 6403562 lawrence cohen bavllb barrister solicitor rr xo 2 stouffville ont telephone 6402680 william g parsons llb barrister solicitor i 157 main st w po box 820 thone 6402211 stouffville v kennedy kennedy 6 richmond st w toronto barristers solicitors notaries ross kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 2911632 cattanach hindson barrister soliclforf 52 main st x markham phone 2940666 or 2971311 funeral directors accountants drop in and see for yourself mijpatriek motors ltd stouffville now at our new headquarters lust west of the new stouffville shopping centre acadian main st wesl sioufiviile 0j450 lc got gerry gamble public accountant box 105 king city telephone 8315736 uxhrldge 8523755 jackson christison chartered accountants thos n shea limited bids hwy 7 markham telephone 2972491 william l mcmullen chartered accountant telephone bus 214171 1 res 7571053 655 dixon rcl toronto ont oneill funeral home stouffville l d lsnglols funeral director continuous telephone service day or night phone stourfrltl 6402855 insurance john c wylie fia licensed public accountant auditor office a residence wvlin acres musselmans lake road rr2 stouffville thone 6403144 leonard r rosenberg bcom chartered accountant bank of nov scotia building aurora telephone pa 134j1 thos birkett and son ltd general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable com panies at realible rates prompt service telephone 640 2000 evenings cordon r birkett 603715 lex clarke 6402144 boh hassard 6403585 willis taylor 6401976 robert w mcvey qc barrister solicitor srit 300 67 richmond st w toronto markham ph 2942371 toronto ph 36303s9 opticians howard g mills ro dispensing ofticiam 286 main street west stouffville prescriptions filled appointments made phone 6403465 optometrists f richard black od optometrist stouffville medical centre ph 6403722 for appointment hours 1000 am to 800 pm fvery tuesday art wahlrolh ba od optometrist sherwood plaza thone 2942181 surveyors legal button and armstrong barrister and solicitors notaries public h r button tjc 1 m armstrong qc 33 main street wesl stouffville telephone 640353 d h black ontario land surveyor 310 tainted tost dr corner of markham rd scarborough ont phone atisnhe w2m re 282450 ontario land surveyor r g mckibbon m main st n markham phone u47u