garden guide early spring care of roses there is little doubt that the rose is the favorite flower of southern ontario in some recent surveys nearly half the people polled said they preferred the rose to all others many persons couldnt identify any other flower by name roses originated in persia then were grown in creece and from there gradually spread to nearly every country in the world some of the loveliest roses have survived for over 2000 years roses were the chief flower sold in the worlds first flower market in greece spring care of established hybrid tea and floribunda roses starts in the month of april with their pruning its first of all necessary to remove the soil which pro- aided them with winter protection this is done just as soon as this soil thaws out and becomes workable pruning is probably the least understood and the most neglected phase of rose growing correctly done it will give you a rose of bigger and better quality poorly done it will result in very few roses of inferior quality many persons even after theyve grown roses for a number of years still dont really understand the rea sons for pruning and how its done we first of all prune roses to remove all dead and diseased wood weak growth and branches which cross and interfere with each other secondly and much more important we prune floribundas and hybrid teas to encourage new growth to increase the size and quality of the blooms and to give the rose bushes a better shape hybrid teas and floribundas are pruned in the early spring because they produce their flowers on the new wood that develops in late spring and early summer a vigorous pruning forces them to respond with plenty of strong healthy growth and larger btooirs of finer substance a well grown hybrid tea bush will grow anywhere from two to three feet in height and from three to four feet across in southern ontario peace chrysler impe rial and helen traubel are outstanding examples of this class its a mistake to buy a cheap pair pruners which will rip and tear the branches rather than making the required sharp cuts i prefer the type of pruner which ihas a steel blade which comes down against a flat plate about a quarter of an inch in width in pruning a hybrid tea you first of all examine the bush closely and cut away any dead or diseased wood any weak branches or those which interfere with each mother having done this you next decide whether you avish quantity or quality of bloom lets suppose that your decision is for a lot of bloom then you would tleave four or five healthy branches per bush each of these would be approximately a vi of an inch or larger in diameter on each branch if possible leave six or seven vigorous and healthy buds however sometimes a branch may be winter killed for three or four inches down from the top and it would then be impossible to leave six or seven buds the last bud you leave at the top of the branch should face outwards from the centre of the bush this is done to provide the centre of the bush with sunshine and a free circulation of air if you want to exhibit at a flower show then youll want to prune for quality of bloom rather than quantity that being the case cut down on the number of branches to four and also leave four buds per branch the floribunda class of roses is not generally exhibit- ed at flower shows to any large extent so its usually pruned for quantity of bloom rather than quality for most floribundas the best rule is to leave five or six branches per bush a m inch or larger in diameter and seven or eight buds to each branch climbing roses are pruned after they have finished i flowering in july with them we are mainly concerned iwith removing any dead canes and weak growth they i are never severely pruned and the best plan is to te- move two or three of the older canes at the ground level each year immediately after theyve finished flowering control corn rootworm northern corn root- worms can cause serious yield losses where corn is grown on one field for more than two or three years according to d j pree entomology spe cialist with the ontario department of agriculture and food at ridgetown large numbers of these tiny white worms reduce mr john wylie rupert avenue is on a three week trip and will visit switzer land and france prior to his return for rent weekend freedom machine only 100 per day or 700 per week delivered to your door call 10e mccullough sb010w claremont 6492101 the size of the root system of the corn plant and can seriously curtail the up take of nutrients from the soil research at the west ern ontario agricultural school shows that yields may be reduced up to twentyfive bushels per acre now is the time to de cide the best way to com bat this insect farmers who have or are expecting a problem with root- worms in 1967 are advised to select a deeprooted hy brid variety and to main tain a high level of soil fertility in addition diaz- inon thimet or di at the rate of onehalf to one pound active chemical per acre can be applied at planting time insecticides should be applied in a granular form in a four- to seveninch band and placed slightly above the seed and cover ed by onehalf inch of soil aldrin and heptachlor may be used where corn is to be grown for a number of years for grain alone res idues of these two chemi cals will likely build up in the soil necessitating the use of that piece of land for no other food feed or bedding crop for a number of years thimet and disyston are highly toxic chemicals and growers should ob serve all necessary pre cautions in handling the tribune tosnr april 6 1967 pag n eest appliances furniture when a family of four is a handful twin goats or even triplets are not uncommon on district farms on the alf stover property occu pied by albert saunders 16th avenue markham a family of four wee nannies were born jean swann left and debbie wilson hold the lively handful while mother looks on proudly by al wall the highlight of last week was the completion of the sale of oak ridges reflection emperor for 140000 dollars this york county holstein bull was sold by russel rowntree and robt lowe of wood- bridge to the american breeders service and the price was a world record our congratulations go to the sellers as well as those who had a part in developing this bull inclu ding rr dennis george darrach the mccagues at alliston and the arm strongs at brampton one cant help but be impressed by just looking at a bull like this for beef he would be worth about 315000 the other 139- 850 is the price put on his genes these genes can be priced that high because they will increase the pro duction potential of many thousands of heifer calves it follows that a chance to improve will be avail able to many herd owners over the next few years while we are waiting its a good idea to recognize that there are other chan ces too very close to home and applied over the york county dairy industry could mean even more than 140000 im suggesting changes in herd management like feeding and maintenance of good health its my op inion that there is more room for gains in manage ment than there is in bree- ding ill bet that almost any dairy cow in york county already has the genes to produce double the national average information on capital grants available from the ontario department of ag riculture and food is now available at our office briefly they can apply to farm drainage renovating buildings new buildings and paving one third of the cost up to a maximum of 100000 is available this can be in addition to assistance already avail able for farm ponds and fence row removal to qualify a person must own a farm and have a gross income from farming of at least 300000 per year there is no rush be cause the programme will continue until 1979 but ill be glad to send details to anyone interested ayrshire 4h calf club stouffville nineteen boys and girls 4h dairy calf club members in the toronto dis trict ayrshire association were presented with in dividual awards at the annual banquet held in st james presbyterian church stouffville friday night winners included ontario county marg aret woskins claremont rr 2 jan hoskins claremont rr 2 bill reid ashburn rr 1 marion couperthwaite uxbridge rr 3 bob couperthwaite uxbridge rr 3 gary cooper blackwater rr 1 neil mcavoy blackwater rr 1 york county bonnie anderson rr 1 sut ton west grant debnam rr 1 pcfferlaw wil liam williams rr 1 pcfferlaw dana salmon rr 1 queensvillc jeff salmon rr 1 queens villc peel county brian lansdell bramlea robert lansdell bramlea hal ton county gary dobie rr 2 acton peter lynch rr 4 acton elizabeth norrington rr 6 milton duf- ferin county wesley thompson rr 2 orange- ville renate birkholz rr 3 grand valley both elizabeth norrington and brian lansdell have completed six years in 4h club work the guest speaker was mr clare burt well- known agricultural writer and broadcaster mr burt who has visited many foreign countries is planning to open an agricultural travel bureau and arrange trips for farmers to distant lands he was introduced by harry boyes of pickering the president of the toronto district ayrshire association is clifton morris withdraw poultry egu owing to the fact that some confusion has arisen in the industry due to the lack of an educational per iod the poultry grading regulations recently made under the farm products grades and sales act have been withdrawn according to hon wm a stewart minister of agriculture misunderstanding on the pari of the poultry indus try is felt to have arisen as a result of the poultry reg ulations being introduced prior to poultry processing plants coming under the meat inspection act which at the present is confined to the inspection of red meats the withdrawal l the regulations at this time will give the industry a pe riod in which to adjust to any change which may be necessary to meet the re quirements of both the poultry grading regula tions and the meat inspec tion act under the regulations now suspended poultry graded under the ontario regulations would have to meet the same quality standards as specified un der the canada agricultur al products sandards act have you read john bradshaws column in this paper now is the time to prepare for gardening fertilizers so green teat moss cattle manure etc garden tools rakes shovels spades hoes trowels wheel barrows fertil izer spreaders rollers hose and many other garden nccessj hies power mowers 2 cycle mowers is 4495 4 cycle mowers 18 5895 mowers 6395 20 roto tillers p m i iii n northern king 3 hp 12 tines 10350 jubilee 4 hp 14 tines 12395 zenith with reverse 4 hp 14495 crest r magi cote magicote paint is manufactured under strict quality control in our own paint factory and it used according to directions all finishes i interior and exterior are guaranteed to give complete satisfacb btion i 1500 colours to choose from interior exterior i g flat semigloss fast dry aik1uk s enamel latex enamel house paint undercoat 1 undercoat primersealer other i porch floor implement enamel marine masonrystucco paint i varnishes urethane and many others i nk new interiorexterior stains mixed to order for thurs fri sat apr 6th 7th 8th off on all paint and wallpaper in stock bring this advertisement and receive a free paint brush with any paint purchase attention ft contractors ft golf courses ft landscape contractors ft home owners now is the time to service your garden equipment water pumps chain saws greens mowers stouffville call sales service rr 4 stouffville 6101814 formerly d a kidd sales service wise home owners insist on hydraprest sidewalk slabs from concrete products ltdj hydraulically pressed for maximum durability complete range of sizes square and true for easy placing and professional results immediate delivery phone 6553311 hawk bicycles black hawk mens or ladles standard 28 tf as go black hawk boys or girls juvenile 26 j black hawk boys or girls cyic no junior u jwj70 mens sports 3 speed liand cq ql brakes 26 jjj07j golden hawk coaslcr boys co q1 or girls 26 pjz7j golden hawk 3 speed sport caq qk boys or girls 077 j the hawk raider high oio qiz rise bars banana seat jhq7j a good selection of tricycles and wagons now in stock just in new stock of gym sets see them now from our furniture department kilgour 3piece bedroom suite reg 28995 95 61 triple dresser 4 drawer chest and panel bed in beautiful ebony p walnut finish 219 serta box springs and mattresses from in all sizes 2r eah anxious to get away friday night shop on thurs nights until 900 pm store hours tues through saturday 830 am 600 pm thurs fri nights till 9 pm closed monday april through sept furniture appliances 5 main west stouffville 6402771 quality youll like at prices you can afford no down payment when you use oar family purchase plan