pee 14 the tribune tfcrwfjy march union says farmer low man far too long garden guide l head hog producers assoc wide choice of trees for your lot by john bradshaw its been said by people much wiser than me that nothing contributes more to the comfort and welfare of mankind than a tree it seems to me that this centen nial year offers an excellent opportunity for the whole family to plant a tree and watch it grow over the years in later life the children will say remember when we helped mother and dad plant that tree such is the fibre on which memories are made modern mass nursery production has meant that far too many trees of the same kind are planted each year this need not be because a search through nursery catalogues will soon reveal that theres a wide choice of trees that are just a little bit different a typical example would be the red horse chestnut in choosing an attractive shade tree for the garden you cannot afford to overlook this one everyone knows the glorious candles of white bloom that the ordinary chestnut produces just imagine the same tree with reddish pink flowers its a fairly fast growing shade tree and the flowering time is may and june unlike the common chestnut this tree does not bear nuts which disfigure the garden its height at maturity will be about 30 feet in this area the golden rain is one of the best me dium sized flowering trees for the home garden in mid summer the whole tree is a cascade of golden bloom the flowers are borne in long chains which create a breathtaking sight when they stir in the breeze heres a lawn specimen tree that will delight both you and your neighbors it too will grow about thirty feet high when fully matured there are too few gardens that contain a dwarf japanese red maple this maple can be grown either as a colorful dwarf tree or a small shrub because of its slow growth it makes an excellent specimen tree or shrub for lawn planting youll find its foliage is never dense enough to harm the lawn and the brilliant crim son color never fails to attract attention this blood red color makes an eyecatching contrast if set among the evergreens in the foundation planting the japanese maple needs full sun but will tolerate moderate shade under the latter conditions the crimson color is not nearly so pronounced not every nursery carries the pyramidal english oak but any trouble you may have in finding it will be forgotten when you see it growing in your garden its shape is the same as that of the lombardy poplar but it has none of the latters faults lombardy poplars mature somewhere between 16 and 20 years of age and then gradually die away on the other hand the pyramidal oak is longlived slower growing and more compact its leaves turn brown in the fall and cling to the branch until early next spring giving the tree a most attractive appearance throughout the winter months during the summer the green foliage is a joy to behold one of the most ideal shade trees for any garden large or small is the little leaf lynden theres hardly a better tree for street planting as its able to withstand the fumes smoke and dust that pollute the city air much better than most trees the little leaf lynden has a dense pyramidal shape handsome heart shape foliage and eventually grows to 100 feet in height dont plant this tree close to public utility wires or the house for my money one of the best introductions in the past few years as far as ornamental shade trees are con cerned is the sunburst thornless locust this shade tree is fast growing but has few if anyfaults being a hardwood the limbs are not easily broken down in wind and ice storms the tips of the branches are a bright golden yellow shading to bronze at the ends and they appear as if you had taken a paint brush and cov ered each tip with bright golden paint while it is a very fast grower it will not grow out of bounds and the eventual height at maturity is any where from 30 to 40 feet it makes an excellent lawn specimen shade tree because the diameter of the trunk is very small now is the time to make your choice of trees so that youll be ready to plant them the first day that the soil becomes workable in your garden uxbridge the dir ectors of the ontario coun ty hog producers associa tion met at uxbridge for the purpose of electing of ficers and planning a pro gram for 1967 new officers are hon orary president lloyd wil son ashburn president les faux blackwater 1st vice maustyn mcknight uxbridge 2nd vice ted lamb port perry secre tary treasurer charles hadden blackwater exe cutive directors alvin johnston orillia harvey moore uxbridge earl windatt beaverton direc tors ira furniss brechin clarence hewitt beaver ton david beath oshawa heber down brooklin anson gerrow port perry gordon taber brooklin gordon kydd uxbridge auditors doug harder blackwater frank sonley blackwater the ontario county boar premium policy will be continued with 500 de crease in premium in each of the four sections it will now be possible for a fa mer who purchases a top quality boar to receive a provincial premium of 35 arid an ontario county hog producers subsidy of 25 for a total of 60 in sub sidy the association will again sponsor a senior 4h swine club 34 was budgeted for this project the hog quality compe tition will be carried out a- gain this year a total of 150 was allocated as prize money and there will be three sections with 50 prize money in each sec tionsection lfor farmers producing 15 to 100 hogs section 2 for farmers pro ducing 101 to 200 hogs and section 3 for farmers pro ducing 201 hogs and over lloyd wilson ashburn was named as delegate from the hog producers association to the ontario county federation of agri culture why not why not order the remainder of your fertilizer needs from us this spring custom blending bagged or bulk pickup or delivery spreaders available check our prices open til 4 pm on saturday during april and may bradford fertilizer co ltd 134 wellington st e aurora 7279421 available first mortgages at current rates or second morfgagesa available without bonus charges we can refinance your present mortgage problems or combine your present first second mortgages into one call mr ugar mortgage dept 2942573 or 297195g lllilllllllluigfyi realtor 91 main st n markhaml better chicks for better profits when you feed them on 20 chick starter crumbles we manufacture our own chick starter crumbles right on the premises to assure you of freshness and quality reisors fflarmelb box 20 markham 2942323 mrs michael opstinik womens president of the ontario farmers union told members this week farmers have been low man on the economic and social totem pole far too long the agricultural commu nity has been the soft spot within society open to misuse by the power blocks she said this is where the ofu comes in we as a farm organization become a block of strength also look ing for a soft spot not very humanistic she admitted but the bas is on which this society is founded and unfortunately if we are to survive as far mers we must learn the name and rules of the game being played and ap ply them industry now sets the pace said mrs opstinik it seeks its own goals a- chieves its own ends esta blishes a value system by which the quality of life in our civilization is meas ured she said that value sys tem placed farmers as du ty bound to produce and feed the nation and a hun gry world no matter what the costs to themselves the name of this game is humanity and the rules are charity and its a game the farmers have been playing a long time its a fine game but in or der for the game to be fair all participants have to be playing the same game and abide by the same rules mrs opstinik said gov ernments have been ad vancing industrialization to kuk tux imstmm jr- triplet goats at lemonville dale claughton of lemonville holds triplet goats one of several sets of triplets born on their farm this spring staff photo badger the proven champion now at a new lower price we wiq handle all the details of in- stalling and proper ijf servicing your badger silo unloirfer and badger automa tic feeding system claude kerr stouffville 6401 375 attention fr contractors if golf courses it landscape contractors it home owners now is the time to service your 9 garden equipment water pumps chain saws greens mowers call stouffville sales service er 4 stouffville 6401814 formerly d a kidd sales service expog7 see canada 67- thnlline walt disney film in circlevision 360 at the telephone pavilion good enough good enough good enough the detriment of agricul ture farmers have been subsidizing the nation with cheap food farmers are told they cannot receive more for their produce because it would inflate consumer prices and the consumer is already complaining about the high price of food the consumer hollers more about the high cost of food than any other commodity he purchases in the marketplace because he is indoctrinated into be lieving that cheap food is his godgiven inalienable right however this does not extend to houses and cars said mrs opstinik it is obvious that all the brief presentations and quiet softspoken pleading around a government table doesnt mean a thing un less you have the force in the country to back them up until such time as the force is a solidly organized farm front we cannot be come more sophisticated in our approach to govern ment and become as the farm unions in the british ises the bargaining and negotiating voice of farm ers the ofu has been called irresponsible because it employs meausures such as last years tractor demon strations said mrs opsit- nik until governments and all segments of society rec ognize their responsibility to society as a whole and to the primary producer we will continue to employ all and any measures nec essary to ensure protection of the producer she said farming report by al wall i know many taruiers who enjoy experimenting a little often the ideas are rather wild ones and the fail ure rate is high its still good though because once in a while useful discoveries are made and even if it fails the experience makes life interesting i put frost seeding in this class i dont think any one would want to seed 100 acres on frozen ground but a few acres would be a good project we know that barley seeded on frost can give higher yields than normal seeding that the plants will be shorter with stiffer straw and that the crop gets away earlier with a better chance of avoiding dry weather seed can be scattered on frozen ground in march or april its best not to even try to cover it harrowing when the surface thaws too often buries the seed too deep left alone the seed itself will work into soft mushy soil at thawing the rate of seeding should be higher than normal birds will take some of it and some plants wont sur vive barley isnt killed easily by frost it will come back even if most of the leaves are killed with a root established it will grow a second much faster than a crop just planted lots of fertilizer is a must for frost seeding nitro gen can be put on before or after seeding and its need- ed for success weed control with chemicals is another absolute requirement weeds will flourish without the normal seed bed preparation and spraying must bal done at the right time if a field has a grass problem its a poor risk for frost seeding corn is a much better crop for grassy fields because the grass can be taken out so this is a good week for the innovators to get started on spring seeding it will be interesting for sure and it might just work 4h clubs are organizing in york this week the seed fair and spray school is on thursday and jersey breeders are having a barn meeting at cecil mortsons on friday beef producers go on a bus tour next tues day visiting beef farms in york peel and simcoe business auctioneers w d atkinson ph stouffville 6101494 licensed auctioneer and sale manager sales conducted anywhere specializing in the prepara tion and selling of purebred consignments and dispersals farm auctions furniture and real estate sales bills prepared and posted at no extra cost this specializ ed service really pays off and means money in your pocket ph stouffville 6101494 ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario markham po ph 2943161 or 6403686 prentices have been estab lished auctioneers since 1890 beauty salons the powder puff beauty salon joy ross days tues thru sal nights wed and fri for appointment call 6402472 chiropractors wm s baird dc doctor of chiropractic xray by appointment 369 main st n markham telephone 2940701 a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of york ontario farm stock furniture sales a specialty telephone gbrmlcy 8875311 address gormley po accountants j s delaurier dc 201 main street west stouffville ontario office hours by appointment only monday to saturday telephone 6403502 lawrence cohen ba llb barrister solicitor rr no 2 stouffville ont telephone 6402680 william g parsons llb barrister solicitor 157 main st w po box 820 phone 6402211 stouffville kennedy kennedy 67 richmond st w toronto barristers solicitors notaries ross kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 2941632 cattanach hindson barristers solicitors 52 main st n markham phone 2940606 or 2971311 funeral directors good enough never got gerry gamble public accountant box 105 king city telephone 8335736 uxbridge 8523755 jackson christison chartered accountants thos n shea limited bidg hwy 7 markham telephone 2972491 william l mcmullen chartered accountant telephone bus 2111711 res 7571053 655 dixon rd toronto ont oneill funeral home stouffville l d langlols funeral director continuous telephone service day or night phone stouffville 6102855 robert w mcvey qc barrister solicitor suite 300 67 richmond st w toronto markham ph 2942371 toronto ph 36303s9 opticians howard g mills ro dispensing optician 286 main street west stouffvillo prescriptions filled appointments made phono 6103165 insurance and that never is probably the most important word in our vocabulary because it means that we arc constantly on our toes looking searching planning for improvements improvements in methods and equipment to give you even better service our engineers at bell at northern electric our manufacturing subsidiary and at the northern electric laboratories ae now working on telephone and transmission ideas that will make your phone even more useful faster and more convenient change for the sake of change never but always change where change is needed for the sake of improved service to you our customer fjfflj bell canada john c wylie fia licensed public accountant auditor office residence wyllo acres mussclmans lake road rr3 stouffville pnone 6103144 leonard r rosenberg bcom chartered accountant bank of nov scotia building aurora telephone pa 79151 thos birkett and son ltd general insurance agency stouffville ontario insurance in reliable com panies at rcalible rates prompt service telephone 6102000 evenings gordon r birkctt 6103715 les clarke 6102144 bob hassard 6103585 willis taylor 6101976 optometrists f richard black od optometrist stouffville medical centre ph 6103722 for appointment hours 1000 am to 800 pm every tuesday art wahlroth ba od optometrist sherwood plaza phone 2912181 legal button and armstrong barristers and solicitors notaries public ii r button qc 3 m armstrong qc 33 main street west stouffville telephone 6i0353 surveyors d h black ontario land surveyor 310 painted post dr corner of markham ltd scarborough ont phone atlantlo 25283 res 2821508 ontario land surveyor r g mckibbon 56 main st n markham phone 2913721