45 building trades and household directory 43 groceries meats produce for sale 55 tenders furniture repaired re- fimsfced by professional cab inet maker custom furni ture built etc free estimates pickup and delivery henry fairchild goodwood phone 6401s58 30tx no 2 potatoes idaho type and pl 75lb l john bosworth potatoes s955422 43tf custom home and industrial electric wiring electrical home heating ross herheringron phone stouffville 6102033 32tf aluminum products s windows doors siding awnings railings water softeners stouffvuxe r home diprovements phone 6101831 38tf radio television hifi repairs at reasonable rates 2 complete public address systems for rent smith radio electronic service 58 main west stouffville phone 102140 51tf potatoes no 1 grade sl70 for 75 lbs we also have a good supply of certi fied seed on hand phone murray crone 4732313 ml albert 3310 oboyles abattoir beet fork for sale by quarter or halves custom killing and curing bus 6101313 39tf beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for freezer we also do custom killing and curing fast freezer service freiz bros harper bus 6103125 res lee 6102098 norm 6101876 19tf cliff harper 6102813 and delivered as required during the year tenders clearly marked to be in the office of the clerk before 12 oclock noon april 6th 1967 lowest or any tender cot necessarily accepted r e corner clerk box 419 stouffville 56 schools colleges private tuition tutor wanted for math and physics grade 1l phone 6192108 60 sales register auctions on hwy 48 1 miles north of markham village sale ar 100 pan terms cash no reserve see posters for full particulars james smith clerk clarke prentice auc tioneer rjl2 markham phone 6w36ss 0 sales register auctions reading difficulties private tutor for your child in your own home available remedial specialist for par ticulars please phone 640- 3703 57 driving schools beef pork by quarter or side prepared for your freezer or locker 34tf custom killing and curing of meat a specialty schells meat market stouftvlue ph 6101312 metro wrecking and lumber co cedar ave richmond hill new and used lumber ply- woods plumbing doors electrical supplies 23 ton used pips and steel 3 and 4 cast soil pipe oil tanks steel sash fluor escent lights 2000 new and used glazed sash rolled roofing s150 per roll quantity discounts rec rooms garages home building projects altera tions ii mile cast of yonge st j south oft markham rd open sat until 500 pm 8843561 22tf tv antennas installed phone 2971433 towers and roof antennas color heads and black white 34tf john aschwanden rr4 stouffville ont 6102513 41tf excavating grading well drilling soil sampling 48 groceries meats produce for sale good quality beef by v- or delivered ready for freez er carl reesor 6403292 49 pet stock supplies kennels boshan kennels regd labrador retrievers puppies occasionally dogs boarded individual runs large breeds accommodated 43tf reasonable rates mr and mrs t philip claremont 6195336 rough collie registered very good with children reasonable 2941911 german shepherd 1 year old no papers price s15 phone 6492246 driving lessons by graduate of ontario safe ty league 36tf dillons driving school 895575 6401267 59 lost found lost black and tan hound female named jill lost in vicinity of dixie rd and 3rd cone of pickering twp reward 8392032 small samoyed dog lost on friday answers to snow ball vicinity of 2nd cone uxbridge phone 8523513 would the person who found a beige king size blan ket last week in the laundra- mat please be kind enough to leave it at the donnalee beauty salon reward off ered saturday april 1 the 828th auction sale to be held at stouffville stockyards ltd selling all classes of live stock by the pound or by the dollar special this week will be the household effects of the estate of the late harry vingerhoed plus other furniture consigned also the fanners marker with something for everyone sale at 1 pjn 4 auction rings operating at the same time frank bennett and norm faulkner sale man agers and auctioneers lost good friday purebred st bernard lobo goodwood area reward phone 6402296 60 sales register auctions auctioneers w d atkinson phone stouffville 6101494 white fantail pigeons sell ing out phone 6401708 50 miscellaneous gormley well drilling pumps installed and repair ed phone william bishop gormley 8875346 8tf new construction and remodelling commercial and residential i free estimates scott thomson construction phone 6401767 5tf sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired c stunden 13tf richmond hill tu 41245 clubine bros contractors alterations additions roof repairs carpentry masonry and all types of roofing 8881750 13tf canadian cancer society richmond hill district unit for information regarding films talks in memoriam cards welfare and services call- stouffville 6402826 6403803 gormley 8875525 tjnionvuie 2971188 36t gormley 8875240 51 transportation taxis stouffville taxi on call 24 hours a day phone 640- 1763 53 personals attention florence bel vedere maiola or mary bel vedere collins anyone know ing the whereabouts of of either of these persons please reply to box 568 stouffville to the advantage of florence maiola a s farmer phone gormley 8875311 ken clarke prentice phone markham 2943161 or stouffville 6403686 reg johnson sunderland ont cancelled on tues mar 21 thur mar 30 clear- ing auction sale of farm stock and implements includ ing 23 beef cows and calves 2 tractors plow cultivator baler harrow side rake seed drill milker binder 1000 bales of hay straw grain 6 sows 35 chunks pony fur niture including 9piece din ing room suite toilet set chairs tables etc the proper ty of wm benson at lot 22 con 9 pickering twp 1 mile west of claremont no re serve as farm sold terms cash sale at 1 p m r e faulkner clerk a s far mer norm faulkner auc tioneers 432 tuesday april 4 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements hay straw and furniture the property of floyd winger lot 19 con 5 east gwillimbury twp 3 miles east of queensville or 3h miles west and 214 miles north of mt albert hereford and charloise cat tle 1 percheron arabian mare rising 3 yrs 13 land- race english black brood sows several with pigs 1 moa some bred 3 wks some due in may 70 good chunks 2 to 4 mon note these are exceptionally good pigs cows have size approx 3500 bales of hay 1000 bales of straw caseomatic 600 tractor case model d and ford tractor new holland manure spreader new new holland baler new glencoe cultivator nearly new mh seed drill new holland mower and rake full line of machinery quan tity of furniture farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm fred dew ger ald graham clerks reg johnson auctioneer phone sunderland 227 432 saturday april 8 auc tion sale of farm implements orchard equipment baled hay and straw grain house hold furniture tools 1963 ford super dextra diesel tractor no 2000 1950 ford sn tractor fertilizer seed drill john deere 16 run also full line of 3point hitch im plements at lot 8 cone 5 whitchurch at bethesda 1 miles north of markham whitchurch townline the property of maurice pike no reserve property sold terms cash sale at 1 pan jim smith clerk alvin s farmer gordon orr auc tioneers 8s7531l 433 saturday april s auc tion sale of farm machinery hav grain furniture the property of francis hockley lot 8 con 4 scott twp 7 miles northwest of uxbridge or mile north of sandford mf no 65 dieselmatic trac tor only 700 hrs like new john peere mc crawler trac tor equipped with sedore loader mh 102 tractor cockshutt selfpropelled com bine no 110 john deere for age harvester gehl blower 2 self unloading wagons mf manure spreader 3 yrs sedore snow blower nearly new mf no 11 baler only baled 12000 bales full line of good power ma chinery 2500 bales of hay 300 bus garry oats 10 ft of ensilage quantity of furni ture farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm denny kerr clerk reg johnson auctioneer 442 cars parked mile from auction 55 tenders rapid tv service fully experienced tv radio repairman all work and parts fully guaranteed 50tf herb kring furniture appliances 81 slain st w stouffville baaaegnscecbccegepbgs confederation plumbing service new work repairs alterations pumps softeners hot water tanks sewers installed proprietor i m harman box 366 stouffville 6103921 39s 46 gardening and supplies lawn mower repairs now is the time for spring tuneup avoid the rush delivered locally when re quired 412 licenced guaranteed workmanship 20 victoria st stouffville piionk 6103905 because canadians vol- irilv donate blood the red cross is able to sun- p utpilal stier with all the blood and blood products they need township of uxbridge tender for tractor mower and front end loader scaled tender clearly mark ed as to contents will be re ceived by undersigned until 12 noon monday april 10th 1967 for one industrial trac tor mower and front end loader specifications and tender forms may be obtain ed from undersigned to be taken in trade one interna tional tractor mower and front end loader bidders must use township specifica tion and tender forms lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 432 stanley slack road superintendent goodwood ont phone 6403381 township of whitchurch gravel tender scaled tenders plainly marked gravel tender will be received by the road superintendent until 5 five oclock pm tuesday april 4th 1967 1 price per ton to supply crush deliver and spread on any road in the town ship of whitchurch under the supervision of the road superintendent ap proximately 27000 tons more or less gravel to pass through a screen and must contain 65to stone a certified cheque in amount of ss0000 to accom pany tender lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted 432 ernest davis road superintendent village of stouffville tender for gravel sealed tenders will be re ceived by the undersigned for the supplying and spreading of gravel for the year 1967 as follows 1 v crushed gravel dellv- ered minimum 653 stone 2 pitrun gravel delivered gravel to be priced per ton saturday april 1 clear ing auction sale of modern farm machinery and equip ment including 2 tractors mh sp combine 10 mf hay baler mf t hay mow er mf seed drill on rubber hay conditioner good wa gons new holland 175 bu manure spreader meyers weed sprayer 26 boom 3 ton truck with hoist 35 can craft bulk milk tank milk ing machine furniture etc the property of f g leask son lot 34 con 6 darling ton twp 5 miles northeast of oshawa ltt miles north and vl mile cast of taun ton note this machinery is in excellent condition it has always been kept in good repair and stored inside this will be one of the good farm machinery sales of the sea son plan to attend terms cash no reserve sale at 1 pm lloyd wilson uxbridge sale m auctioneer saturday april 1 aue- tion sale of farm implements about 12000 bales of hay quantity of grain case vac tractor row crop case trac tor model 2 with front end loader ihc sp 10ft com bine 2 yrs old ihc pto manure spreader also full line of power implements 400gal bulk milk tank- dairy kool 50 teel stable stall and box stalls 4 surge units no 351b also stable cleaner at lot 8 cone 3 vaughan township property of w j lawson vaughan acres limited no reserve terms cash sale at 1230 alvin s farmer gordon orr auctioneers phone 8s7- 5311 432 tuesday april 4 1 pm auction sale of farm stock implements hay straw and grain 56 head of high grade holstein cattle 20 head of outstanding holstein cows in a tb blood tested con- trolled area balance 2 year old yearlings and calves young cattle are all cross bred hereford and holsteins 1963 massey ferguson die sel 65 multipower tractor 1954 ferguson tractor 3pt hitch new holland 717 corn harvester 2 yr old new holland blower 50ft of pipe and all modern equipment fargo 2ton truck with hoist the property of pat mc carthy 2 miles west and x miles north of woodville on town line between thora eldon twps farm sold no reserve terms cash proprietors or auctioneers will not be responsible for any public liability property damage or injury to the pub lic in connection with this auction sale lunch avail able neil maceachern clerk fraser maclntyre carl hick- son ringmen norm mac lntyre auctioneer rr3 woodville 432 monday april 10 auc tion sale of farm stock and implements hay and grain the property of the late william thompson lot 9 cone 4 brock twp 2 miles south and 1 mile west of sunderland 40 head short horn hereford cattle no of good springer cows no of stockers and fat cattle pb hereford bull shorthorn bull no uf pigs qu of baled hay mh no 33 tractor good shape john deere manure spreader mh seed drill full line of machinery no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm gerald gra ham clerk reg johnson auctioneer 442 thursday april 6 con signment auction sale of pure bred and high grade holsteins fresh and spring er cows and heifers to be held at stouffville stock yards ltd in the cow palace with demand good on good quality cows and heifers for buyers satisfac tion for information con tact sales management frank bennett unionville 8875570 or norm faulkner stouffville 6403813 sale at 730 pm regular auction sale every saturday 442 saturday april 1 auc tion sale of farm stock and implements hay etc the property of paul novosel lot 15 con 8 brock twp 2 miles north of sunderland 1 mile cast on the ridge rd 35 head of holstein here ford cattle 9 cows calves by side some due time of sale hereford bull 9 baby beef fat ford tractor fergus- son plow dearborn cultiva tor ferguson mower fer guson buzz saw case man ure spreader full line of machinery farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm gerald graham larry johnson clerks reg johnson auctioneer phone sunderland 227 432 saturday april 1st auction sale of household furniture electrical applianc es suites dishes utensils glassware antiques garden handymans tools miscel laneous articles etc proper ties of bartlett kitchen malcolm estates burning- ham harbcrllck ciark wickcn and others at pren tices new idea farm lot 21 cone 8 markham twp thursday april 6 auc tion sale of registered hol stein heifers full line of farm machinery including 3 international tractors 504 diesel 1 yr old super m w6ta semidiesel larger implements nearly new and in good condition stable equipment including stable cleaner with approximately 230 ft chain hay straw used barn material and fur niture property of the es tate of the late eric hadwen merryville farm lot 34 concession 4 township of vaughan 3m miles north of maple at 1200 pm alvin farmer and gord orr auc tioneers tuesday april 11 auc tion sale of farm stock and implements 30 head of reg istered holstein cattle all on rop fresh cows springers and calves case tractor model d 1 ac combine pto 7 ft cut new holland forage blower with 40 ft pipe new holland forage sower unloading box 7x16 ft ne 35 can craft bulk tank 3unit surge milker at lot 19 cone 6 markham twp 2 miles north of unionville the property of lester weatherill no reserve farm sold terms cash sale at 1230 jim smith clerk allen orr on pedigrees al vin s farmer gordon orr auctioneers 414 goodwood perfect holiday weather attracted people by the hundreds to the auction sale friday on the property of charles symes lot 4 cone 4 ux bridge township the crowd was so large that cars were parked for over a mile in every direc tion from the sale site the goodwood orange lodge benefitted from the attendance and cleared 140 from the sale of cof fee and doughnuts the 28 head of grade holsteins brought good prices with the top cow and calf selling for 400 the newest of the three tractors brought 1958 hay brought 39c per bale straw 26 cents and oats 53 per ton a six year old 60 sales register auctions hay baler brought 700 and an antique cheese dish caught the eyes of collectors and sold for 14 mr and mrs symes plan to build a new home in goodwood- auctioneer norman faulkner started the sale at one oclock and was finished by 530 pjn the tribune thursday marti 30 1967 piae 13 community shower for victims of fire fred dew gerald graham clerks reg johnson auc tioneer 442 friday april 14 auc tion sale of 17 head of short horn cattle incl milk cows springers and heifers ford tractor in good condition lhc manure spreader on rubber binder frost wood also full line of farm implements about 1000 bales of hay 400 bus oats quan tity of household furniture at lot 1 rear con 3 uxbridge lh miles west of brock rd on uxbridgepickering town- line the property of will iam r coates no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm sharp alvin s farmer auctioneer r faulkner clerk phone 8875311 425 tuesday april 11 auc tion sale of farm stock and implements hay and straw the property- of frank pil- kington lot 15 cone 8 brock twp 2 miles north of sun derland 1 mile east on ridge rd 45 head of here ford holstein cattle 12 holstein cows 14 hereford yearlings western cattle bull calves etc 500 bales of hay 200 straw mccormick b250 tractor diesel front- end loader new mh 102 tractor mh pull type com bine 2 yrs mccormick baler no 46 good john deere manure spreader 2 wheel full line of machin ery no reserve as owner is giving up farming terms cash sale at 1 pm reg johnson auctioneer 442 saturday april 15 ex tensive auction sale of trac tors near new ihc com bine mckee harvester late models of 3 point hitch till age haying and harvesting farm implements tools household furniture miscell- aneous articles etc proper ties of messrs dennie grant thompson smith and others at prentices new idea farm lot 21 cone 8 mark ham twp on hwy 48 1 miles north of markham vill age sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserves see sale bills for full listings james smith clerk clarke pren tice auctioneer rr2 mark ham phone 6403686 443 thursday april 6 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements and grain the pro perty of wilfred short son lot 10 cone 12 mari posa twp 3 miles south and 2 miles east of woodville or 4 miles cast of manilla and 3 miles north of white rock garage 60 head of high grade shorthorn cattle 24 cows due in the spring bull galloway shorthorn ris ing 2 yrs 14 calves rising 1 yr 14 steers and heifers ris ing 2 5 heifers due in the spring team of horses 9 sows bred 2 mon 19 chunks 1500 bus grain mf 65 die selmatic tractor power steer ing nearly new 680 hrs mf 50 gas tractor good shape mf 600 combine selfpropelled 11ft new cut 1 crop mf seed drill 16 disc new used 1 season mf side rake brady hay conditioner kongskilde cul tivator nearly new full line of first class machinery note this is one of the best sales this spring cattle are from pb stock some have papers machinery first class farm sold no reserve sale at 1230 sharp terms cash geo grcenway wm wei- don clerks reg johnson auctioneer ph sunderland 227 saturday april 8 auc tion sale of new cockshutt no 1s50 ford tractor fer guson tractor new cockshutt combine no- 525 nh baler new truck international seed drill nearly new full line of up to date machinery delaval bulk tank and fur niture property of fred lee and so lot 29 cone 7 whit by rwsp 3 miles nw of brooklin terms cash farm sold sale at 1 oclock ted jackson and ted spcnceley auctioneers 442 wednesday april 12 auction sale of farm stock and implements 70 head of grade holstein cattle fresh cows springers and heifers ihc diesel tractor no 460 ihc tractor w4 new hol land hay baler ihc com bine 6it cut also full line of power implements bulk milk tank 2800 lbs delaval 2 unit surge milker baled hay and straw grain at lot 99100 east gwillimbury township 1 mile north of davis drive newmarket on no ii hichway yonge st no reserve terms cash sale at 1230 sharp fred dew l j farr clerks alvin s farmer gordon orr auc tioneers 433 wednesday april 12 auction sale of farm stock and implements hay straw quantity of furniture the property c fred graham lot 10 cone 7 brock twp 1 mile north of sunderland and 1 mile vest 30 head of here ford holstein charolaise steers yearlings 2 yrs good no of pigs 180 lbs quantity of hay straw mf 35 diesel tractor 5 yrs front end loader case dc 4 tractor don threshing ma chine 28x46 on rubber new holland hay crimper new holland power mower new mf pto manure spreader sedore corn blower new graham plow 2 cattle feed ers full line of good machin ery cocp deep freeze 20 cu ft good quantity of other furniture farm sold no re- serve terms cash sale at 1 pm wm graham ger- aid graham clerks reg johnson auctioneer 442 saturday april 15 auc tion sale of farm implements ihc tractor w6 john deere tractor model m oli ver hay baler with bale thrower 62t mf 3oirit hitch 4furrow trip beam plow near new manure spreader ihc no 35 pto forage harvester gehl- with hay and corn pickup case threshing machine full line of power implements scrap iron at lot 23 cone 4 mark ham twp 3 miles north of no 7 hwy on don mills rd 1 mile south of victoria square the property of frank brumwell no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm alvin s farmer and gordon orr auctioneers 8875311 442 saturday aprill5 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements and furniture the property of frank moor- head lot 3 cone 8 east gwillimbury twp mile south of mt albert on cen tre rd no of hereford cows steers and heifers 3000 bales of hay 2000 bales of straw 2000 bu grain 400 bu wheat 8 bu red clover seed case model s tractor geo white threshing ma- chine ac combine no 90 5 yrs good shape new holland baler john deere manure spreader full line of machinery quantity of fur niture toilet sets iron pots stone jugs etc farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm ccc harrison bert lockie clerks reg johnson auctioneer phone sunderland 227 443 thursday april 13 auction sale of farm stock implements hay straw and furniture the property of leslie hcrdman lots 15 16 cone 5 north gwillimbury twp 2v miles east of kes wick or b miles west of sut ton at ecihaven hereford and hoisteln cattle 4 sows due time of sale dodge ton truck mccormick super w6 tractor mccormick wl tractor mh combine no 70 self propelled 10 ft new holland baler nearly new mh pto manure spreader 2whecl nearly new mc cormick seed drill full line of machinery quantity of furniture some antiques din ner bell pine cupboard but ter cnurn bedroom suite etc farm sold no reserve terras cash sale at i pm- monday april 17 auc tion sale of farm stock and implements the property of sam mitchell lot 7 cone 9 north gwillimbury approx 4 miles west of sutton on base line holstein and shorthorn cattle no spring ers mh tractor full line of machinery quantity of fur niture no reserve as owner is giving up farming terms cash sale at 130 reg johnson auctioneer 413 tuesday april 18 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements and furniture the property of charles chuck clarke lot 1 cone 5 scott twp 2 miles north and 2 miles west of uxbridge on town line 70 head of hol stein brown swiss and gurn- sey cattle 30 milk cows bred heifers hereford stockers no of pigs bulk tank 27 can milk keeper milking machine etc hay and straw john deere no 710 tractor new 135 hrs fully equipped nuffield tractor 2 yrs mc cormick super a tractor john deere self propelled combine 10ft like new mckee forage harvester and blower mccormick power seed drill on rubber good new holland pto manure spreader good ac corn planter 2 row new full line of 1st class machinery qu of furniture piano kit chen furniture etc farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 12 noon sharp note this is one of the best sales this spring plan to attend gerald graham roy scott clerks reg john son ted jackson auction eers sandford ladies will serve lunch 413 auction sale of farm implements 1963 ford diesel tractor no 2000 1950 8n tractor dear born power mower new holland side delivery rake wood pto 7hft rotary mower grain fertilizer drill large quantity of orchard equipment full line of implements house hold furniture baled hay straw and grain the property of maurice pike at lot 8 concession 5 whitchurch twp li miles north of markham- whitchurch ttownllne saturday apr 8 1963 ford super dexta die sel tractor 2000 1950 ford sn tractor 3pt hitch implements 8 double disc massey- ferguson new ford 3furrow wide bottom plow spring tooth cultivator stiff tooth cultivator rigid shank cultivator row crop row crop cultivator scoop scraper blade buck rake dcaiborn power mower weed sprayer 20ft boom new pump turnip planter disc plow hoist manure loader power take off cyclone seeder 2 ford pulleys power take off adapter stabilizer arms adjustable top arms tractor chains pulltype implements new holland side delivery rake woods power take off 7- f t rotary mower grain fertilizer drill john deere on rubber fertilizer spreader manure spreader horse rake 2drum roller cultipacker mechanical dump trailer hydraulic dump trailer rubber tired wagon 5 sections harrows pole grain thrower pipes flat rack cabbage planter cockshutt 2 sections spring tooth harrows corn cultivator power take off duster case hammer mill turnip waxer cement mixer rubber tired barrow onion topper fence posts 2 sets of scales 2 bag trucks fence stretcher electric fence equipment 32 aluminum extension ladder 40 wood extension ladder 36 wood extension ladder stone boat ventilating fan electric quantity of lumber 1 2x4 2 plank orchard equipment no of ladders about 700 hampers 250 ix bu apple boxes 100 itex bu apple boxes quantity used 6qt 11qt quantity new 4qt baskets quantity new 6qt baskets spray material pruners saws picking bags stamps truck tarpaulin chains 100 ft la plastic hose rotary pump 2000 gal cap rubber hose valve cider barrels sash doors number of other articles tools power take off tire pump john deere 3 hp motors 1 khp motor tap die set creeper log tongs chains tightener farney electric welder equipment work bench with compart ments belt cutter pipe cutter- dies 5ton screw jack jackall jack heavy rope tackle garage hydraulic jack heavy drive ratchet sockets electric drill drills bits small emery garden tractor heavy emery vi hp motor some wrenches other tools tco numerous to mention hay grain about 1000 bales of alfalfa hay about 1000 bales of wheat straw around 300 bus mixed grain 1960 5iton ford truck body household goods antiques moffat electric stove philco electric fridge chesterfield 2 chairs 8leaf kitchen table cooking utensils 12 table roll top desk large pine chest antique beds cupboards chairs quilts dishes lamps wash stands general electric iron electric washing machine rotary lawn mower reel type lawn mower selfpropelled electric heaters linoleum numerous other articles no reserve property sold terms cash sale at 1 pm owner or auctioneer not responsible for any accident on day of sale alvin s farmer gordon orr auctioneers by ruth hutchlngs creex river a community shower will be held friday evening in the sunday school room of the church for mr and mrs melville draper mr fred wilson and mrs lois lehman who lost most of their belongings in a house fire march is bedding and household linens would be most ap preciated mr and mrs william duncan had dinner sun day with mr and mrs gordon duncan and family of willowdale mrs j nighswander en tertained her granddaugh ter ruth and grandson da vid nighswander children of mr and mrs reg nighswander of agincourt bttnl f3eruces let the people praise thee o god christ church anglican stouffvuxe rector rev frederick e muier sunday april 2 1967 easter i 930 ajn family service nursery and junior sun day school 1030 am senior sunday school 7 pm junior choir prac tice wed 8 pm senior choir prac tice wed 7 pm girl guides mon 8 pjn rangers thurs 7 pjn cubs fri 10 am brownies sat united missionary church dicksons hill pastor rev ronald faw lti 6102136 sunday april 2 1967 945 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pjn fellowship hour stouffville united church rev a l borland ba bd sunday april 2 1967 11 am morning worship sunday school 945 am sunday school 11 am nurserykindergar ten weekly programmes explorers mon 7 pm scouts wed 7 pm cgit thurs 7 pm choir practice thurs 830 pm fri 7 pm cubs sat junior choir practice 1045 sm stouffville- unitect missipnary xkurchd rev arthur walsh minister sunday april 2 1967 10 am sunday school with classes for all ages 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service the pastor at both services our missionary con vention is coming up april 1216 st james presbyterian church stouffville minister rev fred ii cromey ba sunday april 2 1967 10 am morning worship 10 am church school second markham baker hill fellowship baptist churches rev bruce hisey sunday april 2 1967 second markham bible school 10 am morning service 11 am what it means to join a baptist church girls trio will sing evening service 730 pm closing service of dvbs baker nill sunday bible school 130 pm service 230 pm gods love for sinners young peoples 8 pm ringwood christian church pastor mr max vague sunday april 2 1967 10 am sunday school 1100 am worship service 8 pm wed ge prayer meeting memorial christian congregational church minlstei rev clarence t bass sunday april 2 1967 10 am sunday school opn session missionary speaker 11 am and 730 pm the minister this weeks thought the moment any idea or principle gets auiay from jesus christ it disintegrates love is an illustration 1 you dont take the content of your loue from jesus christ you will probably take it from hollywood first baptist church claremont minister rev h sydney hillyer dd sunday april 2 1967 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service altona united missionary church rev frank huson pastor sunday april 2 1967 1030 am sunday school 730 pjn evangelistic service wed 8 pm prayer ser vice and bible study the church with the light on sunday night churchill vivian churches rev k burton bth sunday april 2 1967 churchill musselmans lake 955 bible school classes for all 11 am morning worship monday 7 pm christian service brigade monday 8 pjn ladies meeting at the home of mrs pritchard cone 7 all welcome thur 7 pm pioneer girls prayer meeting at vivian wed april 5 gormley united missionary church rev l k sider pastor sunday april 2 1967 950 am sunday school 11 am worship 730 pm evening service theme april fools wed april 5 8 pm pray er meeting centennial baptist church morgan hall pastor ii strachan 2913508 2911147 dlr of education music mr w mcguvray bamed we welcome you 10 am christian educa tion 11 am morning worship 7 pm fellowship hour one of the finest evening services bright singing inspiring music challeng ing message time of re freshment after service a church that cares vivian sunday april 2 1967 10 am bible school 11 am morning wprshlp 730 pm evening scrvlca friday 730 pm young peoples united church rev geo davison sunday april 2 1967 bethesda 5lh cone whitchurch 10 am worship service 11 am sunday school melville 6th cone markham 1115 am worship service 1115 am sunday school stouffville baptist church pastor gordon t gnoilcrham bth sunday april 2 1967 annual missionary conference thursday tonight 800 speaker rev gordon s sale a missionary to in dia with the world wide evangelization crusade sunday 950 bible school mrs raymond joyce from arabia will give an illus trated missionary lesson 1100 and 730 rev gordon gale special music mr and mrs sopcr wed 800 prayer meeting bloomington christian gospel church rev d benson pastor sunday april 2 1967 945 am sunday school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship speaker rev fred campbell mr campbell has been a missionary in thailand 730 pm evening service rev fred campbell will speak and show slides of the work soloist mr bill stubbs note the u m f m will be held at the home of mrs percy brown on april 6th at 200 pm declaring the testimony of god 1 cor 21 all are welcome stouffville full gospel church services sunday school 10xx am morning worship 1100 am evening service 730 pm at masonic haix each sunday aurthur e bioushm pastor