Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), March 16, 1967, p. 9

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33 trucks for salf 41 farm machinery attention truckers if you are looking lor used trucks farts tires or access ories see the truck wrecker first moore truck parts sales old 11 hivv holland landing 8954666 37tf 35 motorcycles for sale 1966 honda super 90 sports as new very low mileage with carrier rack phone 6402954 36 automotive ser- vices repairs eric molyneaux body fender repairs and painting tow truck service th concession whitchurch ballantrae phone 6103916 42tf have you heard about the lowcost depend able kell litercom save steps house to barn room to room etc use up to 6 sta tions ask about the husky com plete liquid manure system built by grose welding alma on- agitate thick slurry pulverize bedding fill 1000 gal spreader in one minute 41tt call john beesor at hutchinson farm supply 6402699 45 building trades and household directory 42 livestock for sale lambs males old 6101419 68 weeks serviceable landrace boars eligible for bonus of s25 plus york county bonus s25 score 5tc 140 297 s a stouffer 6102350 422 red heifer 2nd calf due march 1 phone 6195553 stouffville radiator repair and exchange for cars trucks tractors every job guaranteed fast pickup and deliverv ph 6103311 38tl farming s 40 farm items for sale wanted loose wheat straw for sale rr2 claremont 2912902 two thousand bales of hay for sale 6403681 farmall hydraulic cub tractor with cultivator plow two row scuftler snow blade heavy chains h bunker goodwood 6401376 garry seed oats cleaned and treated at power plant apply jim barry stouffville phone 6402093 cob corn for sale 6401680 or 6402006 34tf cob corn for sale 9422937 phone 1500 bales oat straw for sale 6403728 500 bales hay lancaster chain saw 2 truck tires 700x 17 with tubes wheels snow fence 50 steel fence posts 8 ft 6403077 shetland pony gelding graybrown with silver mane and tail very quiet excellent riding and pet for small children almiia hereford farms phone 8s75657 412 43 livestock wanted riding horse fifteen hands high gelding phone 610- 2868 44 poultry for sale wanted 120 leghorn pullets just started laying atlantic 2- 7816 services 45 building trades and household directory painting paperhanging flooring rec rooms built alterations additions 3 years written guarantee the lang service 8881928 40tf 6403231 3000 bales of mixed hay 50c per bale in truck load lots almira hereford farms phone 8875657 baled oat straw for sale 35 cents a bale 6401380 3000 bales good hay for sale 35c per bale phone 4736836 i after 6 pm 39 4 f quantity good clean wheat straw for sale 40c a i bale phone 6402458 412 quantity of rodney oats for sale suitable for seed carl reesor 6403292 413 mm tractor with front end loader phone 6103762 geo francis rr2 stouffville 600 bales top quality hay 35c per bale phone 6401368 after 730 pm are you getting everything thats coming to you some hybrids wont yield regard less of how good a corn grower you are try the corn with proven yielding ability buy united hybrid seed corn call orval fretz rr 3 claremont phone 6401317 4211 case cutting box wanted any condition bill anderson port perry phone 9s57803 412 wheat straw for sale 45 cents a bale picked up or delivered reasonable phone 6402370 cash on the spot for dead or crippled farm stock picked up promptly telephone collect hampton 2632721 31u margwill fur farm tyrone license 4c66 wanted wilsons well digging well drilling standard tile phone 8875337 29 tf painting odd jobs an tenna repairs free estimates phone 6401855 33tf forfar industrial developers general contractors residential industrial commercial 30tf free estimates complete planning dept russ stouffville 6103170 dave 2330652 custom back hoe work trenching grading septic tanks weeping beds water lines swimming pools drains small pond jobs neil tindall goodwood ont 6tf phone 0102828 custom home and industrial electric wiring electrical home heating ross hetherington phone stouffville 6102033 32tl rapid tv service fully experienced tv radio repairman all work and parts fully guaranteed 50tf herb kring furniture appliances 31 main st v stouffville dead stock we pay from 1000 to 2000 for any animal weighing over 700 pounds according to size phone zenith 32800 no toll cliargo 43tf power equipped trucks call anytime ed peconi son ltd argyle ontario government disposal act licence no s71c66 41 farm machinery reesor farm service your dealer for 39t cockshutt oliver gchl rr1 unlonvulc 8875265 international h trac tor rebuilt motor with 3 fur row plow also allischal- mers model b row crop trac tor al with row crop culti vators and plow phone 291- 1073 after 7 pm 412 aluminum products windows doors siding awnings railings water softeners stouffville home improvements phone 6101891 38tt radio television hifi repairs at reasonable rates 2 complete public address systems for rent smith radio electronic service 58 main west stouffville phone 6102410 51tf metro wrecking and lumber co cedar ave richmond hill new and used lumlwr ply woods plumbing doors electrical supplies 25 ton used pips and steel 3 and 4 castt soil pipe oil tanks steel sash fluor escent lights 2000 new and used glazed sash rolled roofing s150 per roll quantity discounts roc rooms garages home building projects altera tions j mile cast or vonge st south off ma im rd open sat until 500 pm ss93012 22tf furniture repaired re- finished by professional cab inet maker custom furni ture built etc free estimates pickup and delivery- henry fairchild goodwood phone 6401958 30tf tv antennas installed phone 2971133 towers and roof antennas color heads and black 4- white 34tf john aschwanden bb4 stouffville ont 6402513 41tf excavating grading well drilling soil sampling gormley well drilling pumps installed and repair ed phone william bishop gormley 8875346 stf hathaway decorators painting paiering free estimates phone stouffville 6103075 6403269 412 new construction and remodelling commercial and residential free estimates scott thomson construction phone 6101767 5tf sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired c stunden 13tl richmond hu1 tu 41245 50 miscellaneous 60 sales register auctions clubine bros contractors alterations additions roof repairs carpentry masonry and all types of roofing 8881750 13tf uimvmmn confederation plumbing service new work repairs alterations pumps softeners hot wafer tanks sewers installed proprietor j m harman box 366 stouffville 6403924 398 48 groceries meats produce for sale spy apples for sale wm gardner phone 6554644 potatoes no 1 grade s170 for 75 lbs we also have a good supply of certi fied seed on hand phone murray crone 4732313 mt albert 3910 beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for freezer we also do custom killing and curing fast freezer service fretz bros it harper bus 6103125 res lee 6402098 norm 6101876 19tf cliff harper 6102813 beef pork by quarter or side prepared for your freezer or locker 34tf custom killing and curing of meat a specialty schells meat market stouffville ph 6101942 oboyles abattoir beef pork for sale by quarter or halves custom killing and curing bus 6101343 39tf free estimates on all backhoe work septic systems installed trenching back filling grading and levelling call frank webb 942117 8393767 48 groceries meats produce for sale good quality beef by v or delivered ready for freez er carl reesor 6403292 423 49 pet stock supplies kennels good home wanted for lab rador retriever 6102410 wantedgood farm home for collie dog 2 years old house trained 6hw921 canadian cancer society richmond hill district unit for information regarding films talks in mernoriam cards welfare and services call- stoufrvule 6102326 6403803 gormley 8875525 inionvule 8971 186 36t gormley 8875249 51 transportation taxis transportation requir ed daily to cedarbrae shop ping plaza leaving stouff ville approx 8 ajn phone 6401450 stouffville taxi now in full time operation to the public phone 6401763 55 tenders county of ontario tenders for equipment sealed tenders clearly mark ed as to contents will be re ceived by the undersigned until 430 pm april 4 1967 for the following equipment 1 one 31000 gvw truck cab chassis and dump box tradein 1961 dodge model d700 2 one 31000 gvw truck cab and chassis 3 two 40 hp industrial tractors with leaders and mowers trade in 1960 massey ferguson tractor loader model mf 35 and international har vester tractor loader mo del b275 4 one 3 centrifugal pump 15000 gph 5 one vibratory compaction unit for use in confined areas 6 one 600 lbs sandblasting unit tender forms specifications and further information may be obtained from the office of the undersigned lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted w a twelvetrees peng county engineer 605 rossland road east whitby ontario toronto ontario tenders for general contractors for all trades scott township public school sealed stipulated sum tenders marked scott township public school sandford will be re ceived until 5 pm wednesday march 29 1967 by hicks marsh and mclean architects and engineers suite 202 5300 yonge street toronto ontario drawings and specifications may be picked up at the office of the architects march 15 1967 hicks marsh and mclean suite 202 5300 longe street willowdale toronto ont deposit will be refunded on return of plans in good con dition each tender must be ac companied by a bid bond or marked cheque payable to scott township school area board in the amount of 82000000 which bid bond will carry a sixty day limit from tender closing date the contractor shall sub mit alternative prices with and without the general pur pose room sealed tenders for mechan ical and electrical trades shall be deposited at the bid depository toronto toronto construction association by 300 pm tuesday march 28th 1967 lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted mrs ruth dick secretarytreasurer scott township school area board rr 1 uxbridge ont 57 driving schools driving lessons by graduate of ontario safe ty league 36tf dillons driving school 8955751 6401267 59 lost found lost two hounds on black and tan part greyhound female answers to name of tippy with white tip on tall other year old part beagle black and white answers to name of king last seen aurora sideroad and 7th cone phone 6402050 girls timex watch lost be tween summitview school and cone 10 keepsake ph 6102020 reward 60 sales register auctions 60 sales register auctions auctioneers w d atkinson phone stouffville 6401494 a s farmer phone gormley 8875311 ken clarke prentice phone markham 2913161 or stouffville 6403686 reg johnson sunderland ont monday march 20 auc tion sale of farm stock im plements hay and straw the property of harvey pickrcll lot 28 con 3 east gwilllm- bury twp 2 miles north of quccnsvillc 35 head of hoi- stein cattle 20 milk cows several fresh no of bred heifers unico bulk tank 16 can surge milking machine mf no 35 diesel tractor good mf front end load er nearly new ferguson cultivator mp plow geo white spreader full line of machinery farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pjn gerald graham and fred dew clerks reg john son auctioneer phone sun derland 227 412 tuesday mar 21 clear ing auction sale of farm stock and implements includ ing 23 beef cows and calves 2 tractors plow cultivator baler harrow side rake seed drill milker binder 1000 bales of hay straw grain 6 sows 35 chunks pony fur niture including 9piece din- ig room suite toilet set chairs tables etc the proper ty of wm benson at lot 22 con 9 pickering twp 1 mile west of claremont no re serve as farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm r e faulkner clerk a s far mer norm faulkner auc tioneers 3s5 thursday march 23 auction sale of farm imple ments ford dextra tractor 1961 3 pt hitch mh trac tor 1952 3 pt hitch mh 2 row selfpropelled corn picker corn sheller john deere 3 pt hitch take off drive full line of power im plements about 1000 bales straw 1300 bales hay quan tity of furniture at lot 29 con 8 pickering the pro perty of norman lehman no reserve property sold terms cash sale at 1 pm a s farmer auctioneer r faulkner clerk 394 wednesday mar 29 auction sale of farm imple ments mh tractor no 30 mh side delivery rake ihc tractor cultivator mh man ure spreader and full line of implements 800 bus of garry oats 1200 bales of hay 1000 bales of straw quantity of household furni ture some antique articles at lot 11 cone 9 whitchurch twp at bloomington the property of murray barnes no reserve property sold sale at 130 terms cash r faulkner clerk alvin s farmer auctioneer 8875311 friday mar 24 auction sale of farm stock and imple ments including 35 head of holstein cows and heifers many due time of sale num ber of sows and chunks 2 cockshutt tractors ihc tractor with manure loader and bucket hay loader plow mower case combine ihc baler 46 ihc seed drill power pto manure spreader ihc cultivator fieury bissei disc spring- tooth harrow 3section 2500 bales of hay 800 bales straw 10 tons garry oats 1 ton buckwheat furniture frig tables chairs stove etc the property of chas symes at lot 4 cone 4 on the 4th con cession of uxbridge twp 1 mile north of uxbridge-pick- ering townline 3 miles south of hwy 47 no reserve farm sold terms cash sale at 1 pm r e faulkner clerk norm faulkner auc tioneer 386 saturday mar 25 auc tion sale of farm stock and implements hay and furni ture the property of bruce reynolds lot 22 con 7 scott twp 7 miles north of ux bridge or a mile north of leaskdale 25 head of here ford cattle 13 cows and heif ers 7 polled hereford steers 4 polled hereford heifers 8 to 12 mons good shape approx 2000 bales of hay large qu of chicken equip ment mccormick 414 diesel tractor 2 yrs like new front end loader mh no 30 trac tor mccormick combine no 93 self propelled 10ft 4 yrs mccormick baler no 46 good mccormick seed drill grain fertilizer 16 disc on rubber nearly new full line of 1st class machin ery heintzman piano pine cupboard glass doors tables dishes etc farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm reg johnson auctioneer phone sunderland 227 gerald graham larry johnson clerks 242 tuesday mar 28 auc tion sale of household furni ture inc large occasional chair coffee table two bed room suites extension table dishes cooking utensils toi let set hanging lamps at 159 rupert st stouffville the property of annie gillion no reserve as property sold terms cash sale at 130 sharp alvin s farmer auc tioneer 395 saturday april 1 clear ing auction sale of modern farm machinery and equip ment including 2 tractors mh sp combine 10 mf hay baler mf 7 hay mow er mf seed drill on rubber hay conditioner good wa gons new holland 175 bu manure spreader meyers weed sprayer 26 boom 3 ton truck with hoist 35 can craft bulk milk tank milk- ing machine furniture etc the property of f g leask son lot 34 con 6 darling ton twp 5 miles northeast of oshawa li miles north and 14 mile east of taun ton note this machinery is in excellent condition it has always been kept in good repair and stored inside this will be one of the good farm machinery sales of the sea son plan to attend terms cash no reserve sale at 1 pm lloyd wilson uxbridge sale manager auctioneer 396 friday april 14 auc tion sale of 17 head of short horn cattle incl milk cows springers and heifers ford tractor in good condition ihc manure spreader on rubber binder frost wood also full line of farm implements about 1000 bales of hay 400 bus oats quan tity of household furniture a lot 1 rear con 3 uxbridge 1 miles west of brock rd on uxbridgepickering town- line the property of will iam r coates no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm 60 sales register auctions sharp alvin s farmer auctioneer r faulkner clerk phone 8s7s31l 425 tuesday april 11 auc tion sale of farm stock and implements 30 head of reg istered holstein cattle all on rop fresh cows springers and calves case tractor model d 1 ac combine pto hi ft cut new holland forage blower with 40 ft pipe new holland forage power unloading box 7x16 ft one 35 can craft bulk tank 3unii surge milker at lot 19 cone 6 markham twp 2 miles north of unionville the property of lester weatherill no reserve farm sold terms cash sale at 1230 jim smith clerk allen orr on pedigrees al vin s farmer gordon orr auctioneers 414 auction sale of farm implements ford dextra tractor 1961 mh tractor 1952 mh 2 row self propelled corn picker corn sheller john deere 3 point hitch takeoff drive full line of power implements straw hay quantity of furniture the property of norman lehman at lot 29 concession 8 pickering township thurs mar 23 ford dextra tractor 1961 3- pt hitch massey harris tractor 1952 3 pt hitch massey harris 2row self- propelled corn picker 3furrow 12inch bottom plow ford 2furrow 14inch bottom plow john deere 8ft fieury bissei double disc corn sheller john deere 3- pt hitch power take off drive forage blower cockshutt good rubber tired elevator 28ft american standard 2sft case elevator 10 gehl hammer mill 6 john deere hammer mill 3 hp electric motor like new double shaft rubber tired wagon gravity steel wagon box fertilizer spreader john deere manure spreader 4section lever harrow spike tooth 3section land roller 2section rotary hoe 3pt hitch 3pt hitch row crop culti vator 13 disc drill 2 wheel trailer aluminum elevator 18ft ford tractor pulley 3pt hitch manure loader sedore pioneer 18 chain saw emery with motor stand electric fencer posts insulators pump jack cement mixer 2 horse gas engine walking plow hay loader buzz saw cedar fence posts colony house quantity of wood quantity of lumber vise blacksmith anvil fork shovels tools etc too numerous to mention 1000 bales straw 1300 bales hay childs bed paper rack other odd beds sewing machine gramophone records 7 odd chairs box stove washing machine kitchen stove dishes pots pans meat grinder secretary high chair 2 tables bed mattress springs books jars 2 dressers toilet set vanity mirror other mirrors bird cage several antique articles r faulkner clerk sale at 1 pm terms cash no reserve properly sold owner or auctioneer not responsible for any accident on day of sale alvin s farmer auctioneer phone 8875311 farm sold auction sale farm stock and implements including 23 head of beef cows calves sows chunks tony 2 tractors manure spreader baler side rake cultivator hay grain furniture etc the property of wm benson at lot 4 concession 9 pickering township 1 mile west of claremont tues mar 21 cattle roan cow due april black cow bred oct 3 hereford cow milking open roan cow due april 1 holstein cow bred nov 14 red cow bred sept 2 red cow open milking red cow bred january 17 milking red cow bred january 17 milking red cow bred october 4 roan cow bred sept 5 roan cow bred oct 20 red cow fresh hereford cow calf by sidei hereford cow calf by side 3 heifers yearlings hereford heifer 6 months holstein calf implements tractor int c tractor case 3 pt hitch good int 2 furrow tractor plow int tractor plow hydraulic ihc cultivator power lift cultivator ferguson 3 pt hitch mh noll manure spreader harrows 4 section baler ihc no 45 side delivery rake ihc 3 bar bale buncher trailer 16 ft dual wheel goodlson threshing machine 12 x 24 double disc roller 3 drum sprayer 2 barrel wagon and rack hammer mill ihc binder 8 ft mh drill 13 run bale fork sleigh cutter cream separator john deere palm breaker 2 milking units compressor and i hp motor and lice for 10 cows electric clippers scuffler fanning mill wagon box cedar posts 3 logging chains extension ladder 36ft 2 electric fencers pail heater barrel pump blacksmith forge anvil vise milk pail and strainer bells barrels cistern pump iron fire pot large forks shovels stable broom 200 ft draw rope car 130 ft draw rope car bags etc etc pigs sow bred january 28 sow bred february 6 4 bred sows 35 chunks hay grain 1000 bales of hay 1 ton of wheat 1 ton of mixed grain 250 bales of oat straw furniture dining room suite excellent condition dresser bed spring and mattress couch vanitv table and stool toilet set 9pc complete wash stand antique number of chairs small table lamps stool cupboard chest of drawers antique high back sink medicine cabinet 3 rugs 2 tubs and bench iron kettle iron fry pan toaster crocks iron blinds and curtains many other articles too num erous to mention farm sold no reserve terms cash sale at 1 pm sharp proprietors or auctioneers will not be responsible for any public liability property damage or injury to the pub lic in connection with this auction sale r e faulkner clerk a s farmer and norm faulkner auctioneers auction sale stock implements 52 head of holstein and grade cattle full line farm implements quantity household furniture the property of milton pegg at lot 10 conc 7 pickering township hi miles north of no 7 hy on wcstney rd or 2 miles east and hi miles south of claremont sat mar 25 cattle 26 grade holstein cows 12 bred holstein heifers due aug to oct 2 guernsey cows milking 8 holstein heifer calves of various ages 3 guernsey heifer calves 1 hereford yearling steer implements springtooth harrows 3 sec springtooth harrows 2 sec john deere cultivator pick up set diamond harrows 4 sec set new flexible harrows 3 sections steel drawbar case cultipacker 10 seed fertilizer drill ihc no 10 16 spout set disk harrows john deere oneway disk 8 disks tractor mower 7 john deere remote cylinder control new idea hay conditioner new 1963 hay rake ihc new 1966 baler ihc with thrower new 1964 lundell chopper new 1960 wagon steel on rubber and rack feeder rack 20 on steel wagon with rubber tires crop sprayer spramotor with 2 barrels box 1962 tractor john deere 40 tractor blade 6ft fork lift for 3 point hitch scoop for 3 point hitch plow 2furrow john deere pick up plow 3furrow ihc new 1965 pick up tractor john deere a with front end loader tractor john deere model 2010 with power steering manure spreader ihc no 400 pto letz grinder grain blower belt driven elevator smoker with 14 hp motor grain blower belt driven grain auger 4 diameter 16 long with 14 hp motor new woods electric grinder with 3 hp motor and pulley set farm scales weigh to 1800 lis set stewart electric clippers pair hoof trimmers bulk milk tank unico 30- can new 1958 surge pipeline milker stain less steel used 2 years wagon on steel wheels set of 4 wooden wagon wheels walking plow dump hay rake 2furrow horse drawn walking plow cutter with shafts 1 horse wooden wagon on rubber with rack trailer for auto rip saw 22 on steel frame 2 incubators wisconsin 250 egg and 400 egg cap small tools and many other articles too numerous to mention furniture 3 bedroom suites with beds mattresses dressers etc childs iron bed steel cot 6 feather pillows drapes curtains 2 linoleum rugs one 6x7 one 9x9 cushionflor rug 9x9 good 2 cotton rugs 6x7 and 9x9 2 end tables wooden step stools corner whatnot antique 2 china cabinets 2 tables 6 venetian blinds 3 wall mirrors milk pasteurizer 1gal dec also pots pans dishes fruit jars and a number of electric lamps sale starts at 12j0 sharp terms cah no reserve farm sold alvin s farmer gordon orr auctioneers the tribune thasdiy much 16 1967 ftgt 9 let the people praise thee o cod 1 11111 christ church anglican stouffville rector kev frederick e miller sunday march 19 1967 palm sunday 930 ajn morning prayer blessing and presentation of palm crosses nursery and junior sunday school 1030 ajn senior sunday- school 7 pm junior choir prac tice wed s pjn senior choir prac tice wed 7 pjn girl guides mon s pm rangers thursday 7 pan cubs friday 10 am brownies sat 230 pjn wa meeting at mrs w sanderson 24 main st w tuesday march 21st stouffville united church bcv a l borland ba bd sunday march 19 1967 palm sunday sacrament of holy communion 11 am morning worship sermon thy king cometh sunday school 945 am sunday school 11 am nurserykindergar ten weekly programmes explorers mon 7 pm scouts wed 7 pm cgit thurs 7 pm choir practice thurs 830 pm fri 7 pm cubs sat junior choir practice 1045 am united missionary m glrurtle rev arthur walsh minister sunday march 19 1967 10 am sunday school with classes for all ages 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service the pastor at both services tuesday march 21 the oriental missionary soc iety presents missions in music and message at 745 pm dr william gillam and team wednesday march 22 rev wm unruth of northern canada evangelical mis sion 8 pm united missionary church dicksons hill pastor mr ronald faw ph 6402486 sunday march 19 1967 945 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pm fellowship hour united church rev geo davison sunday march 19 1967 bethesda 5th cone whitchurch 10 am worship service 11 am sunday school melville 6th cone markham 1115 am worship service 1115 am sunday school the sacrament of the lords supper will be observed at both of the above ser vices mon march 20th melville ucw will meet at the home of mrs j warriner 815 pm gormley united missionary church rev l k sidcr pastor palm sunday march 19 1967 950 am sunday school 11 am worship theme not my will 730 pm evening service wed march 22 8 pm passion week prayer meeting centennial baptist church morgan hall pastor ii strachan 2913508 2941147 dlr of education music mr w mcgilvray bamed we welcome you 10 am christian educa tion 11 am morning worship 7 pm fellowship hour one of the finest evening services bright singing inspiring music challeng ing message time of re freshment after service a church that cares rlngwood christian church pastor mr max vacuo sunday march 19 1967 10 am sunday school 11 am worship service 8 pm wed ce prayer meeting st james presbyterian church stouffville minister rev fred u cromey ba sunday march 19 1967 10 am morning service 10 am church school second makkham baker hill fellowship baptist churches rev bruce hisey sunday march 19 1967 second markham bible school 10 am morning service 11 am no evening service this week all are invited to join with baker hill at 8 pm prayer service every wed nesday 8 pm baker hill special services thursday and friday at 8 pm cele brating our hundredth birthday thursday 8 pm rev w e smalley fri day 8 pm rev n ro wan sunday bible school open session 130 pm mrs c bass will speak evening service 8 pm rev w s whitcombe speaking special singing in each ser vice all arc cordially invited to join us and worship the lord in the beauty of hol iness first baptist church claremont minister rev h sydney hillycr dd sunday march 19 1967 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service memorial christian congregational church minister rev clarence t bnss sunday march 19 1967 10 am classes for adults yp and children 11 am and 730 pm the minister tins weeks thought publicity in excess of prayer is a deadly device of satan fraser of llsu land china churchill vivian churches rev it burton bth sunday march 19 1967 churchill mussclmans lake 955 bible school classes for all 11 am morning worship monday 7 pm christian service brigade wed 345 pm happy hour thur 7 pm pioneer girls prayer meeting at vivian wed march 22nd vivian sunday march 19 1967 10 am bible school 11 am morning service 730 pm evening service thurs 4 pm happy hour friday 730 pm young peoples altona united missionary church rev frank huson pastor sunday march 19 1967 1030 am sunday school 730 pm evangelistic wed 8 pm prayer ser vice and bible study friday afternoon- happy hour the church with the light on sunday night stouffville baptist church tastor gordon t goodcrlmm bth sunday march 19 1967 950 bible school for child ren young people and adults 11 am morning worship 730 evening meeting the pastor will preach wed 800 prayer meeting friday 10 am good fri day communion service annual missionary confer ence begins easter sunday march 26 and continues each evening until sun day april 2nd bloomington christian gospel church rev d benson pastor sunday march 19 1967 915 am sundav school classes for all ages 1100 am morning worship message the tri umphal entry of the king the pastor will speak special singing the brown sisters 730 pm evening service coming toronto business men see the picture testimonies and singing declaring the testimony of god 1 cor 21 all are welcome stouffville full gospel church services sunday school 1000 am morning worship 1100 am evening service 730 pm at masonic hall each sunday aurthur e broughm pastor buy your office supplies at the tribune

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