hats for you is wi program sirs c blrkholder bethesda the be- thesda womens institute introduced the course hats for you at their meeting at the home of mrs a wideman mrs swash displayed a fine hat made at the training class at newmarket and ar ranged for three work meetings for a class of about twenty ladies the first meeting will be held at 130 pm mar 15 at the home of mrs c burk- holder the second at the home of mrs a wideman 130 pm mar 22 manuals are free and hat shapes and materials will be available for purchase mr and mrs roy morley had dinner saturday noon with mr and mrs wil liam empringham satur day night visitors at the empringham home were mr and mrs herbert nel son and miss shirley mrs russell herbert is expected home this week having entered york cen tral hospital mar 7 for an operation mr and mrs roy- smith entertained cousins mr a swindell and his niece miss doris wheelton of newmarket sunday evening leslie and harvey grove had a trip to florida re cently the tribune thursday ux 16 1967 ttge 7 pte plan trip to europe by jean leaf buttonv1lle mr and mrs charles hooper were guests at a party giv en in their honor by mr and mrs george hooper saturday evening mr and ri moonr are planning a trip to europe this spring anyone watching coun try calendar last sunday would be happy for the russell rowntrees at woodbridge a year ago mr rowntree and a part ner mr love purchased a holstein cow from the dennis farm at oakridges for s42000 shortly after wards the cow had a bull former minister will speak ashburn rev wm perry ba of cookes presbyterian church chilliwack bc a former minister of this charge will be guest speaker at morning worship on sun day mar 19 at 1130 am the ladies bible class held their monthly meet ing at the home of mrs ray graham myrtle mrs d ashton and mrs wm gardner were in charge mrs h doble is spend ing a week with her sons in toronto mr and mrs nelson ashton visited mr and mrs herman kerry at epson last thursday miss vera lcacli spent the weekend witli mr and mrs gordon english woodvillc mr and mrs walter reynolds and family of ancaster were sunday f n anc j edgar heron mr and mrs v hamil ton of belleville were re cent visitors with mr and mrs grant parrott clerk ralph corner deputyreeve bill parsons councillor bob lewis and ken roberts represented stouffville at the annual york county curling bon- spiel march 8 spectacular heresthebiggestsportsmens show ever presented some thing for every sportsman every member of the family come and have the time of your life 55 xoth annul cuudlu hiuontl sportsmens show exhibition park toronto llamllpmmircmoia except sunday calf the calf now ten months old has been sold to an american breeding unit for sl10000 canadian farmers will have breed ing rights mr rowntree is a brotherinlaw of rus sell and newton burr murray and sandra burr carson returned sunday from a florida va cation mr george oakes is in york central hospital fol lowing a sudden illness last week mrs a f binnington described a fascinating trip to the holy land egypt athens rome and israel tuesday evening when the happy timers unit 1 of browns corners ucw entertained the sen ior unit cgit members and friends in the chris tian education room at the church she also show ed pictures to illustrate the various points of inter est mrs charles turner chaired the meeting and mrs john buchanan read the scripture mrs don reesor was the pianist and accompanied mrs clayton jones in two de lightful solos canadas century a news background special on the centennial of confederation the second challenge hi kids fancy meeting you here with the approach of spring kiddies in strollers become common sights along the sidewalks in stouffville an exchange of greetings along the way was caught here by the tribune cameraman as twins lisa and leslie eriksen size up their newfound friend lily ing staff photo mrs b jamieson balsam mt zion the ucw met at the home of mrs r day with mrs alan manderson and mrs lewis jones in charge of the program the theme of the worship was on easter with mrs jones taking the topic on whis pering hope mrs man derson sang a solo and mrs day and mrs noon a duet it was decided to have a sale at the next meeting proceeds to go to the new rug for tne church a new ceiling has been put on the basement of the church and volun teers for painting the walls are needed winners at the euchre party friday night were doorprize mr fred puck- rin of audley 1st and 2nd for ladies miss faye mc- avoy and mrs wm evans of claremont 1st and 2nd for men mr fred fiss and mr alan manderson most lone hands earl draper of atha mr and mrs lome jones accompanied by mr and mrs carl dopking of dundas left sunday for a three week vacation in florida mr and mrs raymond jones of kirkland lake caiied sunday on the man- dersons on their way to florida the mens club are en tertaining their families at red wing orchards this friday night mar 17 mr and mrs ralph junes mr and mrs lloyd wilson and mr and mrs r day called sunday at the funeral parlors at bar- rie to pay their respects visit neil patricks used car lot main st west at the tracks stouffville wise car buyers look to patricks over 25 used car models to choose from 1963 pontiac par1sienne liloor sedan with 6 cyl inder engine standard transmission radio white walls and wheel disks black with maroon in terior 1961 buick lesabre ldoor sedan equipped with power steering pow er brakes radio white walls w ii c c i disks gleaming white with black and red interior 1963 pontiac 2door sedan equipped with 283 v8 engine automatic transmission radio wheel disks 2- tone brown beige fin ish 1963 pontiac iaurkntiax 4door se dan with 6 cylinder en gine automatic transmis sion radio and white walls black with ma roon interior 1966 pontiac parisienne station wagon 4door model with v8 engine power steering power brakes ra dio automatic transmission and white walls beautifully finished in granada gold with matching interior 1964 buick wildcat 2door hardtop equip ped with powei steering power brakes floor console automatic shift bucket seats and wheel disks a real one owner beauty finish ed in maroon with white interior 1965 buick 4door hardtop a oneowner with low mileage equipped with power steering power brakes automatic transmission radio white walls and disks emerald turquoise metallic finish with matching interior 1965 meteor 4door sedan gold finish with brown interior 8 cylinder engine automatic transmission wheel disks radio low mileage 1963 chevrolet impala 4door hardtop with automatic transmission 6 cylinder engine radio white walls and wheel disks white with red in terior a real nice clean car 1963 ford this is a good 2door sedan with 6 cylinder engine standard trans mission priced vight too take a look now 1963 studebaker lark 8 cylinder automatic transmission radio white walls wheel disks black with red in terior make sure you ask about this one the price is really good 1961 chevrolet impala 4door sedan with 6 cyl inder engine automatic transmis sion radio white walls and wheel disks finished in smart sierra fawn metallic with beige interior clean and neat as a pin 1961 gmc 1 plckup truck wide side long box i trucks 1966 gmc i pick up truck side long box 1 mileage step low 1960 gmc 2ton stake truck with platform and racks see the exciting new pontiac firebird now on display at neil patrick motors neil patrick motors ltd just west of the new stouffville shopping centre pontiac main st west stouffville 6103150 buick acadian gmc gmac timl pavmih plan glen major glen major mr and mrs charles forsythe and mrs asa forsythe uxbridge and mrs jim jones visited sunday with mr and mrs george pick ett mrs r tribbcck has re turned after a few days in the cottage hospital ux bridge mr and mrs george whitbread oshawa called on mr ernest whitbread on saturday to a cousin mr vic ross and afterwards visited mr and mrs geo pearsal for merly of claremont 21st of a scries by walt mcdayter it was an irony of history that the man chosen to lead canada during the war years of 1939- 1945 was w l mackenzie king one of the most ardent paci fists this country has produced in the years of crisis previous to world war ii prime minister king did little to prepare for war shrugging it off with the declaration that parliament would decide when the time the time came on sept 1 1939 when hitlers troops invad ed poland two days later brit ain and france had declared war on germany king had been caught in ap peasement and in isolationism and had applauded neville chamberlains betrayal of czechoslovakia at munich as a means to perpetuate pcaie but the nazi blitzkrieg on warsaw burst that bubble on sept 7 king had no choice but to call the canadian parliament into session and the pacifist prime minister asked parlia ment to declare war on ger many which it did on sept 10 the first canadian corps was established by christmas day 1940 but canadian soldiers did not see any major action until aug 19 1942 when nearly 5000 canadians led the abortive at tack on dieppe the assault was a catastro phic failure those who are wise in the ways of war have said that the raid on that french seaport provided an invaluable lesson in amphibious landings if so that lesson was learned at a terrible cost of the 4903 canadians who took part in the attack 3367 became casualties in 1943 and 1944 canadian sol diers played a major role in sicily and italy with more than xll4ie at dieppe not all soldiers live to become heroes 92000 canadians fighting in the muddy fields of the italian pen insula on june 6 1941 the 3rd cana- dian division and the 2nd ar mored brigade distinguished themselves during the dday landings in xorni3ndy fighting their way to caen by july s it was the 3rd division which later took boulogne and calais in the last months of the war canadians advanced with the british and american forces near the rhine and they es pecially proved themselves on the battlefields of the dutch- german frontier canada played only a minor role in the war against japan almost 2000 canadians did fight alongside the british in the de fense of hong kong but the troops were green the garrison surrendered christmas day 1941 as well as the army canada contributed considerably to the war effort through the royal canadian air force on dec 17 1939 canada undertook a unique aircrew training program called the british commonwealth training plan and by wars end more than 131000 com monwealth aircrew personnel were trained at canadian flying schools a total of 48 rcaf squadrons fought overseas in world war ii in italy southeast asia and europe in addition rcaf air craft flew low over the atlantic searching for killer submarines that were terrorizing the con voys plying the perilous route between halifax and england the royal canadian navy also played a prominent part in antisubmarine work it was in fact the rcns prime responsi bility to provide protection for the armada of convoy ships on the north atlantic although mackenzie king had entered the war far more reluc tantly than robert borden had entered world war i it was king who committed the most canadians to the battlegrounds a total of 1036771 canadians including almost 50000 women served in world war h com pared to only 619636 in the earlier war 9 toronto telegram newt service clip and save adorn hair spray prices effective until saturday march 18th aqua velva after shave lotion 4 oz ram rollon u deodorant va oz smmm featur johnson johnson 5 micrin oral antiseptic 110 value special benyl1n cough syrup 3 oz johnson johnson band aid plastic strips 49c ea x pkg for confidets the sanitary napkin 48s facelle royale bathroom rolls tissue for sylvan i a flashbulbs ag1 or ag ib 12 180 m2 or m2b 192 aikens pharmacy 35 main st west stouffville phone 6401722