oneill fuels ltd specializing in hot air heating systems and summer air conditioning koaai for commercial residential light industry ask about financing through shell oil co lp to 10 years to pay phone 2942282 for free estimates walltowall carpets cleaned at your convenience loose rugs dicked up cleaned thoroughly and returned quickly rabies worst ever officer the tribune thandiy mirth 16 1967 pe 15 markham ph 2m335j itoxy markham ph 2943355 thurs je fki xites only l 16 17 brought back by popular demand born free the most amazing true storv ever filmed virginia mekexna bill travers elsa the lioness dont let your family mus this remarkable film and on the same program three on a couch jerry lewis janet leigh dick shawn mary ann mobley both pictures in wide screen technicolor matinee saturday 2 pm both above pictures starts saturd n1te mo tubs w march 18 22 top stars from all the studios together is paris burning in widescreen technicolor including kirk douglas glenn ford yves montand simone signoret two showings each evening at 7 pm 915 pm attention jv contractors golf courses landscape contractors home owners now is the time to service your garden equipment water pumps chain saws greens mowers call stouffville sales service rr 4 stoufiville 6101x14 formerly d a kidd sales service wanted cucumber growers bicks pickles are now contracting cucumber acreages of v a- and up in this area 15 of our growers in this area last 3 grossed over 100000 per acre we will pick up in this district for further information call stouffville 6402722 or bowmanville 6235125 sy pat mcclennax cedar grove i personally would drive every mimal owner into court before i would ex pose one child to rabies that quote with his per mission comes from mr james j ryan our canine control officer at the mo ment with about one hun dred people on his books mr rvan is serious about this the magistrates are worried and prepared to impose the maximum fine of 50 on owners whose animals are found running loose and vets are doing eventhing they can think of to induce people to have their pets vaccinated the situation at present is the worst in mr ryans experi ence and within the next six weeks it will worsen before it begins to im prove noone wants to lose a pet through rabies but this is really not what is worrying the people who are concerned with ani mals protecting your ani mals from rabies is pro tecting your family from a disease that is fatal to humans if not treated ear ly and whose treatment is a nightmare decision for a doctor to lake vaccine is still the best protection and in this area it costs about s300 for a dog and about 200 for a cat and these are the most susceptible animals mr ran cannot stress too firmly the necessity of warning small children to keep away from all ani mals at this time of year particularly wild animals who seem to be friendly report any wild animal whose behaviour is oppo site to what we expect especially nocturnal ani mals who approach built- up areas by daylight doctors vets police canine control and the government are doing their best to protect you against this awful virus but without your coopera tion it is a lost cause congratulations to mr gordon dimma who cele brated his birthday on march 13 after a fail ear lier this winter gordon dimma is fit again and bouncing about his shop ping and his euchres with his customary spry step he was born in 187s happy to report that mrs robb is home again sooner than the most op timistic of us had hoped tl will be great to see the the lights in the wee house again congratulations to janet bielby who was on the honor roll in midterms exams mdhs euchre winners were verna draper ella hunt er joyce lapp charles hill fred shadlock and levi booth next euchre march 20 anyone having good used clothing is asked to remember the ucw bales which will be packed later this month ulease leave contributions at zion church dates to remember mar 20 euchre will be held at cedar grove schoolhouse mar 21 sewing meeting at zion church from 10 ajn to 4 pm please bring thimble and lunch and enjoy a day of quilting mar 27 community club meeting will be held at the home of marg and les milroy instead of arch and helen little as previously announced dont forget the moth ers club theatre night for spring thaw call ha cricton for ticket infor mation the stouffville scene mr and mrs m e locked of toronto were recent visitors at the home of mrs norman oboyle harold street ja dear doris i have been married 37 years i have seven lovely children all married my husband drinks heavily never comes home for supper when the children were small he had the excuse there wasnt enough room at the table for him he never can say anything nice to me he always has to swear and call i me names which i do not de serve now he hasnt been speaking to me for eight weeks if he needs anything he writes it on paper and leaves it on the table he got mad at me because he says all i can do is chew at him he can say what he wants but as for me im supposed to say nothing lots of times he tells me to get out that he can get somebody better than me any time worried dear worried its depressing yet the letters which cross my desk often carry a similar theme the rosy dreams deteriorate if such a man were to clam up with me id be tempted to tell him i was enjoying the silence but it hurts after 37 years for the person closest to you to treat you rudely change the water on the beans ill send you the leaflet lovelier with the years to help with a re make program if the old boy begins to sit up and take notice make his fav orite dish for a late snack and bite your tongue rather than say a single nagcing word dear readers this happy foot quiz comes from hamilton foster home news did you know 1 that it is wiser to let a child have one pair of shoes and get the maxi mum wear while they fit 2 that it is important to see that sock feet are not too short 3 that children rarely complain because of ill- fittinn shoes muff said dear doris please tell me how to find out more about the kindness club which i understand was started by a canadian just turned twelve dear twelve the kindness club was the in spiration of mrs hugh john flcmming of frcd- cricton new brunswick who caught the fancy of children across canada through her article in the altantic advocate in de cember 1959 now there are branches in 14 countries members arc boys and girls under is running their own show with the advisory help of an adult known as the racoon captain joyce lamberts book how to be kind com bines meeting materials and warmly delightful an imal stores write for a copy to the kindness club po box 5 frcdcric- ton nb enclosing si plus ten cents for mailing members take this pledge i promise to be kind to animals as well as people and to speak and act in defence of all living creatures dr albert schweitzer was the clubs honorary- president and staunch supporter the staff of thos n shea real estate office has moved into their new quarters at the former hodgson store site the old shea office will be taken over by the stouff ville police department announce new healing substance shrink piles exclusive healine tubstance proven to ahrink hemorrhoids and repair damaged tissue a renowned research institute has found a unique healing substance with the ability to shrink hemor rhoids painlessly it relieves itehins and discomfort in minutes and speeds up healing of the injured inflamed tissue in ease after eafte while cently relieving pain actual reduction shrinkacc took place most important of all results were so thoroush that this improve- ment was maintained over a period of many months this was accomplished with a new htalinjr substance bio- dyne which quickly helps heal injured cells and stimulates growth of new tissue now biodyne is offered in oint ment lnd suppository form called preparation h ask for it at all drug stores satisfaction or your money refunded money available first mortgages at current rates or second mortgages available without bonus charges or we can refinance your present mortgage problems or combine your present first second mortgages into one call mr ugar mortgage dept 2942573 or 2971956 prue llllgjm lilllilllilllllrafe realtor 91 main st n markham show farm wanted markham pickering stouffville area toronto builder with large amount of cash wants picturesque farm so to 100 acres within 15 miles of metro early canadian style house preferred state of repair not important barns should be ound suitable for box stalls call ix strict confidence vern griffin 2941372 or 2971270 thos n shea ltd realtors markham ont whitchurch township federation of agriculture banquet and annual meeting vandorf hall tuesday march 28 banquet 7 pm annual meeting s15 pm guest speaker john phillips editor of farm and country business proposed revision of the constitution will be presented for consideration anil adoption prcs don hoshel secltrcas stewart starr lolmv will this years new cars be the best buy of all time they may well be for two big reasons both have a strong effect on the price tag they are the new safety features to be built into next years models and upcoming demands of labor unions for higher wages singly either could normally trigger a price in crease combined they make a substantial price rise next year virtually inevitable in addition inflation is continuing to raise the cost of all things in our economy this year alone the con sumer price index rose 33 percent the greatest increase since 1957 united auto workers demands this fall call for a substantial wage rise over the previous agreement the single most costly safety inovation and one being most researched by the auto industry concerned with increased manufacturing costs is the socalled swearingen dashboard the principle of constructing the dashboard calls for extrathin gauge steel covered by thick padding to ah sorb impact energy in addition antismog devices due on next years models arc slated to add 40 a car to prices you dont have to be a clairvoyant to realize that prices under strong inflationary pressure are due to rise next year this years new cars could indeed be the best dollar value of all time buy wisely from a reputable service- minded dealer markham chrysler dodge no 7 hwy laidlaw blvd phone 2941742 if you buy any breeding stock you should know about these reproductive diseases brucellosis causes abortions at 5 to 7 months results in many sterile cows avoided by early vaccination of all heifers and arti ficial insemination trichomoniasis causes early abortions from two months cows discharge and be come sterile spread by bulls there is no completely effective treatment avoided by artificial insemination vibriosis causes breeding problems low con ception rates early abortions irregular heat periods and discharge spread by bulls treated by breeding rest then artificial in semination avoided by artificial insemination you can protect your herd from the spread of these diseases and use top quality sires through the services of central ontario cattle breeding association make an appointment now for your cars spring tuneup free automobile exhaust system checkup let our skilled staff inspect your cars entire exhaust system be sure youre driving a safe auto every muffler we install is a genuine general motors muffler the flnot quality the most reasonable price patrick motors main st w stouffville 6403450 ltd