the tksune thursy january 19 1967 pie 3 colorful program of events planned for centennial 67 allday ceremony july 1 pick centennial queen primary program viewed with enthusiasm centennial events chairman lome boadway aid snow removal no overnight parking stouffv1lle during a recent snow removal operation on the side streets of stouffville po lice officers were required to ask 53 persons to move their cars from the road councillor tom lonergan informed council at a meet ing jan 5 mr lonergan said that the parking prob lem delayed the workmen in doing a proper job he pointed out that the loader could go around the veh icles but it looked a mess reeve ken laushway said he had heard the same complaint for the past ten years some people con tinuously leave their cars on the road overnight we have a bylaw that prohibits this practice and it should be enforced to move houses deputyreeve bill par sons suggested that the council would soon have to begin work on the re moval of houses on the east side of park street south he termed the widening of that road to the arena as one of the major projects scheduled for 1967 reeve laushway said he had spoken to the contrac tor who moved the formci daniels building from stouffville over to clare- mont the mover accord ing to mr laushway agreed to look at the homes and decide if the purchase would be practical bible college choir at gormleyarkham the 38voice emmanuel bible college choir from kitchener ontario will be at the gormley united missionary church on sun day morning january 22 at 1100 am and in the markham united mission- fred lehman ary church at 730 pm this will be the first pub- lie appearance in a series which will take the choir to various churches in ontario and the united states in 1967 the choir is under the direction of mr fred leh man mr lehman is well known as a song evange list he is assistant con ductor of the schneider male chorus and director of music at bethany united missionary church in kitchener emmanuel bible college is sponsored by the united missionary church in on tario there are 85 stu dents from 13 denomina tions and 4 countries of the world represented here the college offers courses specializing in christian education missionary work and ministerial ser vice stouffville canadas centennial birthday has taken on real meaning in stouffville and the enthusiasm displayed by the program chairman lome boadway has been caught up by the committee members representing all organiza tions in town the next meeting is planned for thursday jan 26 in the municipal building and interested residents are invited to attend enthusiastic response centennial enthusiasm is also apparent among the public and attendance at functions to date has exceeded all expectations an indication of the response from townsfolk was shown at the legion ladies auxiliary luncheon jan 1 1 when 400 persons attended a centennial dance at the high school auditorium and a huge bonfire in the park both on new years eve attracted large crowds and the stouffville legion flagraising new years day was an impressive program and theres much more still to come dates of functions will be announced as plans are finalized addition to mr brazier others who have registered include mickey hunt elm road lome boadway maytree avenue jim trueman pine street eddie grimas stouffer street david vaughan main street bill holden albert st north keith malcolm park street col d w burd stouffville rr2 elwin wideman rupert avenue gerry logan lorelta crescent john foulds second street jack geertsma baker avenue bill barry main street bill white main street john lindop main street ken roberts harold street harold hodgson main street bob lewis maytree avenue bruce burton stouffville rr 4 doug neville ru pert avenue ken aida hawthorne avenue don anderson loretta cres cent bill keeping main street walter richards loretta crescent norm ewing stouffville rr2 ron connor boyer street and ron crisp fairview avenue judging will take place july 1 church service an openair community church service is planned for sunday july 2 in the stouffville park with a mass community choir and all churches participating pat kinsella has agreed to head up the committee a main street parade is contemplated for july 1 lionel griffiths burk- holder street will attempt to sign up a lead band for the day other events planned include a fireworks dis play by the stouffville le gion a community track and field meet a firemans ball an arena dance a barbershop harmony pro gram and a box social the entire centennial program is being covered through colour photography by cadieux studio new method jean barclay stouffville will have a centennial queen jean barclay will head up the committee and her recom mendations will be discuss ed jan 26 it was agreed that entries should be con fined to single girls who are residents of town an age classification will be established alan lee a member of the stouffville high school student council said that a may queen competition would be continued as usual but indicated that students who reside in town might also be inter ested in entering the cen tennial queen contest it was felt that this should be encouraged alan also informed the meeting that the school was preparing a centennial year book to be published in 1968 and contain events of interest in 1967 standard typewriters f ren new portable machines fors ale excellent service tribune office suppli ph 6402100 stouffville william duxbury a register for 1967 will be set up in the office of the stouffville municipal building high school principal w e duxbury also chairman of the fin ance committee has fc agreed to set up this addi- 1 tional program parents and their children are ask- cd to sign the book and v submit a donation on do- ing so visitors in town are especially encouraged to register office times and special hours will be out lined at the next meeting the home and school association is promoting the sale of centennial lapel pins and the stouffville lions club is sponsoring the sale of centennial flags and banners a community improvement program is proposed and a centennial treeplanting project has ben recommended with the horticultural society work ing in conjunction with the two public schools the stouffville public utilities commission will be asked to string red white and blue colored lights across main street proves popular the beardgrowing con test is proving most popu lar registration was start ed on jan 12 and by fri day twentyeight men had qualified the committee chairman is jim brazier i hawthorne avenue in keith sutherland orchard park principal keith sutherland will be in charge of centennial sports events and tournaments at least a portion of this program will be held on july 1 with activities tak ing place on the baseball diamond at the swimming pool on the bowling green and tennis court mr suth erland is new setting up his committee and all events will be publicized when times and dates are finalized a centennial skating party is also plan ned for the arena with possibly a soap derby on main street mrs ursula oconnor has agreed to check into the possibility of holding a cooking school in stouff ville and the cgit will sponsor a pancake festival feb 7 the brownies and girl guides are sponsoring good turn day in octo ber the lions club will hold their chicken barbe cue july 1 stouffville a revo lution in primary teaching methods and learning prac tices has come to both summitview and orchard park public schools in stouffville reaction to the program varies from excit ed enthusiasm on the part of the pupils to mild critic ism from some teachers and educators indications are that the newtype study plan will eventually in clude all grades in stouff ville and ali schools in the area the button ville school in markham town ship area 2 has already followed the stouffville lead with the blessing of the inspector maynard hallman the language arts pro gram as it is called is to date confined to grade 1 classes at stouffville and one grade 23 primary consultant mrs pat byer is in charge assisted by staff teachers miss jan robinson mrs dal gour- lay mrs barbara wide- man miss brenda barrin- ger and mrs lynda mc lean children busy to appreciate the accom plishments that have al ready been attained one must spend an entire day in the individual class rooms for first impres sions are deceiving the children no longer sit in sedate rows while the teacher instructs from the front or rear of the room they now work in sets often helping each other as one viewer put it it may seem noisy but its a busy kind of noise the program allows each child to work at his own speed through the medium of learning centres the centres are so located about the room to allow pupils to work independ ently it also permits the teacher to move from group to group guiding children through different phases pf instruction the centres also contain such aids as filmstrip projec tors typewriters tape re corders and record players much optimism permission to proceed with the new program was received from the stouff ville school board follow ing a meeting with mrs byer the system also has the approval of principals lome boadway and keith sutherland and all are now viewing the program with optimism at a recent convention held at stouffvilles orch ard park school more than 100 teachers attended they heard discussions on the plan and were allowed to visit classrooms and ob serve the centres and the childrens work many have since returned to gain further knowledge and in formation some of the in terested persons include mr j mclean department of education mr c wat son inspector of north york schools mrs b allen primary consultant pickering and mrs bar bara tindall markham area 2 and ihree of her primary teachers its a case of learning by doing said mrs byer it offers a greater chal lenge to each child and prompts pupils to think for themselves mrs byer be lieves that individual diff erences exist in the innate ability of each boy and girl and teaching must be per sonalized and geared to the childs individual needs previous experiences and level of maturation if the teaching is successful learning will be a vital exciting experience she said enjoy their work its not often that a boy or even a girl enjoys his school work to such an ex tent that he dislikes hear ing the ring of the bell at four oclock for 150 pupils in stouffviiles primary grades this is a fact dis cipline problems are also almost nonexistent mrs byer is sold on the program and her enthus iasm for the scheme is at tracting the attention of other trustees and teachers in other hools the childrens progress is the proof of success she says and 150 stouffville stu dents would want it no learn by doing is the new practice employed in grade 1 classes at stouffville public schools terms of liquid measure are discovered here by left to right jeffrey knapp karen brown denise fockler glen newmarche bradley watts luke keuken and lori hartley staff photo this is a word bank where left to right lynn roberts gordon lynde jackie hassard lynn par- rish and michael clarke compose sentences from words they have learned in stories written previouslv staff photo make appointments stouffville stouff ville council has completed several appointments for 1967 the park board is unchanged and includes mrs hilda wilson archie yake lloyd jennings and councillors bob lewis and tom lonergan bill sanders was appoint ed to a three year term on stouffville planning board reg mackay was returned to the committee of ad justment for three years elgin wagg remains as the town weed inspector and henry ogden was re appointed building inspec tor the committees of coun cil are unchanged from 1966 meetings will be held on the 1st and 3rd thurs days of each month at 730 pm the odd thing about happiness is that you are only receptive to it when youre ready to pass it on there are few people more deadly than the guy with the reputation of be ing the life of the party rf the primary 8 of grade 3 consultant is mrs pat byer shown here with kenny ryfa staff photo great buy in homelite chain saws other way heres your chance to get a superior quality homelite chain saw at lowest price ever never has there been a better opportunity to get a top quality homelite chain saw at a better price this homelite c51 has the quality and features of much higher priced saws no other tool you can buy does so much yet costs so little you can cut firewood clear woodlots cut lumber prune and trim fruit trees come in and see the homelite c51 now its worth money to you botham farm equipment rr no 1 gormley tel 7275151 village of stouffville minor in hockey week canada whereas the week of january 21st is being observed throughout canada as a period to locus public attention on the physical characterbuilding and other benefits of hockey for our youth and whereas this being the canadian centennial year it is important that all canadians support truly canadian activities and whereas the game of hockey is recognized as canadas national game which teaches our youth to develop a competitive spirit cooperation with others bodybuilding and respect for authority and whereas it is the hope of every municipality to develop one or more players capable of representing canada as a member of canadas national team and whereas the minor hockey association in this community has earned the com mendation and support of every citizen and whereas minor hockey is the foundation from which accomplished hockey players develop now therefore i as reeve of stouftvlllc do hereby declare the week com mencing january 21st be observed as minor hockey week in canada and request that all parents and others support this observance by attending games during minor hockey week and thereafter until the minor hockey season ends ken laushway reeve date 131 g7