the tritons thuniiy dtctmbv 22 966 p jj stouffville homes are all aglow at christmas season the stouffville home of mr and mrs ross hetheringtonrupert avenue is alw the centre of attraction in town durintr the t nn 4 christmas 2 mr helherington an electrician uses his talent to good advantage in decoratin his house with more than 350 colored prev fsstsa stis nllnzn iskto lights oihii i nolo praise reeve clerk for council leadership set auditorium rate stouffville the christmas spirit was sure ly put into practice when the stouffville public school board held their yearend meeting this month an agreement was finalized for the use of the new multipurpose room at orchard park school and it comes as a veritable gift to organizations in town nonprofit making or ganizations may use the premises without charge the space is also available to charitable organizations for rehearsal purposes at no fee if an admission fee is charged the rental rate will be 250 per hour to cover caretaking expenses the stouffville council has been requested to con tribute towards mainte nance costs that will oc cur through use by the general public permission to use the building must come from the board and application forms will be provided by the secretary mrs elsie sanders twen tythree specific regula tions are listed on the per mits the board reserves the right to revoke the permit at any time careless driving costs 50 stouffville a cedar valley youth was fi ned 50 in richmond hill traffic court friday con victed of careless driving the charge was laid ag ainst ronald albert fish- wick 17 by constable da vid hadden following a short chase p c haden said he fol lowed the car fishwick was driving along mont real and south streets and highway 47 to main at speeds up to 45 mph fishwick said he slopped after he realized the police car was folowing him reeve ken laushway stouffville clerk ralph corner stouftville reeve ken laushway and clerk ralph corner were com mended by other members of the 196667 council at the yearend meeting thursday night dcputy- rccvc bill parsons referred to mr laushways leadership as energetic and imaginative it speaks well for the future he said uc have accomplish ed a great deal and have worked well together in the best interests of the town and the taxpayers touching briefly on the opening of the new west end shopping plaza mr parsons suggested that it would develop into a benefit to the municipality by prompting people to shop at home rather than go elsewhere we must not neglect the downtown businessmen and should assist them in anyway pos sible including the improvement of parking wise decision precentennial event in park tree burning bee december 3 councillor bob lewis said that the clerk who also serves as the town business administrator had worked very closely wilh him on road and side walk construction and maintenance he said that the 1966 program although cxlcnsive was a wise deci sion and would prove practical in the years ahead councillor jim mckellar commended the reeve for the orderly way he hail conducted all mcelings and praised the work of the clerk for his steadying influence councillor tom loncrgan said that in his opinion ihc members had endeavored to be progres sive in their ihinking yet practical in their spending of tax dollars its been a very rewarding experi ence he said year of progress reeve laushway expres sed his appreciation for the cooperation he had re ceived from other mem bers of council and com mended the employees on their work he said that the terrible times that had been predicted by many in 1965 with three new men on council had proven absolutely wrong he recommended more 3- membcr committee meet ings in an effort to speed up the passage of motions in council he added his own personal words of praise for the work of the business administrator the formation of that of fice was an excellent move and we certainly selected the right man to fill the post stouffville a gi ant treeburning bee in the stouffville park n e w years eve will touch off a series of events that will extend throughout 1967 this will be followed by a centennial flagraising ce remony at the stouffville legion jan 1 at 2 pm the public is invited these were only two of many special activities that were discussed at a meet ing monday night the centennial committee chairman is lome boad- way the treeburning is a high school student coun cil project town residents are asked to place their christmas trees outside for pickup by noonhour dec 31 members of the stouffville fire depart ment will supervise the program the legion ceremony holds special significance since it marks not only canadas 100th birthday but also the 20th annivers ary of the formation of branch 459 the new le gion hags will be dedicated at the same time on the map chairman boadway sug gested that with the com bined cooperation of all committee members and organizations a planned program would put stouff ville on the map all per- hunter safety training course sponsored by whitchurch conservation club and aurora gun club class dates first class jan 1 i9g7 second class ian 31 1967 registration fee 100 place aurora gun club s pm kfkp this an for reference announce new healing substance shrinks piles eirlaaia hllinr laliunff prn 14 brink hamarrholrfa and rapalr 4imiff4 liim a rrown4 raaaarrh nititut hit i a btlbt fctilinr aufcaunca with tfca ability t ferinlc hamer- thi ralnlaatlr it tiitm itfhlnr and ditromfcrt in minutaa and ih op ltaalldk lha intir4 inflairm tlmsa i raa affr hila fanur raliaainr lair attual mjaioa awinaat tk rlaaa wrl important f atl raajlu ara i tkortwib that thia improaa leant araa maun4 ar a parted f nana mentha tbu waa aaeompliaeai arltk fta haalisr auhatanra bod7ca wmfk ealatr hrfra laal livjorad a and atimolataa rrewtk af a tmna near itidrna la tzn4 1 i-t- lanl and ajproatarr form ah fraparatlea x atk fer it at all irzt afaa satlafactioa at jvit wtrt7 rafsidad sons present agreed to dis cuss specific projects with in their own groups and report back at a meeting jan 11 mr boadway recom mended that stouffvilles big day should be july 1 the memorial park will be reserved for the occasion events both before and after this date will include a skating carnival a fireworks display a cen tennial queen dance and sports tournaments two committees were appoint ed finance mrs lorna button william duxbury and leo egberts publici ty jim thomas and wilf morley mr boaaway agreed to select other members including a chair- fundraising dinner markham rear ad miral william m landy- inore obe will be the guest speaker at a planned fundraising dinner organ ized by the cenotaph committee of markham village the banquet will be held feb 23 at the inn on the park toronto tick ets will soon be placed on sale rear admiral landy- morc is one of canadas most outstanding naval of ficers he will retire from the service in june a letter confirming his attendance at the dinner has been received by the committee chairman faul mingay man of special events will cooperate reeve ken laushway agreed that while the towns centennial project was a council matter and the centennial program was in charge of a sepa rate committee the two groups should work close ly together william dux- bury said he hoped the public would not become confused by the two since although related they rep resented individual ven tures reappointed mrs june button o brien avenue stouffville has been reappointed to the stouffville high school hoard for another term the decision was approved by town council at their yearend meeting dec 15 houstons for prescriptions drugs and sundries phone 6402222 twentytwo i main st w stoukeviixk markham tsa no 2 invites applications for the position of caretaker salary range 3800 5000 apply to w g morley binlnexi administrator rri tjnlonvlil vandorf a petition signed by thirteen proper ly owners in an area from lots 1 to 8 concessions 6 and 7 township of whit church has urged the planning board and coun cil to prepare a landuse bylaw to protect highqual ity homes already located there a meeting to dis cuss this recommendation and other proposals was held at vandorf dec 14 the printed brief called for singlefamily homes of not less than 1800 square feet of living area on each lot it recommended that no lot be less than 10 acres and that no subdivi sion plan be permitted in the area the petition ask ed that special zoning re tain the land for agricultu ral and residential uses on ly with prohibition on wrecking yards airports gravel pits commercial dog kennels swillfed pig geries and other operations felt to be obnoxious the signed application pointed to the problems in ux- bridge township with re gard to gravel excavations which according to the pe tition had occurred be cause the people were not protected by a rigid land- use bylaw home away from home markham a 55 year old heart surgeon from in dia is among the 17 stud ents from six countries who have been entertained in markham under a pro gram sponsored by st an drews presbyterian church markham ken thomas heads the committee of elders that conducts the visits hart smith and ken bretherton are also on the committee the aim of the plan the churchs centennial pro ject is to entertain stud ents studying at toronto universities who come from other countries cey lon pakistan india tai wan the phillipincs and jamaica were represented on the visits held nov 12 and dec 10 the students visited three kinds of farms a pig farm a dairy farm and a beef cattle farm and also visited the markham indus trial area following the farm visits the students went to var ious homes in markham in twos and threes for dinner and an evening of fellow ship mr thomas said that the church hopes there will be a continuous growth of this type of fellowship during centennial he emphasized that friendship with the students must be acquired on a personal basis most of the students are contacted through the in ternational students cen tre on st george st tor onto at ian hume footwear sherwood tlaza markham wish the jot and ieave of christmas to be yours through out the new year kxpuessiox of opinion whitchurch reeve ross farquharson said that the meeting had been arrang ed so that planning board and council could obtain the feeling of the people who live in the defined ar ea he agreed that when the zoning bylaw was pre pared another meeting would be held so that most problems could be solved prior to a hearing by the ontario municipal board the attendance was estim ated at about 75 persons although most speakers felt that propertyowners now living in the area should be afforded some protection there was not iceable disagreement on the minimum lot sizes that should be permitted char les ratcliff suggested that three acres was sufficient while others felt that five acres would be adequate reeve farquharson reject ed a request from the floor that a vole be taken on the issue he said that the council would make the decision j r allen a member of the whitchurch committee of adjustment stated that the area in question was un ique since it was dotted with artesian wells and ponds he said that the dis trict was deserving of ade quate protection and good planning dr j smith noted that the timbers and claugh- ton farms had been purch ased and he suspected that they were being held in anticipation of resale for profit mr a attcnborough con 5 said he had acquired a ten acre lot and wished to retain the entire site he felt that others who had done the same might be willing to split up their hol dings if an area of small lots is to be permitted then i will move on he said keith hutchinson sug gested that some consider ation should be given to farm owners who had lived in the community for ma ny years and now wished to sell he contended that any bylaw that might tend to prevent such a sale would be discriminatory henry aula a member of council noted that rec ent property sales in the district had proved that buyers were interested in large rather than small ac reages he noted that mer- vin turner had sold off his entire 32 acre holdings while elgin hastings had disposed of 25 acres all on the 7th concession dr s s crouch suggest ed that since persons in fa vour of ten acre building lots had submitted a peti tion it would only be fair for those who opposed the application to also acquire support action needed george yake cone 6 caused a stir in the aud ience when he said that a neighbouring farm had been purchased by a tran sport company who plan ned to establish a truck terminal on the site mr allen suggested that this was the kind of opera tion that should not be per mitted in the area he re commended that no appli cations in the defined dist rict be approved by the adjustment committee pending the passing of the bylaw he called for im mediate zoning action reeve farquharson said that a zoning bylaw could not be prepared until at least march 1967 he pro mised to arrange another meeting at that time when specific points could be dis cussed more clearly likely to seek reelection major a a lex mackenzie conservative mem ber for north york since 1945 has hinted that he will seek reelection for another term he spoke briefly at an organization meeting of the pcs for the new yorksimcoe riding held at bradford mr mackenzie is 81