Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 22, 1966, p. 2

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fcje 2 the t8i8une ttby december 22 1966 lltftbtme fk0f mgtoiiali reason to be concerned farmer of whitchurch township jed by exreeve george richardson are jhowing concern for the future of agri- culture in that municipality and all of york county if a new system of assess ment on sale value rates becomes law this is not the first time that this prob lem has reared its ugly head and rural residents hae every reason to be con cerned the public meeting held at vandorf last week was mainly to acquire infor mation and find out if the farmers fears were really wellfounded wheth er they learned a little or a lot is still questionable since replies to pointed questions were either evasive or so njuch gobbledvgook in the minds of lav men listeners we feel that the crux of the whole matter lies in the interpretation of actual value does this mean the value of the property as an ordinary dirt farm or does it mean the value of the property on the open real estate mar ket held for speculative purposes farm sales for farming purposes only are few and far between in whitchurch and markham townships but this should not mean that the legitimate farmer should be forced to pay through the nose mr richardson is to be commended for arousing the interest of farm folk of whitchurch in this a most impor tant matter the lime to protest an un fair assessment policy is now theres no use locking the door after the horse has been stolen th ere comes a time major a a lex mackenzie has served his riding of york north for a continuous period of 21 years and serv ed it well he is held in high regard by the electorate in his constituency and his colleagues at queens park last week major mackenzie hinlcd that he would once again be a candidate for the legislature he spoke at a federal con servative organizational meeting for the new riding at york sirricoe held at bradford he was quoted as saving it will be a pleasure to work with the new conservative federal member whoever he is mr mackenzie is 81 and regardless of his sincerity and abundance of ener gy we feel that he is making a mistake if he docs not turn over the pc banner to a younger man to retire while still on top will make him a member always to be remembered this is a distinction he justly deserves but time changes things new generations bring new ideas new policies new platforms the present gives way lo the future and the past is soon forgotten mr mackenzie should think only of his accomplish ments in the past and let the future took after itself are voters really not interested recent municipal elections in this area would indicate a definite lack of interest the recent toronto election was a prime example strange as it may seem the constant growth of urbaniza tion appears to present an even more drastic lack of response than in rural sections a recent poll of ratepayers in york- scarborough one of the largest and most urban areas in canada showed an amazing lack of interest either in the government or the opposition the percentages on these two points were only 26 and 10 per cent while this was a sampling of only ten per cent of the population in a place the size of scar borough this represents a considerable number another poll in the same area re vealed high percentages favoured uni fication of the armed forces medicare more adequate old age pensions legal ization of birth control and abortion and lotteries and more liberal divorce laws these interests are those of ur ban voters polls taken in rural areas would un doubtedly show more reservation on some of these questions it would appear that canadians arc just beginning to realize that our country is not as unified as had been supposed it also points up a consider able division still exists between rural and urban canadians just the majority says yes those who support national lotter ies in canada to help finance hospitals and other good works will take heart from the results of a proposal for a state lottery in new york governor rockefeller and other political leaders all opposed the idea but the voters ap proved the proposal by a margin of threctoonc it appears that no one wants lotter ies except the average citizen the fel low who will buy the tickets canadians who send millions illegal ly to ireland three times a year arc without question of the same mind but the rulers exhibit he same reluc tance lo accede to their wishes its time they changed editors mail live and let live by our readers dec 12 1966 dear sir f attended the ontario mu nicipal board hearing dec 5 at good wood with regard to recommendations for restrictions on gravel pit operations in uxbridgc township i feel that it is grossly unfair for one person or a group of persons to move into a municipality and petition the council to make new bylaws or change the ones we already have just to suit their own desires i feel it is wrong for these same residents to try and block tiff certain lands from gravel operations in other words tell the owners thev iavc no right to sell their properties to gravel companies z if such a thing is allowed to happen then our society loses its democratic yay of lite and a form of dictatorship takcs over a complaint was raised at this hcar- fjig concerning the noise of loaders hulldocrs and trucks all industries in volve a noise nuisance of some kind fshould thev ail close up because thev teause this sott of inconvenience believe me i know all about noise i have lived on the brock road for 18 years where trucks go by my door day and night so what the owners and drivers must make a living like every one else as far as im personally con cerned it boils down lo a case of live and let live sincerely bernard burnell clarcmont rr 1 out of same pocket to the editor it used to be to anyones credit to live within his income debit financing has now become very popular there appears to be an awakening to the fallacy of this practice the most astounding evidence recently was the pearsonsharp actions at ottawa that brought the almost unbelievable ex pression attributed to premier robarts a progressive conservative that it may he necessary for ontario to take a careful look at its present spending habits unless we do additional taxes arc inevitable ite fcriitme established 1sss c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edey advertising- published every thursday by the stoufmlle tribune limited at 5i main su stoucfvllle ont tel 6102101 single copies 10c subscriptions sioo per year in canada s600 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weeklv newspaper association authorized as second class mail post office dept ottawa merry christmas everyone sugar and spice santa claus is very much alive christmas comes but once a year tn fact its just ahead but have you heard the bad news santa claus is dead he didnt have a stroke in fact its difficult to say what made old santa croak some say it was exhaustion some say it was a clot but others seem to think he conked from smoking too much pot chimneypot that is of course he wouldnt touch the other but what an anticlimax for santa just to smother at least he could have fallen from his sleigh 3nd made a splash or run into a satellite with one almighty crash 1 know its going to be hard to ex plain that to your kids but thats your problem the revelation contained in the above doggerel is my personal campaign not long ago the wellknown frost bite the three pcrccnt sales tax was raised to five percent without any com punctions now however there seems to he a bit more caution regarding ad ditional provincial taxes indeed no one would be unkind enough to even inti mate there could be a relationship be tween this impulse of caution and the possibility of an election in the not too distant future it would be conceivable however i hat a stumping program based on the fact that ottawa did not shell out promiscuously to meet provincial ex penditures would probably place cer tain forces in better light than would an attempted justification for additional provincial taxes large enough to supply funds equivalent to the amout we tried lo lever from the federal treasury it seems so easy lo forget that both provincial and federal treasuries in the final analysis are supplied by taxes to lever from the federal treasury cautious financing is essential there appears to be no surer faster way to hasten on the communistic ideology lhan the careless handling of a coun trys finances s c 3rubacher a vote for mr diefenboker nov 24 1966 to the editor i am more than fed up and nauseated with you newspapers who criticize and belittle john g dicf- cnbaker arc you so totally blind or reprobate that you cannot recognize or desire principle integrity and capability in a leader you know no better than lo side with traitors in his party who seek not the countrys or peoples welfare but the promotion of their particular idcalogy and personal gain and exalta tion however i believe that then are sufficient sane people in the conserva tive party to foil this latest diabolical plot to usurp the leadership needless to say liberals as ever are the instigators of these plots to overthrow the opposition which they fear these fascists inliltralc every facet of society to influence and promote their ends unless and until people wake up to their machinations right eousness peace and freedom cannot prevail ten years ago 1956 gar lehman was elected lo slouft- ville council and headed the pell th 5s2 votes a barn belonging to ken deacon of unionvillc was destroved bv fire in a 20000 loss arthur latcham announces gift of 30000 swimming pool for stouffville by bill smiley against the assortment of creeps going around smelling up the atmosphere with their godlsdcad garbage theres just as much truth and just as much common sense in my report about s claus as there is in theirs about god i dont care whether they are emi nent clerics or halfbaked beatniks the godlsdcad crowd is dead wrong he may be out to lunch occasionally but he is not dead he is very much alive and you can go icll that on the moun tain my folksinging friends sorry if i sound a bit heated at this time of peace and goodwill and four- color ads for whisky and perfume but ive had enough of the complete cur rent scene for a bit quite enough of psychedelic sensations and clever little clergymen saying glib things and young people with open mouths who swallow anything that flies into them and sim pleminded earnest liberals who bore the hell out of me trying to explain things far beyond them there its out im just a ruddy old reactionary after all and i dont give a diddle never in my life have i had a desire lo be one of the in crowd and i have no intention of starting now first of all what is christmas all about is it not a celebration in the christian world of the basic tenet of faith that god gave man the greatest gift in his power a son a living breath ing manifestation of his concern for the muddled wrongheaded twolegged creatures who make such a muck of things on their own he gave man this gift only once but every year for 20 centuries its celebra tion has renewed peace and joy and love in the world even if only for a short time thats quite a gift now santa claus is a little different hes been in business only for about a century he brings something different every year and all his gifts can be broken lost or worn out already a lot of people are getting a bit sick of santa we see him every where on floats in department stores at christmas concerts in beer advertise ments he looks a little different each time and he spends two months of the year leering at us from all direc tions and hohoing like the village idiot hes like everybodys jolly old gram- pa but after two months of white whiskers belly laughs and urgings to buy buy buy even jolly old grampa should be sent off to the funny farm how would you like to have god around for two months a year every day and night right where you could see him and whats worse where he could see you what weve got to do is stop treating god like santa claus a visiting clergy man told us on sunday the story of a family that wanted something very very much they prayed for it and prayed and prayed the whole family as hard as they could for a week nothing happened in despair the father said well i guess god didnt answer our prayers his little daughlcr piped sure he did dad he said no thats faith god is alive christmas is real and if you have enough faith maybe youll find that the rumor about santas untimely demise is false and that hes alive too this week next beware of bennett by ray argyle strongwilled provincial premcirs who do not hesitate to challenge ol la- was authority have become a special terror lo the pearson government and none is more audacious or daring lhan british columbias w a c bennett because premier bennett combines audacity with an almost unmatched political savvy almost every major move he makes is of national impor tance this is why bcs dramatic move lo slake a claim to all the continental shelf off the west coast has become a mailer of such concern lo federal authorities the bc government has been wag ing a prolonged battle with ottawa over control of the provinces resources once again premier bennetts oneup manship has put ottawa on the spot the tremendous significance of the bc claim lo the continental shelf lies in the future exploitation of ocean and undersea resources the worlds oceans hold untapped minerals which potentially exceed all the landlocked resources of all the continents in the canadian picture the ques tion to be settled is whether canadas offshore resources belong to the coun try as a whole or only to the provinces which hug the coast british columbia formalized its claim with an ordcrincouncil placing a crown reserve on the ocean door ex tending up to 300 miles out into the pacific other provinces have made sim ilar claims although none has moved so brazenly lo stake its claim as bc premier bennett got in ahead of the supreme court of canada which is scheduled next year to finally rule on this very question four times so far the court has dclavcd a decision when jean lesagc was premier of ouebcc he took the position that if the supreme court was to rule in favor of ottawa his province simply wouldnt accept the decision daniel johnson can hardly be expected to be any more gen erous in the maritimcs nova scotia prem ier robert stanfield has said his prov ince claims rights far beyond the 12- mile territorial limit which normally de fines national sea boundaries the stage thus seems set for a fed eralprovincial dispute that will have at least the six coast provinces lined p solidly against ottawa alaniloba and ontario will also be affected by the outcome because of hudsons bay most of which is now un der federal jurisdiction as the boundary of the northwest territories extends across the bay only landlocked alberta and saskat chewan can reasonably he expected lo support ottawas posiion in announcing bcs claim attorney general robert bonner said men would soon be able to live under the sea at great depths and for great lengths of time and would be able to mine the ocean floor any maritime jurisdiction which ignores this fact is indifferent to the advance of science and technology he added mr bonner said that in addition lo offshore oil resources the ocean floor is covered with halls of molybdenum there for the asking but the claim to offshore rights will ultimately go much further lhan this in addition to resources in the floor of the ocean the ocean water itself is filled with minerals and foodstuffs research into desalination of sea water is now beginning to pay olf especially in israel and the clay is not far away when fresh water will have to be pumped from the ocean to replace diminishing and polluted land water ocean resources will then become not merely a matter of dispute between federal and local jurisdictions hut be tween nations with common scafronts artificial christmas seeing is no longer believing al most everything is artificial at easter a chocolate rabbit lays candy eggs for halloween a plastic pumpkin is re placing the handvarved jackotanlcrn and at christmas the annual trip with the kids into the bush for a two dollar tree has been put aside in favour of a silvertwigged standard from a main street store children dont write to santa claus in the north pole anymore they pay him a personal visit at a toronto department store or shopping plaza and have their pictures taken for a fee of two or three kids today wouldnt dare hang up a secondhand stocking on the fireplace that had been mended by mom at least four or live times no sir they must be the newest cloth versions and suitably autographed too and whatever happened to the christmas goose the turkey king has taken over the top spot on the table and how many wives would even dream of cleaning a bird today it would be a nightmare for most thev can be delivered to your door stamped no 1 and wrapped in cellophane no fuss no muss and to make moms work even easier dad might choose to pack the whole family into the station wagon and take them to a restaurant where the only difficult chore is paying the bill yes times have sure changed weve grown ten years older in the last ten minutes while on the subject of christinas one frustrated father telephoned the markham township police department lo say that some thief had stolen the family tree right out of their living room two hours later he called back much relieved he had discovered that his six year old had taken the tree to school for show and tell if you dont wish lo lake ihc lime to count he decorative lights in front of ross hethcringlons home rupert avenue there are 350 each member ol stouffville council is responsible for a specific committee and at the stalt christmas party thurs day evening each expressed the compli ments of the season to employees with whom he is closely connected such as councillor lewis roads and side walks and councillor loncrgan police and lire councillor jim mckcllar one of the last to speak hesitated momen tarily then said how docs one bring greetings from the sanitation depart ment two members of the sloullville high school board were talking in the hallway during an intermission at a re cent program in ihc auditorium one turned to the other and commented if this place gels much larger well soon have lo equip the staff with hon das and the students with roller skates the new sherwood park restaurant in the markham shopping plaza is an immaculate spot it is well patronized due in part to the spic and span sur roundings one morning last week while town businessmen were enjoying their coffee and doughnuts an audible meow was heart by almost everyone the patrons pricked up heir ears the manager frowned and the waitresses stared did i hear a cat he asked himself out loud there was silence and then it came again and again the same meow the search started over under and around ihc counter but no pussycat minutes later one man pointed lo the window theres the culprit he said outside a canada breadman who had just completed his call was doubled up with laughter if k k last week mr tom grove rr 2 markham showed us a picture taken in 1908 of the pupils at dicksons hill school there were 41 on ihc roll and mr grove was able lo name all but iwo the teacher was miss leach students included lena raymcr martha wide- man elhcl schcll mary bycr ethel scott laura jaggcr annabel biucls judy brucls eugene bruels ern crosscn arthur raymcr bertha hoo ver myrtle crosscn may mycr alma biucls lena harper annie bycr harold lewis wesley widcrnan gor don iipher elmer raymcr ada gowcr clara gowcr pearl gowcr eva schcll elizabeth widcman gerlie piphcr erma vague bella hoover clarence brucls fred crosscn stanley harper john grove wm kaiser ezra grove russell raymer william grove george hoover and wesley schcll so you think the teachers today have it tough k k k going back still further mr fred pugh of sloiilfvillc brought us in a hill of sale made out lo william gee of greenwood from the balsam store own ed by mr iughs uncle foster hutchi son the date on the sales slip is 1880 mr hutchison was a onetime assessor in pickering township and later lived on church street in sloultvlllc the wording on the invoice is interesting it reads f hutchison dealer in dry goods boots and shoes groceries hats and caps crockery patent medicines school books hardware dye stuff sta tioner room paper lamps oils etc millinery and dressmaking done in order highest price for butler and cges motto small profits quick returns and only one price

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