jill jtsjii tsn 1 i vi markham council the tribune tfesjiy dtmfccc 13 1966 r3 3 upports policy on police force markham the handling of police matters by a committee of the whole council in the village if markham was one of the most prominent issues discussed at an allcandidates mcctim in morgan hall thursday night the gathering thai attract ed a standingroom audience was promoted by the junior chamber of commerce defend policy village force was not un- each of the standing staffed a vote for ab laidlaw 11 was election day in markham village dec id and much of the interest was centred around the contest for deputyreeve incumbent ah laidiaw casts his ballot at crosbv school the deputv returning officer is mrs jim mcharg staff photo markham the need for a deironization plant to remove the rust cont ent from the water supply of markham village vas pointed out at an allcandi dates meeting in morgan hall thursday night the gathering that at tracted a large audience was organized by tho markham junior chamber of commerce one north markham res ident referred to the iron residue as garbage and charged that water in his bathtub was dirtier before he got in than it should be when he got out he claim ed hat the lines had not been properly cleaned others said that they had to invest in water soften ers to remedy the situa tion one man rose to chal lenge the complainants he said that he had lived in the village for a long time and could find nothing wrong with the water he said that there was no rea son to heap 3n undue cost burden on all village tax payers just to please the newcomers to town perhaps we should have one kind of water for the older folks and anoth er kind for the more rcc- new municipal building cd an acclamation she commended the junior chamber of commerce for organizing the pre-elec- tion meeting that allowed each candidate to state his platform in public she also praised the past efforts of puc chairman charles reesor a member of the commission since it was formed mr reesor announced last week that he would not seek reelec tion 10 on no acres too much overpaid taxes refund allowed 1 markham council lor lloyd abernathy infor med an allcandidates meeting in morgan hall markham dec 8 that a new municipal building for markham village would become a reality he said that the site on prop erty near the centennial library was adequate to contain such a structure in supporting the present library location mr ab ernathy said that the old morgan house lot on main street south had been con sidered he suggested that parking would have been a problem there in answer to a question concerning a hospital to serve the markham area councillor abernethy said that the ontario hos pital commission was op posed to smaller type units but rather favoured larger structures similar to the scarboro general touching on the hazards of the no 7 highway area west of highway 1ft mr abernethy said that cer tain improvements would lave to be made before too village could consider lakeover of the road he called for the exertion of continued pressure at the ontario government level to have the speed limit re duced he recommended that road maintenance and construction be given a higher priority in the bud get larger industries councillor douglas alli son called for a more ag gressive sales policy in an effort to acquire larger- type industries in the vil lage he termed the prcs- i cut garbage collection ser- i lli jjz j burning reclal ilch that should be assumed by s the municipality and not a private individual he sug gested that the council of 1067 consider an incinera tor that could handle not only the garbage in mark ham but other municipali ties he called for closer cooperation between the council and school boards in the preparation of year- v budgets higher taxes reeve alma walker could give the ratepayers no guarantee that taxes in 1967 would not increase this is something no one nows it other boards raise their budgets then taxes will go up she said in completing her fifth year as reeve mrs walk er said that it was the first lime the had been accord- ent residents came a re- plv from the back of the hall howard cosbiirn a mem ber of the markham puc for the past two years ag reed that iron content in the water was high but the cost of a plant to remove it was also excessive he ex pressed a doubt that the ontario municipal hoard would approve lie expen diture at the present time he estimated the cost at lio000 mr cosburn said that in spite of rapid growth in the village hydro and wa ter rales had not been in creased jf the council would call a halt to subdi vision development for a couple of years the puc would he in a much health ier position he said mr cosburn said that a new water reservoir would be built on the east side of town north of church st and that pressure would be increased he expressed a fear that some of the ol der mains in the village might let go but said that a rebuilding program for water lines was contempla ted members spoke in defence of the councils policy on police although deputy- reeve albert laidlaw rec ommended that the pres ent police committee com prising all of the council should be altered he said that if discussion were in private it was because there was no need to sub mit a report when all mem bers were preseni how- does a council report to a council he asked mr laidlaw agreed that the ontario police com mission had recommended the hiring of two addition al officers and an office secretary and part of the recommendation had been carried out he said that two constables had been added and a new radar un it purchased as far as im concerned theres just not enough work to keep a competent girl busy reevi walker said that the council had never re ceived a formal request for additional police personnel for 1967 number needed mrs walker said that it was difficult to know just how many men were re quired to comprise effi cient police force you could have fifty officers and if the beatles came to town it still wouldnt be enough mr laidlaw said that a 83000 fee was paid to markham township for an- answering service at but- tonville he said that if the officers were absent from the village office they could be contacted by rad io in the town cruser he said that a second car would be added in the new year he noted that in scarboro the ratio was 1 officer for ever 1200 peo ple using these figures as a basis he said that the councillor douglas alli son stated that the police problems had been exag gerated he described the morale of the force as ex ceptionally high with ref erence to discussions held in private mr allison said that on occasions this was necessary where issues were of a private rather than public nature school building program yearly makkham there arc teaching of oral french reeve paid 3000 markham reeve alma walker of markham village receives 3000 per year for her services to the municipality in a state ment before a standing- room audience at an all- candidates meeting thur sday night mrs walker re vealed that until june 1966 sue had been paid 2500 she said in a reply to a pointed question that she was available on a fulllime basis unless otherwise tied up on other village busin ess she stated that the 3000 figure did not in clude meetings of the planning board deputy reeve albert laidlaw said he received 18 for each meeting of county council 16 for each village council meet ing and 15 for planning board sessions councillor lloyd abernethy revealed that councillors were paid on a basis of 16 per meet ing to vancouver on a question concern ing convention expenses mrs walker said that she had represented york county at vancouver and the cost was covered at the countv level runs close race douglas meharg markham builder was in the thick of the fight for the deputyreeves post right down to the wire and lost out by only thirteen votes a recount is likelv srsrs4rfttri4ij6tiersiiii5iiss jyjiii3iiiii5i55 very large ultramodern real estate ollicc at hrimley road and kglinton avenue kasl requires sales staff both men and women experienced people welcomed but not required as training clinics provided commission basis bonuses psi blue cross ontario hospital canadian pension plan plus other important benefits a real opportunity for a diversified real estate career call mr reid 2667731 bowes 6c cocks ltd realtors 2751 kglinton ave east 1700 children attending the three public schools in markham village and at the current rate of growth a new- building program is planned each year trustee mrs merna colbourne told an allcandidates meeting in morgan hall thursday night the preelection ga thering was sponsored by the markham junior chamber of commerce it was well attended mrs colbourne admitted that education costs ac counted for the largest ex pense on the tax bill but contended that the money was handled carefully she was the finance chairman during the past term mrs colbourne said that competition with metro for good teachers was keen and for this reason mark- hans salary schedule had to be kept comparable maximum grant trustee donald sim said that he had adopted his own centennial project and that was to conduct a study into ways to obtain the maximum government grant on funds expended he said that the major por tion of education costs was carried by the properly owner and regardless of his personal opposition to such a system he could not predict any immediate change in this policy mr sim said that many changes and improvements had been made since he joined the board nine years ago he rejected the thought that a general pur pose room constituted a frill and said that up-to- date libraries were now a necessity he said that the had proved very success ful he s3id that the schools in markham would embark on a centennial program in 1967 that would be second to none in ontario trustee john dunsford said that in the past two years the enrollment had increased by 40 percent he said that during the same period 20 classrooms had been added along with two gymnasiums and two libraries in addition lie said that the board had ac quired the services of a full time business adminis trator for commissioner reeve stewart rumble of markham township has announced lhal he will stand for election as commissioner to the war den in york county coun cil for 1967 vandork a lady ratepayer in whitchurch township has learned ten years too late that she cannot claim a refund on overpaid taxes mrs joy heather mo bile road toronto told vvhiichurch councii thai she had been credited with owning 69 acres of land when in affect the prop erty only contained 5ft she said that the overpay ment would amount to a- bout 65 per year the as sessment error has now been corrected but no re bate had been approved reeve ross farquhar- son said that it was not the duty of the council to ex amine individual tax bills he said that a court of re vision met annually to take care of such discrepancies mrs heather startled the reeve slightly when she replied in latin trans lated the statement reveal ed let the owner beware iicibdcar gel behind the wheel and make a deal on one of these late model cars all with the exclusive page warranty used 1962 chevrolet jirx air ldoor sedan with automatic transmission 6 cylinder engine radio and white walls turquoise finish with matching interior a jjnod ear lac with a rage warranty 1965 falcon 2door with standard transmission fi cylinder engine radio white with hronzc interior fjc ii723200 with a page warranty 1964 chevrolet impaka 2door hardtop standard transmission v8 engine jllack with red interior lie ii5268i with a page warranty -ave14capteiaf- v mincemeat fruit 1962 ford gaiaxrrc ldoor with vs ensine automatic transmission radio nine with red inferior mo m7213i with a pae warranty niblets corn 237 iactewxeolixovtm- fl fl fl j chip dip iga oven fresh pumpkin pie srccaix frozen fren igreen beans save 20r- maxwell i instant coffee wishing well x soft drinks i wishing well nonreturn 2 for m family size n io 0 rkss 1 for 45 house 10 m- jar 139 1 28 m nils 4 lor m amous chiquita brand the last of the his demonstrator iflfifi plymouth fury ii with v8 engine power steering antnmalir transmission white walls and wiippi disks a ldoor sedan finished in beie with bronze interior slurp give it a trv then make an offer irclicvcd in minnies ecluir llrilinc substance relieves pain a ll shrinks hemorrhoid 1961 plymouth ldoor sedan fi cylinder engine auto matic transmission radio rebuilt transmission beige with matching in terior sharp lie u7ilfi7 with a page warranty if on want satisfactory relief froni itching piles here pood news v renowned research laboratory ha fojnd a unique healing substance that promptly relieves tne burning ilch and nain actually shrinks hemorrhoids this substanc has beenshown lo produce a ittost effec tive rate f healing it germkilling y properties also help prevent jg infection t- in case after case very strikingly improvement was noted even jj among cases of long standing and jy thu improvement was maintained y over a period of months j this wasi accomplished by a tkw y healing substance biolkne which quickly helps heal injured jj cells and stimulate growth of new ii tissue now bfodjne i offered in jj ointment and suppository form y railed preparation h ask for itly all drug stores mtisfaclioa orjj raoaey refunded jj 1961 comet station wagon matin transmission and radio comp ditionki illak with a paz ldoor with aulo- fi cylinder engine eteiy recox with red interior warranty 995 1962 mercury monterey 4door sedan with v8 engine automatic transmission and radio black with red interior lie illflsfifi with a page warranty fi tablerite canadas iinesl f sg qualify red or blue brand beef boneless round steaks or roasts or imioktii zip 1965 dodge ldonr standard transmission fi cyl inder engine radio charcoal gray with red interior lie lfififilt with a page warranty tangerines imiortifl brussel sprouts no i grade rei if i potatoes 10 lb bag 39tf rump roast 3 doz 2194 1 lb lb- ih i beef steakettes taisiekitk wieners i lb vac pak 55tf 1 or primrose 1695 midi loop toe or nude iieei nylons size ft 1 1 2 pairs 99tf s triangle alpine vji e tasty nutritious smoked t cod fillets lb5l ib m dont get in a rage deal with gordon page motors ltd chrysrer belvedere plymouth fury barracuda valiant bi019m or mnoi ms main west stonltvllle all used cars from i3b0 up sld at snsested prire have the exclusive page power train warranty looci on parts and labour for 50 day 4mmknjxjxvxiijikwi iga xmas store hours f open 5 thurs krid dec 15 16 i im itucs wed thur krid dec 20 21 22 ill n pm sal dec 21 close fi pm 23 ratcliff iga foodliner stouffville ontario