best parade yet its hats off to the kinsmen club of stouffviile the santa claus parade saturday was the longest ihliesi and most color ful ever staged here hundreds and hun dreds of men women and children ho lined the streets in spite of the abnor- mal cold were quick to agree that it was the best ever prcchristmas processions here once a feature in years past faded and died several seasons ago now it is back and we hope to stay the magnitude of saturdays parade can be further appreciated when one realizes that the kinsmen were charter ed as a club only one year ago and their membership to date numbers about 30 young men but their energy and en thusiasm iaiows no bounds the same may be said for the members wives who only last month received their kin- ette charter much credit lor saturdays success must go to the parade chairman paul leman who from the very beginning of the proposed venture worked hard to put the big show on the road he must surely have viewed the result with a good deal of satisfaction we thought a father of four summed up the whole parade program when he said why go to toronto when we can see something just as good right at home elections becoming pastime are elections becoming a pastime with canadians ontario prime minister robarts has now suggested an election next year despile the celebration of the centennial wc have had live national elections in nine years a provincial election every three or four to say noth ing of annual municipal ones probably canadians might feel something was missing if they were not subjected to another in centennial year the suggestion from queens park find the liberals in disarray and in effective in opposition the ndp while running well and apparently having a national popularity equal to the con servative have a long way to travel to seriously make much of a dent in mr robarts majority be this as it is there are some signs of discontent some in labour some in agricultural communities and conserv atives may feel some slight uneasiness mr robarts has denied that he has aspirations to the national conservative leadership however a solid conserva tive win in an early 1967 election would make it easier for him to leave with his reputation enhanced speak their minds last week trustees of maikham township school area board no 2 addressed a candidates meeting in un- ionvillc organized by the association of public school supporters with each of the members returned for a term of two years by acclamation we questioned whether all would even attend since they had addressed the electorate on nomination night one week earlier but each was present and each spoke his piece in a manner that brought applause from the audience a complete summary of an entire years activity was provided along with a few hints as to what might occur in the future ft was indeed an informative gathering we eel that with area councils and school boards elected for periods of two years they should appear before the people annually and not just at pre election lime in this way the rate payers could learn firsthand whats going on and many problems could be solved from the platform when formality hurts the procedure adopted by ontario municipal board officials in the conduct of public hearings is lor the most part extremely formal by adopting such a policy all the facts and figures are acquired in the shortest possible time very olten conclusions are reached and decisions made within a period of one or two hours by any other means the controversy could stretch into days it is an education in itself just to sit and see how such hearings are handled there is a breaking point in such for mal procedure however and in our opinion it was exceeded in slouflvillc last week we do not feel that it is nec essary lo hcrate individuals or commit tees in such a manner as to intimate that one is dealing with a hunch of dumhhells it is lime that omb offi cials realized that in a town of 3700 like stouflville professionalism is a dollar status that cannot be purchased for peanuts laymen working for pea nuts spend many hours of honest lime for the good of the municipality and its hardly fair that they be treated like ignorant knownothings if stouflville decided lo hire a full- time professional planner a fulltime professional lawyer a fulllime profes sional engineer and so on down the line it would be the same ontario municipal board that would be quick to pull back on the reins stouflville still hasnt reached that stage until we do il might be best for omb personnel to pull iheir punches a liltle especially in public editors mail- for integration by our readers to the editor people talking about service integration have seen fit lo con cern themselves more with the various loyalties to the divided services than wilh the logistical and the financial ad vantages of union which i think arc more important i think that mr hcllvcr has fallen victim lo the same conspirators who haunt any man wishing to inject society wilh new ideas h should not he very hard to transfer ones loyally from let us say the navy to a centralized bodv like the canadian armed forces arc not the integrated service and the navy per forming the same function defending the nation i can understand win the three ex isting services might want to cherish their war memories but this is in the past while they musl be recorded as contributions to the heritage of canada they cannot be allowed to stand in the wav of canada prosressing peacemaker although nol as glitter ing as warmaker has always been the more honorable status since a peace force requires thai all three services work as one in the interests of logistics and finances and since canada has com mitted herself to the support of un peacekeeping then il is only logical that wc integrate our services for ihe ask then the men of lite integrated ca nadian armed forces can feel proud that this is the first venture of its type in the history of the world implving that can ada is capable of leadership i think thai integration is good for canada and no admiral or any other individual oiighl to be allowed to open ihe cocks and cuttle ibis a truly made in canada product just to give the naw a few more ships which arent needed except for ceremonial purposes this is canadas opportunity to as sure the world of her sincerity by pro- vidinc the worlds first armed force for peace edw shaip scarborough ttc fcriiune established 1sss c ii nolan publisher jim thomas editor nokl edey advertisini published very thursdaj by the stouflville tribune limited at 51 main st stouffviile ort tel 6102101 single copies 10c subscriptions s4 00 per sear in canada 600 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontano weekly newspaper association authorized is second class mail post office dep ottawa you mean youve just thought of winterizing the car now sugar and spice i had a ball by bill smiley its amazing how much a chap can accomplish when he jets off on his own for a day with a shave a clean shirt and a pure heart a man on his own can see more and do more in 18 hours i ban a family can in is days last week end f reconfirmed this theory whicn 1 have held since i got married i had a whole day a wild and wicked day in the city all by myself no work no domestic bliss not a single crisis to solve for 24 hours last summer f traveled about 6000 miles bul i didnt seem to get any where the reason of course was that i had along my wife and daughter women complicate things beyond measure and sometimes almost beyond endurance in the first place they never know what they want to do before every excursion heres a twohour dis cussion about what shoes lo wear where to cat whal show to go lo whether we have lime for both or should we cat later what time we should go to bed and why it will prob ably be a lousy evening anyway then at the crucial moment when its time to get cracking and there isnt a minute to lose they have to shave their legs or paint their toenails or change their girdles or put their hair up or down last summer i covered more miles pacing up and down hotel rooms wait ing for them than i did on our trans continental trip by plane train and car now if id been taking my wife andor daughter with me lasl weekend il would have been about as simple as setting up the united nations wrile and reserve a hotel room wrile and get tickets for a show or concert make elaborate plans for meeting each other for lunch in the city after our chores were done but this lime il was different i tos sed a pair of socks and an extra shirt in a bag and look off wilh a light heart but a sober face the sober face is es sential evcrytime 1 get away from her for a day my wife fears im going on some bacchanalian binge as a result i have to lay ihe groun- equal opportunity for all dear sir i see by the tribune thai children whose 6th birthday comes between jan i 1967 and june 30 1967 are eligible lo start school in at least two locations in maikham township area 2 on january 3 is this practice genera or just in some areas one family in uxbridge township desired that their child whose birthday comes in january start school this year but they were told that no facili ties were available this means that he will not be eligible lo attend until next fall i readily agree thai some children are not ready for school until that age but others arc if they arc not permit ted to attend they lend lo lose interest and enthusiasm later in life ihcy may lose one year of schooling which means a whole lot i feel that education opportunities should be equalized mrs bernard burncll claremonl rr editors note january classes as they are called are not general in fact markham township area 2 was one of the first boards to establish st in- siruclion programs it has been well re ceived by both parents and pupils and is bcinc continued in 1967 dec 5 1966 dear sir through the media the tribune i would like to pay a personal tribute to ihe kinsmen club of stoufl ville for their effori in promoting one of the finest christmas parades my wife i and family have ever seen wc drove up from agincourt lor the afternoon and in spite of the cci wc all had a very enjovablc lime to the persons who sponsored the manv floats i can only say that they are to be sincerely commended joseph jones bnmlev road agincourt ont work serious talk about business con ferences seeing a lawyer maybe taking in a good show and getting a good nights sleep in a good conservative hotel good is ihe key word and of course i always have to do some of these things or id never get away i had iwo business meetings one with a publisher one with a svndi- cae man bolh were completely unnec essary bul pleasant like most business meetings that involve writing i skipped the lawyer bit not much fun in seeing ones lawyer substituted for a smug stroll past the big phoney christmas windows of the big depart ment stores secure in the knowledge there were no wild horses or women around to drag me into the maniac inte riors somehow wound up at the press club where an eloquent and learned discussing was taking place about some thing or other joined it some time later discovered il was some time lalcr whizzed up by cab lo see college boy son nol at home as usual now seven oclock time to find a hotel no rooms anywhere bunked into a sordid old dump i used lo slay at in wartime cheap picked up hoi salami sandwich ale il on way to theatre got a dandy seat saw a great show went back to hotel ale huge slice of rare beef while watch ing an entertainer bar closed entertainer packed up not sleepy went to coffee house paid iwo bucks for halfcup of lousy collce enjoyed irish singer whining about the wrongs of dear old ireland artist wanted lo do sketch of me lor six dol lars ihcn three dollars then one dollar bought him a coffee and discussed hard life of an artist back lo hotel still not sleepy no tv in this dump so watched neon signs read morning paper went to bed al 4 am rose al 9 lo rumble of buses clear- eved cleansed of sin and feeling about 69 now how could you do all those things wilh a couple ol women or even one railing along this week next prediction comes true by ray argyle if there is always a plateau at the end of a sleep climb canadians could not be blamed this week for hoping lhat rising prices may be on the verge of levelling off aflcr a year of steady climb a glimmer of hope has been seen ihrough the tangled undcrbrysh flation the economic council of can ada says the government should ready lo start pumping up the economy again because a downturn may not be far off the forecast seems almost too good to be true lasl january i wrote in this column that inflation would be canadas big- gcsl domestic headache this year there is lillle pleasure in seeing such a warn ing borne out in a year of militant unionism wages went up an average of 12 per cent while worker productivity roc only six per cenl the famous 30 per cent wage gains of expo workers que bec hydro and seaway workers set the largcl for everyone from postmen lo airline mechanics although not all won such hefty gains corporale profits meanwhile rose just as staggeringly theyre up an aver age ol 56 per cent since i960 over the past decade wage rises have outpaced price gains although in flation and higher taxes have eaten up to 50 cents of every dollar gained in pay increases for those on fixed incomes especially pensioners real income has fallen the canadian economy has so jar been able lo withstand these rises only because of continuing rapid industrial expansion for example capital spend ing by business for new plant facilities will reach nearly len billion dollars this year an increase of almosi 25 per cent over 1965 all this has created a monev short age money subject like everything else lo the law of supply and demand has become more expensive and thai is why ihe government has had lo raise the in terest rate on national housing loans lo seven and onehalf from the six and threequartets per cent thi is expect- ed to attract more monev lo the mott- gage field and stimulate lagging housing construction behind the often tintranslatable pronouncements of the economists however one fundamental fact emerges ft is this the main cause of inflation is the willingness of consumers to pay almost any price for almost anv thing on the market that this situation can deveiop oniv in time of high prosperity is of course selfevident it is al such limes that ihe north american price system reasserts llie law of supply and demand another way of expressing this formula lies in the old adage of charging all the mar ket will bear if a s5 item will sell just as readily al s550 and it apparently will ihesc days then you can be sure the price will not long remain al s5 the biggest irony of 1966 however has been thai ihe slock market has been unable lo keep pace with fastris ing consumer prices values have van ished by ihe millions in ihe slock mar ket this year prices arc down an aver age of nearly 25 per cenl on us and canadian exchanges and the markets arc probably still some distance away from bottoming out the chairman of canadas economic council john j deulseh is one ol the lew economists in this country wilh the ability to discuss economics in terms ihe public can understand prices arc higher here than in ihe us he said because incllicicnl cana dian industry is slill able to hide behind i trill walls which keep canadian prices artificially high productivity of cana dian industry is slill able lo hide behind ihe us level he added and the pegging of ihe canadian dollar al around 92 cents us means lhat were paving eight per cent more for our imports his conclusions suggest again lhat there is only one real cure for a cana dian dilemma where wages are lower but prices higher llian in ihe us the cure of course is economic union sixteen years ago ihe annual commencement exer- cies of stouflville districl lli school were held in the legion hall recipients of honour graduation diplomas were mildred brillinger margaret hisey erla iioldcn carolyn logan robert logan murray mcmullen fayc oneill donna stouller and mary stoullei the ros kestcr farm on the picker- ingilarkliam townline was sold to mr fred hope ol millikcn the properly had been in the kestcr family name for 132 years the sale price was reported at s16800 reg stouller lopped the polls with 300 voles in ihe stouflville muncipal elections rcclecled were glenn rai- liil harry ratclill and harold spof- ford a twentyfive percent vole was re corded henry ogden was returned as reeve by acclamation ixslie presion toad foreman lor the township of whitchurch for 26 vears was killed when his car was struck by a c a r freight train on the ballantrae road between concessions 4 and 5 prizes and surprises the hundreds of adults and children who lined the main street of stouflville saturday afternoon viewed the finest prechiistmas parade ever presented here for the kinsmen club the promot ers of the colourful procession it was a heroic achievement they picked the parade up by its bootmraps and had it hashed across canada via cbc tele vision ridicule was replaced by praise and jeers by cheers it was a great show for every float entered there is a story for all the prizes there were a dozen surprises the lop entry award wen to stouff villes summityievv public school or their fulllife version of alice in won derland kindergarten siaff teacher mrs carol hume headed up ihe com mittee that included representatives from each and every class it took two weeks lo complete with ihe finishing touches applied in the garage premises of jim richards storybook characters were played by nancy roper as alice art williams the mad hatter dean chapman march hare jiminy bril linger door mouse terry iioldcn white rabbit doris hutchinson queen of hearts rick coffey king of hearts paul burkholdcr and wcnclv baker the jacks the ypa ol christ anglican church in stouffviile had iwo floats in one but for want of a connection between wa gons the one entry became iwo in spile of this problem their manger scene won ihe top prize in the christ mas spirit class parlicipanls included brunhild ramsey paul leman alli son pclric ice rcid lynn rcid gail brillon bobby fredcrickson and an drew kinsella ballantrae public schol caught ihe interest of young and old wilh iheir twofold float depicting christmas ago and christmas a gogo the sparkling gogo girls were likely the warmest parlicipanls in the parade they includ ed wendy and joanne forfar bonnie radford pamela palmer and dale spen cer grandmother was portrayed by rulh russell and grandfather by allan boivin the mother was acted by deb bie smilh work on ihe entry extended outside ihe classroom with mrs jack palmer and mrs jack brillen lending a helping hand tom clark loaned ihe school a tractor and a wagon wilh ihe principal hairy hunt al ihe controls the other wagon was provided by bill simpson in a school fundraising cam paign students earned 32 schclls red and while slorc contributed an addi- lional 25 john foulds ol fleel floor cleaning fame won ihe award for the most imaginative lloal wilh treasure island he pul ihe entry loglhcr in cighl hours al an cslimalcd cost of 200 he bor rowed lloyd houghtons car slan thompsons wagon bun sellers treas ure chest miscellaneous props from ivan harris barn space in bill ded- lows garage and ihe carpentry skills of will mcwhinnie and frank mellon the final pieces were put logthcr al 130 am saturday morning for the story book characters he used four of his own children pauline kathy susan and paul and a neighbour playmate scully milne the lloal judged as mosl comical wen lo ron meyers and associate cous in zckc now it can be told the music from the loud speaker box was in ef fect produced by a tape recorder and a gas portable generator the platform performers were actually only going ihrough ihe motions however all good things musl come lo an end ihe gen erator fell off the lloal and was smashed into a million pieces from ihe number of pans scattered about the meyers basemen iloor ron thinks ihcre should be enough lo make two for next year for car of expulsion from ihe livinz room lor ihe next thrilling episode of batman we promised daughter susan that we would make mention o one other entry ilia certainly deserves a double e lor excellence and effort dino ihe dinosaur built by schell lumber limited and ridden by freddie flintstone steven schell caught ihe imagination of every child along ihe route using a play lov as a working model ihe skeleton was pieced together by hatty schell and diik ward edith sanders perfected t tic fabric covering from head lo tail and al ihe finish it looked like ihe real ihing bad popped out of the tv screen an appropriate sign read schell lumber been here a long time harrys initial ambition was lo make il walk ihe distance on loo hut when this didnt appear prac tical he borrowed a boa nailer from mrs lambert malloy il worked per- fccllv freddie is now back at school and dino has gone inlo midwinter hi bernation- perhaps both will icapprar on ihe paie ccne next season we hope they ail will