next friday tomorrow niiht mark thp ervi of much liard work by many of ih- high school ktudentt we hop that youll be there fv pm in ihe high school auditorium to the voters of markham township a sincere thank you for your in terest and support and best wishes for christmas and the new year s sid j gadsby deputyreeve elect to the voters of markham township seasons greetings to all stewart rumble lay away now for christmas juppr flfjr are the right gifts for everyone theres a perfect flipper gift for every mem ber of the family for mom fashionright flippers for dad and brother softly lined slippers for si furry boot slip pers for the tots cute and cuddly styles all priced right too charge dismissed t i clare mo nt a charge of driving while in toxicated against robert redshaw of claremont was dismissed in whitby court tuesday for lack of proof that the accused was the driver ontario prouncial po lice constable bibeau test ified that he saw the ac cused alight from a car at 2 230 am sept 25 later a the same night he saw the same man standing be- s side a wrecked auto on the k- brock road north of c claremont the vehicle k had hit a tree 8 crown attorncv j ed it ward howell told magis- trate jcrmvn that there 5 was no visible evidence g that redshaw had been in control of the car prior to l the accident the auto was tj- completelv wrecked and mr redshaw received cuts jj to his face he entered a jj plea of not guilty the iriwne fkwhhir detembo 8 it6 hii xi dont forget our tuneup service ea great snow tire e a great snowless tire dominion royal super winterides with the ljfetd1e guarantee predictions are for a long snow filled winter with such a possibility in store the wise mototist is miking sure he has those digin and go dominion royal wtnteride snow tiies why not play it safe be prcnatcd for the best in town see deal neil patrick motors ltd main street west stouffvillf phone 6403450 i christmas specials 1 v carload of fridges just arrived also llig sale jf j y on automatic washers dryers and ranges full js 5 factory warranty and service n i i gift items radios record players tys and transistors i i beare rd s of steeles ave open thurs 99 t fri 99 sal 9 b 5 dancing through the holidays all set for lie season of gafpty our festive elcc- ion of shoes from q 99 practical appreciated i gift suggestion winter footwear a fine selection of wonder fully warm and cosy winter footwear for the entire fam ily styled right triced right i ehmans fine shoes 9 main west slouffvule lay away now for christmas g 103753 gjsfekslielelesllli h phone 2942511 hours for chrislmns week only moil friday 99 pm saturday 95 pm t5tljlvljli55vjtll3lllll5rl fty until christmas the for clothes shop christmas shop tor your man give him comfort quality and style in his ever favourite wearables w do have ihe articles by well known makers that he so much favours shop now use our lay away plan for every season whatever the job the new 110 by john deere the weekend freedom machine from john deere that features heavyduty s lip engine rustproof liber glass hood iarge fuel tank convenient lift lever 12vnlt ingition system hflo speed range automotive- type steering i foru ud speeds 1 reverse cushion ed adjustable seat wide steel fenders combination clutchbrake pedal heavyduty transaxlc mower setting control uncluttered operator area fully shielded drhrs parking brake fingertip pto clutch triplesafe start highflotation tires sturdy hitch kasyon easyoff equipment complete line of accessories available including snow plow blade snow blower joe mccullough claremont phone bi9210i motors warren knit sweaters ir macgregor jackets i- mens wool slacks is watson tough ie underwear arrow popular mens wear featuring rm perma press dress shirts perma press sport shirts pyjamas underwear handkerchiefs priced to please the mod look in shirts pants belts first in fashion arrow globetrotter the smart new sports- tf mens shin 12 hand- jbrjjuu some shades in chnos jak from so- orion 20 ljb wool hats hy crean s995 o sll95 ts ka hi cur t top of the line items sporl shirts jcweiierv hells socks tics your family clothing store clothes shop m kjg gis m m by westinghou5e emerson rca victor up to no money down no payments til pay as little as 2000 a month feb enjoy all ihe fabulous color show featured during litis festive season including ihe w magnificent famous parade of roses on new years day w every set complete with one year service warrant v on all parts including picture lithe jj no need to wait for january sales the savings are here now h i i i i i i n i a i i a i openfiaily tfl 41 43 meiirt i srtif tflmfr get lucky vv i n a 21 westingliotise color tv pob christmas free litrky draw coupons willi every sum purchase from now until christmas drat dec jtlh al pm