jh wwl vwii btitats 1565 cheerleaders show planned editors mail students not interested in the bible nov 2 1966 dear sir the tribunes voulh column is of in terest nol only to youlh but ako to older readers who are interested in the welfare of our young peo ple in the issue of nov 10 the column about the ncwlyformcd french club inspired a hope for further reports of its pro- press mote knowledge of trench speaking people and their language would be a source of much satis faction to many canadians and help unite us as a country letters from students aie valuable as an exer cise in clearly expressing their own personal opin ions and to inform others of their problems and their thinking on them also in the issue of nov 10 concerning morning exercises the editorial statements arc revealing and well expressed llovv- eer i would question the statements that most stu dents arc not interested in hearing the bible and couldnt care less about the lords prayer though pathetic if true who is capable of judging wheth- some unpopular comments by dieter schnell stouftvillc hih students are unique they arc unique in that they are the only students who con sider it taboo to do a little work in school for which thry will not be marked and they are the only stu dents who arc afraid to present their own view points to challenge what teachers say or to pos sess any kind of individuality other than of course dress and personal appearance il is 1966 but it miht just as well be 1699 stouffvillc students fail to open their eyes and cars half the student body has as much spirit as a rotted oak tree they do not respond to opportuni ties prosecuted to them nor are they capable of ar- jttiii4 anything sincerely or effectively the most radical elements in our school arc not the students but rather the teachers which doesnt say much for the stoiiffvillc student it would appear that thry ate incapable of presenting intelligibly any kind of opinion on any facet of life they feel that they should not present their views because the good people of stouftville would not like them whereas the real reason is that they wouldnt be able to present them logically but unfortunately the poor students is just too bogged down with academic drudgery that he can not take on any extra responsibility to do some thing for the pride of accomplishment might just raise him out of the rut of high school socictv 0 er most or some or a few would be an accurate statement in a professedly christian country and especially in the stoufl- ville area of many wcll- attended churches it is not narrowminded or puritanical to appreci ate the holy scriptures but it is life to the soul to value and be familiar with them many are the people who have been encouraged through ihe reading of the twentythird psalm the sermon on the mount and many other portions of gods word sincerely elma m starr rr 3 newmarket stoiffville a pro gram of interest is plan ned for the stoutfville dis- trict high school in the spring it will feature an exhibition of cheerlcading with entries from several schools taking part fol lowed by a dance the date is march 2 other upcoming events include christmas dance dec 16 athletic- night and dance jan 13 basketball game and fiance jan 21 and feb j on the sports front ja pan took first place in girls volleyball followed by america russia and canada all tied for second japan also placed 1st in the girls senior speedw3- while the canadian house topped the girls junior soccer in bovs football results were japan 19 points america 1 rus sia 15 and canada 12 team wins five pound chocolate bar stouffville st marks school in stouft ville recently concluded their chocolate bar selling campaign the student winner was pauline cough- ian her pike was a tran sistor radio the team award went to no 1 they received a five pound choc olate bar in a basketball game be tween st marks and our lady of christian help placed nov 30 stouflville lost 190 on dec 2 a tea dance was held in the auditorium at st marks for boys and girls of grades 5 and 6 mildred corcoran gr 6 reporter startinf thlksday december sth now at regular admission prices the most loverly motion picture of all time winner of 8 academy awards including best picture ihllfflwho technicolor pius selected snort subjects sure proof of affluence is when you buy some thing even if you dont need it and probably wont make much use of it moil iri box office opens 100 show v tarts n for 11 e convenience of our family tl ute s vi t day and siwnvv ko ooic ippms fi0fl kill s low starts 1 m i in last coinjil u show mon kri 930 sat sun s n zniez drivfclh x ok stekles off woodbine i best in chocolate bar sales students of st marks schooi in s loultville have concluded their chocolate bar sales campaign with returns totalling ss00 the captain of the top team was 12 year nld nellie kamps main st she holds a pound chocolate bar the grand prize for salesmanship she plans to sh are it with other team members tony vinnchi david chamberlain michelle savard clara yiscarcli rosannc kamps kim garrett mildred corcoran many mann and carolyn oconnor staff photo prechristmos edition used car christmas move up to a better drive in comfort this see neil patrick now 1965 pontiac laurentian in glistening deep wafer blue with beige interior 2door inodrl with economical j cylinder engine mid automatic transmission 1963 pontiac liaukkntian finished in lovely robin ejrc blue vvilli blue interior xiliinr fi cylinder model with auto matic transmission this is a good unit try il 1966 pontiac strain chief station wagon with 8 cylinder engine automatic transmission radio and while walls marina ithie finish with matching interior a hcatity 1964 plymouth one local owner a i door sedan with economical fi cylinder engine kiili dark idue finish with matching interior looks jul like new 1963 ford mi mo oku in spotless condition this z door sedan ha fi cylinder en gine standard transmission tur- ojinise finish 1963 pontiac i door sedan with onlv 8mo0 or iginal milks a local onk ownkii fi cylinder engine automatic transmission in really great shape turquoise finish with handsome interior 1963 mercury monterey equipped with power steer ing power brakes automatic trans- mission rear electric window white walls and radio try this one today i 1960 pontiac iarisienne 2donr hardtop with r cylinder engine automatic transmis sion radio wheel disks and white walls sharp in 2tone finish of red ami white 1965 volkswagen 1500 modkl in truly immaculate shape stuart finish of 2lone blue and white drives beautifully 1962 ford caiaxik 500 a beautiful auto thats boon kept in great shape 1- door hardtop with power steering power brakes radio wheel disks white walls antoniatie transmission and s cylinder engine finished in glistening black stouffvillk a committee from the high school newspaper staff is looking for material for a publication planned the week before christmas holidays the editor is dieter schnell assisted by garfield smith students complain that there is no place they can express their thoughts without be ing censored by higher au thority or thwarted by pub lic opinion this wili not be the case for the most part this will be an all- student publication we will accept anything pro vided that it is reasonably and responsibly written we are particularly inter ested in receiving poetry and material to fill a teen section this could include students views on teen music fashion morality religion sex observations on vorkville the archer comments or editorials on school functions exams detentions or school spir it we would like record reviews as well as reviews of concerts or shows the deadline for this material is dec 16 glee club show this friday stouffvillk stouff villc high school students are currently caught up in a torrent of activity the glee club a group of non- mathematical students is working hard on their 225 show for this fri day- dec 9 the drama club plans on presenting george bernard shaws play arms and the man with a cast of 8 sometime in march 22 here 1964 gmc long box wide side 6 cylinder ark good truck 1960 dodge long box wide side 6 cylinder buys 1959 gmc ton panel 6 cylinder vz 1 year warranty on all used cars see and test drive the new 1967 pontiacs thevre rcallv great in both style and comfort patrick motors b1 1imi f1ymi i plan main west at the irarkm mnuflvitle mo 3112 i r by ted topping instead of driving all the way down to the show tomorrow night how about staying in stouflville and supporting the high school glee clubs produc tion 2 2 5 many long hours of planning and work have gone into this show and it promises to be a very good effort on the part of the students as has been previously announced the basic theme of 2 2 5 is what a typical teenager might be doing on the de cember 25 weekend of this year we guarantee that it will prove both interesting and entertaining tickets are available at ihe door at a cost of lrn and 50c for children under 12 we hope that theie will he a large audience at this the only glee club pmduc- tion of the year curtain time is s50 pm ihwre tlmrs fri sat dee 10 31 32 iouitik isirr coion shows i nisi pm ilinnc 852r038 m tmntrvlusi0yspegweutar kat1k- i ferun husky o skewer davis r w am actually filmed at the grand prix tracks of the world 1 tjtpmalhpathecolor trfr an american inurnahosal fvtjfi l matinee 130 pm out hy 5 pm kffyyft m 3355 tilt ls sat dtcc s palm springs weekend ipov novaiiui stoaxik powers connie stevens jerky van 0vke tv hardin iil- world production of ap ples is increasing at a fas ter rate than world con sumption todavs apples arc the result of careful selection of seedlings noted by i alert observers winter agogo james stacy iseveltley adams the noonev rickktt t the reflections ion1 ivman both pictures in wide screen color matinee saturday 2 im above show tues wei dec 12 a summer place pm only dorothy meguire richard egan troy donahue also iipebtbinasa sandra dee the bramble bush at s pm onlv adult nl- ririlarh burton angik dickinson noih pictures in widesaroen trchnirolor doug meharg candidate for deputy reeve of markham village says the next iwn years may he the most important years in ihe development of this community take five minutes to find out why they are important to you markham village is ai a vital crossroads in its development the elected offiiials for the next two year pcrinr will he sotting its course for the next ten to twenty years this course ran either move markham toward a well planned community lhat will provide a hotter environment in which to live and work or it ran turn il into a sprawling area of taxridden stagnation the population has risen from 1000 in 1m1 to almost 000 in ihkfi as a consequence of this rapid growth civic- dchl has mushroomed to the point whore only careful planning can ensure that future requirements are mot without ex cessive strain on the taxpayers essential services common srusp tcs us iliai n this expansion increases the village will be jaccd with a pressing demand for greater assessment in order to provide pfntial services how will this rhonej he raised under thr present municipal administration the residential taxpayer will hav to hear the brunt of these expenses as a result of local government planning errors these effects of haphazard planning in the past are already evident por example the present ratio of assessment is below the recommended level of 10 industrial and commercial to 60s residential uncontrolled redevelopment is glar ingly apparent in the commercial and residential section of main st this once was our town centre it is now being subsidised by the newer areas no overnight miracles in my bid for election to the office of deputy reeve i can promise no over night miracles no tax cuts my platform i a sound realistic and practicable plan for intelligent development and redevelopment in markham village if i am elected i intend u institute progressive planning action that will revitalise the main st business and residential complex in a properly controlled manner this action will benefit the population of markham in two ways 1 it will provide needed assessment to pay for essential services without further burdening ihr residential taxpayer 2 it will give markham the functional and attractive town centre it so badly needs sound planning needed for years we have gone to the polls with the vague piomios of lower taes and spending rutharks zinging in our oars klection after election ihe politinanv tint out those tired and unfulfilled rlaims they hark it up with a big smile and a hearty hand shake and expect the public t wallow i i am not a politician i am a businessman with thirteen years experience in planning development and business administration i have served two years on the recreation hoard one year on the committee of adjustments thice yoais on the planning boaid and i am chairman of the property committee for the hospital board this village has been good to mo and i am earnestly concerned about its future if you feel as i do that sound planning sonsjhlo redevelopment piartiso and the ability to follow it thiough are needed here in markham then vote doug meharg for deputy reeve december 10