pjf 2 fh tribune rhorj oclobtf 27 1966 retain high school dignity the idea was put forward in last weeks tribune by a high school writer on the youth page that it might be a good idea if special smoking rooms or room ias se aside at the school in he opinion of this writer such an idea 15 definitely out in toads are being made on dignity as it should be observed in manv of our inslituiions and smoking rooms in high schools is one place we draw the line its been evident for a long time that all ihe architectural dignity has gone from our institutions of secondary and primary educations lets not begin now to invade the inside of these schools as well if there is one ihing thai makes us pro british when being compared with our american neighbors it is this lack of digniiv in government in schools and in courts the less digniiv the less re spect we are not campaigning against stu dents smoking this is not our point but there should be some selfdiscipline in smoking as in drinking if a student has reached the state where he cannot do without a smoke during the period he is in school he is sick freedom can be carried too far and allowing smoking in schools and churches is doing just that self disci pline is good for a person most partic ularly a young person there is too great a tendency today to latch on to these awav out ideas and react against authority it is neither smart nor healihv but merely widens the cracks of decadence in our society the knowledge of this generation is many times thai of fifty and a hundred years ago but lets noi go overboard lets keep our feel on ihe ground not see how manv fundamental values and dignities we can abandon these words of bovec sum up the situation for schools digniiv of posi tion and surroundings adds to dignity of character give us a pioud position and we are impelled to act up to it postoffice slowing down we are making no reference lo our local posioffices when we say that post- office workers are slowing down cilv posial people have threatened a strike just before christmas but it is quile evident now lhat they have already slowed the service lo a crawl in some of the larger centres ottawa and toronto are examples where firstclass mail is taking days longer to go from point to point than it should while secondclass mail is lucky lo move in a week complaints are constantly being received to give plenlv of evidence lhat the works are being gummed up the general public wonders just how long the government is going to stand around and put up with this flagrant disobedience at ihe same lime how do the workers expect they arc going to receive consideration in their contract negotiations when they break laith and deliver only half a days work while they are asking for more remuneration this is a fine way to go about getting ac- involvement lack of involvement by citizens in civic affairs can have serious consequen ces stouffville is a typical example of a modernday community where a great many people pay their- taxes at arms length many arc paid through a mort gage company that collects monthly payments from the householder this way even laking a trip lo ihe municipal office lo pay laves is avoided people have adopted a silence is golden attitude and this can have seri ous consequences citizens today are ready and able to speak about civic and political affairs on the slree corner at ihe club meet ing or in any twoway discussion but such conversations rarely gel lo the gov ernment locally because that would re quire involvement how far will matters go until people quit being passively quiet cry wolf on fridav nighl he air raid siren sounded in sloultvillc shoppers on ihe slrecl slopped lisicncd and wondered they are still wondering and so arc we 1 1 was obviously a false alarm but no one will admit to inadvertently push ing the panic huiion in addition to stouffville the siren wailed in other centres ihroughoui ihe county still no explanalion this is not ihe lirsl lime that such a thing has occurred here and its not the first lime that enquiries have drawn a a blank thousands of dollars have been poured into ihe emo program every year its purpose is questioned by county council and the cost is criti cized we believe that ihe idea behind the organization is good but the conglomer ation of red tape involved makes the whole plan appear ridiculous one of these days the siren may sound in earnest hut the public who have listened lo the cry wolf talc be fore will laugh il off as just another joke in a continuous comedy of errors editors mail placing the blame by our readers to the editor the postal workers demand for a 59 per cenr wage increase has caused quile a bluster lets place the blame where il originated il al started from a seedbed tenderly fertiliz ed by the present governmenl which raised a j10000 salary to sis000 p jnanv fringe benefits this government is responsible lor the leaping costs and prices this gov- emment favored a 30 per cent increase to ihe dock workers and now a 59-prr- cent increase which is an offshoi of the greediest salary grab canada has ever known i implore thai the postal union 39 pei crnl increase he changed in 10 per cent because 3 belongs lo jack bcnnv no one is indispensable so lets dis miss ihe mail carriers were gelling loo fal anyway and could pick up our own mail like before when mail carriers were unknown who is qualified lo rightly judge ones worth and lo question the mail carriers inlelligencc and foresight to limit his family size when ihe nccessj ties of life are identical in price e s winston tto fcriiune established 1sss c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edey advcrtisinj r j 1i he stouffville tribune limited at 51 main st- stoufivuie ont tel o2101 single copies 10c subscriptions 4 00 per vear in cuuoa 500 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weeklv jew3papers association and ontario weeklv newspapers association authorized u second class mail post office dept ottawa and if the cost of living goes up any further i may have to eat it sugar and spice here goes nothing who cares ry bill smiley ever try lo think let alone write when your nose is dripping like a tap in a tenement you are barking up chunks of lung your body is crawling with hot and cold needles and you could fry an egg on your forehead yep ive got the llu dont worry i wonl go on about it every virile red- blooded canadian knows all about the llu but dont expect a sparkling column this week along with those symptoms my brain is about as agile as a basket ful of wet klcencx but by golly tonight is the nighl of the staff party and im going if il kills me if this space is blank next week with a black border around it dont send flowers lust send the equivalent in cash to my wife flowers arent much use lo a goodlooking widow with two kids to educate and dont grieve or sing sad songs lust muse well he went he way he always wanted lo go smelling sirong of dr walkers cough syrup and dancing what he thought was ihe walusi with the smashing young blonde who just joined the english department but lhat doesnt solve ihe problem of writing this column does it well im going lo swing in all directions so if you arent a swinger you can stop reading this and turn to ihe grocery ads which are about the most exciting and frustrating reading you can find these days speaking of which did you ever see such prices i donl know who is pock eting ihe loot farmer middleman or retailer but they wont even lei you belly up to the meal counter ihcsc days unless you hash a bar of gold bullion wedding anniversaries i bought 20 yellow roses for my wife on our twen tieth anniversary she squealed with ecstasy 1 1 was very romantic especial ly when i told her id paid for them with a cheque on our joint account but these little romantic gestures really pay off three days later for no heller reason ihan a lap in ihe bath room has been dripping for six weeks she yanked the lading flowers out of ihe vase beat me around the face and cars with them thorns and all and hurl ed the roscwalcr over me i came- up smelling like a yellow rose and she came up lo ihe bathroom helped me wash off the blood and fixed ihe lap herself teenage girls somebody sent me r london ont paper for teens one col umnist obviously a girl was sounding postoffice to get new symbol it may lake a few years hut the fa miliar royal coat of arms printed on post office trucks and mail bags is going to be replaced by ihe maple leaf a post office deparmenl official says il now is policy lo use the 11point maple leal the same as the one on the new flag when the trucks are heing ielettercd or bags being replaced in ihe centre of the maple leaf sym bol are married cs and ps ihe let ters are intertwined so they could stand for canada post or posies canada the change hasnl taken place on any post office equipment yet the offi cial said and il will lake a few years before all of il bears ihe maple leaf in stead of ihe coat of arms it takes a long lime for a mail bag to wear out the official said but new bags now on order will bear ihe new symbol the official said the change is in line with oilier government departments us ing ihe maple leaf as a symbol he men tioned the transport depanment as an example the labor department too recently began using the maple leaf on ils publi cation ihe labor gazelle and new so cial security cards used by the depan ment will carry ihe maple leaf instead of the coat of arms the 11point maple leaf can also be seen on new uniforms being supplied lo posimen they appear both on the peaked cap and on the shoulder flash no change is required in any legisla tion to make the change off in disgust with her sisters this was her pungent observation todays young female goes kookie over some thing that walks around in high heels light panls and long locks of hair hang ing to its shoulders girls today are rob bed of their sex in more ways than one aint she right strikes i have always been a union man hut i am fed up right to the cars with the arrogance ihe lawlessness and the refusal to compromise displayed by many unions this year how about you leaders the perennial game called dump dicf is popular again i think he should have retired full of years honours and malarkey long since but i cant help admiring the old wolf as the pack tries to drag him down he is a fighter and there arent manv left advertising i dont agree with ihe speaker but i found ihe lollowing coming from a big advernsing man ihe most refreshing statement ive read for many a day the simple truth is thai people dont give a damn about advenising thev never have and they never will people donl care about advertising ihey care about things they care about things that make them happy or beautiful or fat or sober or drunk or alive or human things thai entertain them iransporl them enrich them protect them or profit them but they donl give a tuppenny damn about ads a melancholy picture of ihe human race do you agree this week next fighting high prices by ray argyle the effort of womens groups around ihe country to win lower food prices by boycotting supermarkets is nol likely to have much success if responsibility for high food prices belongs lo grocery retailers and 1 am noi convinced il docs most canadians do not have much choice in ihe mailer because food is not a commodity we can go long without and if ihe responsibility is nol al the feet of ihe retailers our good ladies are wasting their lime bcller results might be achieved ih rough serious efforts by every house wife to engage in more selective shop ping in this way he items which arc overpriced or unreasonably cosily will be left to gather dust on ihe brightlylit store shelves if lhat happens the stores will cut back on their orders ihe whole salers will find their sales dropping and prices will he cut all along ihe line to al tempi lo combat prices al any one level and ihe retail level is of course the most obvious and vulnerable because its here in front of us is highly unrealistic in the kind of econo my we have in this country today housewives who have organized boy cotts should nol he crilized for heir concern about high prices but there are so manv factors in the price system lhat lo single out any one is nol only shortsighted but also unfair as most husbands i have spenl my share of time pushing grocery carls down supermarket aisles i think ive picked up a few points along ihe line thai ive finally convinced my wife on and ihe first is lhal she should shop alone taking along your husbands dear ladies is your first mistake 11 can in crease vour shopping bill up lo 25 per cent depending on how impulsive a beast he may be sure its nice lo have all those gourmet foods on the pantry shelf but did you really need want or move important afford them children loo can be jusi as guilty of pushing up ihe food bill by tagging along behind mom and insisting she buy this or lhal ive seen manv ladies cave in lo those precocious orders rather lhan have lo endure the embarrassmcnl of cutting junior down to size although i canl vouch for it from personal experience im also told lhat its a must to make oui a shopping lisi first and then limit yourself to what you have on vour list and one expert savs youll gel awav cheaper if vou make out vour list richt after dinner a full stomach will pro- duce a short shopping list according to this theory finally of course food shopping is the housewifes main spending outlet its about all the money manv dear la dies of mv acquaintance ever handle while every woman wishes to feed her family the best meals she can theres no reason why a linle beltlight ening would hurt anyone just before christmas despite the fact that several hundred thousand housewives across canada are now organized into boycott groups ranging from vancouvers women against soaring prices to montreals inflation fighters ihe supermarkets claim such efforts have had little effect supermarket operators feci hurl however lhal they have been singled out in the campaign now the supermarket chains donl need me lo defend them bui no super market operator would be able to claim unfair treatment if our womens groups emphasized selective shopping which can be made to work instead of mas sive boycotts which are widlv impracti cal in our household we do not buy butter and we have nol had bacon on ihe table for months we consider these ilems and a number of others lo he overpriced if canadian women would concentrate on ihe specials and rcsisi overpriced foods the cost of living in dex might show a healthy decline bc- iwecn now and christmas a will to work in this day and age of strikes picket lines and bonus demands irs nice lo know thai there are still a few people around who believe in giving an honest days woik for an honest dollar earned an example of this kind ol employee resides righl here in stouffville his name is albert sweeney hes the town streetcleaner mr sweeney a native of nove sco- tia lives on montreal street he feels hes fortunate to be able 10 work for in december 1965 he was taken seriously ill and admitted to ux- bridge hospital one month later he entered the princess margaret hospital in toronto for a period of treatment lhat lasted lour weeks 1 would have been dead hv christmas he admitted on doctors orders he wasnt to re- lurn lo his streetcleaning chores until july but he was back on ihe job in april 1 became restless he said mr sweeneys day begins al 6 am and he works through until five he can complete the entire pavement route in ten hours it can be a little discouraging at limes jusi when you gel one section of roadway nice and clean a gravel i ruck goes through leaving a trail of stones and sand he claims thai most motor ists arc quile cooperative and will move their vehicles if requested if cars arc unoccupied he sweeps around them mr swvencv 64 is an ardent burner and hopes to head north inio ihe parry sound district in november as ihe saying goes i was ris in ihe slicks and i iike ihe bush men of albert sweeneys determina tion arc few and far between a dcter- mipalion lo work hes making stouff ville a cleaner place in which lo live if stouffville firemen charles jack son jim rcnnie and marvin bel couldnt quite catch the pastoral ser mon on sunday morning il was be cause their cars were still ringing from saturday nighl the three volunteers bore the brunt of ihe musical bombard ment in ihe new fireball as an estimated 300 stouffville teenagers wiggled wobbl ed jumped and jerked ihcir way through three hours of live entertain- mcnl even ihe chief walt smith and his deputy fred casllc appeared a rifle shellshocked at curfew lime and no wonder the noise was deafening but ihe kids loved il the dyncls as the sixboy combo is called has 111 lie in common wilh the guy iombardo sammy kaye renditions of our era but neither docs the model t compare willi a tlumdcrbird john mcydam is a whiz on the drums the remaining five drowned out each other including ihe vocalist so it would be unfair lo judge them individually the kinsmen- promoted santa clans parade was ihe real winner lo ihe tunc of about si00 the firemen are hoping lo hold another dance in their hall in november pro ceeds would go lo ihcir pel project muscular dystrophy a very worthwhile cause on thursday evening tonight mu sic of still another kind will be featured at the sloullville sales barn hwy entertainment western style will star ron myers and his country gentlemen starling lime is 8 pm and all proceeds go lo the cystic fibrosis foundation slouffvillc has a coinoperated laun dromat and a coin car wash according lo town police ihcrc is also need for a coinoperated gas pump molorisls and bikeriders are continually iipm- oui of fuel during ihe earlymorning hours and such an emergency filling station would be both helpful and profitable falling leaves douglas obienes maureen oblcnes and hnnny mcdowell find he aulumn leaves more interesting than the aurlinn at the frank gostick farm pickerinz twp oct 22 hidden in the mass of flying leaves are valerie gales caroline oblenes and sheila mcdowell staff pholo