largest weekly mkham sbiififvih uxbridge in the district jj vol 78 no 21 stouffviixemarkhamuxbridge oxt thurs october 20 1966 10 cents i all the news whitchurch i uxbridge markham i pickering of all 4 townships parents protest kindergarten set cant ride buses musselmans lake unless the area board of whitchurch township pro vides some form of irans- jxji tation for kinder garten children to ballan- trae school parents resid ing at musselrnans lake may keep them al home this was the feeling of many mothers affr bus drivers were instructed last week to accept omy students holding privilege cards kindergarten pu pils do not qualify the bus is going right by the door why the heck cant they get on ques tioned mrs robert gray 1 dont see why they cant take them agreed mrs barbara cooper we dont expect them to be brought home bus overcrowded harry hunt principal at ballantrae said that the bus on the musselrnans lake route was overcrowd ed without the kindergar ten children he said that they would have to pro vide their own transporta tion some put their chil dren on hoping to get away with it dr morris smith chair man of the board said that the system at present was already costing 45000 without increasing the pickup service the kin dergarten class is an op tion that the area is pro viding we are supplying the space the teachers and the equipment its up to the parents to provide the transportation he said that the trustees decision on the policy was unani mous kindergartens at lake wilcox and bogar- town school abide by sim ilar regulations aid to drivers dr smith said that bus drivers had no way of tel ling which children were eligible for rides and so the privilege card sys tem was adopted we had to do something the de partment of transport threatened to step in and shut the system down dr smith said that if par ents refused to cooperate the kindergarten class at ballantrae could be closed the board is not obligat ed to provide this service below the age of six years its is strictly up to the parent the chairman said that seven buses had been added in september it was a big step iraw to buy school altona the allona united missionary church has withdrawn its offer to huy the altona school- house for 51500 in a letter to the no 1 area board of pickering township church officials said that to take such ac tion in the face of opposi tion within the communi ty would go against their christian principles altona businessman fred lewis indicated ear lier that residents in the section were anxious to acquire the property for a community centre two applications at an area board meet ing monday night the chairman mrs lloyd mc kcan said that only the church and the allona womens institute had shown an interest in the building the institute later withdrew in favour of the united missionary church mrs mckcan said she had hoped representa tives from the community would have discussed the matter with the trustees in a prepared statement she said the sale of the altona school has been tabled temporarily how ever negotiations con cerning this property were held in public and the board acted in the best interest of the com- munitv as they saw it no objections mrs mckcan said that the church had approach ed the trustees in februa ry 1966 and until the time when their offer was formally accepted no oth er bids or objections were received it was noted that when such a sale is completed the title of the school and the lot would revert to the township but the control anu icsjionsiuiliiy would rest with the organization shot ends argument markham a 50 year old markham woman has been charged with wound ing after she fired a 22 rifle bullet into her hus bands right arm satur day night sebastian werthmann 51 of rouge street mark- ham was taken by ambu lance to the scarborough general hospital where the bullet was removed werthmann known in ring circles as tiger worth is a former cana dian heavyweight boxing champion police said that the shooting occurred during a domestic argument the injured man was found at ibhlmne a neighbours home his wife sally was standing in the doorway with the gun in her hands grant wells wins provincial title gibbins and forsyth second in interschool stouffville grant wells 37 rr 2 stouftville is ontarios best tractor plowman he proved it at the international match near scaforth last week by beating 20 other competi tors in his class both he and runnerup george dixon of brampton will advance to the ganadian champion ships to be held at the site of the 1967 international near barric in simcoe county mr dixon edged out ivan degccr of mount albert by only twotenths of a point never better for grant wells it was his finest effort in 18 years of match plowmanship he scored with three c had obtained prices in 1st prize awards taking the silverwood dairies other towns and found the limited award the bp canada limited prize markham rates to be much and the ontario plowmans association champion- higher he asked that it be ship cash presentations amounted to 135 in addi- takcr over by the munici- tion to a silver tea service a cabinet of silverware palilv he called he and an electric vacuum cleaner lie used his own masscyharris tractor and a 12 inch ransommc trailer plow other winners other district plowmen were prominent prizewinners at the presentation banquet friday night they were gerald bell rr 3 woodvillc van degccr rr 3 mount albert anthony november 2 she suggest ieathcrstone rr 1 milliken barry timbers rr ed that a copy of the pro 3 mount albert ted smith rr 1 blackwatcr est letter be sent to the ron mcguckin rr 3 mount albert and herb department of transport jarvis agincourt in the intcrsccondary school alr mcke said that competition peter gibbins and wayne forsyth both of rr 2 stouftville placed second they were only 21 points back of the class winners from grant wells 37 of lcmonville plowed his way to the ontario title at the international match near vatcrford district hih school markham the col lection service on garbage in markham village is sat isfactory but the cost is excessive g d mckelvcy drakcficld road told coun cil monday the ratepayer said that ent system a monopoly deputyreeve albert laidlaw admitted that the council was not pleased with the present arrange ment reeve alma walker in formed the speaker that a hearing had been set for plows his way to ontario title seaforth last week both he and runnerup george dixon of brampton will compete in the canadian cham pionships to he held in simcoe county next year grant received three 1st prize awards at the presentation banquet friday night staff photo the contract could be let by open tender if the vil lage council did not wish to become involved in the garbage collection busi- ness 10 000 price tag ratepay cedar grove resi dents of cedar grove are anxious to retain their 96- yearold schoolhouse as a community centre and even a price request of 10000 hasnt discouraged them the figure was set by the no 2 area board of markham township but issue warning vandorf persons who have taken up recent residence in cottage homes at musselrnans lake on a permanent ba sis arc causing whit church township council concern the solicitor has been instructed to inform each family of the bylaw governing the resort area the executive of cedar grove community club plan to negotiate further on the matter at a public meeting in the school friday night the directors were request ed to keep the proposal alive the ballot vote was 29 to 10 sentiment robert dare a member of the executive said that interior space within the school was not adequate for community dances or even enrhrc parties if at tendance increased he suggested that many per sons were being guided by sentiment and the same feeling would hold if the property was later put up for sale austin rcesor argued that in his opinion the majority of residents wished the building to re main as part of the com munity he said he was confident that the project could be financed build up capital meeting chairman don mcclcnnan said that in 1965 the community club had earned 6000 but had spent 5600 he said that receipts in 1964 were 3000 mr mcclcnnan estimated that the income frora the recent apple butter festival would ex ceed the si 000 profit fig ure of 1965 he expressed confidence that a capital of 400 could be built up each year he said that two donations of 100 each had already been received for the school project he noted that a grant of 5000 could be obtained if a community centre program was established although a deadline date of october 19 had original ly been set by the area board for approval or re jection of the offer it was noted that a 30 day exten sion had been granted why didnt you gel 60 da and mvbc we could have made some changes in the board came a voice from the audience road program approved stouffville the ontario municipal board has approved the issuing of 60000 in debentures for a road improvement program here total est imate on the work is 133- 057 the balance of the expenditure will be cover ed by a government grant and current tax money specified on the pro gram will be the paving of westlawn crescent other work will include wid ening stoim sewers and paving on park road south as well as added paving new 25acre bylaw inquest lauds mothers attempt to revive son after accident markham a mark ham mothers valiant but unsuccessful attempt to save the life of her 7 year old son through mouth-to- mouth resuscitation fol lowing an accident august 29 was praised- by police chief fred white at an imwaju thanksgiving best smiley page elms dying graduates honoured page old bridge falls chief suspended bievclc rodeo plowing match awards page 12 inquest hearing last week chief white described how mrs paul malone abercorn avenue mark ham had attempted to re vive her son kenneth se riously injured when pin ned under an so pound flowerbox he was pro nounced dead on arrival at scarboro general hospi tal i would like the jury to know that mrs malone re sponded in a very expert manner at a time of ex treme emergency said chief white she is de serving of even credit both parents attended the hearing playing on lawn mr white described how a number of children were playing on a neighbours lawn at 19 grenfcll cres cent when kenneth climb ed atop a planter box to retrieve three hockcv and abdomen were crush ed he was able to walk part way home but then collapsed joseph assinck a ma chinist and builder said he replaced the flowerbox on its wooden brackets and applied all his weight to its side but could not tip it over no one could explain how the boy who weighed only 60 pounds could have pulled it off richard bulmer the homeowner where the ac- dent occurred said he built the box and brackets himself and had removed it only once in eight years no blame the jury headed by ray mond ostrandcr returned a verdict of accidental death and attached no blame to anyone no rec ommendations were offer ed other members were william gunn victor rcid james hiltz and button vi lle over the objections of deputy- reeve cleary palmer markham township coun cil gave its approval monday to a new rural zoning bylaw that re stricts building lots throughout much of the municipality to a mini mum of 25 acres previous- midnight blasts markham three shotgun blasts that shat tered the late evening quiet of north markham sept 2 cost lome brum- well of station street 50 plus 1150 costs in rich mond hill court oct 11 brumwcll had been charged with disturbing the peace by discharging a firearm by constable john cooper of markham village a shotgun was found in an cavestrough the shots had been fired from a secondstorey win- ly ten acre residential lots were permitted it reminds me of the rule of hitler comment ed deputyreeve palmer he charged that the bylaw was too restrictive and created a hardship on the farmer who wished to sell oft several lots reeve stewart rumble had also expressed opposition but was not required to vote on the motion to omb the bylaw will now be forwarded to the ontario municipal board if any opposition is register- cd a public hearing will likely be held planning director ian keith addressed the coun cil and said that it was his departments desire to control the sale of land for residential buildup in rural areas he said that for specific cases an ap plicant could request the council to amend the zoning restriction on a particular parcel and the merit of such a move would be considered nosey donkey now knows better dow izi xzsar h 1 threatened to bury victim i i p gormley stuffed in the trunk of a g i car following a beating august 9 a gormlcy i district man told of three mens plans to bury i him during testimony presented in richmond h hill court tuesday i dayton winston plattcn described how u he pried open the trunk with a tire jack and fl fl fled into a service station at the gormlcy cor- ncrs arthur marinoff 33 roy marinoff 26 both of richmond hill and wayne gates 29 of toronto arc charged with forcibly seizing and assault causing bodily harm they elected trial by judge and jury plattcn said that the accused attacked him in his barn on 18th avenue markham township then dragged him outside and fore- cd him into the trunk of their car plattcn quoted one of the men as saying j you stoic my mothers money and were going 1 to get it if wc have to kill you the preliminary hearing was adjourned how trt you doing it nijht school this donkeys nose knows thai he should have known better than to lake pucks both the boy and christopher brophy the up ihe trail of a slowmoving porcupine but he didnt and now suffers the con- 1 to october 19 for further evidence before i the box fell six feet to the coroner was dr john sequences he is a member of bud smiths famous donkev baseball team at 1 magistrate o s hollinrakc ground the lads chest fleming of markham island lake north of stouftville staff ihoto 2222222222 mmmxmmmtmx gc2esg-r-