Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), August 4, 1966, p. 2

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2 the mvjht tha2rf lajuil 1965 fehbunei emtorials a pretty thin line at a recent meeting of stouffvillc council it was noted by one of the members that billiard parlours here could not operate on sundays without approval by a vote of the people we arc not too concerned with this kind of recreation because to our knowledge ladies do not frequent the billiard premises here but we do think that the bowling alley should be allow ed to operate on the sabbath during iet afternoon and evening hours where do we draw the line the arena is a going concern on sundays all winter the swimming pool operates on sundays in the summer one can watch a baseball game play tennis or even roll a few lawn bowling balls is the law being broken or is there no law last sunday evening around nine oclock we counted no less than fifteen voting people standing in groups along the main street both boys and girls they had nothing to do because unless they wished to attend church there was nothing to do if a vote is required to make sunday recreation right then lets have it soil farmers cause labor and new democratic radicals soiled the ontario farmers cause last week when they headed noisy demon strations at queens park the public is quick to react to such behavious and common comment along this writers main st was i told you so the farm ers in a rash moment allowed them selves to he used by the ndp for politi cal capital this contention is certainly backed by the fact that donald c macdcnald ontario ndp leader could find no fault with the actions of the demonstrators in mr macdoanlds eyes labor can do no wrong not so far as ndp policy is concerned demonstrations and even violence can always be excused even contravention of the laws of the land while the liberal and conservative parties have stumbled politically over the last few years the ndp party has failed to capitalize to a great extent due in part to such exhibitions as the one at queens park last week which its leader condoned a bugle corps for stouffville a move has been made towards the formation of a drum and bugle band in stouffville the committee has a long way to go before the project becomes a reality but at least ihc initial step has been taken and were confident the executive will see it through as weve stated many times before a marching band is a marvellous thing for any community not only does it enhance the prestige of a town at home but it can do wonderful things abroad many villages hardly worth marking on a road map have made their own mark through a band organization the ability to play be it a drum or a bugle is of prime importance of course but parade uniforms are im portant too we hope that when the corps is formed the boys and girls will be properly outfitted in regalia that will do both the band members and the town proud those persons who have attended the band competitions at markham fair will readily appreciate the twofold im portance of ability and dress with the ingenuity of a committee of four the co operation of prospective players and the assistance of local townsfolk the hopes of a few will be appreciated by many your chances are getting better despite what many people think and we include ourselves your chances of reaching the age when you can collect on the new canada pension plan are getting better the actuarial chances are now recorded as better than seven out of ten even after this age most will live another fourteen years with this thought in mind retire ment plans are virtually important to everyone these plans now cover mil lions of canadians and involve billions of dollars there has undoubtedly been widespread confusion throughout the country about these plans which is un fortunate next to the wages paid pen sions now form the largest single item in the remuneration paid to an individ ual canadians now on quota did you know that it is not as easy to go to the united states as it once was to stay that is but even before the latest restrictions came into being fewer canadians were mov ing to the states for the first time the united states congress has im posed a quota of those entering from the western hemisphere including canada the total number to be only 121 days away its hard to think of santa claus and christmas in august but few pre- announccd programs in stouffville have aroused more interest than the kins mens plan to reorganize a main street parade here parade chairman paul lcman is al ready on the move and if enthusiasm by one individual means success then santa is due for a royal reception on december 3 just to keep the public posted the parade date is only 121 days awav allowed is 120000 a year the unexpected natural drop in the number of canadians wishing to move south has upset us authorities and some congressmen have acknow ledged a mistake and proposed elim inating the quota in so far as cana dians are concerned however the administration has so far declined to rescind its decision togetherness rev a c forrest editor of the united church observer made this interesting comment recently in one of his newspaper columns in the small summer resort town where i attend church while holidaying there have been marked changes in church atten dance the town people tell me that during the last few decades the anglicans have grown more like ihc roman catholics the united more like ihc anglicans the baptists more like the united the pentecostals more like the baptists and now ihc roman catho lics are getting more like everybody wlxt wribixm i established 1sss c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edey advertising published every thursday by the stoufivil tribune limited at 5 main st stouffvillc ont tel 602101 sinsle copies 10c subscriptions s100 per vear in canada s600 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspaperi association authorized as second class mall post office dept ottawa 9 c you mean the guy with the flat hat hes on the patio sugar and spice surprise on return by bill smiley theres nothing more pleasant than getting back to your own home after a holiday unless of course youve been spending a month in a posh resort and your own home is that unpamtcd two- room shack behind the town dump this week we were looking forward to it more than ever it had been hot ter lhan hades and our house sur rounded by oaks and maples is always cool it had been a long drive and we were tired and while we were away with the cooperation of our friendly banker wed had the trim painted when wc pulled off ihc highway and headed down our own street we were practically purring with anticipation a long cold drink under the oaks a leisurely inspection of the paint job a quiet evening of idiot box or reading luvcrly as we drew up to the house my wife squealed with delight it looked splendid with the shutters and him white than white against the rosy brick and deepgreen ivy i agreed but could nt help noticing that the grass was shinhigh and that an oak branch thicker than a mans head and thirty feet long had been blown down and straddled the fence or what was left of it however after three hours of dodg ing suicidal maniacs on the highway all i wanted to do was fall into a chair and nuzzle a cold one as soon as i opened the door my wife shrilled bill theres a terrible smell in here nonsense my standard reply for one thing my- wife has a nose like a bloodhound this faculty is allied with a vivid imagination she frequently smells smells that i swear arc non existent she has even said my column stinks on occasion imagine but this lime dad shes right kim backed her up yich its hor rible and look at the flies everywhere yich all right all fight i sighed as on ly a father and husband can sigh dont get excited its probably just dampness from the cellar becpisc the house has been closed the old lady was distracted for a moment by he pile of mail inside the front door she pawed through it look ing for a letter from her firstborn she found it as i staggered upstairs with the suitcases she shouted excerpts from the letter interspersed with com ments on the horrible smell i came down and headed for the refrigerator wiped my forehead lick ed my lips and opened ihc door even with my three per cent i was knocked flat on my back on the lloor 1 hadnt smellcd anything like it since the fields of normandy 1944 pure putre faction two inches of blood on the bottom of the fridge streamers of what looked like coagulated intestines hanging from the shelves i opened the freezing com partment six steaks bought when they were on special at 89 cents a fivepound roast a twopound bag of chicken livers hamburg pork chops frozen vegetables and orange juice from burst looking backward 34 years ago there was one of the largest crowds ever assembled in stouffville for the civic holiday street dance fourteen of las brodics sheep pasturing at iemonville were destroy ed by raiding dogs stouffvillc horticultural sodey has decided to have a twoday fair this year there arc a lot of tramps on the road today despite the line weather maybe our council could put some of them to work helping our street cleaner at prync clean the pavement as he appears nearly swamped theres a sale of goodyear tires at the brathwaitc hardware store just s670 stouffville school building is getting its scmianojial coat of paint cans all clinging toglher in a soggy stinking corpse id prefer to draw a veil over the next few hours of domestic discord but ill give just the skeleton half an hour of bawling and mutual recrimina tions disclosed that we were hoth to blame she had decided to defrost the fridge the day we left ten days before i had insisted we didnt have time fin ally she had agreed bui she turned off ihc freezing unit and forgot to turn it on again in the confusion of getting ready to go a trip to the town dump with two garbage cans and 400 flies two hours of scrubbing the thing out with soda vinegar and good salt tears net result zero all doors and windows open all night but it was still like sleeping in a slaughterhouse call next day to friendly insurance agent no dice we werent covered for stupidity visit to friendly appliance dealer whose eyes lit up even as his head wagged dolefully youll never gel rid of the smell dealer related various horror stories from past expe rience net loss fridge 300 food 50 plus our planned trip to the coast oh well we couldnt afford that trip anyway but wed probably have gone now we really cant afford it so look at the money weve saved or something this week next vanadas eltisllvss summer midsummer hung like a shimmering veil over the nation this week and ca nadians went about their daily affairs conscious that this quiet time of year would soon give way to the bustle of fall but for the moment fall seemed light years away for this has been a long hot summer for most canadians and there seemed little respite from mercurymelting temperatures whether in the backyard or one the beach on the beach to canadians in this summer of 1966 that phrase has none of the ominous portents of ncvil shutes novel of a few years ago which foretold the end of the world in nuclear fire vietnam for all the escalation brought by us bombing and hanois expressed willingness to fight fight fight seemed further away than ever if canadians thoughts were turned to anything other than their private af fairs this week it was to purely domes tic matters the kind ox matters which concern canadians but are of little mo ment to the world at large for senior high school students whose summer jobs earn them money which eases their dependence on dad july and august give them an escape into ihc adult world bui youngsters not of working age might be better off and happier back in the class room during at least some of these hot weeks the long summer vacation it must be remembered is a relic of our wholly agricultural past when child labor was needed on ihe family farm and book learnin was something to be confined lo ihe unproductive winter months how all that has changed manual farm chores for children have hecome fewer and farm prosperity today hinges on machinery and fertilizer plus rain this summers neardrought in east ern canada put new wrinkles in the worried brows of ontario and quebec farmers but the west still lush from heavy spring rains looked forward to a mammoth 700 million bushel wheat crop which could even reach 1963s re cord of 723 million bushels onlario farmers were indeed restive and to express their displeasure al milk prices and other grievances they sent hundreds of slowmoving tractors onto the provinces highways the onlario farmers union made it clear that milk prices despite two increases in lite past nine months werent the onlv thing they were unhappy about thcv also wanted a rebate on education tax paid by farmers and universal medi care but for most canadians the most unsettling news of the summer was on the prices front where the cost of liv ing continues to climb and a spate of strikes threatened to push prices high er if many more unionists gained sub stantial wage boosts but who could blame the unionists and labor econ omists were able lo cite with considcr- ablefvidencc that wages were not al- by ray argyle in determining ways the main factor price levels along with rising prices definite signs were begining lo emerge of a slowdown in major consumer pur chases new cars were the first to feel ihc pinch just as the dominion bu reau of statistics was reporting that car sales in canada reached a record 830000 units in 1965 auto makers were reporting declining sales throughout this spring and summer the case of gcrda munsinocr was back in the news with the release of mr justice spenccs report on what he rcmp had somewhat inlcmpcratcly described as a classic case of security risk bui even ihe spencc report didnt stir the excitement which had been ex pected and the seven days escapade became an almost forgotten chapter in the continuing serial of cbc hijinks the only major political squabble of midsummer blew up over the integra tion of the canadian forces the revolt of the admirals caused a brief sensation but with our usual apathy toward things military most canadians ex cept perhaps residents of military or port towns couldnt care less one car toonist depicted an unhappy admiral being soothed by his wife with the comment dont worry dear theres always the bathtub to play in what heller way to spend a hot day mm i macedonia for a day on sunday afternoon a section of uxbridge township fronting on county road ia and situated between conces sions 5 and 6 was transformed into a picnic area for an estimated 25000 men women and children of macedonian origin now living in toronto the theme of the reunion was unity but according to reports the visitors failed to gain a united welcome from many of the uxbridge natives whose properties border the picnic grounds unfortunately for dcpulyrcevc bob nesbitt the holiday weekend turned out to be anything but a holiday living onl a stoncsthrow from the picnic property he bore the brunt of the com- plaints as deputyreeve of all ihe peo ple he was anxious to act on their he- half but how docs one individual cope with 25000 wc attended the reunion to see first hand if the complaints were really le gitimate wc found nothing really out of order in fact for a crowd of such enormous size the conduct of the peo ple was surprisingly good yes they were trespassing but on what mostly driedout pasture land hardly fit for horses or cattle yes they were drink ing but disturbing no one yes we saw some people gambling but they look no money of mine wc talked with the visitors and found them exceptionally friendly lolk many were bilingual speaking both their native language and english fluently their dress was quite conserv ative although many of the younger fry wore both slacks and shorts certainly nothing brazen or obscene about this group the highlight ot ihe whole affair was ihe crowning of miss macedonia its too bad thai each and every com plainant couldnt have met and talked with her personally shed have surely cooled out a few of the hotheads in case a protest delegation is in the formation stage to appear before a meeting of uxbridge council on august 8 well tell you in advance that ihe macedonians of toronto arc planning to purchase their own private properly in metro so thai ihe sunday sleep of rural residents will no longer be dis turbed several months ago wc criticized the continued use of an acold truck as part of ihc claremont fire brigade we take it all back the toonervillc trolley as we once called it can go places that engines twice its size and power would be foolish to tackle this leapln lena won her stripes in our opinion at the scene of a grass fire in uxbridge township on friday after noon with jack ward at the controls it romped over hill and dale with all the agility of a fourwheeled caterpillar its performance even surprised some of the firemen so mr chief and associ ates of claremont well bow lo your rec ommendation that seeing is believing if and when this g al masterpiece is ready for retirement we would suggest that it be given a platform position on the grounds of the brougham museum harry ralcliff of stouffvillc pro vided us with this clipped advertise ment dated may 30 1918 it reads as follows replace your buggy with a ford your neighbours and farmers in every section of the dominion are abandon ing their old buggies and selling their i driving horses and buying fords tour ing 595 sedan 970 runabout 575 chassis 535 coupe 770 i ton truck 750 g a m davidson dealer unionville that was 48 years ago the next time youre in unionville fc lake a lour of ihc new varlcy village subdivision wc predict that when completed it will he one of the finest residential areas in the district the price range of houses is from 22900 lo 29995 they seem lo be selling fast with more than 100 now occupied gormley triplets at age four years whal a difference v2 years make this photo of ihc harvey triplets gormley was taken in l3 rrcnda ba hara and bonnie wore then only i the an thedaurhlcrs of mr and mrs lloyd harvey gormley rri

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