pje 2 the tri3uhe thersdjy ma 26 1966 the truth and it hurts a storekeeper received the follow ing letter over the counter and we pass it on to you for thoughtful considera tion dear sirs in reply to your re quest to send a cheque i wish to inform you that the present condition of my bank account makes it ordinarily im possible my shattered financial condi tion is due to union laws provincial laws town laws mothersinlaw and outlaws through these laws i am compelled to pay a business tax super tax gas tax excise tax tarritf tax railway tax petrol tax and amusement tax of which i have none even my brains are taxed i un required to get a business license tracs license and a dog license i am rrquiitd to contribute to every society and organization which the gen ius of man is capable of bringing to life to womens relief the unemploy ment relief and the gold diggers relief also to every hospital and charitable organization in the country for my own safety i am required to carry life insurance property insurance liability insurance burglar insurance accident insurance business insurance unemployment insurance old age in surance and fire insurance my business is so governed that i do not know today nor can i find out who owns it i am inspected suspected disrespected rejected examined and re examined informed required summon ed fined commanded and compelled until i provide an inexhaustible supply of money for every known desire or hope of the human race simply because i refuse to donate something or other i am talked about lied about held up held down and rob bed until im ruined i can tell you honestly that except for the miracle that happened i could not enclose this cheque the wolf that comes to my door so many times now adays had pups in my kitchen i sold them and here is the money hew did mr gordon know 1 had an offer from a texan sugar and spice by bill smiley on the defensive opposition leader john diefen- baker is playing an unfamiliar role and playing it badly hes on the defensive in the current munsinger inquiry and beating his wings in the wind like a wounded duck previously it had been john dief- cnbaker the accuser and we all know what an incomparable and elcquent adversary he represented on such oc casions but now things are different and so is mr diefenbakcr so different in fact that he announced last week that he would boycott the hearings and followed through on his threat regardless of whether we are in terested or just plain bored by it all we feel that the conservative leader has let his party down and retreated in the face of pending embarrassment mr diefenbakcr has always been a fighter and whether right or wrong we always felt that he was truly sincere his handling of the munsinger affair may again have been all right but to boycott the inquiry makes him look all wrong a saving by spending the north section of the ninth line within the limits of stouffville will be paved this spring this was the decision of council last week and we feel that it is a wise move the ninth concession between stouffville and musselmans lake is a busy road especially during the sum mer vacation period in addition to auto traffic gravel trucks also use it instantly following the withdrawal of halfload restrictions nothing but a paved surface can stand up under this kind of abuse with the completion of this pro ject and with whitchurch continually extending its paving program north ward the perennial ninth line road problem will eventually be eliminated a news background special on the centennial of confederation from britain and france came creation and crisis first of a series by walt mcdayter the birth of canada as a na tion was unique in that it was a child born with two umbilical cords to this day the cords have not been severed but still stretch taut across the atlantic to our two motherlands britain nnd france canada owes much to other countries as well but it is these two who provided us with most of our population and gave us our language laws institutions and culture yet if it is the french and kngllsh who did most to create canada it is also the growing friction between them that is now the biggest threat to our continued existence as a nation the split between french and english canada has never been wider and never has the cry in quebec for separatism been louder many no longer speak of canada as a nation but as two- nationsinone ifeft the twonation principle dates back to 1774 and is in many ways a consequence of the american revolution after de feating the french on the plains of abraham in 1759 the british later feared the french colonists might join the 13 english colo nies threatening revolution to the south to ensure frenchcanadian loyalty the british were extra lenient to the french guaran teeing them rights to their sepa rate religion language custom and even french civil law by the quebec act of 1774 the constitutional act of 1791 divided canada not only geogra phically into upper and lower canada but into race and reli gion in lower canada were the french catholics in upper canada were the english prot estants primarily recentlyar rived united empire loyalists there was an attempt in 1s4i to reunitc these two groups into the single province of canada cw jirrmrf no single battle has affected canada more than the battle on the plains ot abraham when in vii french and english force clashed in a war to vrtn a continent picture shows wolfe leadbg the vlctarlaai british against montcalm gallant french troops according to the 1961 census about 75 per cent of canadas population can he traced to either british or french de scent but the line of separatism be tween english and french had been there too long and conld not then be erased i n 1867 frenchcanadian agreed to confederation o- condition that their french heri tage would be preserved and their separate identity protect ed and so even in union the seeds of separatism were plant ed but despite the everpresent controversy over separatism 100 years have passed and can ada will soon celebrate the cen tennial of confederation many didnt think wed make it the new york tribune pre dicted in 1867 when the ex periment of the dominion shall have failed as fail it must a process of peaceful ab sorption will give canada her proper place in the great north american republic but canada has not failed it has survived as a nation and there are few canadians who wouldnt bet a beaver pelt thst it will continue to do so ttwt titegrim ntwi service clip and save virtually everybody these days is upset about our educational system the public schools are not teaching the ur chins to read write and figger the high schools are massive seething factories turning out illiterates the colleges are septic tanks of sex marijuana and lsd most of this is sure poppycock of course but a critical society is a healthy one according to hugh dunnit that great welsh bard and beatnik of the eleventeenth century this makes cana dians about the healthiest critters in the hemisphere columnists aver that high schools arc run like military camps producing lockstep conformists who havent learned to think this is patent baloney they think one helluva lot more than did these same columnists when they came out of hayfork centre with not much more than a burning desire to get away from said centre a lousy basic education and a shiny blue serge suit lots of parents and some teachers are of the opposite opinion thai there is far too much freedom of speech dress and action too many frills not enough good hard work and good hard punishment these comments come from parents who worked onequarter as hard in school as their kids do and teachers who atrophied some years ago the kids themselves depending on home background their own personali ties and their talent or lack of it look on school as a pail or a ball some think of it rather like having a ball in a jail school boards beef about the cost of everything and the administration beefs about the shortage of everything and the teachers beef about the paper jungle and the custodians beef about the salaries and the hours and the teach ers and the administration and the school board you might think from all this nag ging that there arc some slight imper fections in our high schools and you might be right but its not as bad as it sounds what i cant understand is that i havent been approached for a definition of the perfect high school its probably just an oversight and because im not a pushy type but who is better qualifi ed ive been to high school myself i work in the blasted factory every day and i have a daughter who comes home every day and moans do i ever hate school well here goes dont panic now the changes would be slight and in expensive i think wed all enjoy life more students parents and teachers first of all lets cut out the mutter ed mumbled morning prayer i believe in prayer and practise it quite often usually when im in a jam but its almost sacrilege in the way its deliver ed the rcs whizz through it and leave out the last part the jews and atheists arc silent the teacher winds up leading three or four dogged protes tants who arent always sure of the looking backward bcthcsda april 28 1930 we read about the wonderful taffy pulls of the good old days but few of the present generation of young folk ever had the opportunity to witness one of these joyous events the young folks of bcthes da accepted the invitation to visit charlie atkinsons sugar bush all the youjig peo ple of the countryside and every school child was on hand that taffy pill will live in the memory of those young folk the fun of making was only surpassed by the joy of eating may 3 1931 the lads arc arriving home from tor onto following their university year bruce rowbotham and sam foote com plete their engineering year on friday while john button finished his year this week wcs boadway also finished his year at pharmacy last week and is in tne store again for the summer season norman baker taking a medical course will be later in completing the terra words next out goes the queen while i am a royalist and have the utmost respect for queen elizabeth i see no reason 30odd teenagers should be sub mitted every morning to a pompous and bad piece of music the words of which have no more relation to their world than does the horse and buggy how would you like to go to the factory or the office and stand at at tention while a taperecorded band blares out one of these awful tunes be fore you got down to serious business like waiting for the coffee break in place of these i would suggest a warmup period were all pretty dang doggy first thing in the morning the class cutup would be master of cere monies witty sayings announcements brief weather report some beatles and bob dylan and the rolling stones an original poem or song from the stu dents if a grl has gogo boots let her demonstrate a new dance probably on the teachers desk by this time everybody is friendly warmedup the real learning atmos phere has been created but unfortuna tely i have run out of space read next weeks column for a further thrilling instalment on the perfect high school this week next the union of canadians byrayargyle the task facing canada is to weld a variety of distinct ethnic groups and regional blocs into a united nation to achieve this canada needs in spired leadership able to generate among canadians a sense of national purpose which will outweigh but not obliterate ethnic and regional loyal ties the realization of this goal would ensure canadas status as a unique and wonderful country with an identity and culture separate from the united states despite the inroads of american economic influence but the glittering prospect of a country rich in diversity but secure in national purpose will remain but a tarnished hope unless canadians find a way of coping with the expansive pro vincialism of the past decade because canada has lived in crisis most of this century it is only in re cent years that the underlying sores of disunity have erupted into common view the 191418 war to end wars the brief honeymoon of the now distant 20s the great depression and the second world war witli its aftermath of cold war all combined to suprcss divisions in our unity suddenly in the mid50s the cana dian political and social status quo be gan to crumble in a revolution which has affected every phase of canadian life from political parties to schools churches and trade unions hardly a voice has been heard calling for the strengthening of canada as a national entity french canadian discontent which led to the royal commission on bilin- gualism and biculturalism was matched by claims of other ethnic blocs that they were the significant second langu age groups in their own regions the fact that english and french were the cofounders of the union of canadians has never meant that every citizen should be bilingual it does mean however that every cana dian should have the opportunity of a full life in either of the two cultures while other ethnic groups do not have the legalistic language rights of english and french they have rejected the american melting pot policy of com plete assimilation the canada which has emerged 100 years after confedera tion is a pseudonation inhabited by a multiplicity of national grouns the pseudonations which now make up canada are founded in langu age religious and regional differences the french catholic of quebec sees the world through eyes different from the british protestant of the prairies or bc his outlook is as different from these groups as is the outlook of the affluent urbanized toronto business man from that of the tough fatalistic cape breton coal miner the process by which the provin cial governments have reclaimed author ity vested so long in ottawa is a re flection not only of these conditions but also of the lack of strong leader ship at the federal level it has been complicated by the pres ent governments policy to extend to all provinces privileges which have been granted quebec so as to blunt charges of favouritism toward french canada but the english separatist back lash sweeps on the pearson govern ments decision to limit top civil service jobs to those who are bilingual may be correct in principle but the result will be a civil service of french canadians because one cannot master french while living in an english environment federalism even cooperative federalism is essential to canada the ambitious programs of the welfare state era and the need to reduce eco nomic inequality between the provinces demands more not less national unity the place to start may be in aboli tion of the british north america act it commits the provinces to responsi bilities such as education and welfare which they arc today incapable of fi nancing as an act of a british parlia ment over which canada has no juris diction it will wear on the national fabric until it is replaced by a constitu tion of purely canadian origin ethnic and regional individualism can still make canada a unique union if we also share a national purpose of welldefined social goals gjpuunt four pfffts for 100 the stouffville council is talking about a revised bylaw for 1967 to coi trol the sale of fireworks to children and also impose restrictions on their use perhaps the town fathers should go a step further and control the sale of fireworks to adults as well the pur- chase price of same has become almost prohibitive were not suggesting for one minute that the merchant is mak ing a big profit on this oneaycar spend ing spree were saying however that the customer doesnt receive value for his money a single rocket can cost 1 four pfffts and it is gone this year we splurged for 330 and the whole order could have been stuffed into two pockets still we were going to put on a real show for the kids by the time it was dark enough it was also time for bed five minutes and four packages of matches later it was all over one mis- sile took off from rupert avenue and put on a dazzling display for the folks on glad park another veered off in a horizontal direction and crashlanded somewhere near fairview to top off the disappointment we had to clean up the mess that was left someone asked roger todd win ner of the stouftville kinsmens 1000 sweepstake prize on friday night if he intended to open up a new account in the credit union office his father is the manager at the bank of commerce one of the meanest tricks weve heard of in many a day occurred to bill brown of victoria street stouff ville an employee at coffee and bartlcy motors he took his mother to oshawa last week and parked his nearlynew car in a local shopping plaza currently involved in some kind of labour troubles when he returned he found that acid had been poured over the side peeling the paint off the body the dam age has been estimated at about 150 before someone is killed or serious ly injured we would suggest that all workers at the site of the bridgecon struction project south of claremont on the brock road use protective head gear if there isnt a law to enforce this requirement there should be we saw one chap working right under the shov el boom with nothing on his head at all it only takes one accident to take a life terry wise of markham the sec- ond purser on the illfated luxury liner yarmouth castle has returned home following another crosscountry trip we talked to him briefly on saturday he recalled that while walking down a a street in london england one day he bumped into lynda nolan daughter of mr and mrs charles nolan of stouff- ville its a small world lets see it was only ten days ago that the ground was covered with snow and yet on sunday afternoon there were people swimming on the cedar beach side of musselmans lake did you know that the stouffville lions club that has over the years done such a wonderful work in this community lias only two charter mem bers they are dr neil smitli and andy williams it may sound strange but its true some of the costliest lot sites and some of the finest and most expensive homes in markham village arc located within a stonesthrow of their municipal sewage treatment plant on rouge street now a goldfish factory residents of stouffville both young and old will recognize this buildinjr its the goldfish supply company plant on alhcrt street south this photo shows much the same buildinji when it served as the location of the stouffville vinegar works in the early 1900s established 1sss c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edey advertising published every thursday by the stouftville tribune limited at 5s main st stouffville ont tcl 6402101 sinsle copies 10c subscriptions 100 per year in canada 600 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association authorized as second class mall post office dcpt ottawa