Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 19, 1966, p. 2

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fcje 1 ths tosuks thndiy urf 19 1566 old policy proved false how can one serve the best inter ests of stouffville and work in toron- to this has been a common question among many resident ratepayers here and prior to last december no one was ivilling to give the newcomer a fair trial there has always been a hidden tear that the town would literally fall apart at the seams if the councillor around the corner was not available on a 25hour call basis to solve every problem personally last december this ageold policy was dealt a stunning blow stouffville taxpayers took a closer look at the nom ination board and discovered to their admitted dismay that three comparative strangers had moved into the inner circle of municipal politics unopposed the next two years would be tough ones indeed with four months or onesixth of their term already completed the town is still in one piece the new members have taken a genuine interest in local affairs and have given as much personal attention to town problems as ever be fore they seldom miss a meeting either regular or in committee and have entered into discussion with much en thusiasm those who have been present will surely agree the three new councillors have two years in which to prove their worth to date we have been surprisingly im pressed we hope that come december 1967 we can say she same thing we hope the voters can too drivers main cause of accidents regardless of all the pressure be ing brought against car manufacturers today for safely gadgets on their vehi cles the nut behind the wheel not the one in the wheel is the chief reason for accidents by complaining about dan gerous door handles steering wheels and etc these safety cranks are only passing the buck we realize that people are hurt by banging their heads against such parts but the fact remains that if the drivers were handling the cars pro perly this wouldnt happen we heartily agree with walter famine chairman of the automobile committee of the ontario insurance ag ents association who says that the de partment of transport has been incre dibly lax in chasing these dangerous driving risks off the road hundreds of them are known but they continue to be allowed to prowl the roads insurance companies are forced by law to insure anyone the department of transport allows to have a license the mystery is how some of these peo ple ever get that authority it would appear that those concern ed with safety have given up on try ing to correct the chief cause of acci dents the drivers and are going to bang away at the car builders to try and get something akin to a small tank that people can ram into each other and not be too seriously hurt may 24 traditional fireworks day in stouffville as in other parts of the country families will celebrate the may 24th public holiday by private fire works displays for their children the actual holiday will be celebrated on monday may 23rd this year may 25th 1874 at st catharines was the scene of the first canadian fire works display the event had been ad vertised for weeks as part of the cele brations of queen victorias 54th birth day a charge of 25c was made and the grounds were police patrolled before firing your display a few el ementary precautions should be taken that safety may be maintained 1 remember that younger child ren will always be fascinated by fire works and make a good audience but they should not participate in the ac- tual firing of the pieces older children should be taught to participate under adult supervision 2 one person should be in charge of the display 3 with the single exception of sparklers no firework is designed to be held in the hand when lighted 4 read the printed instructions contained in each box of fireworks and plan the order of firing in order to build up to the most spectacular dis play keep in mind that the firing loca tion should be clear of overhead ob structions trees or wiring 5 assemble buckets or boxes of sand or a wheelbarrow filled with earth to be used as your firing base 6 items such as roman candles and other long pieces should be buried at least halfway down in the sand in your container and set at a 10 degree angle from spectators 7 if containers of sand are not available dig holes in the ground deep enough to bury the firework piece half way up the barrel stamp the ground firmly around each piece before firing 8 put a few gallons of water in a large container such as a metal garbage can for disposal of used firework pie ces keep garden hose available to sprinkle used fireworks 9 in the unlikely event that a piece does not go off do not attempt to relight it dispose of it in water 10 a glowing cigarette or cigar makes a good substitute for punk as an igniter hold same at arms length ap ply to the wick and stand clear imme diately just a pleasant sound we note that finance minister mitchell sharp in speaking in the house last week put the war on pover ty right at the top of government interest and action he repeated himself later on at one of the many conferences on the subject reports from these meetings show that not all present agreed with mr sharp and certainly we dont this new term war on poverty has very quick- iv become a wonderful football being bounced back and forth in government the only catchers seem to be the many socalled thinkers or theorists of our time as far as action on the matter there is little just try and get the wheels rolling to relieve the situation whether it be among the indians or the destitute areas of some of our cities and it seems there is much sand not grease in those wheels of course i know its the first holiday weekend of the summer sugar and spice tuo waus of life by bill smiley it seems to me that despite the in roads made by easy communications and transportation the ancient mis trust between rural dweller and city dweller is still very muh alive each feels that the other is out to skin him at the first opportunity each expresses it in scorn for the others way of life i wooden live in the siddy if ya gimme the whole lousy mess on a silver platter snorts your smalltown neigh bor this statement echoed from coast to coast is usually followed by a bitter diatribe against city living high rents crippling taxes heavy traffic smog and unfriendliness come under the gun cost of living draws comments like costs ya a buck every time ya blow yer nose and what does the smug suburban ite think of the country ya i know its nice in the summer up north there but wuddaya do all winter in that dump theres no use in pointing out that you do exactly what he does work play bring up your family try to pay your bills and get so soon old so late smart on most matters i take a stand but in the denunciation of the other fellows mode of life i take two stands the first is gentle agreement with my smalltown friends i go along with the beligerent argument that the city is no place to live that id hate to battle that traffic everyday that living is cheaper in a smaller centre that our air is a lot cleaner that its wonderful to live with in five minutes of fishing curling golf and friends and when im listening to some old buddy who lives in the city and loves it i nod sagely when he declares the city is an exciting place to live that its wonderful to take in all the shows- and concerts that its grand to go out for an exotic meal in a fascinating place with gogo girls and stuff that the small town doesnt provide the same cultural opportunities for your kids privately i chuckle at both points of view both are full of contradictions the city fellow claims theres no privacy in a small town every old bid dy in town knows your business the smalltown chap explodes privacy how can you have privacy in the city when youre stuffed into a crowded ap artment building or living on a two-by- four lot beside people you doni iike who have horrible kids the smalltown fellow raves about the mythical ratrace in the city and goes out and roars around in service clubs and fraternal organizations and athletic clubs and church groups at a rate no city rat could stand for a month the myths multiply the city stands for culture and in a city of a million theatres are half empty concerts play to small crowds good restaurants go broke a few hundred attend art cxhi- although the model t parked near jacob harkcys blacksmith shop at mongolia is no more modern in design than the buggy behind the horse eyes it rather suspiciously i and for good reason loo for the motor car was soon to chal lenge dobbins right to rule the road remember when saturday night was the big night in town and stores were always open tues day thursday and saturday as long as there was anyone around to do business the first addition was built on the summitvicw school the excavation was made by a nearby farmer the late sandy jones with a team of horses and a turn pike shovel plans were laid in the winter for the old boys old girls reunion to be held in conjunction with canadas diamond jubilee in 1927 the biggest celebration ever held in town there was an old boys old girls association operating for many years and they held numerous dances and gettogethers back in the twenties the baptist church which stow on main st opposite baker avenue was de molished and a new church built at the obrien ave corner there was also a church of christ now the corner residence of harry stouffer on second st this church passed from existence here bitions the small town stands for recrea tion and good living and in a small town onetenth of two per cent of the population is revelling in that fishing and hunting and so on thats at the front door the rest are doing what the city folk do drink chase women or men or sit around and watch the slop on the moron machine when we drive to the city as we do almost every saturday for the daugh ters music lesson the whole business is brought into perspective for me on the unlikely site of a fourlane highway down to the city on one stream pour the thousands of smalltown folk going in for a day to shop take in a show suck up some fast culture up from the city in the other stream pour the thousands of people going north for the skiing or the fishing or the swimming or the scenery they dont even wave to each oth er if its so great at home why dont they stay there and do you know what they say when they get home after the weekend boy its nice to be home it was a great weekend but i sure wooden wan na live in the citycountry please underline the right word this week next the canadian outlook by ray argyle after enduring nearly a century the canadian confederation is being tested from within by the political na tionalism of our frenchspeaking co- founders and from without by the ec onomic dominance of our american neighbors it would be typically canadian and not wholly inaccurate to say it has been ever thus and therefore to accept what ever the tide of events may bring but the fierce dialogue of the past few years between english and french can ada and the mounting counterattack against us control of the canadian ec onomy suggests how deadly serious the struggle has become for the future of canada the greater burden for canada will probably come from without solutions and compromises can always be found for internal political differences the politics of economics are more cruel because they are shaped by forces even the most knowledgeable economists do not always understand the question which will dominate the canadian outlook for the rest of the century will be whether the country can retain its political and cultural in dependence while its economy is con trolled from the united states the problem is not entirely unique to this generation of canadians fear of american domination was a chief reason for the british colonies un iting in 1867 they had purposefully re jected the american experiment the british colonists saw in confederation a way of keeping their ties with their homeland the french of quebec saw it as their only hope for autonomy know ing they would face a hopeless future as a separate ethnic group under the flag of the united states with the withering of the british ties in english canada only the french cofounders of confederation seem to day to have the emotional commitment essential to fostering nationalism canadians should recognize that the nationalism still being preached in many lands is rapidly being overshad owed by contincntalism by combining modern technology and vast land mas ses rich in human and natural resour ces there have emerged three great su perpowers the united states the so viet union and china and each has been able to spread its influence over its immediate neighbors the contincntalism of the united states has already absorbed the cana dian academic and cultural communi ties into its orbit the drain of our in tellectual and creative talent to the us and the overpowering presence of the american mass media in this country is a recognized fact it should be no surprise then that our econmy has been likewise taken over with something like twothirds of canadian industry under american ow nership whether this is good for canada is the question there arc many who be lieve it is not former finance minister gordon who would use restrictive gov ernment measures against foreign com panies has become the chief advocate of economic nationalism his new book a choice for canada makes his stand clear mr gordons own liberal party has always been the most pragmatic of the canadian parties in its acceptance of american industrial partnership the conservative party out of deep attach ment to britain has traditionally re sisted us influence the parties of the left most recently the new democrats have found themselves ideologically closer to the tories than the liberals canadas high prosperity of post war years has coincided with a period of record us investment in canada because this has brought such high liv ing standards it is unlikely canadians would be willing to pay the price of lo wering those standards to achieve ec onomic independence our task must be to strengthen our own segments of our economy using free trade agree ments to secure easier entry into us markets while supporting those as pects of our culture which make can ada unique a tragic similarity suddenly without warning a young ambitious police oflicer is kille while on duty how do you break the tragic news to his parents or net-of- kin many of us would shudder at the thought in most cases the unenviable task is assumed by the chief a most difficult role regardless of circum stances it was just about ten years ago august is 1956 that constable lewis durant died instantly when hit by a car on the don mills road in markham township on may 15 1966 constable edward holdsworth met his death by electrocu tion also on the don mills road in whitchurch township we attended the scene of both fatalities following the death of constable durant it was the late police chief clarence wideman who broke the sad news on sunday it was police chief fred mason who performed this diffi cult duty both accidents occurred less than t ten miles and ten years apart both men were about the same age single and planning to be married both had served their departments for the same number of years and were killed on the same road in adjoining municipalities this friday night will mark the final draw in the stouffville kinvest ment 66 the winner this week will receive 1000 the draw will take place in the iga foodlincr store at 8 pm recent winners of 50 prizes have been gordon mcdowell hal daroe ross madill david hadden and ken roberts the draw is sponsored by the stouff ville kinsmen club a sign inscribed on a kennel in front of the harry brown home fair- view avenue stouffville reads beware of the dog but its not likely that too many unwanted callers will ever be 1 frightened away by the warning we have yet to sec the dog but the kennel entrance would accommodate nothing larger than a wellfed field mouse word has it that the harold coak- well farm at rr i markham has been sold for more than a quarter million dollars so you think everythings a bed of roses within the confines of the stouff ville council chambers try listening at the keyhole of the committee room door some night and well guarantee a real surprise too bad some of the convcr- sations arent carried over into the reg ular meetings it would make interest ing reading there were a lot of moist kleenex in the spectators row at the stouffville united church on saturday afternoon when elaine forsyth everybodys fa- vourite girl became mrs ronald stover mr and mrs forsyth would do well to write a book on the subject of bringing up daughter it would be a best seller the next time you drive along the don mills road at buttonvillc take a look at the flag flying from a pole on the stanley brewer property its very similar to the new canadian flag with one exception the maple leaf is green instead of red well it wasnt purchased over the counter at woolworths or a personal gift from prime minister pear- 4 son mrs brewer made it herself it took her only two hours i dont really like it admitted mr brewer but you dont fight city hall or mother if there was any argument in the family over the greenleafed pennant it is now apparent that mrs brewer won i still wear the pants and the mrs flics the flags he concluded unconvincingly editors mail wvhy help the mznetny the canadian federation of agricul ture by resolution at its annual convention asked the government to recognize com munist china and seat it in the un with nationalist china who doesnt recognize red china communists the world over recognize her as an ally others recognize her as a men ace however her policies have been braz enly stated marxist domination of the world why help the avowed enemy by fran tically shipping food and other supplies to assist her political expediency may ignore principles and material greed blind us to our folly but our government should look beyond the present to the fast changing future some say we should feed our eni- mlcs but those who most work for co operation with red china do not consider her an enemy dies by our readers they are ideological bud- andrew glen locust hill council take heed its to be hoped that our town council takes heed from that terrible accident in newmarket last week when two children were killed at one of those unmarked crossings like the one we have on main st there should be some way of letting motorists know its there and at least theyd have a chance to stop soon all tlie weekend drivers will be zooming through on their way to the lakes and they wont know anything about it cant something be done mrs s smith wxt riiutte established 1888 c h nolan publisher jim thomas editor noel edev advertising published every thursday by the stouflvilli tribune limited at 51 main st stouffville ont tel s02101 single copies 10c subscriptions 100 per year in canada s600 elsewhere member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weekly newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association authorized as second class mail post office dcpt ottawa f

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