largest weekly markham stouffville uxbridge in the district wx voi- 11 no 43 stoufmllemarkhamuxbridge ont thurs march 31 1966 10 cents all the news whitchurch uxbridge markham i pickering i of all 4 townships i reeve must decide sunday movies buttow1lle the approval of sunday movies and theatrical performances by a majority vote of the electorate in markham twp last december has failed to convince councillor charles hoover of their benefit at a meeting on monday night he voted against this bylaw and was supported by councillor anhony roman with deputyreeve cleary palmer and councillor allan sumner voting in favour the issue became deadlock ed reeve stewart rumble was absent the bylaw was referred back to committee councillor roman said he had no objection to the by law in principal but only to its wording councillor hoover argued that since certain areas had opposed the question they should be excluded twoyeak term on the question of the twoyear term for the council and all other town ship boards mr hoover once again opposed the by law it too had been appro ved by the electorate in de cember on a vote of 3 to 1 two readings were approv ed five month shooting ban favored by club vandorf the whit church conservation club while in favour of control led hunting in the township would agree to a no shoot ing bylaw to extend from march 1 to august 31 chairman harry hunt told a meeting of council last week that such a ban during the spring and much of the summer season would stop outsiders from coming in especially on sundays he suggested however that farmers should be permitted to kill rodents on their own properties and could be ex cluded from the bylaw would raise fee the delegation recom mended that resident hunt ing licences should be raised to s2 with no limitations on sales for nonresidents they suggested a fee of s3 with the limit to be arranged by the club and the council mr hunt said that the rate change would likely have to wait until 1967 with regard to the raising of young pheasant birds reeve ross farquharson pointed out that all other municipalities in york coun- ty had dropped this pro gram it was agreed that large numbers of the freed pheasants were killed by foxes coons and skunks be fore the season officially opened continue program the council recommended that the clubs pheasant- raising program should be continued for the current year the clerk was also asked to write to the minis ter of lands and forests concerning a change in the licence fees mr hunt agreed that while the killing of pheas ants could hardly be termed a kind of conservation he felt that the club had done much to improve hunting conditions in the township with the result that very few complaints had been receiv ed in 1965 he said that his organization had received excellent cooperation from the whitchcurch police de partment in seeing that all laws were obeyed ser u iuiier camp buttonville mr jim muirhead operator of an industrial trailer camp in the area of woodbine and sheppard avenue has appli ed to markham twp coun cil for permission to locate on 11th avenue west of don mills road mr muirhead appeared be fore the council at a meeting on monday night he said that he was obliged to move out of metro and had al ready received one extension of time the council declined to approve the application since the area in question is already awaiting ontario municipal board sanction mr muirhead was granted permission to erect a serv ice booth on the lot with a telephone but no trailers would be allowed at present car wrecked horse killed stouffville a 19g5 model car suffered an estimated 1000 damage and a riding horse owned by rayinond dart of stouft- vllle had lo be shot follow ing an accident at the west end of town on friday night mr and mrs dawson wagg church sf s- and mrs lloyd mclean haw thorne ave stouffville oc cupants of the car all suf fered minor injuries the horse valued at 230 was destroyed at the scene by constable david had- den of stouffville police said that the animal ap parently crossed the high way front south to north in front of the wagg auto open house an estimated 500 persons attended the annual open house at stouffville dist high school on tuesday evening in addition to dis plays by day and night classes an athletic demon stration of volleyball bas ketball badminton and gymnastics was held in the auditorium centennial project stouffville stoufl- villc lions club directors have named a special cen tennial committee who will shortly present the club with suggestions for a spec ial civic project to mark ca nadas 100th birthday in stoultville other town or ganizations may also be ask ed to join in the effort a move by stoultville municipal council earlier for a local centennial proj ect was rejected srriune inside story nmman editorial page 2 stouffmarkham page 3 i womens page page i womens page page 5 district news page 6 district news page 7 district news page 9 sports page 12 farm news page 13 classified page 11 extra classified page 13 teen news page 16 comics page 17 district new page is i dpt fights to have water conservation enforced stouffville a campaign has been launched by mr w m pcarcc experienced dril ler for the preservation of the water table which services stouffville municipal supply as well as dozens of farm owners in the district immediately north of town mr pearcc resides on the 1st con cession of uxbridge township and has had cause to investigate the receding pressure in the wells on his property the matter has already been placed before the provincial member of the legislature for north york major a a mackenzie and the minister of health dr dymond who is the member for ontario riding bethesda boxer squares off against champion on tuesday night cassius clay and george chuvalo met in a heavyweight boxing match at maple leaf gardens pictured here is the worlds champion right but his opponent is not chuvalo but travis sugden of bethesda in whilchurch twp sugden was one of several sparring partners who worked out with clay at his training centre on ossington avenue in toronto staff photo play musical chairs buttonville a polit ical version of musical chairs occurred in the coun cil chambers at buttonville on monday night as ward 3 councillor charles hoover balked at the passage of the sunday sports bylaw for the whole of the twp of mark ham councillor hoover charg ed that the question while approved in an overall vote of the municipality last de cember had been defeated in his particular area he asked that certain sections be excluded where the by law was not acceptable to the majority of resident rate payers he refused to take the reeves chair so that deputyreeve cleary palmer acting in the absence of reeve stewart rumble could second councillor allan sum ners motion im quite comfortable where i am he replied within rights township solicitor paul mingay informed the mem bers that cither the whole or a part of the municipal ity could be included in the bylaw ward 2 councillor antho ny roman who on several previous occasions had sup ported councillor hoovers stand argued against his view on the sunday sports issue he said that action on the matter had already been delayed but the time limit had been extended to may 31 what is the basis for your objection he asked he said that baseball hock ey and golf were already active sunday sports pro grams in many parts of the township and to his know- edge the public had not voiced any objection councillor hoover replied that sunday traffic on town ship roads was rear its maximum without adding to the congestion through sports attractions the bylaw was given two readings with mr hoover registering the lone objec tion on a recorded vote stouffville it had all the appearance of a grave but sgt neil raven of whitchurch twp police department is more inclined to believe that the location east of musselmans lake was once nothing more than a barbecue pit lie reached this conclusion after almost one hour of digging on thursday morn ing of last week he was as sisted by pc william waitc and later by grant helmkay the property owner mr helmkay said he lo cated the spot by accident over a year ago and after turning the top soil said he found signs of ashes and pieces of charred flesh the site is about halfway be tween concession 9 and 10 and three miles north of stouffville samples of soil were taken from the excavation and sent to the attorney gen erals crime laboratory in toronto for inspection the result of these tests has not been revealed owrc wont act the investigation conduct ed so far has led mr pearce to the conclusion that the ontario water resources act provides the necessary restrictions but the commis sion has failed to act upon them in a positive way wells are being drilled in discriminately and flows of water much greater than the property owners needs are allowed to flow away twenty- four hours a day should be capped several years ago a wild- cat well was drilled at baker hill not far from the stouffville municipal sup ply and a sixinch pipe con tinues to flow having al ready produced a small lake on the property such di versions of water have re duced the pressure at many farm wells in the area and are endangering the muni cipal system action has been stimulated by councils and farmers from time to time but in each case the owrc has failed to come through with any positive action to enforce the act prepared brief in a prepared brief a copy of which has been provided the tribune mr pearce states that the constant de- pleting of the water supply appears to coincide with the increased drilling of artesian wells in the lcmonville area in concessions 6 7 and s this supply originates from rain falling on the ridges from goodwood west to white rose accompanying the brief are photos and maps which show the disturbing fact that tremendous quantities of water are being permitted to drain to waste in this area one well of no use to anyone is shown flowing away at the rate of 435000 gallons a day restrictions trovided the act provides that where the taking of water interferes with any public or private interest in any water the commission may mrs ray foord sonya and leslie of richmond hill spent the weekend with her parents mr and mrs cliff lemon and mr and mr and mrs george foord markham area board hikes salaries 400 nt unionville staff teachers in markham town ship public school area no 2 have won themselves a ssoo increase in all catego ries the new agreement was revealed at a meeting of the board last week an earlier offer had been reject ed the minimum salary range that extends from 1100 to 6600 brings the schedule into a closer line with the wage scale in me- iro toronto previously the minimum rate extended from 3700 to 6200 further changes in the the original agreement were turned down by the board including a principals re quest for an increase to s200 for the first five roonv and 150 for each additiona room the present allowanc is 150 per room for the firs ten rooms plus s100 ther after mr allan widcman man ager of the parkview home has purchased a new resid ence on ninth line south in stouffville the james cul- ham home 342 main st e has been sold to a toronto couple all sales were com pleted by the harold wood real ejtatc bowling champions at he markham bowling centre on friday night trophies were awarded lo the house league champions in both the ladies and mens division belly coxworth of markham was the leader all the way lo win handily while ivan booth of brougham was tops in his class staff photo prohibit the person taking water unless by special per mit the act further states that no person may take more than 10000 gal lons per day this is per missive legislation but the lack of action by the com mission has been causing alarm in many quarters mr pearce told the trib une it is obvious that the reservoir supplying this area is being robbed of wa ter at a rate that will eventu ally create hardships to the nearby communities stouff ville should be deeply con cerned 4800 robbery at depot markham markham village police already pla gued by several house break- ins within recent weeks are now faced with a burglary involving nearly 55000 the theft occurred in the premises of talpark motors town ford dealer on no 7 highway it was discovered by pc wm gunn on sun day morning the loss including 1200 in cash and 3600 in cheques is not covered by insurance it was taken from a small cash box mechanics tools recovered at the scene did not belong to the talpark firm police said that a second breakin was attempted at markham chrysler dodge but efforts to force open the safe had failed an acety lene torch was used without success refuse to cancel parking tickets vandorf two mus selmans lake cottage own ers failed last week in their attempt to have two 10 parking tickets cancelled by whitchurch twp council the motorists both cot tage residents on windsor drive during the summer months explained that they attempted to visit their premises on the weekend but found the road impass able they parked their cars near the entrance when they returned they found tags on about eight vehicles including their own reeve ross farquharson said that he would discuss the spring parking problem with the police chief but flatly refused to tamper with their authority under the bylaw to ticket cars parked illegally messrs franks and tay lor who appeared in person expressed considerable annoyance over the matter reeve farquharson was supported by deputyreeve stewart burnett on the poli cy of ticket cancellations he agreed as chairman of the police committee to speak to the chief and find out if officers could use some discretion in the tag ging of automobiles when road conditions leading into many cottages were so bad drug treatment centre opposed in whitchurch vandorf the plan ned opening of a treatment centre for drug addicts on farm property at lot 25 cone 2 whitchurch town ship has aroused opposition from several residents in the immediate area a delegation headed by col richard blue rr 2 aurora attended a meeting of council last week to pro test the project he said that land values would be re duced since few persons would want to locate near such an institution mr j b mclcod another member of the deputation said he understood the pro perty had already been pur chased and the centre would be known as the emmanuel convalescent foundation mr blue noted that the organization could be exempt from taxes and would therefore represent no benefit to the municipal ity reeve ross farquharson said that with the excep tion of the area at mussel- mans and wilcox lake the township had no control ov er the use of agricultural land he suggested that if such restrictions were im posed it would arouse much protest from township farm- century family farms are to be recognized stouffville junior farmer organizations of both york and ontario counties arc working in co operation with the provin cial association on a unique centennial project for 19g7 they are locating and iden tifying all farms in the dis trict that have been owned by the same family for 100 years or more the one hun dred year date must extend back from january 1 1067 to qualify the properties must be lived on and be in active operation farms in the name of the widow will be accepted but a farm left to a married daughter is not eligible much of this information is bcinfc supplied by town ship clerks but it is feared that some may be missed farmers who can qualify arc asked to get in touch with the department of ag riculture office at uxbrldh ontario county or mr o spencer finch rr 1 king city york county a century sign will bo presented to each applicant at a nominal charge of 100 additional costs of the pro ject will be assumed by the junior farmers markham a breakin and theft at the home of golf pro jimmy johnston robinson st markham has resulted in a heavy loss articles taken included sev eral golf medals old coins two television sell 12 sets of golf clubs and other items