t- 2 the tsjstlne thmur ma 21 j966 editorials bylaws not made to be broken a decision last week perhaps un precedented in whitchurch township saw the council in a 32 recorded vote favour the breaking of its own bylaw the move that brought strong objection from deputyreeve stewart burnett and councillor frank williams will allow the owner of a 10acre lot near lemonville to erect a new home on the site not only docs this contra vene a township bylaw that had onta rio municipal board backing but it also permits a propertyowner to build a house on land not served by a standard township road we believe that some members are allowing sympathy for an individual to hold precedence over common sense we admit that the lotowner found him self in a regrettable situation but the township was not to blame what about the similar situations that have come up before what about the applica tions that are sure to follow the coun cil could find itself in an embarrassing position if the bylaw is improper and unfair then it should be rescinded to abide by it for one and not for another can cause nothing but trouble could go down the drain stouffvillcs 400000 hood control program that was to include a large dam north of main street and a chan nel through the park could well go down the drain and its too bad with time running out for a start on the project here with landowners pati ence wearing thin and with conserva tion monies becoming less the hope of this work beginning this year or at all appears rather dim the ontario muni cipal board has promised another hear ing in june and if past objections are introduced again the half million dol lar proposal will likely be scrapped pessimism on our part was prompt ed this week with the news out of tor onto that a request for an additional 210000 from the provincial govern ment for construction of the milne dam in markham had been turned down this work had been high on the priority list and ahead of the stouff- ville project with this delay due to lack of funds it is rather unlikely that the work here would be assumed in its place we feel that come june it will boil down to one of two decisions pro tests and no project patience and a further postponement we hope its the latter library salute this week march 26th to april 2nd is national library week the one week in the year when our local library will get all the spotlight here is a centre whose usual cha racteristic is subdued conversation but for one week by newspaper radio and tv the librarys place in the life of the citizens young and old will be in the forefront to a great many the public library holds the status of a higher scat of learning to many with only limited education a library card can be a key to the learning they could otherwise not afford here there are thousands of dollars worth of valuable books free for generous periods to the student or researcher its not only the intellectual type who can benefit there is also a great deal for the person who only seeks re laxation and humour those who dream can take to the armchair and travel far and wide via the printed word for those persons concerned about retirement there are books as well hob bies and suggestions for the leisure days parents and friends who would like to start youngsters on their literary road without the aid of comic books should visit the library the librarian is most understanding of such problems visit your public library often auction sale country stouffvillc has still proved to be the heart of auction sale country for this entire area as witnessed by the fact that in last weeks issue of the tribune no less than twentysix scp- arate announcements were made this is not a record for this newspaper as this figure stands at more than thirty however it docs point up the fact that despite the fast urbanization which has taken place this last lew years auction sales have far from faded the tribune with its vast circula tion throughout the stouffville-mark- ham farming area has proved again to be the farmers best directory when it comes to sales the sales arena immediately north of stouffvillc has been a rallying point for auctiongoers for some years and here one can be sure there will be at least one sale each week with every thing on the block in the livestock line there is something about an auc tion sale which attracts not just buyers but hundreds who just want to look on and visit those auctions with a furni ture list in addition to the farm stock and implements have had an added boost with the current interest in an tiques spring fever time is with us once more this is the time of year when men women and chil dren may be expected to ex hibit strange symptoms there can be a spirit of rest lessness or it may be leth argy in the old days it was the time of year for a good dose of sulphur and molas ses to cure the most preva lent disease of the season spring fever official spring was the 21st fishermen are turning over their tackle and buying new gardeners are studying their catalogues and laying out their plans for greater achievements housewives are considering easter clothes and spring furnish- ings and some oldfashioned ones are even giving thought to spring cleaning spring cleaning older folk will remember the great todo of yesteryear when the house was turned topsyturvy and everything was given the cleaning of the year carpets came up and were beaten by boys who beat with vigour rather than be beaten walls were cleaned bedding went out in the sunshine curtains came down and went up again closets were emptied and when all was done the house smelled sweet and clean with its own peculiar brand of cleanliness now of course dry cleaners vacu um cleaners and modern living have put that kind of spring cleaning out of fash ion but it had and has iis points if only to make one realize what a lot of junk is collected as the years roll by a rolling stone may gather no moss but it is sure that years gather be longings plans are brewing for summer holidays boats are subject of importance should there be a new car or at any rate a different one for school children espe cially those in high school the dark cloud of exams be gins to loom above the hori zon and for older young people there is the question of what life ahead will hold its all spring fever from feeling a bit limp to being impatient for the sunshine the sight of green grass and all the joys of summer tlte rifiutte established 1sss c h nolan publisher j2m thomas editor noel edey advertising n the stouffvule tribune limited at 5 main st stoufmlle ont tel 6102101 single copies 10c subscriptions 100 ear in canada t00 elsewhere- member of audit bureau of circulation canadian weeklv newspapers association and ontario weekly newspapers association authorized is second class mall post office dept ottawa no no no this is not a model this is all the house you can get in your pricerange now sugar and spice pity for a principal by bill smiley this is a time of year one of a very few when i feel deeply sorry for high school principals its the time when they have to start bidding on live stock in the form of teachers for next fall lets put you gentle reader into the boots of one of these sterling chaps for a few minutes and lets say you have a staff of 60 at the moment and lets say you dont know whether youre going to have 1200 or 1400 students next september oh well so far only two people have officially resigned any clod could hire two teachers unless of course those extra 200 kids show up which means two or three more even so nothing to it ah but tarry a moment you know perfectly well that one possibly two of your teachers preferably from among the married ladies on the staff will become pregnant you are fully aware that mademoi selle tartuffc of the french depart ment had an unfortunate affair with young jablonski the baseball coach and that one of them will be leaving the grapevine has informed you that mrs billings the old faithful in the history department has been hit ting the grape pretty regularly since her husband ran off with the waitress everyone knows the english de partment is rife with strife since the unfortunate demise of mr wiley the department head in february of cirr hosis of the liver four of the english teachers all equally qualified have been gunning for the position no matter which gets it all the others will quit in dudgeon you have just heard thai your home economics teacher the one in charge of leaching girls to cook plan ned the menu for the monthly meeting of the unfulfilled wives club and everybody came down with food poison ing one of your junior science teachers has just blown up 850 worth of equip ment and two students during an ex periment which completely justified your opinion of his knowledge of the subject little miss muffelt the geography teacher just out of college is having discipline problems you discovered this when you walked past her room and saw two boys hanging out the win dow investigation revealed miss muf felt hanging upside down a boy hold ing each leg they were testing the wind velocity they explained using her hair as a weathervane monday morning you heard that the director of your technical depart ment was in hospital with thirddegree burns after trying to change a fuse at home the head of your maths depart ment old gwillimbury refuses to teach the new mathematics or have anything to do wilh it because its a lot of nonsense and on top of this there are four teachers youd dearly love to fire be cause of incompetence emotionalism idealism being too fat or plain laziness so you have two resignations but you might wind up with 42 what to do if you leave it too late all the other principals like so many dogs after a bone are in there first and you wind up with a collection of clots if you jump in too early and start hiring teachers right and left nobody will resign and youll wind up with 12 more teachers than the board will pay for and no job yourself as a result quite a few principals these days are treading the thin line of lunacy they start at shadows they quail when they see a teacher looking suiiv they stare with unconcealed hor ror at mrs mcgillicuddys swelling waistline they flinch when a teacher knocks at their door they pour oil on troubled waters turn their backs and find that somebody has tossed a match into the mixture hard luck chaps and good hunt ing this week next scandal thai snonvbatlcd by ray argyle in addition to the many questions for which mr justice spcncc will seek answers in his inquiry into the affair of gcrda munsinger there is an even more important one which can be an swered only by the canadian people the question is this have the lib erals and conservatives plunged cana dian politics into such a morass of scandal that the slate can be wiped clean only by the removal ot not just the party leaders but several of their key lieutenants the death struggle in which mr pearson and mr dicfcnbakcr have been locked for the past five years has seen parliament skid continuously down the precipitous slopes of dcinagogucry and disgrace the country should now ask itself is it worth it when the liberal cabinet passed its orderincouncil setting up the mun singer inquiry it directed only that mr justice spcncc investigate the charges made by justice minister lucicn car- din these charges as all the country now knows were basically that one or more conservative cabinet ministers had endangered canadas security by associating with a woman who had al legedly engaged in espionage before her arrival in canada in the 1950s the manner in which the charges were blurted out as a sequence to the oppositions attack over the victor spencer security case can only be de scribed as incredible one must wonder whether mr car- dins outburst was a spurofthemo ment retaliation for the unending on slaughts of mr dicfcnbakcr or whether it was part of a carefully laid govern ment plot to destroy the tory chieftain davie fulton the conservative min ister of justice at the lime of the alleg ed indiscretions has said that lie had been warned a week earlier that the munsinger case would be raised if the tories persisted in their attack on the governments handling of the spencer case mr favrcau exjustice minister denies the fulton charge that he tried to blackmail the tories the shocking disarray in which parliament now finds itself has been building up ever since the dicfcnbakcr debacle of 1962 still determined to re gain office he must take much of the responsibility for the state of affairs which mr pearson accurately described as a frightening position it was a culmination the pm said of many ses sions carried on in an atmosphere of extreme partisanship bitterness and tension the country must of course be told whether the cardin charges have any basis in fact whether tory cabinet ministers did or did not endanger na tional security and whether mr dicf cnbakcr as prime minister dealt negli gently with information at his disposal these are the main points to which mr justice spcnce will address himself but the fact remains that up to the lime of the appointment of the inquiry not a shred of evidence had been pro duced by mr cardin that any of his charges had any foundation in fact there is a well established proce dure governing the functions of the de partment of justice when an offense is suspected the department calls on the police to gather evidence if the evi dence in the opinion of the department is sufficient to warrant charges then charges arc laid and the matter goes to the courts this is in sharp contrast to the methods used by mr cardin he went much further afield than the issue of national security and questioned the private morals of members of parlia ment including one now dead who can not defend himself after another week of uproar in parliament canadians could only con clude that the work of selfdestruction has been well and completely done if it is true that mr cardin has committed political suicide history may also judge him as the destroyer of both his own leader along with his hated enemy john g dicfcnbakcr a strange peace and quiet currently pievails in stoufhille following the announcement in the tribune of last week that a petition favouring a beer and liquor store in town is nuking he rounds doortodoor could it be that total abstainers including staunch menuonites and baptists have come to accept such establishments as a kind of necessaty evil of our day or on the other hand could it be only the lull before the storm stouthillc being what it is one of the few dry bastions lelt in ontario and situated plum in the centre of the wet communities of markham and uxbridge we cant imagine the antibooze brigades going down without some sort of fight but at this stage of the guessing game all is quiet too quiet we have discussed the matter with many people both wellknown elbow benders and total teetotalers and few will admit to hav ing seen the petition and less to signing it it has become a none of your busi ness kind of thing at last count very unofficial the signature list stood at close to 300 with the ultimate goal set at 500 we haw little doubt that this figure will be reached in fact if the stops made by the green truck is any indication the number could be doubl ed and this excludes the preweekend parade to markham how do we feel about the question with the threat of excommunication hanging over our head and a rolling pin aimed at the same sensitive target were going to record a yes it you want it vole on the issue before we incur the wrath of too many readers well qualify that reply we have never touched a drop of the stuff and never will but we certainly dont expect every john doe in stouffvillc to follow this example in other words those that really want it work for it and vote for it well not sign the petition to promote it neither will go to the polls to oppose it well just sit this one out jan falkowskis book the wind in my face is currently on sale in stouff villc the price per copy is s550 and according to several readers its worth every cent of it jans exploits both past and present received excellent coverage in the most recent edition of the weekend tely at least four members of the slouffville council believed they were in for a rough night on thursday even ing when councillor tom lonergan was seen leaving his lorelta crescent home with a big stick in his hand it was later remembered that the dale was march 17 and tom was only exhib iting a wee bit o pride in his native land with a highlypolished shillalah rather an effective gadget for keeping order wc would think not even bobby hull could keep 600 junior hockey fans from the slouff- villebobcaygcon playoff game in the stouffvillc arena on saturday night it was the only saturday evening game of the season here and the crowd was good despite the tv sideattraction on saturday evening april 9th at the slouffville figure skating clubs spring ice revue a huge wedding cake will form part of the cinderella scene featuring skaters janice smith and fred pcddic the cake a masterpiece of carpentry skill was completed just last week by henry ogclen of stouffville it measures 12 feet in height and contains ihrce separate layers it took him eight hours to complete and can be taken apart and reassembled in a matter of minutes as if this was not enough he also constructed a royal carriage to be used in the same feature performance youll sec it all on april 9th only two weeks away editors mail pure lunavtj by our readers i was certainly glad to see you speak out in support of councillor lonergan over the proposition that we build a com munity centre here as far as whether we can afford it thats easy wc certainly cant havent wc just had a raise in ou- taxes and arent there more school ad ditions to be built just around the corner as if this wasnt enough someone has to dream up this bit of pure lunacy weve got two good public halls in town a skating arena a swimming pool a wonderful high school auditorium and now whether vvc like it or not another auditorium in our one public school serviced as vvc are with all these acilitics and facing increasing expense- very day in our homes as well as our own how about taking it easy one of the things so significant about ill these frills which are proposed from time to time is that those who are so insistent on having them will foot very little of the bill east end taxpayer x 8s spring and pussy willows co ha weekend didnl give them a very warm was covered wilh snow on saturday on monday march 21 nd in hand htil he wcalher nn the welcome the ground in stouffville night with a few flakes in the air