largest weekly markham stoiiffrjlle uxtfridge in the district vol 77 no 42 stouffaillemarkhamuxbridge ost thurs march 24 1966 10 cents i all the news i whitchurch i uxbridge markham i pickering i of all 4 townships i crosswalk hazard concerns council markham an increase in the amount of traffic on main street and xo 7 hwy within the village of mark ham is causing the council concern for the safety of children councillor lloyd aber- rethy regarded the pedestri an crosswalks at princess and main street and on hwy no 7 at st patricks school as particularly haz ardous i wonder i there is anything else we can do to ensure the safety of chil dren crossing the streets at these points he said reeve alma walker said that many school pupils per sisted in crossing the main street at locations other than the crosswalks the council recommended that ollicers of the police department visit the schools and explain the dangers of highway traffic and the prop er use of the towns cross walk system family farm is sold unionville an auc tion sale on the former tom risebrough farm at lot 3 cone 6 markham township on saturday attracted a huge crowd the property has been in the riebrough family name since 1872 auctioneers bill walker of unionville and ron rogerson of locust hill were in charge and in spite of inclement weather the bids were good markham historian john lunau purchased an old wooden beam plow built in 1s7s it will be placed on dis play in the markham muse um mr and mrs risebrough have purchased a new home in north sherwood mark ham village diamond rings stolen markham five homes were entered in markham village on sunday night and the loss in both cash and merchandise has been estimated at 400 the theft included two diamond rings valued at 250 three other breakin attempts were unsuccess ful homes entered were located on strathroy crescent talisman crescent deer park and peter street the owners names were not revealed sgt wm vance has urged through the news paper that people refrain from leaving sums of money in their houses when they go away approv hyd e location ro sub station stouffvlle the stouffvillc committee of adjustment headed by chairman william sanders and including members ileg mckay and edward logan has granted approval to the erection of a new s50000 hydro sub station on the vivian farm in the cast end of town the only formal objection to the location had been registered by mr fred castle whosc property lies adjacent to the proposed station site he had earlier agreed however that if another lot nearby could not be acquired he would not stand in the way of the pucs project mr castle did not attend the hearing solicitor reg button rep resenting the public utili ties commission said that an attempt had been made to purchase a lot farther to the north but it was not for sale officials of ontario hydro said that a second site to the cast lacked ade quate drainage the committee reached its decision following a fif- rceess tfen mirim prisoner sets jail afire uxbridge a 23 year old uxbridge man arrested last week by the town pol ice department only added to his troubles on friday when he set the jail on fire james david carneigic was rescued from the build ing by constable roy aid- worth he was on patrol not far from the office and noticed smoke the prison er was admitted to uxbridge cottage hospital for treat ment and released the next day he has been charged with arson the arresting officer said that he removed matches from the clothes of the accused but apparently others were hidden in a second pair of overalls damage to the police office was estimated at 15- 000 the building has been closed down until repairs can be completed vandorf in an un precedented move in whit church township the coun cil has contravened its own zoning bylaw and will per mit a house to be erected on a 10acre lot that is not serv ed by a standard township road mr frank speight of lemonville had earlier in formed the members that lie had spent 11000 on the property and now wished to acquire a building permit reeve ross farquharson speaking in favour of the application said that a new home would produce a size able assessment and put a piece of vacant land to some practical use as far as the bylaw was concerned he said he would be willing to deal with each request on its own merits he was sup ported by councillors ivan mclaughlin and henry nauta open the gates deputyreeve stewart bur nett and councillor frank williams objected strongly to the change in policy lemonville resident passes in hospital submit purchase offer for new hospital site markham an offer of purchase has been sub mitted by the york mark ham hospital committee to retain 33 acres of land front ing on hwy no 7 in mark ham village as a proposed hospital site publicity chairman mel wardman of markham said tiiis week that 13000 had been sent in to crown as sets disposal corporation with the offer with the gua rantee of an additional 30- 000 by june 1st the com mittee has asked for a ten year period in which to raise the remaining ss3000 members of the executive are confident that the agree ment will be acceptable if it is a fundraising cam paign will be started to in clude the whole of the area that will be served mr wardman said that more than 100 letters had been received from individ uals and organizations wish ing to participate in the pro ject he said that all com ments had been most en couraging the committee president is donald deacon of union villc sign needed buttonville a five man coroners jury attend ing an inquest hearing at buttonvillc on tuesday night recommended that traffic warning signs be erected at all construction sites the decision followed re ports surrounding the death of michael stephen lacombe on feb 28 at the 7th cone of markham twp lemonville mrs elsie winnifred burnett who until a few years ago was correspondent for the stouffvillc tribune passed away sunday at bricrbush hospital she was 73 mrs burnett died following a lengthy illness born elsie smith at corm- ley she married henry w burnett she was the daugh ter of the late henry and margaret smith site leaves three brothers victor west hill harry gormley and george erin and a sister betty mrs d a blair of new liskeard a son harry resides in markham after resting at the oneill funeral home service vrns held in the chapel wednes day afternoon conducted by rev douglas davis the pall bearers all neph ews were kenneth smith ralph smith forrester smith stewart burnett au brey barker and lloyd har vey interment was in the rich mond hill cemetery death sellers carrie passed away at her home union villc on tuesday march 22 1966 carrie coupcrthwaite dear mother of marion mrs a f hart of boston mass earl jean mrs jack harper of unionville sister of leslie margaret mrs g ogden and carle- ton resting at the ogden funeral home agincourt funeral service in central united church unionville friday at 130 pm inter ment lutheran church cemetery question inquest recommendations want union sections dissolved no holdup in school addition break own bylaw home on 10 acre lot approved by council what about the ones we have refused questioned councillor williams they should be advised that the gate is now open he sug gested that the next request would be to build a road and provide other services if were going to grant ex emptions we should rescind the bylaw it will destroy the by law charged deputyreeve burnett he said that it was unfair to consider one partic ular case im thinking of the township as a whole he said councillor ivan mclaugh lin said that he never did favour such a control over building councillor nauta a neighbour of mr speight said that the road should be improved it may be the thin edge of the wedge but at present its the only ap plication of its kind before council clerk thos kerr said that previous applications had been refused in accordance with the bylaw and without reference to council 0 uxbridge township farmer grant helmkay stands at the site of a grave that he believes may contain the charred remains of a human body the plot is located near musselmans lake and the whitchurch police department has been notified the pasture land property is owned by mr helmkay staff photo farm police to n cove re nvestigate stouffville whit church township police have opened an investigation into the report of a grave site in a pasture field near mus selmans lake the plot measuring 3 feet wide by 10 feet long is located in a se cluded valley on fifty acres of property owned by grant helmkay cone 2 uxbridge mr helmkay actually found the grave some time ago during a routine visit to the field to check on his cattle he said that car tracks were plainly visible near the spot where the sod had been freshly turned his curiosity aroused he pro ceeded to dig out the earth at one end he found only ashes in the centre how ever he located pieces of charred flesh he picked up a book of matches nearby he said that the remains were about six inches under tile ground surface it was awful he said it almost made me sick mr helmkay claims he reported his findings to two police officers but did not get in touch with the whit church department at van- dorf the tribune contacted police chief fred mason on tuesday after checking out the story and visiting the site the location of the grave although covered by almost two feet of snow was found easily because mr helmkay had placed two large stones at each end the ground un derneath was frozen solid dbrifcune inside story x editorial page 2 stouffmarkham page 3 womens page page 1 womens page pago 5 district news page 6 district news page 7 district news page s page 9 pca in district news page 11 page 12 extra classified page 13 teen news page 13 comics page 13 frjnkljr wis disappoint ed stouffville police chief orland keating of stouffvillc has questioned both recommendations the result of a coroners inquest hearing held on feb 21 into the death of mr frederick john pilkcy killed in an ac cident on main street dec 6 chief keating in a letter to the town council on thursday night argued that a flashing amber light over the courtesy walk in front of the summitview school would only tend to confuse rather than assist motorists approaching the area he said that amber flasher lights were more commonly used at intersections rather than crosswalks mr keat ing noted too that the road way where the accident oc curred was seldom used by pedestrians except during school hours when a guard was always on duty he said that the zone was properly signed and the pavement was marked speed not a factor chief keating also ques tioned the suggestion that the 25 mile per hour speed zone should be extended he said that this limit was pres ently in force for a distance of 303 feet east of the school crossing zone he noted too that excessive speed was not found to be a contributing factor in the mans death it is my opinion that the signs arc presently placed at an adequate distance from the school and if disregard ed it then becomes a matter of enforcement he said the chief did recommend the erection of a stronger street light in the area of the accident reeve ken laushway sug gested that new florescent fixtures should be installed from the firchall east to montreal street its the darkest section in town he said but still appeared fresh pieces of burnt wood were scattered around and a tree close by was partly dead possibly from the heat the property according to the owner is a favourite rendezvous for young cou ples from the city on week ends drinking parties are quite common and on occa sions mr helmkay has col lected dozens of beer bottles left behind the road now blocked off by a wire fence was commonly known as lovers lane theres something rather strange and sinister about the whole affair the re mains could be that of a human it could be only that of an animal it could bo nothing at all its now in the hands of the police reach agreement stouffville th stouffvillc public school board passed another hurdle this week in its bid to gain ontario municipal board ap proval of a s1s010o addition to the orchard park school whitchurch twp council agreed by resolution to as sume its share of current liabilities providing the mu nicipality is relieved of any expenditure in the proposed debenture issue since only 1 student from whitchurch attends at orchard park the council has asked that the union section be dissolved a similar situation has oc curred in markham town ship where five pupils are enrolled at orchard park they too are calling for the dissolution of the union sec tion and exemption from the new debenture payment a misunderstanding some alarm was express- cd by members of stouff villc council last week when it was learned that the school board had advertised for construction bids without first obtaining consent from whitchurch and the omb ian chapman vice chair man of the board said that neither he nor the secretary had been informed of whit church councils desire to dissolve the union section it was all a misunderstand ing he said everyone was sitting back and waiting for the next one to make the move he said he planned to meet with the inspector and get the whole problem ironed out if vc as a board were supposed to fol low it up then we were re miss he said if the coun cil knew about it then they should have told us we must all work together nothing signed with reference to the boards request for tendered bids on the orchard park addition he said it was only to learn if the architects estimate was close to the actual cost he suggested that if such procedure was in error then the tenders would not be opened he de nied that the board had sign ed any agreement with an- architect nor would they do so until after omb approv al was received markham twp council member nearly 30 yrs ready for a spring run smokcy a twoweek old welsh pony owned by ferry and valeric wilson of mongolia is all ready for his first spring romp in the sun quccnic ridden here by jerry was a christmas gift to the children from their grandfather clark hunker staff photo unionville a mem ber of markham township council for nearly thirty years a former reeve of the municipality and warden of york county mr william lyman clark passed away on tuesday morning in the bricrbush hospital at stoult- ville he was 75 mr clark who was retir ed had been in ill health for several months it was in 1960 his last year as reeve of markham that he was elected to the york county wardens of fice it was the crowning point of an amazing political career but in spite of his success he never changed he retained his popularity with the farm folk who con sidered him as one of the old guard he was an ardent plow man and keenly interested in match work although in declining health he was still able to attend the internati onal at milliken in the fall born in searboro the son of the late james clark he lived at agincourt before moving into the unionville area besides his wife the for mer phyllis baker he is survived by two sons james of barric william of union ville and three daughters betty mrs jack macklin lois mrs k bennett and hazel mr s savage tnerc are ten grandchildren mr clark ij presently resting at the ogden fu neral home shcppard ave nue agincourt rv john mutch will conduct the serv ice on friday afternoon apartment a benefit stouffville only two objections were heard by the committee of ad justment on monday over the proposed erection of a 16suite apartment building on main street east the application was ap proved but consent is still required from the ontario municipal board to affect a change in the zoning bylaw the site located immedia- ately west of the douglas booth residence brought ob jections from mr delbeit booth representing his fath er and mr and mrs ronald mcleod who purchased prop erty nearby six years ago both parties said that the apartment would educe the value of their land mrs mc- icod said that she had mov ed out of an apartment to come to stouffvillc and now learned that one was to be built next door the committee in an nouncing its decision noted that the bylaw permitted multiple dwellings and the apartment was considered much more desirable