phone 6402100 today 8sammimamuwmae ag wrtfmnt the peopled marketplace for stouffville markham uxbridge and district ta tribune classified advertising rates akricletros saw iivkstwk hjk lk real estate wanted cars for sale lost folnd etc fc kkr u p rj lt ek tse fr rttra cncbti mum i ow wet of iaacrtmm if cfcartc xl4iiuol 2s sae addition will uk charcfco for usk of a box ncmbep- notices coming events cards f thanks 5r word ith minimum of iim births kncatfments marriages deaths nith niiirum f 22 articles for sale iim pie in mlmokiams minimum for jjmt wcr site ih additional display classifieds tj pr inch ilh a mintmu n inrh additional rn- ft infrlion at 135 pr tnc all clarified au mi b in thi office not later than ft piu furij senl rh stamps or money older acj money 111 one iq210q lip thi out for rtftrrner wagg in loving mcrnory of p wife of ftark wagg ard beloved mother of television antenna ir hie roy arthur elgin and verna who passed away jan 1 1963 happy memories fond and from us who thought the world of you do 29 help wanted male female 41 farm machinery kebsob farm sekv1ce it yourself kits chimney an- v um vour dealer for 39t tennis 1495 roof antennas liccnsed nursing home cockjtutt oliver cehl s1993 30ft tower s3955 40- requires female heip to live rui lnionville ss7326o ft tower s4995 above items in aged 17 or up practical h contain all necessary materia nurses education available if herb kring furniture and desired claremom nursing realestate appliances 23 main st west phone 6402092 10tf home phone 6592108 mrs huge 302 9 houses wanted to buy family of three adults re- quires 2 or 3 bedroom ho or apartment for feb 1st or i5th occupancy in or near mark- nana will consider rental or purchase write r b roid 10 borge ave north ray ont or phone 705472716s religious pecords-lorg- playins for sale the quiet time bible readings by sal ter hymns by barclay ogan by whitney radio fellowship brand new rea sonable phone 6101267 houses wanted an investor desires to pur chase homes in this area for renting will pay all cash and prepared to purchase home in need of repairs sears real estate ltd un ionville 2971956 10tf 1011 carriages sotc off on all dou stroll ers and carriages clearing all present models hendricks hardware 282 for sale one space heat er 200 gallon oil tank stain less steel counter top would make ideal bench airplane propeller suitable for over mantel clock 300 lb safe these articles can be seen at keepings barber shop main st w store manager ciarcmont cooperative wish- cs to obtain an experienced taospei ppjon as manager of its combined hardware and farm supply store this is an ex cellent opportunity for a person with store experience to assume a responsible posi tion with the advantage of country living salary com mensurate with experience reply o manager ciarcmont cooperative claremont ont ling equipment for sale built by raymond grose welding alma ontario high capacity 1000 gpai pump which also provides agitation in the big gest tank 1000 gal spreader tank call 2943240 for in formation or to arrange free demonstration on vour farm 12tf hutchinson farm supply stouffuue bbi dealer for john deere pa pec farm machinery for repairs parts and service phone 6102698 13tf rapid tv service fully experienced tv radio repairman all work ard parts- fully guaranteed 50tf herb bring it bn1tibe a appliances 31 main st v siouflvjlle 45 building trades and household ra tcijff lumber stouftvillc gormlev 6102351 8881991 lnionville 2971661 ixs vis line sheeting s298 per sheet notice to creditors qjj jqj n lots for sale wanted hockey equipment off on hockey pants pads clearing all stock buy now and save hendricks hardware 32 motor cars for sale 1958 chev car 2door hard top automatic radio snow tires phone 6102220 katcl1ff lumber stouffville gormlev 44 poultry for sale um canadian central pro- 297- kit i duction test babeock b300 j c wntled one side wins canadian central pro- 350 per sheet duction test at ottawa in sale register 1965 your local franchisee hatchery is fleming farms 48 groceries meats limited beamsviue phone produce for sale d637712 order now for im o b- i s th m c announcejwhsts 1 coming events bingo every monday nignt in the claremont legion hall cash prizes share the wealth and jackpot game time 800 pm everyone welcome 32f bingo every saturday night in veterons hall stouffville sponsored by the canadian legion and ladies auxiliary branch 459 special games jackpot cash prizes doors open 730 pm games start at 800 sharp admission 50c tf the ioof euchre at the masonic hall jan 4 at s30 sharp all welcome come and have an evening with vour neighbours proceeds for ihe cp t fund lunch and good prizes admission 50c 2 births lots wanted a toronto builder requires lots in this area at once will also consider acreage suit able for subdivision phone 297195g 10tf sssss8sssgs3ssss3asssst956 meteor for sale vs bantam chickens any standard black and white 4- variety any quantity phone door 810000 also pair of biooaab spotlight mirrors 1300 pi 6i0 3147 42 livestock for mediate or later delivery 303 m1ldmay sweet applebutter made from ripe typewriters adding machines sales and rentals r ci be m w iilm of i muirhead bill and irene are pleased to announce the birth of a son steven edward 8 lbs 3 ozs thursday dec 36 1963 a brother for debbie and jeff many thanks- to dr button ross larry and linda are are happy to announce the arrival of a baby brother william robert born decem ber 19 1965 at york county hospital weighing 7 lbs 9 ozs the proud parents are bill and doris geo a thomas spring shop kennedy rib unionville building sold equipment and stock for a profitable automotive special ty machinery includes heavy bar shear ani musi vacate by jan 13 isjj bargain for someone with small investment 302 phone 2971421 margaret ballard realtor 10 acres north of stouffville 1 bedroom tiome bathroom large living and dining room full basement oil furnace large barn and other build ings suitable for horses reasonable down payment terms 60 acres brooklin area 3 bed room bungalow living room bathroom full basement large barn very good farm land spring and creek on property 10000 down pay ment terms 33 trucks for sale sale 2 holstein bob calves 1965 gmc panel truck douglas white rri stouff- 1500 miles extra heavy tires ville easy terms phone 6102691 292 four second calf hoi- stein cows fresh 2 weeks ph 2910703 standards and electrics option io purchase k e p a ibs to ale makes oflicn furniture general office supplies tribune office supplies 31 main sf w stouffvilic phone tf 6402100 23 articles wanted 2 acres 5 room insul brick home on paved road bath room full basement coal fur nace small barn a handy mans chance 1500 down payment easy terms 45 acres 5 miles east of aurora 20 acres clear the rest mixed bush small house fine investment gat the no prt wife nigl cr a ra a mrg ringi motiit 0f mr al isassssssssssssssszsisi 650o down payment terms edgeyale school of dance leil haj hoi 1 h ani ch thf fra and mi or 0 studios stoufkville markham winter term commences jan 3 1966 classes in ballet and lap principal molly mumiori cdta 83 ninth line north stouftvillc 292 phone c 101492 several other properties for particulars call mina mitterer ballantrne stmiltville 6101758 corner farm 69 acres solid brick house river runs en tire width of property ideal campsite close to highway call elva seeley 6103822 or 8526516 tidy 3 bedroom brick bunga low with garage located on large lot in mt albert call floyd marlatt 101 main st w stouffville 6103822 17 houses for rent small house for rent all wanted small quantity of snow fence phone 6401908 24 articles to rent adding machines and typewriters for rent call tribune office supplies phone 6102100 31tf we rent electric ranges refrigerators televisions in stalled in your home by the week or month your rent may be applied to purchase if desired herb kring furni ture and appliances 23 main st w phone 6402092 40tf 26 sports equipment musical hobbies mabkhams oldest skate exchange new pleasure hockey figure and speeder skates in stock we buy and sell used skates lawton shoes and bepairs 21lf 76 main si n markliam phone 2941512 attention truckers if you are looking for used trucks parts tires or access ories see the truck wrecker first moore truck parts salts old i1 hwy holland landing 8931666 371 f 36 automotive ser- vices repairs eric molyneaux body fender repairs and painting tow truck service till concession whitchurch ballaulrac phono 6403946 42tt stouffville radiator repair and exchange for cars trucks tractors every job guaranteed fast pickup and delivery ph 6403311 38t 2 holstein hereford calves for sale phone 291- 076s 45 building trades and household directory water delivered anywhere 3000 gallons per load aylmer carter stoult 6103784 oolf aluminum products windows doors siding awnings railings water softeners stouffville home improvements phone 6 10189 1 3stf topics and sweet apple juice no sugar added no spice flavoring or coloring made according to old german recipe sold at gormlev grocery and philips grocery ringwood 293 beef pork by quarter or side cut and wrapped for freezer we also do custom killing and curing fast freezer service fret bros harper bus 6103125 res lee 6102098 norm 6101876 10tf cuff harper 610281s in the matter of the estate of hannah maria evelyn stiver late of the village of union ville fa the county of york widow deceased notice is hereby given pursuant to the trustee act that all persons having claims against the estate of the above named h a n x a h maria evelyn stiver who died on or about the 13th day of september 1965 are heteby required to send bv post prepaid or to deliver to the undersigned solicitors for the executors full parti culars of their claims duly verified on or before the 3rd day of january ad 1966 after which said date the said executors will proceed to dis tribute the assets of the said estate among the parties en titled thereto having regard only 10 those claims of which ihev then have had notice dated december 13 1963 ewart stiver unionville ontario frank harper 2t rr unionville ontario executors button armstrong solicitors for the said executors stouffville out 60 sales register auctions jfj no the r lcowoow i vr vfivtfdyi sto three thvt takes care of all v- calenders y njl m wk happy t 11 everyone auctioneers w i atkinson plione stouftvillc 6101191 oboyles abattoir bed pork for sale by quarter or halves custom killing and curing bus 6101343 3s20 38 motor vehicles wanted trucks cars wanted for wrecking highest price paid 1 hour pickup phone 291- 2133 47tf beef pork by quarter or side prepared for vour freezer or locker 31tf custom killing and curing of meat a specialty schells meat market stnuflville ph 6101912 50 miscellaneous canadian cancer society biilinioiid hill v district unit for information regarding films talks in memoriam cards welfare and services call- stouffville 6102826 6403803 cormley 8875525 unionville 2971186 gormlev 8875240 36t 29 help wanted male female 40 farm items for sale wanted cob corn well matured picked oct 26 stored inside also stainless steel strainer slightly used 20 934 plate grinder used will grind cobs 100 ted krainyk phone 291- 2313 ch al vci eo wil t01 j ant eld and fnrr sr chi cnt jon r mr acci wa air tog prii and ilvn left thei m mar syl chi llis her fs ov hill sing wcr fres moy 7 in memoriam and cards of thanks barkey in loving memory of a dear father and grand father edward s barkey who passed away doc 31 3962 as we loved you so we miss you ever remembered by daugh ter florence soninlaw cyril conveniences water and hydio woman 1645 yrs for supplied suitable for couple modern egg grading station in musselmans lake phone 640- markham steady work ph 1267 2942627 efficient experienced male baled hay mostly timothy or female typist secretary phone pickering 9122779 eve- permanent position importer n 302 call mr manchee sss1987 292 dry weed seed from com bine phone stouff 6103336 15 accommodation available man for stable work must have own transporta tion phone 2972s12 accommodation available room and board in stouff ville for working men mrs it wonlhead phone 6103117 and granddaughters melanie room board available and sharon kara christian home in the stouff ville area school teacher or business woman preferred nonsmoker write box 49 co the tribune we wish to thank a host of friends in town and country side the united church wo men ladies lawn bowling club womens institute la dies legion heatons nursing home and all who remem bered us at the christmas season many beautiful cards and booklets lovely potted plants boxes of delicious family requires 3 dainties nuts and candies ev- room home erything was much enjoyed and appreciated again many thanks and best wishes for the new year mrs f l button miss gertrude todd sppwi 21 wanted to rent male help wanted material handlers 140 170 apply white rodgers ltd markham 302 2971030 2942254 cash on the spot for dead or crippled farm slock picked up promptly telephone collect hampton 2632721 19tf margwill fur farm tyrone license 3s9c63 nicks dead stock service custom home and industrial electric wiring elect rical home heating ross hetherington 54 l notices phone stouffville eio2033 32ii notice to creditors and others in the matter of the estate of william thomas edwin fergu son take notice that ail persons having claims a- gainst the estate of wil liam thomas edwin- ferguson late of the township of whitchurch in the county of york truck driver deceased who died on or about the 12th day of april 1965 are required to send details of the claims together with due proof thereof to the undersigned on of before the 24th day of january 1966 after that date the undersigned will proceed to distribute the es tate among the parties en titled thereto having regard only to such claims of which she shall then have notice dated at toronto this 21s day of december 1963 bessie jane ferguson by her solicitors newman newman barristers etc 7 queen street east toronto 1 ontario 303 bed- stouffvillo very good references call mr bowlbv at 6403022 before registered nurse s hrs 30 sales help wanted male female 6 pm 28- srtigles 22 articles for sale ve wish to express our heartfelt appreciation and sin cere thanks to our relatives neighbors and friends for p 5 h their many kindnesses and rems shallow well deep deep sympathy shown to all the family in the loss of our dear husband and father elmer wells for the very beautiful tloral arrangements lovely cards and contributions to the cancer society we are l 1lr j elders for well construction pumps ir rigation pumps sump pumps if you need a pump call betz construction ph stouff ville 6101421 26tf sale al wiiy sincerely grateful we would especially thank rev d davis for his most comforting words the members of the lemonville ucw and th- lloyd ave neighbors for all hie prayers and thoughtful vs on our behalf in our a sorrow many thanks i j appreciation to the m h v funeral home for hljk sinfulness b bb mrs elmer well also hivolume compressors heavy duty grinders etc for information or trial contact your smithroles comet rep resentative murray jones 6195201 2s4 toy sale i off on hundreds of toys and decorations in our toy window buv now and save hendricks hardware office equip typewrit ers adders cashiers duplica- thank our friends tors cheque writers files fur- for flowers niture we buy sell rent ser- of sympathy vice largest stock budget i our little terms new and used iw r overhead low prices bill ary eusato hamilton raglan north of oshawa 64 f weekly apply or write box 30 the tribune earn executives income we train you supply all leads and offer an opportun ity to earn while you learn many of our repre sentatives earn top executive incomes yet came to us from completely unrelated jobs dont be backward come forward cash in on the unprecedented booming real estate market our expansion in this area requires men or women we have the past knowledge and experience to provide all the assistance you will re quire you alone determine your income potential be master of your own destiny call now for appointment no obliga tion see how you can double your present income in your own area semis real estate limited member of tiii toronto real estate board call cur unionville office m 297i95g 9f sanitary contractor septic tanks pumped drains cleaned and repaired c stunden 13t richmond hill tu 41245 wilsons well digging well drilling standard tile plione ss75337 291 f electrical services domestic and commercial wiring installations and repairs grant turner stouffville 6102232 if painting paperhanging flooring rec rooms built alterations additions 3 years written guarantee the lang service phone 8881928 10tf septic tanks pumped t and k deboer ph 2913125 22s highest prices paid for dead and disabled cattle horses hogs and small animals re moved free for fast service phone uxbridge ul 23319 collect 24 hours a day 7 days a week set vice nick montague license 172cg2 4 wanted crippled 500 to si 500 over 600 pounds according to size condition p ii o n e zenith 32800 no toll charge 23tf power equipped trucks call anytime ed ieconi son ltd rr it woodvlue agrio licence 302c65 radio television hifi repairs at reasonable rates 3 technicians to serve you 2 complete public address systems for ren smith radio electronic service 58 main west stouffville phone 6102140 31tf metro wrecking fc lumber co cedar ave richmond hill new used lumber and plumbing 20 tons of used pipe steel and angle iron 3 and 4 soil pipe steel sash plywoods i and s fluorescent lights new and used sash doors electri cal supplies new specials 2x1 6c per jin ft 2x6 9c per lin ft 2xs 12c per lin ft 2x10 15c per lin it rolled roofing s1s0 per roll quantity discounts rec rooms garages home building projects mile easl of yongc street south off markliam road open daily until 6 pm 8833912 16u many visitors at lemonvilie lemonville christ mas day guests of mr and mrs jim nauta were miss magda nauta miss ruth oldham ritchie swan mr and mrs e oldham and family and mrs nautas parents mr and mrs old ham christmas visitors at the home of mr and mrs gib bons included the henry steele family glen john and pat gibbons mr and mrs grant wells and family spent saturday with the forsyths and sun day with mr and mrs at kinson a s farmer phone gornilcy 8875311 ken clarke prentice phone markham 2913161 or stouffville 61030s6 keg johnson sunderland out 59 lost 8 found lost since sat dec 11 a black holstein heifer 13 mos old list seen on con 9 pickering twp in vicinity of the railway tracks any in formation please call fred palmer rri stouffvilic 610- 2437 60tsales register auctions thursday jan 6 special twilight auction sale of spring- ers and fresh dairy type cows for export or domestic pur poses for consignments please contact frank bennett unionville ss75570 or norm faulkner stouffville 6103s13 sale to be held in cow pal ace at stouffville stockyards ltd hwv 47 vz mile north of stouffville sale at 730 pm 302 stouffville stockyards ltd no sale new years day jan 1st next regular saturday sale jan sth happy new year to all management and staff mr and mrs hrcbiks spent christmas day with her parents mr and mrs b red fern in toronto mr and mrs s campsall mr and mrs g shaw mr and mrs j lloyd johnny hartwick and pat maccon- achie enjoyed christmas din ner with mr and mrs hart wick ken and cecil lloyd mr and mrs m ryan mr and mrs j lloyd spent christ mas with mr and mrs c lloyd debbie lloyd was a recent winner of a johnny bov r ilonkey the goose record miss southey and mr a hall friends of jane cook from england spent christ mas day at the cook home mr and mrs p kinsclla mr and mrs w foster mr and mrs a danielis mr and mrs n blackwell mr and mrs ii nauta enjoyed a christmas eve party at the burton home mr and mrs g collins spent ihe holidays with the len collins family leigh turner spent ihe weekend with her grand parents mr and mrs j campkin ol weston the smith family spent the holiday with the graslcy family of ancastcr and later with the pearce family in st thomas mr and mrs j rao and farnily mr w rae mr and mrs o deacon and girls and mr and mrs j pagnello and family of scarboro were christmas day guests of mrs s pae and bob mr and mrs j stcftlrr and family spent the holi days with her patents mr and mrs schieldroth of han over dr and mrs i s brown entertained dr browns of- bethesda folk hold family gathering bethesda recent visi tors with mr and mrs peter vandcrkooy ronald danny jeffrey and sherri were parents mr and mrs l vandcrkooy of makkum holland mrs wesley brillinger is in western hospital toron to the community wishes her much improved health mr and mrs winston watt and family of elom had dinner on sunday with mrs william watt and wilbur wesley brillinger and miss marilyn had christmas dinner at altona with mr and mrs frank white and family and joined the group at the earl brillinger home in the evening mrs john brillinger and miss glady mis fred gil- lam and family spent christ mas with mr and mrs earl brillinger and family mr and mrs e clubinc had a family gathering on christmas which included mr and mrs charles clu- bine and family mr and mrs jack clubinc and fam ily and mrs e stecklcy mr and mrs paul bolcn- dcr and fiunily entertained relatives mr and mrs john cole and family of willow- dale mr and mrs jake boyd and family also mr quinton boyd of barrio on christmas visitors witli the clare bolcnders for christmas dinner were mrs john crawford toronto misses selena and flossie atkinson mrs a galbraith and ollie sherrick home for holidays were miss florence north bay miss grace toronto and miss louise willow- dale christmas holiday visitors with the burkholders were mr and mrs charles doner bobby susan and jimmic from pembroke a gather ing of relatives on monday evening included also mr and mrs howard pike etobicoke mrs george rawlyk anne and miriam of halifax mr and mrs howard burkholder rich mond hill gordon london and friend ronald ford west lome and maurice pike mr and mrs ray atkin son had dinner on christmas with mr and mrs k zwier and family at stouffville mrs clarence atkinson had a family gathering on chritmas day which includ ed air and mrs harold at kinson and family of bar- rie mrs helen hisey and family ringwood and mr and mrs peter vandcrkooy and family mr and mrs jim masters and family were snow bound on satur- fice staff at a christmas party those attending were mr and mrs a lepper mr and mrs a mclaren mr and mrs e marcham mr and mrs t masters mr and mrs j mccauley and mis j wintcrton mrs w senechal spent the holidays with mr and mrs h nauta the community was sad dened to learn of the sudden passing of mr elmer wells sympathy is extended to members of the wells fam ily watch night service at three churches three congregations lit ihe stouffville area will ob serve watch night services on new years eve altona united 5iisieirv church ami the jtlooining- i011 christian gospel church will meet at 1030 pm the vivian church members will gather at 10 oclock rev gordon goodcrbain will bethe guest speaker at altona and mr lcroy super the soioist at blooiningtoii here will be special singing and a film ilimit will be served by the ladies following the service glen major glen major on satur day dec 23th mrs joseph jones the former elsie bella peddie passed sway in the uxbridge cottage hospital she was 87 a native o glen major she spent her entire life in the community she and her husband now deceased were married on april 8 1903 and the couple cele brated their diamond wed ding anniversary in 1963 surviving arc four daugh ters hazel jennie mrs edgar j oh nsonl lcola mrs charles fiss lila mrs ralph faulkner and one son james the funeral service was conducted from the chapel of mcguirc and low ux bridge on monday dec 27th with interment in ux bridge cemetery day but arrived 011 sunday when mr and sirs ray atkinson were also at home with mrsr c atkinson the sale of the 33 acre property owned by the j brillinger csiaie to a tor onto buyer has now been confirmed the ucw will hold then- january meeting on the 5th at 230 pm at the home of mrs bert taun stouffville r for l do you need extra cash for doctor bills consolidate debts or any other worth while cause if so give us a call you will be amazed at our fast courteous friendly service dont delay call to day io lombank finance ltd mahkiiam shopping plaza 2941840 small world x wxsrr 70 tt a reallv goo going that vav3lu give toj a 3de 04 my scooter ov s1ys r s hsnslst i m is a geal i brasoh xfe