f 4 the stouffyfue tribune jhmavf 0kf 73 1965 ci iropritviiv yivtvpoint ask a chiropractor if you want to know if chiropractic can help your condition ask a chiropractor only one who has studied and practiced chiropractic is competent to give an enlightened and scientific opinion on chiropraitir or say what it can or cannot do it is not sufficient to be told by someone chiropractic is all right for some conditions but not yours the detailed diagnostic training of the modern chiro practor no only enables him to recognize conditions which can be helped by chiropractic care but also those which re quire other forms of treatment because the chiropractor is interested in the greatest good for the patient he will refer nonmripraetic cases to other competent specialists in the various branches of the healing field learn from others how chiropractic benefited them then in order to obtain further information about your particular health problem ask a chiropractor cutityourself tree farm attracts buyers harvey curretl cutityourself christmas tree make it kit and of youre worried about farms are gettii g so well or j ow your robust tree will fit in- ganlzed that you dont even to a small car trun mr drys- have to carrv vour tree out of i a hls resr w doug the woods at some of them ha the ans to ha t0 they put the tree through a up at reg orysdales well- balj lnachjne fhey i managed i woodlot east of ballan- it tightens the trae a big tractordrawn farm bram against the trmik and wagon makes a continuous cir cuit between tree plantation and road when youve selected your tree and nil it with a saw nup- plied by the drysdale you toss it onto the wagon then mother father and youngsters pile on too for a quartermile ride out fe cuay the glad tidings of great joy that so tilled the shepherds with wonder that first christinas bring the same love and peace to you and yours this christmas day from the staff of j m farquharson realty ltd j prcadlflg thfonghont the land warm wishes for a bright and happy cristrnas season filled with laughter song fond memories and loved ones dose by may you our loyal appreciated customers be blessed with such a holiday crest hardware don doner uoyd mdean mrs van zant reg stouffer bruce gauamore ihtta in tljr fjappir uraium utljftt tinirra jniu tngrtljrr in iaugljtrr atiti isiutg iiii the titnr niljrn mr rnuttt mtr blruhhtgn atti aliarr nur gnnu fnrtunw uiitrf fririilw aiib btrattgf ru a- liijr h tfiu iri chnslmatf lraiiiitait xuth lttc in rx- lrnn in you mtu ytmni our iiwrt ialsijiis for a fhrrnj cfirtrilmau stiver bros ltd staff stouffviue onf winds them securely with binder twine what comes out is an instant christmas tree your packaged tree takes less space in the car is much easier to handle and get into the house and easier to set up on its stand when youre ready to deco rate you eut the twine spread the branehes out to their normal span and there you are baled trees are so easy to handle that one man got four of ihem into a standard volks wagen at the drysdale farm a couple of weeks ago plantation there are now many places close to toronto where families may go and cut their own trees for a fee ill list some of them at the end of this column meantime id like to tell you a little about the drysdale plan- j talion which 1 found extremely interesting reg drysdale born a kim- vale near barrio has loved trees and forests all his life and passed this on to his son doug as a result doug became a pro fessional forester father and on now manage their 120acre farm at ballartrae according to the best principles of forestry they like to talk about it to visitors beside the cheery bon fire that they keep going on weekends at the woodlot fifty acres of the land area is permanent longiem forest covered with stately red pines another section is a hardwood stand the remainder is now devoted to scotch pine christ mas tree crops when you buy a christmas tree from an establishment like this you need not feel that you re robbing ontario of young tree that might have helped build a future productive forest scotch pine is valuable in on tario only as a christmas tree crop it has practically no value as timber or pulpwood since it grows far too crooked and knot y- careful foi esters often advise planting the trees as a tempora ry stand between more perma nent plantations the drysdales do this and during the seven or eight years it takes the scotch pine to reach christmas tree size they prune ihem six or more times to en sure fullness and perfect taper their biggest business is sell ing to wholesalers but they run school site at mongolia will be sold mongolia time and tide has caught up to the little red brick schoolhouse at mongolia cone 10 markham twp the property will be sold the no 2 area board agreed at a recent meeting to call for tenders the building erected in 1882 was closed down at the end of the term in june the stouffville oddfellows lodge had earlier approached the board concerning its pur chase they had considered us ing the structure as a meeting place board members agreed that the property should be put on the open market two new teachers have been hired by the board to fill vacan cies created through recent re signations mrs betty hastings will take grade 2 at melville school mrs diane scott- will leach grade 6 at dicksons hill their duties will begin in janu- ary business directory the cutityourself business too because it gives so much pleas ure io families the houston column giftingly speaking inst minute gentlemen shopping hints for both indies and qjien til 9 pm the 24th w c wish for you a christmas glowing with joy and xond friendships mickey hunts sunoco station stouffviue ont gentlemen- when havent hie ladies treasured a gift of beauty this season elizabeth arden offers over 50 separate christmas presentations of beloved fragrances and preparations such classics as memoire chfciie perfume for bath and body and effervescent fluffy milk rath each in embossed boxes of christmas pink or perhaps an enchant ing wicker basket holding eight blue grass assets whether it be a lavish decanter of per fume a wealth of accessories or a delightful remembrance of sachet you will find women respond witli particular joy especially so if its elizabeth arden ladies gentlemen have preferred arden for men since 15156 29 preparations attractively packaged in black and gold offer your favourite man metic ulous grooming aids superb shaving essentials skin and hair aids and sophisticated forms of fragrance as an example particularly appreciat ed the arden for men travelalre bears an un equally thoughtful group of aids including all shaving necessities handsomely packaged in charcoal grey plastic lined in red for gifting for parties or just to have in the home during the festive season at hand laura serord candies are always welcome intriguing kiddy pops salty nut meats or chocolate peppermint creams lo complete the christmas dinner youll find them all at houstons all laura secord candies are beautifully gift wrapped for christmas at no extra charge warning how is your film and flash bulb supply are you all set to snap those christmas gift opening photos if not drop in now weve the film and flash bulbs youll need cameras too visit our coffke shop open til 9 pm die 24th houstons the rexall drug store main st west stoultvilla 0 4 02222 twentytwo twentytwo auctioneers w d atkinson rh stouffville s401494 licensed auctioneer and sale manager saiks conducted anywhere specializing in the prepara tion and selling of purebred consignments and dispersals farm auctions furniture and real estate sales kills prepared and posted at no extra cost this specializ ed service really pays off and means money in your pocket th stouffville 6401494 ken clarke prentice auctioneers licensed and authorized for the counties of york and ontario markham fo hi 2943161 or 6403686 prentices have been estab lished auctioneers since 1890 a s farmer licensed auctioneer counties of york v ontario farm stock furniture sales a specialty telephone gormley 8875311 address gormley fo accountants jackson chr1st1son chartered accountants thos n shea limited bidg hwy 7 markham telephone 2072491 john c wylie fia licensed publlo accountant auditor office residence wylie acres mussulmans lake road rr2 stouffvllle phone 8403144 leonard r rosenberg bcom charlered accountant bank of nova scotia building aurora telephone pa 79451 beauty salons the powder puff beauty salon joy ross days tues thru sal nights wed and fri for appointment call 640247 margarets beauty lounge hays nights tues ihru sal tues tluirs frl for appointment call 6402932 45a main si w slouffville chiropractors wm s ba1rd dc doctor of chlropractle xray by appointment 327 main si n markham telephone 2940701 j s delaurier dc 201 main street west slouffville ontario office hours by appointment only monday lo saturday telephone 6103562 dental neil c smith lds ijds office over canadian imperial bank of commerce telephone 6103083 stouffvllle graduate of university of toronto funeral directors oneill funeral home stouffville continuous telephone service day or night phone slouxtvllle 6402855 insurance thos birkett and son ltd general insurance agency slouffville ontario insurance in reliable com panies at realible rates prompt service telephone 6402000 evening gordon r birkett 64037 is le clarke 6402144 boh hassard 6103585 willis taylor 6401976 legal button and armstrong barristers and solicitors notaries public h r button qc j m armstrong qc 33 slain street west stouffville telephone 610330 lawrence cohen ba llb barrister solicitor rr no 2 stouftville out telephone 6102680 paul w 1 mlngay ba barrister solicitor 31 main st markham onl thnne markham 2940550 2fl7l5t william g parsons llb barrister solicitor 157 main st w po box 820 phone 6402211 slouffville kennedy kennedy 67 richmond st w toronto barristers solicitors notaries ross kennedy prov hwy 7 locust hill markham 2941632 cattanach hindson barristers solicitors slouffville by appointment anytime main street markham thono 2940666 robert w mcvey qc barrister solicitor suite 300 67 richmond si xv toronto markham toronto ph 2942371 ph 3630389 imim 1 iij opticians howard g mills ro dispensing optician 286 main street west stouffvllle prescriptions filled appointments mad phone 6103465 optometrists f richard black od optometrist stouffville medical centre ph 6403722 for appointment hours 1000 am lo 800 pm every tuesday art wahlrolh ba od optometrist 10 alanadale ave markham sherwood plaza thone 2942181 rest homes parkview home stouffvilles new home for senior citizens operated by mennnnile home association chartered as a nonprofit organization guest applications now being received office open daily 2 to 5 pm box 910 stouffvllle rupert ave phone 6401911 evenings call m75690 or 6401536 nursing care competent v kind nursing service catering to invalid convalescent elderly semi fr private accommoda tion in a country home at mosphere green gables manor cone 9 stouffvllle 6103061 23e surveyors d h black ontario iand surveyor 310 palnled post dr corner of markham rd scarborough ont thone atlantle 25283 hco 2834503