mary ann donald and albert g jackson are wed at richmond hill mr and mrs albert jackson are pictured here following heir recent marriage in st marys anglican church richmond hill the bride is the former mary ann donald daughter of mr and mrs james donald of elgin mills the groom is the son of mr and mrs jl c jackson stouffvillc cadicux studio saint marys anglican church richmond hill decorated with white mums and red rosebuds was the lovely setting for the wedding of mary ann donald daughter of mr and mrs jamci donald 200 oxford street in klgin mills and albert george jackson son of mr and mrs h c jackson 23 main street e- stouffsille saturday dec 4 at 430 with the reverend james oneill officiating the bride given in marriage by her father looked lovely in an original evjan wedding gown of white silk corde and french lace the gown was de signed with a square neckline and high waistline emphasized with a semi garland of hand made petals tiie skirt graceful in its simplicity boasted a fly away panel from waist to hem line the full length overdress was of french lace hand made and featured an appliqued border from shoulder to hemline en circling the train the shoulder length veil was fastened with medallions made from the lace of the overdress she carried a single red rose maid of honour miss barbara schrader and the bridesmaids mrs pat smith mrs fran key- zer miss lesty paxton and miss candice bowdery wore full length two piece red silk velvet dresses white gloves white fur mulls and miniature red head pieces completed their ensemble mr edwin sanders of stouff- ville was the best man mr ted charman mr carmen sargeant mr jack keyzer and mr gary donald were the ushers the mu sic most fitting was the compli ment of the church choir the wedding reception took place at the graystones banquet hall in aurora in the form of a dinner dance with mr robert percival as master of ceremo nies the brides mother received in a two piece suit of turquoise silk gloves and silver brocade shoes she wore a corsage of miniature rose buds the grooms mother wore an ink blue dress of swiss silk black accessories and a corsage of yellow rosebuds original headpiece of lighter biue leaving for kentucky on their honeymoon the bride wore a two piece tweed suit with cape black accessories and a corsage of gardenias on their return the couple will reside at 150 colbourne avenue apt 105 richmond hill outoftown guests were from quebec barrie ccoksville is lington stouffville toronto and willowdale friends of mr walter lee ringwood will be sorry to learn that he was admitted to the scarboro general hospital on saturday and will be con fined there for about three weeks his room number is 424 lhi sioufrvlut liueonfc jhiidty december 16 196i plot 1 local and personal happenings we were sorry to learn that mr and mrs k j wideman mr fred jackson of blake st lost his father mr fred jack son in england recently the legion is doing a won derful service this year on dec 16 the friendship club is being takn on a tour of lights in tne city of toronto mr and mrs x neal of vic toria st entertained mrs alf smith for dinner on sunday ev ening on sunday mr and mrs norman nigh charles st spent the afternoon visiting mr j a wilson of toronto and then din ed and spent the evening with mr earnest mathews mrs edgar lageer church st was delighted last week to sell twentytwo items through this papers articles for sale column kyle paisley son of mr and airs robert paisley westlawn cr is a very patient little fel low kyle has been flat on his back encased in a cast since a spine operation in midseptem ber it wont be long until hes up and about again january 5th is the big day the cast should come off then the annual cgit candle light vesper service will be held in the stouffville united church on sunday evening dee isih ai 730 pin mr charlie atkinson obri en ave is presently a patient in uxbridge cottage hospital following a heart attack mr- mrs crl pilkcv iru sons of assiniboia sask arriv ed home wednesday for the fu neral of his father mr fred pilkcy on friday mr and mrs g viscardi will be opening soon a pizza house work is going on now and the atmosphere should be terrific a fireplace is to be part of the decor it wont be long now all you pizza lovers they will be located at their residence in the west end next to the veterinary clinic mr george lamb church st welcomed his younger brother and wife lloyd and anna lamb last weekend they flew from glace bay cape breton island bought a car and motored home again mrs donald bacon of park dr was visited by her daughter mrs murkar and granddaugh ter wendy of whitby on sun day the legion christmas partry took place on sunday about 60 children attended and enjoyed cartoons chocolate milk cook ies and ice cream were served jolly old santa paid a visit and distributed gifts classified ads must be receiv ed by the tribune no later than 8 pm tuesday to ensure current publication the busi ness office is open all day sat urday and monday fr rs c stuart sykcs son of mr and mrs i l sykes rr 1 gormley as he entertains for the presidential parly fkma farm equipment manufacturers association at the edgewater beach motel chicago iii recently stuart 15 years of age has studied as a solo piper for 5 years and was invited by this association to participate in its four day convention to pro mote north american relations amongst the over 1000 manu facturers and distributors attending mr albert jackson rich mond hill formerly of stouff ville has joined the staff of little motors in richmond hill mr and mrs bruce foote attended a party recently at the home of mr and mrs lloyd stanley rri brooklin in honour of mr and mrs fred lees 40th wedding annivers ary newlyweds constable and mrs alvin thompson have ta ken up residence in the former pcarce home on rupert ave pc thompson is a member of the stouffville department they were married in the rich mond hill united church on nov 26 th mr roy heaton of park dr who lost one finger in an acci dent on monday is home now and doing well piastic surgery was done to save two other fin gers teacher honoured for faithful service mr reesor sleckley of bclhesda rrincipal of cameron avenue public school in north york was honoured reccnlly by hie board for completing 25 years of faithful service he was presented with a 25 year pin and a 100 bond by mr saul cowan board chairman mr sleckley righl receives the award dr blair mitchell master of richardson masonic lodge stouffville attended the instal lation ceremony for the new master of markham union lodge alfred shenfield at the markham masonic temple on wednesday evening dec 8th friends were pleased to see mr don rowbotham in town this past week following a long period in hospital mr row botham has been recuperating at the home of mr and mrs bruce rowbotham cornwall and was a weekend guest with the j l abell family miss lynda nolan arrived home from london england last week to spend christmas with her parents mr and mrs chas nolan miss noian works in the imperial oil office in london a birthday party for master tim brazier was enjoyed on saturday afternoon by a group of small boys helping celebrate were steve wagg david rehill brad steel wayne and brian dean steve mellon brian led- som and greg lewis two local couples will mark 50th wedding anniversaries this month mr and mrs alonzo al len will have been married 50 years on wednesday dec 29th mr and mrs elmer wells will mark a halfcentury of married life together on thursday dec 30th mr and mrs albert jackson who prior to their marriage had attended confirmation classes at st marys anglican church richmond hill were confirmed by the right rever end g b snell coadjutorbi shop of toronto recently mrs jacksons brother gary donald was also confirmed at this time after the wedding rehearsal on friday evening dec 3 the brideelect with numerous members of the wedding party and those who had entertained the bride lo be at various showers and parties were guests of mr and mrs bert jackson parents of the groom mrs jackson was assisted by mrs t h fines and mrs a r jackson both of toronto x doll would be fine thank you nothing puis a vparkle in hie eyes of a utile girl more than hie sighl of a prclly doll under the irce on christmas morning seven year old bremla duncan daughter of mr and mrs jim duncan main si stouffville is no different from all the rest she discuves tho situation with sanla in his chalet staff photo engagement gee stouffkr mr and mrs s a stouffer wish to announce the forth coming marriage of their daugh ter lois e to mr eryan g gee son of mr and mrs douglas gee wedding to take place friday dec 31st at markham gospel chapel death mrs edith mary jones wife of the late wilfred jones of 23 dufferin st richmond hill passed away peacefully on wed dec 8 1965 she was a daughter of the late reter r hoover and emmaline raymer surviving are a daughter lolai mrs k w ruffman and a son harold bud both o richmond hill a private service was held at the pipher funeral home rich mond hill on friday dec 10th with interment in richmond hill cemetery a combination potluck sup per and sunday school christ mas concert was enjoyed by both the children and congre gation of st james presbyter ian church on friday evening the boys and girls under the leadership of mrs allan powell presented a beautiful christ mas pageant accompanied by mrs clarence hood at the or gan another highlight of the program was a piano accordian presentalion of christmas car ols by miss heather mcdermott the sunday school superinten dent is mr bruce davidson births reesor john t and elsie are happy to announce the birth of their son keith gor don at scarborough hospital on dec s 19g5 a baby brother for marlenc elaine and donna sargeant john and louise nee gordon kitchener thank god for the safe arrival of nod clifford 71b 12 oz on dec 8 19g5 first grandson of mrs g gordon and great grandson of mr and mrs charles atkinson sheffield maurice and dorothy nee housser are happy to announce the birth of a son michael 7 lb 4 oz on nov 31 19g5 a brother for sherry and nancy be sure to get your lions club christmas tree while there is still a good selection they are located behind santas chalet and dawn rupert ave were the guests o mr and mrs ro bert paisley f dinner on sun day the trioune wui uc pimjcu to provide district schools lo cal orsnrirrtions and churches with christmas carol song sheets on request mr and mrs george a smith boyer ave have taken up residence in goodwood mr and mrs doug ramer hawthorne ave have mr ramers mother mrs lena smith toronto visiting them for a few days mrs cora robt rcid will be holding a family christmas at her home as well as two daughters mrs reius mother mrs frank graham of keswick will be there mrs graham is 74 years young mr and mrs keino reman attended a birthday party for mrs remans mother at the home of mr and mrs eric pilkey markham please call sharron brazitr 6401632 if you have anything you would like put in this col umn mr nrt m- bert tait cel ebrated their 40th wedding an niversary o surmav j2ik mrs edna burgar and son bob of toronto were visitors on sunday with her sister mr and mrs cliff lemon rupert ave dr helen abell of guelph was at home over the weekend with her father mr j l abell albert st n miss marie beiz daughter of mr and mrs ken betz has mo ved to calgary alberta where she is residing with mr and mrs bruce smith formerly of stouffville a very pretty wedding was conducted on saturday in christ church anglican stouff ville when miss marilyn fos- dick and mr murray ferguson were united in marriage mrs j mckellar 0th line returned to her native england this summer after an absence of 19 years she came to canada as a bride she also visited wales and the spanish island of majorca which she describes as a fairy land with its caves full of stalactites and stalagmites with names like the nun its underground waterways and underground lake with two lit tle cruise boats with lights and orchestras and its colorful bull fights young tommy henrick son of johnny henrick local golf pro has been suffering from pneumonia he seems better now johnny is now working for markham chryslerdodge for the winter speaking of pneumonia we understand that mary harris has it too mrs harry dykstra manito ba st is happy to have her mo ther mrs goossen with her mrs goossen is visiting this country from holland she has ient the last six months in california but is back in cana da until at least christmas the wms of the stouffville united missionary church was held on dec 9 in the church with 49 ladies present mrs h g adams miss vera tarr and miss bertha stouffer were in charge of the program special music was provided by mrs stewart wideman and miss donna hisey a film born to witness was presented by rev g adams carol singing and a social hour followed aimebkiwmb33ran2ahbkas5r g g g g g g g with every christmas order wed thurs fri dec 22 23 24 j of 299 2 8 or more of absolutely incomparable g g 8 g g g g g i g g g brateb you receive one brick of delicious devon ice crea make your christmas or new years party a jrrcal success by serving broasted supreme chicken its so darn good your guests will long remember its fabulous laste were taking orders right now so place your orders today phone g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g g gormley 8875240 homestead out service 5 miles west of slouftville beside bruce mill park the take open 1100 am o daily 1100 rm fri sat 1100 am lo 100 am