classified cards of thanks w wish to express sincere thank you to our friends and neighbours for their help flow ers cards prayers inquiries and visits during my stay in newmarket hospital mildred willcocks arid family i wish to express my thanks to the neighbours and friends for the cards fruit and visits while i was in the hospital all was very much appreciated leonard brillinger we would like to take this opportunity to thank our children relatives and friends for their many gifts flowers cards and good wishes on the occasion of our 50th wedding anniversary mr and mrs bert staley we wish to thank our family neighbours and friends for the surprise parties gifts the beautiful cards and good wishes which helped to make our silver wedding anniversary such a memorable occasion fred and reta yake pet stock purebred labrador pups black males 23 females s20 phone claremont 6495905 coming events ioof euchre in the hall dec 7 at 8 pm proceeds cpl fund lunch and prizes ad mission 50 cents bingo every monday night in the claremont lesion hall cash prizes share the wealth and jackpot game time 800 i pm everyone welcome 32lf euchre sponsored by good- wood loba in goodwood township hall wednesday dec 8 at 815 pm prizes lunch admission 50 province of ontario county of york in the matter of the estate of jacob w me- mullen late of the village of stouttville in the county of york retired farmer deceased notice is hereby given pur suant to the trustee act that all persons having claims against the estate of the above named jacob yv mcmullen who died on or about the 17th day of september ad 1963 are hereby required to send by post pre paid or to deliver to the under signed solicitors button aim- strong full particulars of their claims duly verified on or be fore the 11th day of december ad 1965 after which said date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the parties entitled thereto having regard only to those claims of which they then have had notice dated at stouffville this ittli clsy of november 1963 ross mcmullen 19 tenth line south stouffville ontario greig marjorie mere words are inadequate to express our gratitude to each and everyone who has helped us through these days of sorrow with flow ers words of sympathy and deeds of kindness we can only say thank you so much lloyd and kenneth greig the stouffville womens in stitute will hold their annual christmas bazaar bake sale tea on saturday dec 4th from 25 pm in the basement of st james presbyterian church euchre in the legion hall thursday dec 9 1965 at 815 sponsored by the legion ladies for their sick visiting and sen ior citizens program admission 50c 262 this thank you note is to ex press my sincere appreciation to all my relatives friends and neighbours for all their pray ers lovely cards flowers and many visits to see me while in the hospital a special thanks to those who brought my wife in to see me allen closson to our many dear friends and relatives we wish to express our sincere thanks and deep appreciation to you for the lovely cards beautiful gifts and wonderful surprise party held for us on the occasion of our 25th wedding anniversary george helen chadwick hutchings we wish to thank our friends and relatives for their floral tributes cards and kindnesses to us in our recent bereavement of our dad many thanks also to dr d h smith staff of brierbush hos pital oneills funeral home and rev douglas pavis jean and bill dart connie and gordon shaw i would like to convey my most sincere appreciation to my many friends family neigh- oursoaruir ladies auxiliary t-braneh-459j- forthe numerous cards and flowers i received while in the toronto western hospital especially i am most grateful for the prayers of members of dicksons hill church and the very welcome visits from rev r faw many many thanks mrs wm vera grove monday dec 6 the christ mas meeting of all ucw units at 8 pm guest speaker is mrs hirsch music by the lcmonville quintette worship service by miss m hosie in the stouffville united church iorne mcmullen 108 tenth line south stouffville ontario 253 messrs button a- armstrong barristers and solicitors solicitors of the said executors stouffville ontario bloomington mr and mrs a w stony entertained mr and mrs car rose and miss joyce rose who was home for the weekend from teachers college mr and mrs n storry dianne marlene and susan on sunday to honour mr noel storrys birthday mr jerry tranmer and mr jan hartog of variety village spent saturday and sunday at mr j k tranmers the yearly sunday school meeting was held in the church school room wednesday evening and it was decided to hold the christmas concert in the church christmas sundav evening dec 18th for the ensuing year the slate of officers is much similar to 1965 superintendent for teens and adults mr howard donor junior dept mrs d benson pianists mrs d clark and mrs h tomlinson teachers for sen ior division mrs howard donor mr doug clark mr eugene lemon mrs doug clark mrs d burnett juniors miss donna ferguson mrs e lemon mrs r macaloney miss bety nesbitt miss dorothy wagg renovating the church base ment has started this week adoption knott garry and myrna nee diller happily an nounce the arrival of their chosen v daugnters cath erine sue and carol anne born oct 7th 1965 received for adoption nov 26h additional locals santa ciauo v rrs to town on saturday morning this issue ol the containing 21 pages largest ever pumished tribune is the mr and mrs harry madden have moved fete their fine new home on hwv 47 north of stouffville retires mr bill ford church st has retired from the staff of the stouffvilie machine and tool works ltd is years of faithful service with the local firm township of pickering school area no 1 bingo every saturday night in veterans hall stouffville spon sored by the canadian legion and ladies auxiliary branch 459 special games jackpot cash prizes doors open 730 pm games start at 800 sharp admission 50c 13tf the unionville horticultural societys christmas show will be held december 8th in union ville united church school room with sale of christmas arrangements ornaments and baking sale to commence at 830 oclock claremont group committee mammoth euchre at claremont community hall dec 8 at 800 pm lucky draws 1st prize 50 gallons fuel oil 2nd 3rd and 4th prizes turkeys many other prizes we wish to extend our heart felt thanks to our relatives bethesda united church and sunday school and neighbours the gormlcy neighbours for floral tribute the gifts for the gormley united missionary church memorial fund and the many other kindnesses and prayers on our behalf during our recent bereavement all was much appreciated mrs e hunt willis and marion hunking niageria ron and ruth elliott gorm ley notice anyone wishing to get in on ihis special christmas sale for blankets rugs sheets socks spreads towels etc have your money and order in to mrs e j stickley phone gormley 887- 5507 by dec 15th no trade in required 252 van a vanderhout education minded progressive and experienced ladies dont miss the bazaar- auction to he held in morgan hall on saturday december 4th 14 pm under the auspices of cwl st patricks markham something for every member of the family home baking fancy goods knitted wear sewing kiddies corner candy auction modern and antique 243 forfar in the midst of our borrow we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and apprecia tion to our many relatives friends and neighbours for the kindness and sympathy shown us in the loss of our dearly loved wife and mother joan forfar we especially wish to thank rev roy inglis for his consoling words all the doners of the many beautiful floral offerings and oneills funeral home for their kind and effic ient management of the ser vices russell forfar and children whitchurch conservation club invites the public to its firs open meeting on thursday dec 2 at 8 pm at community hall van- dorf guest speaker james l bailie royal ontario museum curator authority on bird life first of a series of well known i speakers film and slides cof fee served 252 vote mrs florence williams university graduate children attending public school vitally interested in education for public school trustee i wish to express many- thanks to my kind neighbours at brougham and here at mark- ham to relatives and friends for many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy by floral tributes letters and cards in the loss of my beloved daughter marjorie and to the dixpn funeral home rev a e crcsswell and rev i e ken nedy for their consoling words doctors and nurses at the scar borough general hospital and pecial thanks to my lodge sis ter your kindness will always be temembered god bless vou ill mrs mac patterson mildred and garfield brown fleming in the midst of our sorrow we wish to express our heart felt thanks and appreciation to our many rela tives friends and neighbours for all the kindness and sym pathy shown us during the ill ness in hospital and in the loss of a beloved husband and father we especially wish to thank the rev g davison for his consoling words all the donors of the many beautiful floral offerings and messages of sympathy the friends and neighbours for their donations to the heart research institute the gideons and the cancer society the ladies who pro vided and served lunch at the home the pallbearers and the dixon funeral home for their kind and efficient management of the services mrs jean fleming isobel and jack al snd hazel i ontario the ontario municipal board in the matter of sec tion 13 31 of the municipal act rso 1960 c 249 as amended and in the matter of an application of patrick cash- man and others on peti tion for the division inlo wards of the township of whitchurch appointment for hearing the ontario municipal board hereby appoints thurs day the 9th day of december 1965 at the hour of ten oclock in the forenoon at the council chambers in the township of whitchurch for the hearing of an application by patrick cash- man and others for the division into wards of the township of whitchurch let all persons in support of or in opposition to such application then and there attend dated at toronto this 5th day of november 1965 252 b vlckers seal secrefary otsce electors from union school section nos 1 and 23 of the townships of markham and whitchurch who are qualified to vote for public school trustees in the village of stnuftville may vote at summitview public school on main street east 1965 voting hours 10 am to 8 pm december 6th r e corner returning officer aaasaoa for good administration typewriters for rent standards s7 a month s months for 18 portables s6 a month 3 months for 1s tribune office supplies main st stouffyule phone 6402100 for deputy reeve markham township cleary palmer t experience e ability integrity elected dereeeve mr harvey coaihup of kirk- field northeast of reaverton and for 23 years a resident of unionville was elected deputy- reeve of eldon township on saturday nov 27th he won the post by a wide majority dickso hill dicksons hill wel come to mrs wm grove who was able to return home follow ing surgery at the western hospital she spent a short convalescent period with her daughter mary mrs roy over land of toronto the local wms spent a pro fitable and enjoyable evening with the stouffville society at the home of mrs harry stover a number of women from zephyr were also present and the subject of home missions was discussed eacn group re porting on their activities new ideas were promoted by a dis play of articles made and sold by the stouffville women and the visitors were made wel come and enjoyed good fellow ship pastor faw was pleased to introduce to the church congre gation sunday morning his pa rents mr and mrs faw and his grandfather mr tremain all of aylmer they visited with their son at mrs k walk ers home and returned sunday evening the r moyers were guests in the a t hawkins home at gormley along with rev and mrs frank stanley of toronto recently returned from nigeria where he has laboured with the sudan interior mission for fif tysix years they have many rich and exciting experiences to relate and the occasion was special since it was the forty- fifth wedding anniversary of albert and minnie whose home is noted for its hospitality mr and mrs elwyn eby and family visited his parents sun day evening the lloyd c fam ily were guests at the home of dr and mrs warnica of don mills and mr and mrs a c barkey of markham entertain ed the m ebys and r moyers monday evening mr and mrs walter byer mr and mrs r moyer and mrs chas hoover spent mon day afternoon with rev and mrs kreick of lemonville they busied themselves folding pages and stuffing envelopes which contained th attractive christmas prayer letters which are mailed to frieidi of the ca nadian sunday school letter over a wide arcs the community was sadden ed to learn of the death of two friends mr ernest hunt of be thesda was known and respect ed for many years mr frank hutchings was a more recent friend who spent a few years as guest in the warren moyer and robert walker homes since that time he has lived with his daughter and son-in- law mr and mrs bill dart of stouffville rr he passed away after months of failing health in the stouffville rrierbush hospital and was laid to rest in pine hills cemeteiy jr farmers choir at claremont united church claremont the congre gation of the claremont united church is in for a special treat on sunday evening dec 5th when the ontario county jun ior farmers choir will provide the music this group compris ing many district young people has gained wide recognition for their talent visitors are most welcome the united church beef supper on saturday attracted a good crowd three hundred persons were served rev h s hillyer was guest pastor at the anniversary ser vices in st johns united church at brougham on sun day john torrence enjoyed sup per on sunday evening with mr and mrs jack hall and daughter janice mr and mrs f manion of tweed visited for two days last week with their daughter and family mr and mrs wren loyst mr and mrs roy ward left recently to spend the winter in long beach california the village has a candidate in the election on saturday for the no 1 school area board ellis britton has been nomin ated and will seek a position on the fiveman board six others have also qualified a bazaar bake sale and tea along with other variety tables will be held in the community hall on saturday dec 4th at 2 pm sponsored by the l a of the guides and brownies the public is invited the 4th annual christmas variety show will take place in the community hall on sat urday dec 18th at 2 pm the rehearsal will be held on sun day dec 12th at one oclock anyone wishing to assist is asked to contact rene rennie 6492312 as soon as possible santa claus will arrive and provide each child with a bag of candy mrs wm gliddons mother mrs m udell is presently con fined to the uxbridge hospital mrs jake taylor is also con fined there the claremont nursing home is now under new management the new operators are mr and mrs herbert hilge the claremont 4h home- making club will hold its last meeting in the form of a supper at the home of miss barbara carson on saturday dec 4th members are asked to note the change in the time and place it is now 230 pm all books for the year should be completed members of the golden age club will be the guests of the claremont womens institute on wednesday dec 8th at 2 pm in the community hall mrs carter will be the guest speak er the lunch committee is in charge of mrs reynolds mrs murray and mrs benson the evening group of the ucw will meet on dec 13th at the home of mrs grant tay lor the sunday school program of the baptist church will be held on sunday afternoon dec mi stoutfvlue tribune ttoxky- 1 rkj p j church news chrt church anglican stouffville rev john l ball rector sundav december 5th 1963 advent ii 930 am morning prayer junior sunday school 1030 am senior sunday school 8 pm senior choir practice wed 1030 am junior choir prac tice sat 7 pm girl guides mon 10 am brownies sat 8 pm rangers thursday waistline tea bv the rangers 200 to 430 in parish hall sat dec 4th stouffville united church rev a l borland ba bd sunday december 5th 1965 11 am advent communion service sermon the birth of christ in the church sunday school 945 am junior and inter mediate depts 945 am adult bible class 1100 am nursery kinder garten and primary depts weekly programmes mon 7 pm explorers wed 715 scouts thurs 7 pm cgit fri 7 pm cubs sat s45 am jr choir prac tice stouffville united missionary church eev arthur walsh allnbtc sunday december 5th 1963 10 am sunday school with classes for all ages 11 am morning worship 730 pm evening service wednesday night is pray er meeting night at a altona united missionary church rev frank huson pastor sunday december 5th 1965 1030 am white gift service 730 pm evangelistic service wed s pm prayer service and bible study the church with the light on sunday night ballantrae lemonville united churches rev g roy inglis ba minister sunday december 5th 1965 rallantme miissclmans lake 10 am sunday school 1115 am worship service lcmonvillo 10 am worship service 1115 am sunday school united church rev geo davison sunday december 5th 1965 bethesda 5th cone whitchurch 10 am worship service 11 am sunday school melville 6th cone markliam 10 am sunday school 1115 worship service thurs dec 9 peachs unit ucw will meet at the home of mrs h lewis 815 pm memorial christian congregational church minister rev clarence t bass sunday december 5th 1965 10 am classes for adults yp and children 1100 am the minister 1215 pm the lords table 730 pm the minister thought for the week criticism for criticisms sake is sin love suffereth long and is kind kindly given con structive criticism can be help ful but be sure before you smite or reprove that you qual ify to do it claremont baptist church minister rev n sydney hiilycr dd sunday december 5th 1965 945 am sunday school 11 am morning worship 730 pm gospel service 12th at 230 pm stouffville baptist church pastor- gordon t gooderham bth sunday december 5th 1965 950 bible school come on our sunday school bus 1100 morning worship communion 720 gospel service the rev wilfred unruh will speak and show slides of the work of the nce mission in northern canada soloist mrs rich ard unruh wed 800 prayer meeting thurs 730 sunday school christmas concert holding forth he word of life st james presbyterian church stouffville minister rev fred h cromer ba sunday december 5th 1965 10 am morning service 10 am church school second markham baker hill baptist churches rev bruce hisey sunday december 5th 1965 second markliam sunday bible school 10 am morning service 11 am sub a great kings prayer evening service 730 pm rev fred krieck will preach donna hisey will sing baker hill thurs 8 pm prayer meeting sunday bible school 130 pm service 230 pm rev w unruh will speak all welcome goodwood mrs r may christmas is fast coming on and we cant do better than help someone less fortunate the baptist sunday school will receive white gifts for scott mission next sunday fifth line will receive their white gifts on dec 12 and their christmas party for students will be dec 19 all students are requested to attend these two special serv ices the goodwood united sun day school will observe their white gift on dec 12 anything in the grocery line new mitts scarfs socks or toiletries are all welcomed two of the elderly citizens goodwood folk are interested in marked birthdays last week mrs wilson had hers and mrs tom benns who now lives in markham ph 2943355 markham ph 2943355 thurs ikl sat december 234 elvis presley in his newest and greatest hit haru1 scarum mary ann mob ley fran jeffries in widescreen metrocolor color carioon 2 shows 700 pm 900 pm ringwood christian church sunday december 5th 1965 10 am sunday school 11 am worship service 630 pm wed childrens meet ing 809 pm wed ce prayer meeting churchill vivian churches rev k burton bth sunday december 5th 1965 churchill mussel mans lake sun 955 bible school 11 am morning service music mr j brown wed 4 pm happy hour fri dec 10 730 pm christmas programme wed dec 8 praver bible study at churchill special film angel in ebony thurs 730 pm dec 2nd at vivian friday 730 pm dec 3rd at churchill all welcome vivian sun 730 pm evening service thurs 4 pm happy hour 730 pm young peoples gormley united missionary church rev l k slder paslor sunday december 5th 1965 950 am sunday school 1100 am worship pastors theme better attitudes for christians 730 pm evening service theme more new testament conversions wed dec 8th prayer meeting building o present the word to the world united missionary church dicksons hill tastor mr ronald faw rii 6102136 sunday december 5th 1965 945 am sunday school hour 1100 am morning worship 730 pm hour of praise and fellowship wednesday 8 pm bible stu dy prayer and planning exalting christ in our com munity matinee saturday 200 pm above show mon tub wed december 678 elizabeth taylor richard burton margaret rutherford rod taylor in at 905 pm only also tony cutis natalie wood henry fonda lauren bacall in sex and the single girl adult enicrtainment at 700 pm only roth pictures in technicolor asgaggaagggesgsesasaggg i j bloomington christian gospel church rev d benson pastor sunday december 5th 1965 045 sundav school open session 1100 am missionary sunday mr sinclair just arrived home from india will be with us for the day 730 pm special missionary service a film on the work of south india will be shown special music young mens trumpet trio will play set for the defence of the gospel a real welcome to all toronto was 99 on friday mr and mrs stan powell of cherrywood called on her aunt mrs wm may and olive on sunday visitors at the home of mr and mrs clifford watson on sunday nov 22 were his moth er mr and mrs dallon watson his brother mr and mrs bill watson and children of george town and his sister mr and mrs bill jones of sandford mrs willis taylor and mrs baldwin visited with mrs clarke of brougham on wednes day evening death occurred at sunny brook hospital of mr walter hoys formerly of goodwood in his seventyninth year mr hoys leaves o mourn his loss his daughter mildred mrs john igilks of stouffville and son frank of toronto the harold king farm a re habilitation home for cx-prls- oners will be grcatful for good mens clothing a bicycle a musical instrument or a gift suitable for a man the wom ens institute is greatful for your donation which can be left at mrs earl tindals up until dec 11 oh what a lovely cow said the cute young miss from the city but why doesnt it have any horns there can be many reasons replied the farmer some cows do not have horns until later in life others have them removed while still other breeds are born without them this one does not have horns because it is a horse