newspaper advertising doesnt intrude it goes where if is invited people buy newspapers because they want all the news they are as much interested in the advertising columns as the news columns because advertising is the news of what is available in goods and services in the stores they know there are no gadgets fo turn off the advertising in newspapers nobody wants if turned off every survey ever made shows that people prefer fo have the newspaper they buy contain advertising because the 33jbisp- advertising is news the newspaper is there all day and far into the night it is there for the whole family to read and they do if is there fo be read at the time and under the circumstances when the reader asks to be informed it is there for the housewife fo fear out the ads and fake them with her when she shops and she does there are no dials fo turn on there is no problem of turning the dial at just the right time there is never a question about the advertisers message fo the reader newspaper advertising gees whtrt it it invited no other medium can say that t sitotiffuitk dbitate every thursday morning