dog catcher required by township of pickering experience in handling doss preferred salary to omnvnr at 100000 per annum written applications will be received by douela i plitz clerk township of pickeriwr brougham ontario axx government municipal and corporation bonds preferred and common sharca inquiries intuited russell beare 261 main street markham telephone 2941523 subacent nj wood gundy company limited grand opening specials free 2 pairs of draperies covering 8 ft windows with the purchase of a dining room suite or living room suite use our 00 day payment plan at no extra charge or take lip to 2 years to pay ask about our christmas lawaway plan cdcp i i ftip and saucer for every rixtc i l visitinj- lady alt this osiv at toroiuiark furniture specialists in reupholsterlng rtijrs draperies sherwood plaza markham phone 6402s81 halloween dance to be held in community hall rl claremont 8 to 12 pm november 5th admission 75c per person s125 couple refreshments k prizes dynels group from stouffville the changing au business two types of dealers i recently heard a dealer acquaintance who had moved from a very largo city to a medium size place explain the difference between the two he summed it up by saying that in ills largo city dealership he rarely knew his customers personally and almost never met them socially but since moving to a smaller centre the opposite was now true he seldom doesnt know the people who are buying from him quite a few on a first name basis and many as personal friends he admitted that he now felt com- i james pelled to he scrupulously honest with his customers for the obvious reason that if he ran his business any other way word would soon get around and his business would suffer this basic truth about the car business accounts for the fact that a wheel and deal dealer to use the trade slang cant operate successfully in a small town or city he must pull buyers from miles around usually on a basis of misleading price ads or similar gimmick claims it logically follows that since he doesnt expect to see his customers again the riistanre involved quickly discour ages driving back for service or complaints this type of dealer considers his outoftown buyers fair game for evorv type of corner cutting that will squeeze an extra dollar of profit out of the sale if you deal out of your own town or city with this type nf operator on the understandable desire to save a few dollars you are likely to regret it as thousands of buyers who have will testify iiovd james pre markham chryslerdodge no 7 hwy laidlaw blvd lmmimitivmtvmmimnimm the jvine and white editorial poison is it a humane weapon ever since world war i the words poison gas have arous ed a peculiar horror every where more so even than the atom bomb last year there was a world protest over the use by south vietnamese forces of a nauseating gas supplied to them by what is said to be the united states the chemical used last year was a genuine poison gas producing severe though tem porary illness on the other hand it is simply an irritant which produces a copious flow of tears for a short time mak ing it impossible for the victim to fight it has been used for many years by police forces all over the world to disperse rio ters and disarm criminals its introduciion on the battlefield where far deadlier weapons are in constant use hardly qualifies as an atrocity the nausea gas was appar ently sprayed around indiscrim inately in areas where the viet cong were supposed to be much more lethal gases were used in world war l douglas davis 9e first impressions of sdhs the november 8th deadline bonitu onell i2b an election is fast approach ing we as students cannot vote but the issues brought up in the opposing campaign speeches should prepare us for what we can expect to look forward to in the next years under a govern ment policy we have yet to chose these last frenzied weeks are full of speeches promises and scandalous charges against one another the lesses ndp and social credit parties are put in the background as the con servative and liberal leaders each predict majority govern ments for themselves the lib erals seem to be counting on the present economic prosperity as justification to their platform opposition leader john diefen- baker opposes for the sake of opposing and little time is spent on party policies but rather call ing names i think a party should be elected on its policy merits rather than the demerits of their opponents a number of voters even at this date are undecided and hur ried last minute campaigning takes place the main party leaders fly all over the country in search of those votes which will ensure them a majority gov ernment in our particular constituency addison martyn and norton vie for votes on november the eighth one of these men will soon represent us at ottawa un til the next election rolls around some unrelated thoughts on nothing particularly important dieter schnell ii b the eastern world it is explodin violence flarin and bullets loadin youre old enough to kill but not for votin etc if the button is pushed theres no runnin away therell be no one to save with the world in a grave take a look around ya boy its bound ta scare ya boy ah you dont believe were on the eve of destruction immedately you will recog nize above the ominous noises in the background the lyrics of eve of destruction as sung by barry mcguire the ominous background noises are essential to a clearer understanding of the song it is tremendously funny however not everyone keeps laughing gas in their medicine cabinets it deals of course with the despair gloom and frustrations of the world and among other things that we are all going to be blown up poof meanwhile the spokesmen have brought out an answer song dawn of correction which tells us that everything is rosy and there are no real prob lems to face hurrah both these songs seem to em phasize the fact that teenagers are concerned with world af fairs and can do a better job than the present world leaders this is open to endless debate they also do away with the old themes in pop music of lost love forgotten love unre quited love newly found love resusitated love misplaced love and friendly love as well as that they are sim ple points of view with in the latter case the emphasis on the simple another conclusion from hav ing listened to these songs for about forty times is that any one can write an imitation of them provided he has a second- rate dictionary and the gift of illiteracy notice how easy it is to obtain rhyming words with the suffixes tion and sion even a partial list would fill this en tire page you can also get them to mean anything you wish without trying to use them for what theyre supposed to mean which comes in handy for some songwriters now if i were to write a feebleminded song in imitation of those mentioned it would go something like this background noise roar of erupting volcano sound of thunder donkey laughing sev eral bobby hull slapshots where dya get the notion that there is no solution if thats your reaction to the world situation then you dont belong in our civilization aw cant ya see were in the afternoon of determination to fulfill our obligations in strengthening human rela tions with other nations as well as coping with mans great limitations and con quering his aggressive actions gasp whether or not this is mean ingless depends entirely on how clearly it is sung in one breath and upon the state of the read er why the despair of coming desolation it takes more than hate to cause annihilation what about penpals boy scouts and the mickey mouse club in promoting world friendship relations and helping out the united nations and finally youre so afraid of red domination there are other things to command your attention like starvation the distribution of air pollution the amount of strontium 90 in milk bacteria and the leafs ending up in sixth place thats bound ta scare ya bov i thought you might be inter ested in an outsiders view of stouffville district high school for many of you stouffville high is the only senior school you have attended iu you the routine here represents high school everywhere because it is the only one you kro i am in a different position and having attended high school elsewhere i find sdhs different and in some ways improved over my previous school first of all the nameing of the school which is common in this area is different elsewhere here secondary schools are call ed district high schools where as in metro toronto from where i moved they have a ci after their name standing for collegi ate institute or institution de pending on your point of view stouffville high is a small school compared with some whose populations run into the thousands but with the limited resources it has molded a fine school record winning district j honours in many sports for both i boys and girls being a small town school it has the support of the communi ty displayed by the plaques and trophies donated by town busi nesses and organizations which decorate the halls and show cases the school busses provide low cost transportation to dances and for school group ex cursions such as to stratford or the toronto museum the number of school spon sored clubs and organiaztions is as large or greater than many city schools what is most important is that the students are proud of their school they can work to gether to make their school great by participating in school activities and supporting school functions the students i have met are friendly and i hope to take part in making stouffville high a good school and most of all a school that i can proud ly call my school the stoletvrul tribune twiy kwnfcr i w63 top i stouffville 16 woodbridge 0 on thursday oct 28th the stouffville junior football team played their best game of the year they defeated woodbridge lfi0 to go on to the semifinals against port perry which will be played in stouffville some time next week once more pat smith was the star of the game he rushed for 8s yds kicketi ami ran two converts made 9 tackles and picked up a fumble to run for a touchdown all through the game pat was outstanding clif ford bass was the otnci tar for stouffville he made 8 tackles one of them resulted in two points when he tackled a wood- bridge player in his own end- one ken winterstein got the other six- points when he jump ed on a fumbled ball hehind the woodbridge roal line the stouffville offense led by barry morgan was very ef fective also although they did nt score any of the noints they played very well and carried the ball deep down into the wood- bridge territory on several oc casions they actually scored a touchdown but it was called back because of a stouffville of ficial there was only one cas ualty in the game dave boyd intercepted a pass on the last play of the game and after a nice run back he was hit by an elbow and broke his nose this win secured the league title for stouffville and we wish our team the best of luck in the semifinals against port perry go get em guys the sourdough rendezvous harold henriksen i0b one of the most fascinating of the klondike gold rush in 1898 is an annual week of fes tivities held every winter in whitehorse capital city of the yukon and the biggest town in the territory its about the same size as stouffville for one week people relive one of canadas most colourful epics as people dress in cos tumes reminiscent of an age and a place where you had to be a man to live this was in the days when whitehorse was a brawling winter stopover on the long trek to the northland a place so rich in gold that men sometimes hauled in hundreds of thousands of dollars in gold at first the rendezvous was a way of passing the boredom of the long hard winter law men pitching the night and endurance of themselves andor their dogs against each other for money and the special satis faction of knowing the envy of others now however the ren dezvous is a gala festival that for sheer colour and excitement takes back seat to none gambl ing shooting dog sled races ski ing snowshoe races raffles and contests for the best thought up costume best beard bark park ing are only a few of the inter esting things that make this of special interest to the visitor for the visitor rendezvous is the best time to visit white horse as the rendezvous is pro bably the biggest and noisiest festival of its kind since every body feels like whooping it up after a long and cold winter of boredom this is the time when i that peculiar western warmth i and hospitality is at its peak in the northland and it is mighty miserable when a wretch isnt feeling like helping strangers to get into the right mood if you ever do go though make sure youve grown a respectable amount of face foliage or youll get hauled into the kangaroo court to get fixed or if you cant pay or wont pay to be put in a cage so you can be exhibit ed as a cheecliako incidently its no fun standing in a cake in that weather interview with mr g mccuilough mr mccuilough was horn in toronto and has spent most of his life in toronto he graduat ed from the waterloo lutheran university majoring in english and history this year mr mccuilough is teaching english to grades 10 11 and 12 before coming to stouffville mr mccuilough taught at agin- court collegiate st catharines collegiate and vocational school his hobbies and interest range from drama to race cars when asked if lie had any comment to make about stouff ville he replied stouffville is an ideal town to live in or near we wish mr mccuilough the best of luck and hope he will enjoy teaching in stouffville girls volleyball on monday october 25 the junior girls volleyball team travelled to newmarket to play in an exhibition tournament teams from aurora bradford huron heights king city stouffville and newmarket par ticipated the stouffville team won four of five games played losing only to huron heights team members included cathy bacon janine bass lorna burns trudy cadieux faye emmerson coleen hisey terry mowat nancy murphy and donna skinner the stouffville senior team nclda booth winnie skinner linda wright gail nelson beth paisley janice smith nancy stover marg sheridan nancy hopkins played a similar tournament on wednesday oct 27 at newmarket they won 2 of their five games the team won against bradford the only other b school participating except for stouffville and lost only against a school teams athletic council this year the entire student body has been divided into four athletic houses american canadian japanese and rus sian on monday october 4 each house elected a boy and a girl president vicepresident and secretarytreasurer the results are as follows american house presidents marg sheridan pete turner vicepresidents dcnise holdcn john harris secretary treasurers janice ratcliff dave boyd canadian house press karen dedlow dave glover vicepress faye emmerson nancy paul tie and dave ferguson secretary- treass linda mehaffey pat smith japanese house press linda wright bruce mehaffey vicepress marg aida ian montgomery secretarytreass nancy stover ron watson russian house press beth paisley laurie buckland vice- press hildegarde otto bill macnelly secretary treass lee corbetf dave yake these twentyfive students form the athletic council which is really the amalgamation of previous years boys and girls athletic associations the coun cil is divided into the directo rate and the intramural council the directorate the eight presidents is responsible for student administration of athle tic activities the intramural council the vicepresidents and secretary- treasurers is responsible for rules and regulations of intra mural activities it will also handle protests st marks school news sdhs students double quota in magazine drive after setting a target of 1200 in magazine subscriptions students at the stouffville dist high school went on a vigorous drive and when their sales were completed the quota was doubled the students returned 2100 in subscription receipts sdhs students council will receive vi of the total sales which will aid their financial situation top sales personnel this year were sandra paul and pamela giles who each returned sloi worth of subscriptions mike manchee was second highest with 100 each student who took part in the drive is eligible to win a honda motorbike in a grand draw to he held shortly general manager alan lee and his assistants expressed their delight in the success of this years drive cont keep your budget in line get a budget guide at tribune office supplies school newspaper the first edition of the st marks chronicle was handed out last friday at the school each family in the school receiv ed one of the newspapers that was done by the grade 6 7 8 class in all there was a total of eleven pages from cover to cover out of 36 pupils in the class 20 pupils contributions were in the paper special at tention however should be giv en to the executive of the paper who did such a fine job in or ganization these pupils were editor rac insley cover carl insley cartoonist robert dnni- ejis sports donald kennedy and nancy assinck school news wanda klonowski and blair insley class news mike bedore and ken kenny interim reports issued the first interim reports were sent home with the pupils last friday the next report that will be issued will he the regular report card this will be sent home sometime in december attendance award the attendance award for the month of october was won by the grade and 5 room the percentage attendance for this class was 9816cc miss ami- raults room was an oxtremelv close second with a percentage of 9833 congratulations are extended to both miss ami- raults and mr delaats room for their fine effort student council nominations the candidates running for various offices of the student council were announced on tuesday pupils nominated were president martin kamps and gerry egberts 1st vice mike bedore and henry loosion 2nd vice beverly smith and debbie potilds secretary nellie kamps and donna gibson treasurer peter huuhof and wanda klo nowski campaign speeches will be made this week by the candi dates and the election will be held on monday november s entries made to legion essay contest a number of entries from the grade 8 class at st marks were sent in to the canadian legion essay contest the title that the pupils had to write on was what remembrance day means to me the essay was to be approximately 300 words in length we wish the pupils who had their essays sent in success in the contest st marks lose second game st marks lions were defeat ed in their second football game against st thomas angels last week by the score of 14 to 0 st marks defense was very strong in this game holding st thomas to two touchdowns a convert and a single point this was a tremendous improvement from the 31 points that st thomas scored in the first game against our boys however the offense was held to a standstill through out the game by st thomas and our boys threatened only once to score standouts defen sively were gerry egberts mar tin kamps ken steckley and don kennedy on offense rob ert danielis got two of the lon gest gains for our team and also caught three passes cheerleaders keep spirits higit despite the fact that our foot ball team has lost their first two gamps if we were to get points for cheprleading we would be undefeated once again last week our cheerleaders were a big asset to the team their calls and encouragement throughout the game kept team spirits high the additional sight of a number of parents at the game inspired our boys on the stouffville players present three plays pen of my aunt a drama under fire a drama fanny the frivolous flapper a musical comedy at stouffville legion hall thursday nov 18th friday nov 1 9th 8 pjm adults s125 children 12 yrs and under 50c get your ticket now from any member or phone 6403514 atlantic corporation r g bob hughes branch msnacef finance to yongb st f richmond hiu ont phone sliul public notice the metropolitan toronto and region transportation study an agency of the province of ontario created to devise a coordinated transportation plan for the region bounded by the city of hamilton the city of barrie and the city of oshawa will hold public hearings for the purpose of receiving briefs and oral submissions relating to regional transportation from parties who previously signified their intent to appear before such hearings these hearings will be held at the following locations and times richmond hill nov 18200pm council chambers municipal offices 56 yonge st n oshawa nov 22 200 pm council chambers city hall hamilton nov 25 200 pm municipal committee room city hall toronto nov 29 dec i dec 6 200 pm committee room no main parliament bldgi queens park c s macnaughton minister of highways chairman the executive committee metropolitan toronto and region transportation study po box 227 parliament buildings toronto 2 ontario 3asssss3s833s3ssssss3sas3sases3g3bs2si west end barber shop hours tucs tliurs fri 8 am till 9 pm wed and sat 8 am till 6 pm len david and bill keeping 3 registered barbers 163 main st w stouffvoxe o nominations township of uxbridge take notice hal a meeting- nf the electors of the township of uxhridge to nnminaie candidates for a two year term for the offices of 1 council reeve deputyreeve and three councillors 2 public school area board five members will be held in the township hall goodwood on wednesday november 17th 1965 from 700 800 pm all electors are hereby requested to govern themselves accordingly should a grealed number of candidates qualify than are required lo fill the said offices nn election will be held in the township on monday december 6th 1965 polls will be open from 1000 am until 700 pm dated at goodwood this 28th day of october 1965 h k fosketf returning officer